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1 #include "CDBTTree.h"
3 #include <phool/phool.h>
5 #include <TBranch.h> // for TBranch
6 #include <TCollection.h> // for TIter
7 #include <TDirectory.h> // for TDirectoryAtomicAdapter, TDirectory, gDirec...
8 #include <TFile.h>
9 #include <TLeaf.h> // for TLeaf
10 #include <TObjArray.h> // for TObjArray
11 #include <TROOT.h>
12 #include <TSystem.h>
13 #include <TTree.h>
15 #include <climits>
16 #include <cmath> // for NAN, isfinite
17 #include <cstdint> // for uint64_t
18 #include <iostream>
19 #include <limits> // for numeric_limits, numeric_limits<>::max_digits10
20 #include <set> // for set
21 #include <utility> // for pair, make_pair
24  : m_Filename(fname)
25 {
26 }
29 {
30  m_FloatEntryMap.clear();
31  m_SingleFloatEntryMap.clear();
32 }
35 {
36  if (name == "ID")
37  {
38  std::cout << "Sorry ID is reserved as fieldname, pick anything else" << std::endl;
39  gSystem->Exit(1);
40  }
41  std::string fieldname = "F" + name;
43  {
44  std::cout << "Trying to add field " << name << " after another entry was committed" << std::endl;
45  std::cout << "That does not work, restructure your code" << std::endl;
46  gSystem->Exit(1);
47  }
48  m_FloatEntryMap[channel].insert(std::make_pair(fieldname, value));
49 }
52 {
53  if (name == "ID")
54  {
55  std::cout << "Sorry ID is reserved as fieldname, pick anything else" << std::endl;
56  gSystem->Exit(1);
57  }
58  std::string fieldname = "D" + name;
60  {
61  std::cout << "Trying to add field " << name << " after another entry was committed" << std::endl;
62  std::cout << "That does not work, restructure your code" << std::endl;
63  gSystem->Exit(1);
64  }
65  m_DoubleEntryMap[channel].insert(std::make_pair(fieldname, value));
66 }
69 {
70  if (name == "ID")
71  {
72  std::cout << "Sorry ID is reserved as fieldname, pick anything else" << std::endl;
73  gSystem->Exit(1);
74  }
75  std::string fieldname = "I" + name;
77  {
78  std::cout << "Trying to add field " << name << " after another entry was committed" << std::endl;
79  std::cout << "That does not work, restructure your code" << std::endl;
80  gSystem->Exit(1);
81  }
82  m_IntEntryMap[channel].insert(std::make_pair(fieldname, value));
83 }
86 {
87  if (name == "ID")
88  {
89  std::cout << "Sorry ID is reserved as fieldname, pick anything else" << std::endl;
90  gSystem->Exit(1);
91  }
92  std::string fieldname = "g" + name;
94  {
95  std::cout << "Trying to add field " << name << " after another entry was committed" << std::endl;
96  std::cout << "That does not work, restructure your code" << std::endl;
97  gSystem->Exit(1);
98  }
99  m_UInt64EntryMap[channel].insert(std::make_pair(fieldname, value));
100 }
103 {
104  m_Locked[MultipleEntries] = true;
105 }
108 {
110  std::set<int> id_set;
111  std::map<std::string, float> floatmap;
112  std::map<std::string, double> doublemap;
113  std::map<std::string, int> intmap;
114  std::map<std::string, uint64_t> uint64map;
115  intmap.insert(std::make_pair("IID", std::numeric_limits<int>::min()));
116  for (auto &f_entry : m_FloatEntryMap)
117  {
118  id_set.insert(f_entry.first);
119  for (auto &f_val : f_entry.second)
120  {
121  floatmap.insert(std::make_pair(f_val.first, std::numeric_limits<float>::quiet_NaN()));
122  }
123  }
124  for (auto &f_val : floatmap)
125  {
126  std::string fielddescriptor = f_val.first + "/F";
127  m_TTree[MultipleEntries]->Branch(f_val.first.c_str(), &f_val.second, fielddescriptor.c_str());
128  }
130  for (auto &f_entry : m_DoubleEntryMap)
131  {
132  id_set.insert(f_entry.first);
133  for (auto &f_val : f_entry.second)
134  {
135  doublemap.insert(std::make_pair(f_val.first, std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN()));
136  }
137  }
138  for (auto &f_val : doublemap)
139  {
140  std::string fielddescriptor = f_val.first + "/D";
