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Go to the documentation of this file. Or view the newest version in sPHENIX GitHub for file DoPercentDifference.C
1 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
2 // 'DoPercentDifference.C'
3 // Derek Anderson
4 // 04.27.2023
5 //
6 // Calculates the percent difference between multiple
7 // histograms and plots them.
8 //
9 // NOTE: 'FSubMode' controls how the difference is
10 // calculated.
11 // FSubMode = 0: (ref - comp) / ref
12 // FSubMode = 1: (ln(ref) - ln(comp)) / ln(ref)
13 // FSubMode = 2: ref - comp
14 // FSubMode = 3: ln(ref) - ln(comp)
15 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
17 // c includes
18 #include <iostream>
19 // root includes
20 #include "TH1.h"
21 #include "TPad.h"
22 #include "TFile.h"
23 #include "TMath.h"
24 #include "TLine.h"
25 #include "TError.h"
26 #include "TString.h"
27 #include "TCanvas.h"
28 #include "TLegend.h"
29 #include "TPaveText.h"
31 using namespace std;
33 // global constants
34 static const UInt_t NModes(4);
35 static const UInt_t NRange(2);
36 static const UInt_t NComp(7);
37 static const UInt_t NPlot(2);
38 static const UInt_t NPad(2);
39 static const UInt_t NVtx(4);
40 static const UInt_t NTxt(3);
42 // calculation parameters
43 static const UInt_t FSubMode(0);
44 static const Bool_t DoRebin(false);
45 static const Bool_t DoIntNorm(true);
46 static const Bool_t DoFluctuationRemoval(true);
52  // lower verbosity
53  gErrorIgnoreLevel = kWarning;
54  cout << "\n Beginning percent difference script..." << endl;
56  // output and reference parameters
57  const TString sOut("tuningDetEffects.testingPerDiffVsDiff_perDiffOverComp_pt15.pp200py8jet40.d27m4y2023.root");
58  const TString sRef("tuning_detector_effects/SphenixRecoUnscaledWithConstitHistos_output.root");
59  const TString sHistRef("EEC0");
60  const TString sNameRef("hRecoEEC_pt15");
61  const TString sLabelRef("Reco.");
63  // comparison parameters
64  const TString sComp[NComp] = {"tuning_detector_effects/SphenixTruthShift0Check_output.root",
65  "tuning_detector_effects/SphenixTruthShift.001Check_output.root",
66  "tuning_detector_effects/SphenixTruthShift.005Check_output.root",
67  "tuning_detector_effects/SphenixTruthShift.01Check_output.root",
68  "tuning_detector_effects/SphenixTruthShift.015Check_output.root",
69  "tuning_detector_effects/SphenixTruthShift.02Check_output.root",
70  "tuning_detector_effects/SphenixTruthShift.025Check_output.root"};
71  const TString sHistComp[NComp] = {"EEC0",
72  "EEC0",
73  "EEC0",
74  "EEC0",
75  "EEC0",
76  "EEC0",
77  "EEC0"};
78  const TString sNameComp[NComp] = {"hTrueEEC_pt15_noSmear",
79  "hTrueEEC_pt15_smear001",
80  "hTrueEEC_pt15_smear005",
81  "hTrueEEC_pt15_smear01",
82  "hTrueEEC_pt15_smear015",
83  "hTrueEEC_pt15_smear02",
84  "hTrueEEC_pt15_smear025"};
85  const TString sNameSub[NComp] = {"hSub_pt15_noSmear",
86  "hSub_pt15_smear001",
