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Go to the documentation of this file. Or view the newest version in sPHENIX GitHub for file noiPads.h
1 #ifndef tuClass__h
3 #ifndef noiPads__h
4 #define noiPads__h
6 #include "noiDict.h"
7 #include "noi_fnc.h"
8  const int kLeft = 2;
9  const int kRight = 3;
10 // David Stewart, Dec 1 2022
11 // Stripped down version of tuPads
12 // used in conveinece for plotting
13 struct noiPadDim {
14  // a structure to contain the four coordinates requisite for a TPad (in x or y):
15  // low : left/bottom edge of TPad (outer edge of margin)
16  // p_low : left/bottom edge of the plot area
17  // p_up : right/top edge of the plot area
18  // up : right/top edge of TPad
19  //
20  // If initialized with only two arguments (low, up), then set p_low to low and p_up to up
21  // If initialized with three arguments (low, plow, up) set p_up to up
22  double low;
23  double p_low;
24  double p_up;
25  double up;
27  void check_input() {
28  if ( low < 0. || low > 1.
29  || p_low < 0. || p_low > 1.
30  || p_up < 0. || p_up > 1.
31  || up < 0. || up > 1. ) {
32  cout << " Fatal error: input coordinates for tuPadDim for pads must all "
33  " be in range [0,1] " << endl;
34  print();
35  exit (2);
36  } else if ( low > p_low || p_low > p_up || p_up > up ) {
37  cout << " Fatal error: input coordinates must monotonically increase " << endl;
38  print();
39  exit(2);
40  }
41  };
42  noiPadDim( double _low, double _p_low, double _p_up, double _up ) :
43  low{_low}, p_low{_p_low}, p_up{_p_up}, up{_up} { check_input(); };
44  noiPadDim( double _low, double _up ) :
45  low{_low}, p_low{_low}, p_up{_up}, up{_up} { check_input(); };
46  noiPadDim( double _low, double _p_low, double _up ) :
47  low{_low}, p_low{_p_low}, p_up{_up}, up{_up} { check_input(); };
48  noiPadDim( ) :
49  low{0.}, p_low{0.}, p_up{1.}, up{1.} { check_input(); };
51  void print() const {
52  cout << Form(" Four points are: (%.2f, %.2f %.2f, %.2f)",low,p_low,p_up,up) << endl;
53  };
54  double low_margin () const {
55  double margin { (p_low - low) / (up - low) };
56  if (margin < 0) margin = 0;
57  return margin;
58  };
59  double up_margin () const {
60  // use to get set the lower margin
61  double margin { (up - p_up) / (up - low) };
62  if (margin < 0) margin = 0;
63  return margin;
64  };
65  bool operator==(noiPadDim& B) const {
66  return low == B.low
67  && p_low == B.p_low
68  && p_up == B.p_up
69  && up == B.up;
70  };
71 };
72 struct noiPadDimSet {
73  /* noiPadDimSet(int _nPads, // make negative is wish to flip directtuns */
74  /* vector<double> _lefts={}, */
75  /* vector<double> _rights={}); */
76  vector<double> lefts;
77  vector<double> rights;
78  int nPads;
80  static noiPadDim make_pad(double left,
81  double left_margin, double pad_width,
82  double right_margin)
83  {
84  return noiPadDim{ left,
85  left+left_margin,
86  left+left_margin+pad_width,
87  left+left_margin+pad_width+right_margin };
88  };
90  vector<noiPadDim> calc_pads() {
91  int npads = nPads;
92  bool flip_direction = false;
93  if (npads < 0) {
94  npads = -npads;
95  flip_direction=true;
96  };
97  vector<noiPadDim> pads (npads) ;
99  double first_left = (lefts.size() > 0) ? lefts[0] : 0.2;
100  double inner_left = (lefts.size() > 1) ? lefts[1] : 0.0001;
101  double page_left = (lefts.size() > 2) ? lefts[2] : 0.01;
103  double last_right = (rights.size() > 0) ? rights[0] : 0.0001;