141  m_TTree[MultipleEntries]->Branch(f_val.first.c_str(), &f_val.second, fielddescriptor.c_str());
142  }
144  for (auto &i_entry : m_IntEntryMap)
145  {
146  id_set.insert(i_entry.first);
147  for (auto &i_val : i_entry.second)
148  {
149  intmap.insert(std::make_pair(i_val.first, std::numeric_limits<int>::min()));
150  }
151  }
152  for (auto &i_val : intmap)
153  {
154  std::string fielddescriptor = i_val.first + "/I";
155  m_TTree[MultipleEntries]->Branch(i_val.first.c_str(), &i_val.second, fielddescriptor.c_str());
156  }
158  for (auto &i_entry : m_UInt64EntryMap)
159  {
160  id_set.insert(i_entry.first);
161  for (auto &i_val : i_entry.second)
162  {
163  uint64map.insert(std::make_pair(i_val.first, std::numeric_limits<uint64_t>::max()));
164  }
165  }
166  for (auto &i_val : uint64map)
167  {
168  std::string fielddescriptor = i_val.first + "/g";
169  m_TTree[MultipleEntries]->Branch(i_val.first.c_str(), &i_val.second, fielddescriptor.c_str());
170  }
171  // fill ttree
172  for (auto ids : id_set)
173  {
174  intmap["IID"] = ids;
175  auto fmapiter = m_FloatEntryMap.find(ids);
176  if (fmapiter != m_FloatEntryMap.end())
177  {
178  for (auto &f_val : fmapiter->second)
179  {
180  floatmap[f_val.first] = f_val.second;
181  }
182  }
183  auto dmapiter = m_DoubleEntryMap.find(ids);
184  if (dmapiter != m_DoubleEntryMap.end())
185  {
186  for (auto &d_val : dmapiter->second)
187  {
188  doublemap[d_val.first] = d_val.second;
189  }
190  }
191  auto imapiter = m_IntEntryMap.find(ids);
192  if (imapiter != m_IntEntryMap.end())
193  {
194  for (auto &i_val : imapiter->second)
195  {
196  intmap[i_val.first] = i_val.second;
197  }
198  }
199  auto uint64mapiter = m_UInt64EntryMap.find(ids);
200  if (uint64mapiter != m_UInt64EntryMap.end())
201  {
202  for (auto &uint64_val : uint64mapiter->second)
203  {
204  uint64map[uint64_val.first] = uint64_val.second;
205  }
206  }
207  m_TTree[MultipleEntries]->Fill();
208  for (auto &f_val : floatmap)
209  {
210  f_val.second = std::numeric_limits<float>::quiet_NaN();
211  }
212  for (auto &f_val : doublemap)
213  {
214  f_val.second = std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN();
215  }
216  for (auto &i_val : intmap)
217  {
218  i_val.second = std::numeric_limits<int>::min();
219  }
220  for (auto &i_val : uint64map)
221  {
222  i_val.second = std::numeric_limits<uint64_t>::max();
223  }
224  }
225  return;
226 }
229 {
230  std::string fieldname = "F" + name;
231  if (m_SingleFloatEntryMap.find(fieldname) == m_SingleFloatEntryMap.end())
232  {
233  if (m_Locked[SingleEntries])
234  {
235  std::cout << "Trying to add field " << name << " after another entry was committed" << std::endl;
236  std::cout << "That does not work, restructure your code" << std::endl;
237  gSystem->Exit(1);
238  }
239  m_SingleFloatEntryMap.insert(std::make_pair(fieldname, value));
240  return;
241  }
242  m_SingleFloatEntryMap[fieldname] = value;
243 }
246 {
247  std::string fieldname = "D" + name;
248  if (m_SingleDoubleEntryMap.find(fieldname) == m_SingleDoubleEntryMap.end())
249  {
250  if (m_Locked[SingleEntries])
251  {
252  std::cout << "Trying to add field " << name << " after another entry was committed" << std::endl;
253  std::cout << "That does not work, restructure your code" << std::endl;
254  gSystem->Exit(1);
255  }
256  m_SingleDoubleEntryMap.insert(std::make_pair(fieldname, value));
257  return;
258  }
259  m_SingleDoubleEntryMap[fieldname] = value;
260 }
263 {
264  std::string fieldname = "I" + name;
265  if (m_SingleIntEntryMap.find(fieldname) == m_SingleIntEntryMap.end())
266  {
267  if (m_Locked[SingleEntries])
268  {
269  std::cout << "Trying to add field " << name << " after another entry was committed" << std::endl;
270  std::cout << "That does not work, restructure your code" << std::endl;