87  "hSub_pt15_smear005",
88  "hSub_pt15_smear01",
89  "hSub_pt15_smear015",
90  "hSub_pt15_smear02",
91  "hSub_pt15_smear025"};
92  const TString sLabelComp[NComp] = {"Truth (no smearing)",
93  "Truth (smear width = 0.001)",
94  "Truth (smear width = 0.005)",
95  "Truth (smear width = 0.01)",
96  "Truth (smear width = 0.015)",
97  "Truth (smear width = 0.02)",
98  "Truth (smear width = 0.025)"};
100  // calculation parameters
101  const UInt_t nRebin(2);
102  const Float_t rMainPeak[NRange] = {0.001, 1.};
103  const TString sTitleSubs[NModes] = {"\%-difference", "\%-diff. of logs", "difference", "diff. of logs"};
105  // plot parameters
106  const TString sOptRef("");
107  const TString sOptComp[NComp] = {"SAME", "SAME", "SAME", "SAME", "SAME", "SAME", "SAME"};
108  const TString sOptSub[NComp] = {"HIST P", "SAME HIST P", "SAME HIST P", "SAME HIST P", "SAME HIST P", "SAME HIST P", "SAME HIST p"};
109  const Float_t xPlotRange[NPlot] = {0.0001, 1.};
111  // style parameters
112  const TString sTitle("");
113  const TString sTitleX("#DeltaR");
114  const TString sTitleY("Normalized EEC");
115  const UInt_t fColDen(923);
116  const UInt_t fMarDen(20);
117  const UInt_t fColNum[NComp] = {921, 799, 819, 839, 859, 879, 899};
118  const UInt_t fMarNum[NComp] = {24, 26, 32, 25, 27, 28, 30};
120  // text parameters
121  const TString sHeader("");
122  const TString sTxt[NTxt] = {"#bf{#it{sPHENIX}} Simulation [Run6]", "PYTHIA-8, JS 40 GeV jet sample", "#bf{p_{T}^{jet} #in (15, 20) GeV/c}"};
124  // open output and reference files
125  TFile *fOut = new TFile(sOut.Data(), "recreate");
126  TFile *fRef = new TFile(sRef.Data(), "read");
127  if (!fOut || !fRef) {
128  cerr << "PANIC: couldn't open output or reference file!\n"
129  << " fOut = " << fOut << ", fRef = " << fRef
130  << endl;
131  return;
132  }
133  cout << " Opened output and reference files." << endl;
135  // open comparison files
136  TFile *fComp[NComp];
137  for (UInt_t iComp = 0; iComp < NComp; iComp++) {
138  fComp[iComp] = new TFile(sComp[iComp].Data(), "read");
139  if (!fComp[iComp]) {
140  cerr << "PANIC: couldn't open comparison file #" << iComp << "!" << endl;
141  return;
142  }
143  }
144  cout << " Opened comparison files." << endl;
146  // grab reference histogram
147  TH1D *hRef = (TH1D*) fRef -> Get(sHistRef.Data());
148  if (!hRef) {
149  cerr << "PANIC: couldn't grab reference histogram!" << endl;
150  return;
151  }
152  hRef -> SetName(sNameRef.Data());
153  cout << " Grabbed reference histogram." << endl;
155  // grab comparison histograms
156  TH1D *hComp[NComp];
157  for (UInt_t iComp = 0; iComp < NComp; iComp++) {
158  hComp[iComp] = (TH1D*) fComp[iComp] -> Get(sHistComp[iComp]);
159  if (!hComp[iComp]) {
160  cerr << "PANIC: couldn't grab comparison histogram #" << iComp << "!" << endl;
161  return;
162  }
163  hComp[iComp] -> SetName(sNameComp[iComp].Data());
164  }