104  double inner_right = (rights.size() > 1) ? rights[1] : 0.0;
105  double page_right = (rights.size() > 2) ? rights[2] : 0.01;
107  if (npads == 0) throw std::runtime_error(
108  "fatal in noiPadDimSet must request at least one pad");
109  if (npads == 1) {
110  double pad_width = 1.-first_left-page_left-last_right-page_right;
111  if (pad_width<=0) throw std::runtime_error(
112  "fatal in noiPadDimSet margins have consumed more than 100\% of TCanvas");
113  pads[0] = make_pad( page_left, first_left, pad_width, last_right );
114  return pads;
115  }
117  double pad_width { (1.-(first_left+page_left+last_right+page_right+
118  (inner_left+inner_right)*(npads-1)))/npads };
119  if (pad_width<=0) throw std::runtime_error(
120  "fatal in noiPadDimSet margins have consumed more than 100\% of TCanvas");
122  int index = flip_direction ? npads-1 : 0;
123  pads[index] = make_pad(page_left, first_left, pad_width, inner_right);
124  double left = pads[index].up;
126  for (int i=1;i<npads-1;++i) {
127  int index = flip_direction ? npads-i-1 : i;
128  pads[index] = make_pad(left, inner_left, pad_width, inner_right);
129  left = pads[index].up;
130  }
131  pads[flip_direction ? 0 : npads-1] = make_pad(left, inner_left, pad_width, last_right);
132  return pads;
133  };
136  noiPadDimSet(vector<double> _lefts, vector<double> _rights ) :
137  rights{_rights}
138  {
139  if (_lefts.size() == 0) nPads = 1;
140  else if (_lefts[0] >= 1.) {
141  nPads = (int) _lefts[0];
142  for (int i{0}; i<(int)_lefts.size()-1; ++i) lefts.push_back(_lefts[i+1]);
143  } else {
144  nPads = 1;
145  lefts = _lefts;
146  }
147  };
148  /* operator vector<noiPadDim> (); */
149 };
151 struct noiPads {
152  // data
153  string prefix="";
154  int i_prefix=1;
155  TCanvas* canvas = nullptr;
156  vector<pair<noiPadDim,noiPadDim>> pad_dimensions;
157  vector<TPad*> pads; // all the generated smaller pads
158  TPad* canvas_pad; // a single big pad the size of the canvas
159  int nRow{1};
160  int nCol{1};
161  int canvas_width { 1200 };
162  int canvas_height { 800 };
164  noiPads ( int nYpads=1, vector<double> dimensions={}, int nXpads=1 ) {
165  // build the noiPadDimSet out of dimensions
166  noiPadDimSet xPads{ {0.2, 0.0001, 0.01}, {0.0001,0.0,0.01 }};
167  noiPadDimSet yPads{ {0.2, 0.0001, 0.01}, {0.0001,0.0,0.01 }};
169  int which = 0;
170  int cnt = 0;
171  canvas_width = -1;
172  canvas_height = -1;
173  for (auto val : dimensions) {
174  if (val > 6) { // set first dimensions
175  if (canvas_width == -1) canvas_width = val;
176  else canvas_height = val;
177  continue;
178  } else if (val > 1) {
179  which = (int) val;
180  cnt = 0;
181  continue;
182  } else if (which == 0) {
183  which = kLeft;
184  }
185  switch (which) {
186  case 6: // kTop
187  yPads.rights[cnt] = val;
188  break;
189  case 5: // kBottom
190  yPads.lefts[cnt] = val;
191  break;
192  case kLeft:
193  xPads.lefts[cnt] = val;
194  break;
195  case kRight:
196  xPads.rights[cnt] = val;
197  break;
198  default:
199  throw std::runtime_error(Form("fatal error: noiPads::noiPads: Error in selection of pad dimensions: was %i but must be (2,3,5,6:kLeft,Right,Bottom,Top)",
200  which));
201  }
202  ++cnt;
203  }
204  yPads.nPads = -nYpads;
205  xPads.nPads = nXpads;
206  if (canvas_width == -1) canvas_width = 1200;
207  if (canvas_height == -1) canvas_height = 800;
208  nCol = TMath::Abs(nXpads);
209  nRow = TMath::Abs(nYpads);