271  gSystem->Exit(1);
272  }
273  m_SingleIntEntryMap.insert(std::make_pair(fieldname, value));
274  return;
275  }
276  m_SingleIntEntryMap[fieldname] = value;
277 }
280 {
281  std::string fieldname = "g" + name;
282  if (m_SingleUInt64EntryMap.find(fieldname) == m_SingleUInt64EntryMap.end())
283  {
284  if (m_Locked[SingleEntries])
285  {
286  std::cout << "Trying to add field " << name << " after another entry was committed" << std::endl;
287  std::cout << "That does not work, restructure your code" << std::endl;
288  gSystem->Exit(1);
289  }
290  m_SingleUInt64EntryMap.insert(std::make_pair(fieldname, value));
291  return;
292  }
293  m_SingleUInt64EntryMap[fieldname] = value;
294 }
297 {
298  m_Locked[SingleEntries] = true;
299  return;
300 }
303 {
304  m_TTree[SingleEntries] = new TTree(m_TTreeName[SingleEntries].c_str(), m_TTreeName[SingleEntries].c_str());
305  for (auto &field : m_SingleFloatEntryMap)
306  {
307  std::string fielddescriptor = field.first + "/F";
308  m_TTree[SingleEntries]->Branch(field.first.c_str(), &field.second, fielddescriptor.c_str());
309  }
310  for (auto &field : m_SingleDoubleEntryMap)
311  {
312  std::string fielddescriptor = field.first + "/D";
313  m_TTree[SingleEntries]->Branch(field.first.c_str(), &field.second, fielddescriptor.c_str());
314  }
315  for (auto &field : m_SingleIntEntryMap)
316  {
317  std::string fielddescriptor = field.first + "/I";
318  m_TTree[SingleEntries]->Branch(field.first.c_str(), &field.second, fielddescriptor.c_str());
319  }
320  for (auto &field : m_SingleUInt64EntryMap)
321  {
322  std::string fielddescriptor = field.first + "/g";
323  m_TTree[SingleEntries]->Branch(field.first.c_str(), &field.second, fielddescriptor.c_str());
324  }
326  m_TTree[SingleEntries]->Fill();
327  return;
328 }
331 {
332  if (!m_FloatEntryMap.empty())
333  {
334  std::cout << "Number of float entries: " << m_FloatEntryMap.size() << std::endl;
335  for (auto &field : m_FloatEntryMap)
336  {
337  std::cout << "ID: " << field.first << std::endl;
338  for (auto &calibs : field.second)
339  {
340  std::string tmpstring = calibs.first;
341  tmpstring.erase(0, 1);
342  std::cout << "name " << tmpstring << " value: " << calibs.second << std::endl;
343  }
344  }
345  std::cout << "--------------------------------------------------" << std::endl
346  << std::endl;
347  }
348  if (!m_DoubleEntryMap.empty())
349  {
350  std::cout << "Number of double entries: " << m_DoubleEntryMap.size() << std::endl;
351  for (auto &field : m_DoubleEntryMap)
352  {
353  std::cout << "ID: " << field.first << std::endl;
354  for (auto &calibs : field.second)
355  {
356  std::string tmpstring = calibs.first;
357  tmpstring.erase(0, 1);
358  std::cout << "name " << tmpstring << " value: " << calibs.second << std::endl;
359  }
360  }
361  std::cout << "--------------------------------------------------" << std::endl
362  << std::endl;
363  }
364  if (!m_IntEntryMap.empty())
365  {
366  std::cout << "Number of int entries: " << m_IntEntryMap.size() << std::endl;
367  for (auto &field : m_IntEntryMap)
368  {
369  std::cout << "ID: " << field.first << std::endl;
370  for (auto &calibs : field.second)
371  {
372  std::string tmpstring = calibs.first;
373  tmpstring.erase(0, 1);
374  std::cout << "name " << tmpstring << " value: " << calibs.second << std::endl;
375  }
376  }
377  }
378  if (!m_UInt64EntryMap.empty())
379  {
380  std::cout << "Number of uint64 entries: " << m_UInt64EntryMap.size() << std::endl;
381  for (auto &field : m_UInt64EntryMap)
382  {
383  std::cout << "ID: " << field.first << std::endl;
384  for (auto &calibs : field.second)
385  {
386  std::string tmpstring = calibs.first;
387  tmpstring.erase(0, 1);
388  std::cout << "name " << tmpstring << " value: " << calibs.second << std::endl;
389  }
390  }
391  }