165  cout << " Grabbed comparison histograms." << endl;
167  // rebin histograms (if needed)
168  if (DoRebin) {
169  for (UInt_t iComp = 0; iComp < NComp; iComp++) {
170  hComp[iComp] -> Rebin(nRebin);
171  }
172  hRef -> Rebin(nRebin);
173  cout << " Rebinned histograms." << endl;
174  }
176  // do normalization (if needed)
177  if (DoIntNorm) {
179  // remove fluctuations (if needed)
180  if (DoFluctuationRemoval) {
182  // remove fluctions for reference histogram
183  {
185  // no. of bins
186  const UInt_t nBins = hRef -> GetNbinsX();
188  // loop over bins and determine height of main peak
189  Double_t yMainPeak = 0.;
190  for (UInt_t iBin = 1; iBin < (nBins + 1); iBin++) {
192  // check if bin is in range
193  const Double_t xBinCenter = hRef -> GetBinCenter(iBin);
194  const Bool_t isInMainPeakRange = ((xBinCenter >= rMainPeak[0]) && (xBinCenter < rMainPeak[1]));
195  if (!isInMainPeakRange) continue;
197  // check if bigger than current max
198  const Double_t yBin = hRef -> GetBinContent(iBin);
199  if (yBin > yMainPeak) {
200  yMainPeak = yBin;
201  }
202  } // end bin loop
204  // loop over bins below main peak and 0 out any which are unusually high
205  for (UInt_t iBin = 1; iBin < (nBins + 1); iBin++) {
207  // check if bin is less than main peak range
208  const Double_t xBinCenter = hRef -> GetBinCenter(iBin);
209  const Bool_t isBelowMainPeak = (xBinCenter < rMainPeak[0]);
210  if (!isBelowMainPeak) continue;
212  // 0 out bin if above main peak
213  const Double_t yBin = hRef -> GetBinContent(iBin);
214  if (yBin >= yMainPeak) {
215  hRef -> SetBinContent(iBin, 0.);
216  hRef -> SetBinError(iBin, 0.);
217  }
218  } // end bin loop
219  } // end reference fluctuation removal
220  cout << " Removed fluctuations for reference histogram." << endl;
222  // loop over comparisons histograms
223  for (UInt_t iComp = 0; iComp < NComp; iComp++) {
225  // no. of bins
226  const UInt_t nBins = hRef -> GetNbinsX();
228  // loop over bins and determine height of main peak
229  Double_t yMainPeak = 0.;
230  for (UInt_t iBin = 1; iBin < (nBins + 1); iBin++) {
232  // check if bin is in range
233  const Double_t xBinCenter = hComp[iComp] -> GetBinCenter(iBin);
234  const Bool_t isInMainPeakRange = ((xBinCenter >= rMainPeak[0]) && (xBinCenter < rMainPeak[1]));
235  if (!isInMainPeakRange) continue;
237  // check if bigger than current max
238  const Double_t yBin = hComp[iComp] -> GetBinContent(iBin);
239  if (yBin > yMainPeak) {
240  yMainPeak = yBin;
241  }
242  } // end bin loop
244  // loop over bins below main peak and 0 out any which are unusually high
245  for (UInt_t iBin = 1; iBin < (nBins + 1); iBin++) {
247  // check if bin is less than main peak range
248  const Double_t xBinCenter = hComp[iComp] -> GetBinCenter(iBin);
249  const Bool_t isBelowMainPeak = (xBinCenter < rMainPeak[0]);
250  if (!isBelowMainPeak) continue;
252  // 0 out bin if above main peak
