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1 #include "TowerTiming.h"
3 #include <calobase/RawTowerGeomContainer.h>
4 #include <calobase/RawTowerContainer.h>
5 #include <calobase/RawTower.h>
8 #include <g4main/PHG4Particle.h>
9 #include <g4main/PHG4VtxPoint.h>
13 #include <phool/getClass.h>
15 #include <TFile.h>
16 #include <TH1.h>
17 #include <TH2.h>
18 #include <TNtuple.h>
20 #include<sstream>
22 using namespace std;
25  SubsysReco( name ),
26  hm(nullptr),
27  _filename(filename),
28  ntuptwr(nullptr),
29  ntupe(nullptr),
30  outfile(nullptr)
31 {}
34 {
35  // delete ntup;
36  delete hm;
37 }
40 int
42 {
43  ostringstream hname, htit;
44  hm = new Fun4AllHistoManager(Name());
45  outfile = new TFile(_filename.c_str(), "RECREATE");
46  ntuptwr = new TNtuple("twr","Towers","detid:phi:eta:edep:t");
47  ntupe = new TNtuple("truth", "The Absolute Truth", "phi:theta:eta:e:p");
48  return 0;
49 }
51 int
53 {
54  map<int, PHG4Particle*>::const_iterator particle_iter;
55  PHG4TruthInfoContainer *_truth_container = findNode::getClass<PHG4TruthInfoContainer>(topNode, "G4TruthInfo");
58  _truth_container->GetPrimaryParticleRange();
59  float ntvars[5] = {0};
60  for (PHG4TruthInfoContainer::ConstIterator particle_iter = primary_range.first;
61  particle_iter != primary_range.second; ++particle_iter)
62  {
63  PHG4Particle *particle = particle_iter->second;
64  ntvars[0] = atan2(particle->get_py(), particle->get_px());
65  ntvars[1] = atan(sqrt(particle->get_py()*particle->get_py() +
66  particle->get_px()*particle->get_px()) /
67  particle->get_pz());
68  ntvars[2] = 0.5*log((particle->get_e()+particle->get_pz())/
69  (particle->get_e()-particle->get_pz()));
70  ntvars[3] = particle->get_e();
71  ntvars[4] = particle->get_pz();
72  }
73  ntupe->Fill(ntvars);
74  RawTowerContainer *towers = nullptr;
75  // double emc[10] = {0};
76  // double ih[10] = {0};
77  // double oh[10] = {0};
78  // double mag[10] = {0};
79  // double bh[10] = {0};
80  // double eall[5] = {0};
81  string nodename[3] = {"TOWER_SIM_CEMC", "TOWER_SIM_HCALIN", "TOWER_SIM_HCALOUT"};
82  string geonodename[3] = {"TOWERGEOM_CEMC", "TOWERGEOM_HCALIN", "TOWERGEOM_HCALOUT"};
83  for (int j=0; j<3;j++)
84  {
85  towers = findNode::getClass<RawTowerContainer>(topNode,nodename[j]);
86  if (towers)
87  {
88  RawTowerGeomContainer* towergeom = findNode::getClass<RawTowerGeomContainer>(topNode,geonodename[j]);
89  if (!towergeom)
90  {
91  cout << "no geometry node " << geonodename << endl;
92  continue;
93  }
94  RawTowerContainer::ConstRange twr_range = towers->getTowers();
95  for ( RawTowerContainer::ConstIterator twr_iter = twr_range.first ; twr_iter != twr_range.second; ++twr_iter )
96  {
97  double energy = twr_iter->second->get_energy();
98  int phibin = twr_iter->second->get_binphi();
99  int etabin = twr_iter->second->get_bineta();
100  double phi = towergeom->get_phicenter(phibin);
101  double eta = towergeom->get_etacenter(etabin);
102  ntuptwr->Fill(j,
103  phi,
104  eta,
105  energy,
106  twr_iter->second->get_time());
107  // double radius = sqrt(hit_iter->second->get_avg_x() * hit_iter->second->get_avg_x() +
108  // hit_iter->second->get_avg_y() * hit_iter->second->get_avg_y() +
109  // hit_iter->second->get_avg_z() * hit_iter->second->get_avg_z());
110 // double phi = atan2(hit_iter->second->get_avg_y(),hit_iter->second->get_avg_x());
111 // double theta = atan(sqrt(hit_iter->second->get_avg_x() * hit_iter->second->get_avg_x() +
112 // hit_iter->second->get_avg_y() * hit_iter->second->get_avg_y()) /
113 // hit_iter->second->get_avg_z());
114 // // handle rollover from pi to -pi
115 // double diffphi = phi-ntvars[0];
116 // if (diffphi > M_PI)
117 // {
118 // diffphi -= 2*M_PI;
119 // }
120 // else if (diffphi < - M_PI)
121 // {
122 // diffphi += 2*M_PI;
123 // }
125 // double deltasqrt = sqrt(diffphi*diffphi+(theta-ntvars[1])*(theta-ntvars[1]));
126 // double edep = hit_iter->second->get_edep();
127 // eall[0] += edep;
128 // for (int i=0; i<10; i++)
129 // {
130 // if (deltasqrt < i*0.1)
131 // {
132 // emc[i]+=edep;
133 // }
134 // }
135 // }
136  }
137  }
138  }
139  return 0;
140 }
142 int
144 {
145  outfile->cd();
146  // ntup->Write();
147  ntuptwr->Write();
148  ntupe->Write();
149  outfile->Write();
150  outfile->Close();
151  delete outfile;
152  hm->dumpHistos(_filename, "UPDATE");
153  return 0;
154 }
156 void
157 TowerTiming::AddNode(const std::string &name, const int detid)
158 {
159  _node_postfix.insert(name);
160  _detid[name] = detid;
161  return;
162 }