393  if (!m_SingleFloatEntryMap.empty())
394  {
395  std::cout << "Number of single float fields: " << m_SingleFloatEntryMap.size() << std::endl;
396  for (auto &field : m_SingleFloatEntryMap)
397  {
398  std::string tmpstring = field.first;
399  tmpstring.erase(0, 1);
400  std::cout << tmpstring << " value " << field.second << std::endl;
401  }
402  }
403  if (!m_SingleDoubleEntryMap.empty())
404  {
405  std::cout << "Number of single double fields: " << m_SingleDoubleEntryMap.size() << std::endl;
406  // some acrobatics to restore the old state of cout after changing the precision for double printout
407  std::ios oldState(nullptr);
408  oldState.copyfmt(std::cout);
409  std::cout.precision(std::numeric_limits<double>::max_digits10);
410  for (auto &field : m_SingleDoubleEntryMap)
411  {
412  std::string tmpstring = field.first;
413  tmpstring.erase(0, 1);
414  std::cout << tmpstring << " value " << field.second << std::endl;
415  }
416  std::cout.copyfmt(oldState);
417  }
418  if (!m_SingleIntEntryMap.empty())
419  {
420  std::cout << "Number of single int fields: " << m_SingleIntEntryMap.size() << std::endl;
421  for (auto &field : m_SingleIntEntryMap)
422  {
423  std::string tmpstring = field.first;
424  tmpstring.erase(0, 1);
425  std::cout << tmpstring << " value " << field.second << std::endl;
426  }
427  }
428  if (!m_SingleUInt64EntryMap.empty())
429  {
430  std::cout << "Number of single uint64 fields: " << m_SingleUInt64EntryMap.size() << std::endl;
431  for (auto &field : m_SingleUInt64EntryMap)
432  {
433  std::string tmpstring = field.first;
434  tmpstring.erase(0, 1);
435  std::cout << tmpstring << " value " << field.second << std::endl;
436  }
437  }
438 }
441 {
442  bool empty_single = m_SingleFloatEntryMap.empty() && m_SingleDoubleEntryMap.empty() &&
443  m_SingleIntEntryMap.empty() && m_SingleUInt64EntryMap.empty();
444  if (!empty_single && !m_Locked[SingleEntries])
445  {
446  std::cout << "You need to call CDBTTree::CommitSingle() before writing" << std::endl;
447  return;
448  }
449  bool empty_multiple = m_FloatEntryMap.empty() && m_DoubleEntryMap.empty() &&
450  m_IntEntryMap.empty() && m_UInt64EntryMap.empty();
451  if (!empty_multiple && !m_Locked[MultipleEntries])
452  {
453  std::cout << "You need to call CDBTTree::Commit() before writing" << std::endl;
454  return;
455  }
456  if (empty_single && empty_multiple)
457  {
458  std::cout << "no values to be saved" << std::endl;
459  return;
460  }
462  std::string currdir = gDirectory->GetPath();
464  TFile *f = TFile::Open(m_Filename.c_str(), "RECREATE");
465  if (!empty_single)
466  {
468  m_TTree[SingleEntries]->Write();
469  }
470  if (!empty_multiple)
471  {
473  m_TTree[MultipleEntries]->Write();
474  }
475  f->Close();
477  gROOT->cd(currdir.c_str()); // restore previous directory
478 }
481 {
482  std::string currdir = gDirectory->GetPath();
484  TFile *f = TFile::Open(m_Filename.c_str());
485  f->GetObject(m_TTreeName[SingleEntries].c_str(), m_TTree[SingleEntries]);
486  f->GetObject(m_TTreeName[MultipleEntries].c_str(), m_TTree[MultipleEntries]);
487  if (m_TTree[SingleEntries] != nullptr)
488  {
489  TObjArray *branches = m_TTree[SingleEntries]->GetListOfBranches();
490  TIter iter(branches);
491  while (TBranch *thisbranch = static_cast<TBranch *>(iter.Next()))
492  {
493  // this convoluted expression returns the data type of a split branch
494  std::string DataType = thisbranch->GetLeaf(thisbranch->GetName())->GetTypeName();
495  if (DataType == "Float_t")
496  {
497  auto itermap = m_SingleFloatEntryMap.insert(std::make_pair(thisbranch->GetName(), std::numeric_limits<float>::quiet_NaN()));
498  m_TTree[SingleEntries]->SetBranchAddress(thisbranch->GetName(), &(itermap.first)->second);
499  }
500  else if (DataType == "Double_t")
501  {