253  const Double_t yBin = hComp[iComp] -> GetBinContent(iBin);
254  if (yBin >= yMainPeak) {
255  hComp[iComp] -> SetBinContent(iBin, 0.);
256  hComp[iComp] -> SetBinError(iBin, 0.);
257  }
258  } // end bin loop
259  } // end comparison loop
260  cout << " Removed fluctuations for comparison histograms." << endl;
261  } // end if (DoFluctuationRemoval)
263  for (UInt_t iComp = 0; iComp < NComp; iComp++) {
264  const Double_t intComp = hComp[iComp] -> Integral();
265  if (intComp > 0.) hComp[iComp] -> Scale(1. / intComp);
266  }
268  const Double_t intRef = hRef -> Integral();
269  if (intRef > 0.) hRef -> Scale(1. / intRef);
270  cout << " Normalized histograms." << endl;
271  }
273  // do subtractions
274  TH1D *hSub[NComp];
275  for (UInt_t iComp = 0; iComp < NComp; iComp++) {
277  // initialize subtraction histograms
278  hSub[iComp] = (TH1D*) hRef -> Clone();
279  hSub[iComp] -> Reset("ICE");
280  hSub[iComp] -> SetName(sNameSub[iComp]);
282  // loop over bins
283  const UInt_t nBins = hSub[iComp] -> GetNbinsX();
284  for (UInt_t iBin = 1; iBin < (nBins + 1); iBin++) {
286  // get content and errors
287  const Double_t yRef = hRef -> GetBinContent(iBin);
288  const Double_t yComp = hComp[iComp] -> GetBinContent(iBin);
289  const Double_t eRef = hRef -> GetBinError(iBin);
290  const Double_t eComp = hComp[iComp] -> GetBinError(iBin);
292  // do subtraction
293  Double_t ySub(-1.);
294  Double_t eSub(0.);
295  switch (FSubMode) {
296  case 0:
297  ySub = (yRef - yComp) / yComp;
298  eSub = 0; // FIXME do propagation of errors
299  break;
300  case 1:
301  ySub = (TMath::Log(yRef) - TMath::Log(yComp)) / TMath::Log(yRef);
302  eSub = 0; // FIXME do propagation of errors
303  break;
304  case 2:
305  ySub = yRef - yComp;
306  eSub = 0; // FIXME do propagation of errors
307  break;
308  case 3:
309  ySub = TMath::Log(yRef) - TMath::Log(yComp);
310  eSub = 0; // FIXME do propagation of errors
311  break;
312  default:
313  ySub = (yRef - yComp) / yRef;
314  eSub = 0; // FIXME do propagation of errors
315  break;
316  }
318  // set bin content/errors
319  if (yRef > 0.) {
320  hSub[iComp] -> SetBinContent(iBin, ySub);
321  hSub[iComp] -> SetBinError(iBin, eSub);
322  } else {
323  hSub[iComp] -> SetBinContent(iBin, 0.);
324  hSub[iComp] -> SetBinError(iBin, 0.);
325  }
326  } // end bin loop
327  } // end comparison loop
328  cout << " Calculated ratios." << endl;
330  // pick out subtraction title
331  TString sTitleS("");
332  switch (FSubMode) {
333  case 0:
334  sTitleS = sTitleSubs[0];
335  break;
336  case 1:
337  sTitleS = sTitleSubs[1];
338  break;
339  case 2:
340  sTitleS = sTitleSubs[2];
341  break;
342  case 3:
343  sTitleS = sTitleSubs[3];
344  break;
345  default:
346  sTitleS = sTitleSubs[0];
347  break;
348  }
350  // set styles
351  const UInt_t fFil(0);
352  const UInt_t fLin(1);
353  const UInt_t fWid(1);
354  const UInt_t fTxt(42);
355  const UInt_t fAln(12);
356  const UInt_t fCnt(1);
