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Go to the documentation of this file. Or view the newest version in sPHENIX GitHub for file DoDeltaPtCutStudy.C
1 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
2 // 'DoTrackCutStudy.C'
3 // Derek Anderson
4 // 06.29.2023
5 //
6 // Runs the 'SDeltaPtCutStudy' class.
7 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
12 // standard c includes
13 #include <array>
14 #include <cstdlib>
15 #include <utility>
16 // root includes
17 #include <TROOT.h>
18 #include <TString.h>
19 // user includes
20 #include "/sphenix/user/danderson/install/include/sdeltaptcutstudy/SDeltaPtCutStudy.h"
22 using namespace std;
24 // load libraries
25 R__LOAD_LIBRARY(/sphenix/user/danderson/install/lib/
27 // global constants
28 static const bool DefBatch = false;
29 static const size_t NPar = 3;
30 static const size_t NTypes = 3;
34 void DoDeltaPtCutStudy(const bool inBatchMode = DefBatch) {
36  // lower verbosity
37  gErrorIgnoreLevel = kWarning;
39  // io parameters
40  const TString sInFile("../TruthMatching/input/merged/sPhenixG4_testingNewMatcher_oldEvaluator.pt020num10evt500pipm.d15m9y2023.root");
41  const TString sOutFile("deltaPtStudy.testingSignChange_piboth.pt020num5evt500pipm.d3m10y2023.root");
42  const TString sInTrack("ntp_track");
43  const TString sInTruth("ntp_gtrack");
45  // projection parameters
46  // <0> = bin center of projection
47  // <1> = histogram suffix
48  // <2> = histogram color
49  // <3> = histogram marker
50  // <4> = fit color
51  const vector<tuple<double, TString, uint32_t, uint32_t, uint32_t>> projParams = {
52  make_tuple(0.5, "_pt05", 799, 20, 803),
53  make_tuple(1.0, "_pt1", 633, 22, 636),
54  make_tuple(2.0, "_pt2", 899, 23, 893),
55  make_tuple(5.0, "_pt5", 617, 21, 620),
56  make_tuple(10., "_pt10", 879, 33, 883),
57  make_tuple(20., "_pt20", 859, 34, 863),
58  make_tuple(30., "_pt30", 839, 47, 843),
59  make_tuple(40., "_pt40", 819, 20, 813)
60  };
62  // flat delta-pt cut parameters
63  // <0> = max delta-pt
64  // <1> = histogram suffix
65  // <2> = histogram color
66  // <3> = histogram marker
67  // <4> = draw this one?
68  // (only 1st cut set to true will be drawn)
69  const vector<tuple<double, TString, uint32_t, uint32_t, bool>> flatParams = {
70  make_tuple(0.50, "_dPt50", 899, 24, false),
71  make_tuple(0.25, "_dPt25", 909, 26, false),
72  make_tuple(0.10, "_dPt10", 879, 32, false),
73  make_tuple(0.05, "_dPt05", 889, 25, false),
74  make_tuple(0.03, "_dPt03", 859, 27, true),
75  make_tuple(0.02, "_dPt02", 869, 28, false),
76  make_tuple(0.01, "_dPt01", 839, 30, false)
77  };
79  // pt-dependent delta-pt cut parameters
80  // <0> = max n-sigma away from mean
81  // <1> = histogram suffix
82  // <2> = histogram color
83  // <3> = histogram marker
84  // <4> = fit color
85  // <5> = draw this one?
86  // (only 1st cut set to true will be drawn)
87  const vector<tuple<double, TString, uint32_t, uint32_t, uint32_t, bool>> ptDependParams = {
88  make_tuple(1.0, "_sigDPt10", 899, 24, 893, false),
89  make_tuple(1.5, "_sigDPt15", 909, 26, 903, false),
90  make_tuple(2.0, "_sigDPt20", 879, 32, 873, true),
91  make_tuple(2.5, "_sigDPt25", 889, 25, 883, false),
92  make_tuple(3.0, "_sigDPt30", 859, 27, 863, false)
93  };
95  // fit guesses, and norm and fit ranges
96  array<float, NPar> sigHiGuess = {1., -1., 1.};
97  array<float, NPar> sigLoGuess = {1., -1., 1.};
98  pair<float, float> normRange = {0.2, 1.2};
99  pair<float, float> ptFitRange = {0.5, 40.};
100  pair<float, float> deltaFitRange = {0., 0.1};
102  // general track cuts
103  const uint32_t nInttTrkMin = 1;
104  const uint32_t nMVtxTrkMin = 2;
105  const uint32_t nTpcTrkMin = 35;
106  const double qualTrkMax = 10.;
107  const double vzTrkMax = 10.;
108  const double ptTrkMin = 0.1;
110  // general style parameters
111  const pair<float, float> rPtRange = {0., 60.};
112  const pair<float, float> rFracRange = {0., 4.};
113  const pair<float, float> rDeltaRange = {0., 0.1};
114  const array<uint32_t, NTypes> arrColGraph = {923, 923, 809};
115  const array<uint32_t, NTypes> arrMarGraph = {20, 20, 46};
117  // general histogram parameters
118  const uint32_t fFil = 0;
119  const uint32_t fLin = 1;
120  const uint32_t fWid = 1;
121  const uint32_t fTxt = 42;
122  const uint32_t fAln = 12;
123  const uint32_t fCnt = 1;
125  // bases of histogram names
126  const TString sPtProjBase("DeltaPtProj");
127  const TString sPtDeltaBase("DeltaPt");
128  const TString sPtTrueBase("PtTrue");
129  const TString sPtRecoBase("PtReco");
130  const TString sPtFracBase("PtFrac");
131  const TString sPtTrkTruBase("PtTrkTruth");
133  // plot text
134  const vector<TString> sPlotTxt = {
135  "#bf{#it{sPHENIX}} Simulation",
136  "5 #pi^{-} + 5 #pi^{+}/event, p_{T} #in (0, 20) GeV/c",
137  "#bf{Only #pi^{#pm}}"
138  };
140  // misc plot parameters
141  bool doEffRebin = true;
142  size_t nEffRebin = 5;
144  // run track cut study
145  SDeltaPtCutStudy *study = new SDeltaPtCutStudy();
146  study -> SetInputOutputFiles(sInFile, sOutFile);
147  study -> SetInputTuples(sInTrack, sInTruth);
148  study -> SetGeneralTrackCuts(nInttTrkMin, nMVtxTrkMin, nTpcTrkMin, qualTrkMax, vzTrkMax, ptTrkMin);
149  study -> SetSigmaFitGuesses(sigHiGuess, sigLoGuess);
150  study -> SetNormAndFitRanges(normRange, ptFitRange, deltaFitRange);
151  study -> SetPlotRanges(rPtRange, rFracRange, rDeltaRange);
152  study -> SetGeneralStyleParameters(arrColGraph, arrMarGraph);
153  study -> SetGeneralHistParameters(fFil, fLin, fWid, fTxt, fAln, fCnt);
154  study -> SetHistBaseNames(sPtProjBase, sPtDeltaBase, sPtTrueBase, sPtRecoBase, sPtFracBase, sPtTrkTruBase);
155  study -> SetPlotText(sPlotTxt);
156  study -> SetEffRebinParameters(doEffRebin, nEffRebin);
157  study -> SetProjectionParameters(projParams);
158  study -> SetFlatCutParameters(flatParams);
159  study -> SetPtDependCutParameters(ptDependParams);
160  study -> Init();
161  study -> Analyze();
162  study -> End();
164 } // end 'DoDeltaPtCutStudy()'
166 #endif
168 // end ------------------------------------------------------------------------