502  auto itermap = m_SingleDoubleEntryMap.insert(std::make_pair(thisbranch->GetName(), std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN()));
503  m_TTree[SingleEntries]->SetBranchAddress(thisbranch->GetName(), &(itermap.first)->second);
504  }
505  else if (DataType == "Int_t")
506  {
507  auto itermap = m_SingleIntEntryMap.insert(std::make_pair(thisbranch->GetName(), -99999));
508  m_TTree[SingleEntries]->SetBranchAddress(thisbranch->GetName(), &(itermap.first)->second);
509  }
510  else if (DataType == "ULong_t")
511  {
512  auto itermap = m_SingleUInt64EntryMap.insert(std::make_pair(thisbranch->GetName(), std::numeric_limits<uint64_t>::max()));
513  m_TTree[SingleEntries]->SetBranchAddress(thisbranch->GetName(), &(itermap.first)->second);
514  }
515  else
516  {
517  std::cout << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ << " data type " << DataType
518  << " in " << m_TTree[SingleEntries]->GetName()
519  << " from " << f->GetName()
520  << " not implemented" << std::endl;
521  gSystem->Exit(1);
522  }
523  }
524  m_TTree[SingleEntries]->GetEntry(0);
525  }
526  if (m_TTree[MultipleEntries] != nullptr)
527  {
528  TObjArray *branches = m_TTree[MultipleEntries]->GetListOfBranches();
529  TIter iter(branches);
530  std::map<std::string, float> floatvalmap;
531  std::map<std::string, double> doublevalmap;
532  std::map<std::string, int> intvalmap;
533  std::map<std::string, uint64_t> uint64valmap;
534  while (TBranch *thisbranch = static_cast<TBranch *>(iter.Next()))
535  {
536  // this convoluted expression returns the data type of a split branch
537  std::string DataType = thisbranch->GetLeaf(thisbranch->GetName())->GetTypeName();
538  if (DataType == "Float_t")
539  {
540  auto itermap = floatvalmap.insert(std::make_pair(thisbranch->GetName(), std::numeric_limits<float>::quiet_NaN()));
541  m_TTree[MultipleEntries]->SetBranchAddress(thisbranch->GetName(), &(itermap.first)->second);
542  }
543  if (DataType == "Double_t")
544  {
545  auto itermap = doublevalmap.insert(std::make_pair(thisbranch->GetName(), std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN()));
546  m_TTree[MultipleEntries]->SetBranchAddress(thisbranch->GetName(), &(itermap.first)->second);
547  }
548  if (DataType == "Int_t")
549  {
550  auto itermap = intvalmap.insert(std::make_pair(thisbranch->GetName(), std::numeric_limits<int>::min()));
551  m_TTree[MultipleEntries]->SetBranchAddress(thisbranch->GetName(), &(itermap.first)->second);
552  }
553  if (DataType == "ULong_t")
554  {
555  auto itermap = uint64valmap.insert(std::make_pair(thisbranch->GetName(), std::numeric_limits<uint64_t>::max()));
556  m_TTree[MultipleEntries]->SetBranchAddress(thisbranch->GetName(), &(itermap.first)->second);
557  }
558  }
559  for (auto entry = 0; entry < m_TTree[MultipleEntries]->GetEntries(); ++entry)
560  {
561  for (auto &field : floatvalmap)
562  {
563  field.second = std::numeric_limits<float>::quiet_NaN();
564  }
565  for (auto &field : doublevalmap)
566  {
567  field.second = std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN();
568  }
569  for (auto &field : intvalmap)
570  {
572  }
573  for (auto &field : uint64valmap)
574  {
575  field.second = std::numeric_limits<uint64_t>::max();
576  }
577  m_TTree[MultipleEntries]->GetEntry(entry);
578  int ID = intvalmap.find("IID")->second;
579  std::map<std::string, float> tmp_floatvalmap;
580  for (auto &field : floatvalmap)
581  {
582  if (std::isfinite(field.second))
583  {
584  tmp_floatvalmap.insert(std::make_pair(field.first, field.second));
585  }
586  }
587  if (!tmp_floatvalmap.empty())
588  {
589  m_FloatEntryMap.insert(std::make_pair(ID, tmp_floatvalmap));
590  }
592  std::map<std::string, double> tmp_doublevalmap;
593  for (auto &field : doublevalmap)
594  {
595  if (std::isfinite(field.second))
596  {
597  tmp_doublevalmap.insert(std::make_pair(field.first, field.second));