357  const Float_t fLab[NPad] = {0.074, 0.04};
358  const Float_t fTit[NPad] = {0.074, 0.04};
359  const Float_t fOffX[NPad] = {1.1, 1.};
360  const Float_t fOffY[NPad] = {0.7, 1.3};
361  hRef -> SetMarkerColor(fColDen);
362  hRef -> SetMarkerStyle(fMarDen);
363  hRef -> SetFillColor(fColDen);
364  hRef -> SetFillStyle(fFil);
365  hRef -> SetLineColor(fColDen);
366  hRef -> SetLineStyle(fLin);
367  hRef -> SetLineWidth(fWid);
368  hRef -> SetTitle(sTitle.Data());
369  hRef -> SetTitleFont(fTxt);
370  hRef -> GetXaxis() -> SetRangeUser(xPlotRange[0], xPlotRange[1]);
371  hRef -> GetXaxis() -> SetTitle(sTitleX.Data());
372  hRef -> GetXaxis() -> SetTitleFont(fTxt);
373  hRef -> GetXaxis() -> SetTitleSize(fTit[1]);
374  hRef -> GetXaxis() -> SetTitleOffset(fOffX[1]);
375  hRef -> GetXaxis() -> SetLabelFont(fTxt);
376  hRef -> GetXaxis() -> SetLabelSize(fLab[1]);
377  hRef -> GetXaxis() -> CenterTitle(fCnt);
378  hRef -> GetYaxis() -> SetTitle(sTitleY.Data());
379  hRef -> GetYaxis() -> SetTitleFont(fTxt);
380  hRef -> GetYaxis() -> SetTitleSize(fTit[1]);
381  hRef -> GetYaxis() -> SetTitleOffset(fOffY[1]);
382  hRef -> GetYaxis() -> SetLabelFont(fTxt);
383  hRef -> GetYaxis() -> SetLabelSize(fLab[1]);
384  hRef -> GetYaxis() -> CenterTitle(fCnt);
385  for (UInt_t iComp = 0; iComp < NComp; iComp++) {
386  hComp[iComp] -> SetMarkerColor(fColNum[iComp]);
387  hComp[iComp] -> SetMarkerStyle(fMarNum[iComp]);
388  hComp[iComp] -> SetFillColor(fColNum[iComp]);
389  hComp[iComp] -> SetFillStyle(fFil);
390  hComp[iComp] -> SetLineColor(fColNum[iComp]);
391  hComp[iComp] -> SetLineStyle(fLin);
392  hComp[iComp] -> SetLineWidth(fWid);
393  hComp[iComp] -> SetTitle(sTitle.Data());
394  hComp[iComp] -> SetTitleFont(fTxt);
395  hComp[iComp] -> GetXaxis() -> SetRangeUser(xPlotRange[0], xPlotRange[1]);
396  hComp[iComp] -> GetXaxis() -> SetTitle(sTitleX.Data());
397  hComp[iComp] -> GetXaxis() -> SetTitleFont(fTxt);
398  hComp[iComp] -> GetXaxis() -> SetTitleSize(fTit[1]);
399  hComp[iComp] -> GetXaxis() -> SetTitleOffset(fOffX[1]);
400  hComp[iComp] -> GetXaxis() -> SetLabelFont(fTxt);
401  hComp[iComp] -> GetXaxis() -> SetLabelSize(fLab[1]);
402  hComp[iComp] -> GetXaxis() -> CenterTitle(fCnt);
403  hComp[iComp] -> GetYaxis() -> SetTitle(sTitleY.Data());
404  hComp[iComp] -> GetYaxis() -> SetTitleFont(fTxt);
405  hComp[iComp] -> GetYaxis() -> SetTitleSize(fTit[1]);
406  hComp[iComp] -> GetYaxis() -> SetTitleOffset(fOffY[1]);
407  hComp[iComp] -> GetYaxis() -> SetLabelFont(fTxt);
408  hComp[iComp] -> GetYaxis() -> SetLabelSize(fLab[1]);
409  hComp[iComp] -> GetYaxis() -> CenterTitle(fCnt);
410  hSub[iComp] -> SetMarkerColor(fColNum[iComp]);
411  hSub[iComp] -> SetMarkerStyle(fMarNum[iComp]);
412  hSub[iComp] -> SetFillColor(fColNum[iComp]);
413  hSub[iComp] -> SetFillStyle(fFil);
414  hSub[iComp] -> SetLineColor(fColNum[iComp]);
415  hSub[iComp] -> SetLineStyle(fLin);
