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Go to the documentation of this file. Or view the newest version in sPHENIX GitHub for file Fun4AllInputManager.h
1 // Tell emacs that this is a C++ source
2 // -*- C++ -*-.
6 #include "Fun4AllBase.h"
7 #include "Fun4AllReturnCodes.h"
9 #include <list>
10 #include <string>
11 #include <type_traits> // for __decay_and_strip<>::__type
12 #include <utility> // for make_pair, pair
13 #include <vector>
15 class PHCompositeNode;
16 class SubsysReco;
17 class SyncObject;
18 class Fun4AllSyncManager;
21 {
22  public:
23  ~Fun4AllInputManager() override;
24  virtual int fileopen(const std::string & /*filename*/) { return -1; }
25  virtual int fileclose() { return -1; }
26  virtual int run(const int /*nevents=0*/) { return -1; }
27  virtual int ReadInRunNode(PHCompositeNode * /*RunNode*/) { return -1; }
28  std::string FileName() const { return m_FileName; }
29  void FileName(const std::string &fn) { m_FileName = fn; }
30  virtual int GetSyncObject(SyncObject ** /*mastersync*/) { return 0; }
31  virtual int SyncIt(const SyncObject * /*mastersync*/) { return Fun4AllReturnCodes::SYNC_FAIL; }
32  virtual int BranchSelect(const std::string & /*branch*/, const int /*iflag*/) { return -1; }
33  virtual int setBranches() { return -1; } // publich bc needed by the sync manager
34  void Print(const std::string &what = "ALL") const override;
35  virtual int PushBackEvents(const int /*nevt*/) { return -1; }
36  // so people can use the skip they are used to instead of PushBackEvents
37  // with negative arg
38  virtual int skip(const int nevt) { return PushBackEvents(-nevt); }
39  virtual int NoSyncPushBackEvents(const int /*nevt*/) { return -1; }
40  int AddFile(const std::string &filename);
41  int AddListFile(const std::string &filename, const int do_it = 0);
42  int registerSubsystem(SubsysReco *subsystem);
43  virtual int RejectEvent();
44  void Repeat(const int i = -1) { m_Repeat = i; }
45  virtual void setSyncManager(Fun4AllSyncManager *master) { m_MySyncManager = master; }
46  virtual int ResetFileList();
47  virtual int ResetEvent() { return 0; }
48  virtual void SetRunNumber(const int runno) { m_MyRunNumber = runno; }
49  virtual int RunNumber() const { return m_MyRunNumber; }
50  void AddToFileOpened(const std::string &filename) { m_FileListOpened.push_back(filename); }
51  std::pair<std::list<std::string>::const_iterator, std::list<std::string>::const_iterator> FileOpenListBeginEnd() { return std::make_pair(m_FileListOpened.begin(), m_FileListOpened.end()); }
53  void InputNode(const std::string &innode) { m_InputNode = innode; }
55  bool FileListEmpty() const { return m_FileList.empty(); }
56  virtual int IsOpen() const { return m_IsOpen; }
57  virtual int SkipForThisManager(const int /*nevents*/) { return 0; }
58  virtual int HasSyncObject() const { return 0; }
59  virtual std::string GetString(const std::string &) const { return ""; }
60  const std::list<std::string> GetFileList() const { return m_FileListCopy; }
61  const std::list<std::string> GetFileOpenedList() const { return m_FileListOpened; }
63  protected:
64  Fun4AllInputManager(const std::string &name = "DUMMY", const std::string &nodename = "DST", const std::string &topnodename = "TOP");
65  void UpdateFileList();
66  int OpenNextFile();
67  void IsOpen(const int i) { m_IsOpen = i; }
70  private:
72  int m_IsOpen = 0;
73  int m_Repeat = 0;
74  int m_MyRunNumber = 0;
75  int m_InitRun = 0;
76  std::vector<SubsysReco *> m_SubsystemsVector;
80  std::list<std::string> m_FileList;
81  std::list<std::string> m_FileListCopy;
82  std::list<std::string> m_FileListOpened; // all files which were opened during running
83 };
85 #endif