210  for (auto x_pad : xPads.calc_pads())
211  for (auto y_pad : yPads.calc_pads())
212  pad_dimensions.push_back( {y_pad, x_pad} );
213  };
216  noiPads ( vector<pair<noiPadDim, noiPadDim>> _pad_dimensions={{{},{}}}, int _canvas_width=0, int _canvas_height=0) :
217  pad_dimensions{ _pad_dimensions }
218  {
219  if (_canvas_width) canvas_width = _canvas_width;
220  if (_canvas_height) canvas_height = _canvas_height;
221  };
223  void add_pad(pair<noiPadDim,noiPadDim>& coord){
224  canvas->cd();
226  if (pads.size()==0) {
227  canvas_pad = new TPad(noiUniqueName(i_prefix,prefix.c_str()),"",0.,0.,1.,1.);
228  canvas_pad ->SetFillStyle(4000);
229  canvas_pad ->SetFrameFillStyle(4000);
231  canvas_pad->Draw();
232  canvas->cd();
233  }
235  const noiPadDim x { coord.second };
236  const noiPadDim y { coord.first };
237  int i{0};
238  /* while (gDirectory->FindObjectAny(Form("loc_pad_%i",i))) { ++i; } */
239  TPad* p = new TPad(noiUniqueName(),"",x.low,y.low,x.up,y.up);
241  // set the boundaries left(l), right(r), top(t), bottom(b)
242  p->SetLeftMargin(x.low_margin());
243  p->SetRightMargin(x.up_margin());
244  p->SetBottomMargin(y.low_margin());
245  p->SetTopMargin(y.up_margin());
247  p->SetFillStyle(4000);
248  p->SetFrameFillStyle(4000);
249  p->Draw();
250  pads.push_back(p);
251  };
253  void add_pad(vector<pair<noiPadDim,noiPadDim>> input) {
254  for (auto& inp : input) add_pad(inp);
255  };
257  void init() {
258  // make and stylize the TCanvas and pads currently in the list
259  /* const char* t_name = Form("canv_%s",noiUniqueName()); */
260  canvas = new TCanvas(noiUniqueName(i_prefix,Form("canv_%s",prefix.c_str())), "",canvas_width, canvas_height);
261  canvas->SetFillStyle(4000);
262  canvas->SetFrameFillStyle(4000);
263  canvas->Draw();
264  canvas->cd();
266  // add all pads
267  add_pad(pad_dimensions);
269  canvas->cd();
270  };
272  TPad* operator()(int row=0, int col=0) {
273  if (pads.size() == 0) init();
274  if (row < 0) {
275  row = -row;
276  col = row % nCol;
277  row = row / nCol;
278  }
279  int i_pad = row+col*nRow;
280  if (i_pad >= (int)pads.size()) {
281  i_pad = i_pad % (int) pads.size();
282  }
283  pads[i_pad]->cd();
284  return pads[i_pad];
285  };
287  void stamp(string msg, noiDict opt={}, noiDict dict = {{
288  "TextColor", (kGray+2),
289  "TextSize", 16,
290  "x-loc", .05,
291  "y-loc", .05}} )
292  {
293  dict += opt;
294  if (msg.size() > 120) {
295  cout << "pads stamp msg size: " << msg.size() << endl;
296  noiDict dsize {{ "TextSize", 10 }};
297  dict += dsize;
298  }
299  canvas_pad->cd();
300  /* cout << " x: " << dict["x-loc"] << " " << dict["y-loc"] << endl; */
301  noiDrawTLatex(msg.c_str(),dict("x-loc"), dict("y-loc"), dict);
302  };
303  // save the output; check for *cc or *C ending and save as .pdf if required
305  void pdf(string string_with_dollar0, vector<string> other={}) {
306  string name = gSystem->pwd();
307  name += "/";
308  istringstream iss;
309  iss.str(string_with_dollar0);
310  string word;
311  while (iss >> word) {
312  name += noiStripEnds( noiStripStart(word, "./"), {".C",".cc",".cxx",".pdf"});
313  }
314  for (auto& words : other) {
315  iss.clear();
316  iss.str(words);
317  while (iss >> word) {
318  name += noiStripEnds( noiStripStart(word, "./"), {".C",".cc",".cxx",".pdf"});
319  }
320  }
321  name += ".pdf";
322  canvas->Print(name.c_str());
323  };
324 };
327 #endif
329 #endif