416  hSub[iComp] -> SetLineWidth(fWid);
417  hSub[iComp] -> SetTitle(sTitle.Data());
418  hSub[iComp] -> SetTitleFont(fTxt);
419  hSub[iComp] -> GetXaxis() -> SetRangeUser(xPlotRange[0], xPlotRange[1]);
420  hSub[iComp] -> GetXaxis() -> SetTitle(sTitleX.Data());
421  hSub[iComp] -> GetXaxis() -> SetTitleFont(fTxt);
422  hSub[iComp] -> GetXaxis() -> SetTitleSize(fTit[0]);
423  hSub[iComp] -> GetXaxis() -> SetTitleOffset(fOffX[0]);
424  hSub[iComp] -> GetXaxis() -> SetLabelFont(fTxt);
425  hSub[iComp] -> GetXaxis() -> SetLabelSize(fLab[0]);
426  hSub[iComp] -> GetXaxis() -> CenterTitle(fCnt);
427  hSub[iComp] -> GetYaxis() -> SetTitle(sTitleS.Data());
428  hSub[iComp] -> GetYaxis() -> SetTitleFont(fTxt);
429  hSub[iComp] -> GetYaxis() -> SetTitleSize(fTit[0]);
430  hSub[iComp] -> GetYaxis() -> SetTitleOffset(fOffY[0]);
431  hSub[iComp] -> GetYaxis() -> SetLabelFont(fTxt);
432  hSub[iComp] -> GetYaxis() -> SetLabelSize(fLab[0]);
433  hSub[iComp] -> GetYaxis() -> CenterTitle(fCnt);
434  }
435  cout << " Set styles." << endl;
437  // make legend
438  const UInt_t fColLe = 0;
439  const UInt_t fFilLe = 0;
440  const UInt_t fLinLe = 0;
441  const Float_t yObjLe = 0.1 + ((NComp + 1) * 0.05);
442  const Float_t fLegXY[NVtx] = {0.1, 0.1, 0.3, yObjLe};
444  TLegend *leg = new TLegend(fLegXY[0], fLegXY[1], fLegXY[2], fLegXY[3], sHeader.Data());
445  leg -> SetFillColor(fColLe);
446  leg -> SetFillStyle(fFilLe);
447  leg -> SetLineColor(fColLe);
448  leg -> SetLineStyle(fLinLe);
449  leg -> SetTextFont(fTxt);
450  leg -> SetTextAlign(fAln);
451  leg -> AddEntry(hRef, sLabelRef.Data(), "pf");
452  for (UInt_t iComp = 0; iComp < NComp; iComp++) {
453  leg -> AddEntry(hComp[iComp], sLabelComp[iComp], "pf");
454  }
455  cout << " Made legend." << endl;
457  // make text
458  const UInt_t fColTx = 0;
459  const UInt_t fFilTx = 0;
460  const UInt_t fLinTx = 0;
461  const Float_t yObjTx = 0.1 + (NTxt * 0.05);
462  const Float_t fTxtXY[NVtx] = {0.3, 0.1, 0.5, yObjTx};
464  TPaveText *txt = new TPaveText(fTxtXY[0], fTxtXY[1], fTxtXY[2], fTxtXY[3], "NDC NB");
465  txt -> SetFillColor(fColTx);
466  txt -> SetFillStyle(fFilTx);
467  txt -> SetLineColor(fColTx);
468  txt -> SetLineStyle(fLinTx);
469  txt -> SetTextFont(fTxt);
470  txt -> SetTextAlign(fAln);
471  for (UInt_t iTxt = 0; iTxt < NTxt; iTxt++) {
472  txt -> AddText(sTxt[iTxt].Data());
473  }
474  cout << " Made text." << endl;
476  // make line
477  const UInt_t fColLi(1);
478  const UInt_t fLinLi(9);
479  const UInt_t fWidLi(1);
480  const Float_t fLinXY[NVtx] = {xPlotRange[0], 0., xPlotRange[1], 0.};
482  TLine *line = new TLine(fLinXY[0], fLinXY[1], fLinXY[2], fLinXY[3]);
483  line -> SetLineColor(fColLi);
484  line -> SetLineStyle(fLinLi);
485  line -> SetLineWidth(fWidLi);
486  cout << " Made line." << endl;
488  // make plot
489  const UInt_t width(750);
490  const UInt_t height(950);
491  const UInt_t fMode(0);
492  const UInt_t fBord(2);
493  const UInt_t fGrid(0);
494  const UInt_t fTick(1);
495  const UInt_t fLogX(1);
496  const UInt_t fLogY1(0);
497  const UInt_t fLogY2(1);
498  const UInt_t fFrame(0);
499  const Float_t fMarginL(0.15);
500  const Float_t fMarginR(0.02);
501  const Float_t fMarginT1(0.005);
502  const Float_t fMarginT2(0.02);
503  const Float_t fMarginTNR(0.02);
504  const Float_t fMarginB1(0.25);
505  const Float_t fMarginB2(0.005);
506  const Float_t fMarginBNR(0.15);
507  const Float_t fPadXY1[NVtx] = {0., 0., 1., 0.35};
508  const Float_t fPadXY2[NVtx] = {0., 0.35, 1., 1.};
510  TCanvas *cPlot = new TCanvas("cPlot", "", width, height);
511  TPad *pPad1 = new TPad("pPad1", "", fPadXY1[0], fPadXY1[1], fPadXY1[2], fPadXY1[3]);
512  TPad *pPad2 = new TPad("pPad2", "", fPadXY2[0], fPadXY2[1], fPadXY2[2], fPadXY2[3]);
513  cPlot -> SetGrid(fGrid, fGrid);
514  cPlot -> SetTicks(fTick, fTick);
515  cPlot -> SetBorderMode(fMode);
516  cPlot -> SetBorderSize(fBord);
517  pPad1 -> SetGrid(fGrid, fGrid);
518  pPad1 -> SetTicks(fTick, fTick);
519  pPad1 -> SetLogx(fLogX);
520  pPad1 -> SetLogy(fLogY1);
521  pPad1 -> SetBorderMode(fMode);
522  pPad1 -> SetBorderSize(fBord);
523  pPad1 -> SetFrameBorderMode(fFrame);
524  pPad1 -> SetLeftMargin(fMarginL);
525  pPad1 -> SetRightMargin(fMarginR);
526  pPad1 -> SetTopMargin(fMarginT1);
527  pPad1 -> SetBottomMargin(fMarginB1);
528  pPad2 -> SetGrid(fGrid, fGrid);
529  pPad2 -> SetTicks(fTick, fTick);
530  pPad2 -> SetLogx(fLogX);
531  pPad2 -> SetLogy(fLogY2);
532  pPad2 -> SetBorderMode(fMode);
533  pPad2 -> SetBorderSize(fBord);
534  pPad2 -> SetFrameBorderMode(fFrame);
535  pPad2 -> SetLeftMargin(fMarginL);
536  pPad2 -> SetRightMargin(fMarginR);
537  pPad2 -> SetTopMargin(fMarginT2);
538  pPad2 -> SetBottomMargin(fMarginB2);
539  cPlot -> cd();
540  pPad1 -> Draw();
541  pPad2 -> Draw();
542  pPad1 -> cd();
543  hSub[0] -> Draw(sOptSub[0].Data());
544  for (UInt_t iComp = 1; iComp < NComp; iComp++) {
545  hSub[iComp] -> Draw(sOptSub[iComp].Data());
546  }
547  line -> Draw();
548  pPad2 -> cd();
549  hRef -> Draw(sOptRef.Data());
550  for(UInt_t iComp = 0; iComp < NComp; iComp++) {
551  hComp[iComp] -> Draw(sOptComp[iComp].Data());
552  }
553  leg -> Draw();
554  txt -> Draw();
555  fOut -> cd();
556  cPlot -> Write();
557  cPlot -> Close();
558  cout << " Made plot." << endl;
560  // save histograms
561  fOut -> cd();
562  hRef -> Write();
563  for (UInt_t iComp = 0; iComp < NComp; iComp++) {
564  hComp[iComp] -> Write();
565  hSub[iComp] -> Write();
566  }
567  cout << " Saved histograms." << endl;
569  // close files
570  fOut -> cd();
571  fOut -> Close();
572  fRef -> cd();
573  fRef -> Close();
574  for (UInt_t iComp = 0; iComp < NComp; iComp++) {
575  fComp[iComp] -> cd();
576  fComp[iComp] -> Close();
577  }
578  cout << " Finished plot!\n" << endl;
580 }
582 // end ------------------------------------------------------------------------