598  }
599  }
600  if (!tmp_doublevalmap.empty())
601  {
602  m_DoubleEntryMap.insert(std::make_pair(ID, tmp_doublevalmap));
603  }
605  std::map<std::string, int> tmp_intvalmap;
606  for (auto &field : intvalmap)
607  {
608  if (field.second != std::numeric_limits<int>::min() && field.first != "IID")
609  {
610  tmp_intvalmap.insert(std::make_pair(field.first, field.second));
611  }
612  }
613  if (!tmp_intvalmap.empty())
614  {
615  m_IntEntryMap.insert(std::make_pair(ID, tmp_intvalmap));
616  }
618  std::map<std::string, uint64_t> tmp_uint64valmap;
619  for (auto &field : uint64valmap)
620  {
621  if (field.second != std::numeric_limits<uint64_t>::max())
622  {
623  tmp_uint64valmap.insert(std::make_pair(field.first, field.second));
624  }
625  }
626  if (!tmp_uint64valmap.empty())
627  {
628  m_UInt64EntryMap.insert(std::make_pair(ID, tmp_uint64valmap));
629  }
630  }
631  }
632  for (auto ttree : m_TTree)
633  {
634  delete ttree;
635  ttree = nullptr;
636  }
637  f->Close();
638  gROOT->cd(currdir.c_str()); // restore previous directory
639 }
642 {
643  if (m_SingleFloatEntryMap.empty())
644  {
646  }
647  std::string fieldname = "F" + name;
648  auto singleiter = m_SingleFloatEntryMap.find(fieldname);
649  if (singleiter == m_SingleFloatEntryMap.end())
650  {
651  if (verbose > 0)
652  {
653  std::cout << "Could not find " << name << " in single float calibrations" << std::endl;
654  std::cout << "Existing values:" << std::endl;
655  for (auto &eiter : m_SingleFloatEntryMap)
656  {
657  std::string tmpstring = eiter.first;
658  tmpstring.erase(0, 1);
659  std::cout << "name : " << tmpstring << ", value " << eiter.second
660  << std::endl;
661  }
662  }
663  return std::numeric_limits<float>::quiet_NaN();
664  }
665  return singleiter->second;
666 }
669 {
670  if (m_FloatEntryMap.empty())
671  {
673  }
674  auto channelmapiter = m_FloatEntryMap.find(channel);
675  if (channelmapiter == m_FloatEntryMap.end())
676  {
677  if (verbose > 0)
678  {
679  std::cout << PHWHERE << " Could not find channel " << channel
680  << " for " << name << " in float calibrations" << std::endl;
681  }
682  return std::numeric_limits<float>::quiet_NaN();
683  }
684  std::string fieldname = "F" + name;
685  auto calibiter = channelmapiter->second.find(fieldname);
686  if (calibiter == channelmapiter->second.end())
687  {
688  if (verbose > 0)
689  {
690  std::cout << "Could not find " << name << " among float calibrations of channel " << channel << std::endl;
691  }
692  return std::numeric_limits<float>::quiet_NaN();
693  }
694  return calibiter->second;
695 }
698 {
699  if (m_SingleDoubleEntryMap.empty())
700  {
702  }
703  std::string fieldname = "D" + name;
704  auto singleiter = m_SingleDoubleEntryMap.find(fieldname);
705  if (singleiter == m_SingleDoubleEntryMap.end())
706  {
707  if (verbose > 0)
708  {
709  std::cout << "Could not find " << name << " in single double calibrations" << std::endl;
710  std::cout << "Existing values:" << std::endl;
711  for (auto &eiter : m_SingleDoubleEntryMap)
712  {
713  std::string tmpstring = eiter.first;
714  tmpstring.erase(0, 1);
715  std::cout << "name : " << tmpstring << ", value " << eiter.second
716  << std::endl;
717  }
718  }
719  return std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN();
720  }
721  return singleiter->second;
722 }
725 {
726  if (m_DoubleEntryMap.empty())
727  {
729  }
730  auto channelmapiter = m_DoubleEntryMap.find(channel);
731  if (channelmapiter == m_DoubleEntryMap.end())
732  {
733  if (verbose > 0)
734  {
735  std::cout << PHWHERE << " Could not find channel " << channel
736  << " for " << name << " in double calibrations" << std::endl;
737  }
738  return std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN();
739  }
740  std::string fieldname = "D" + name;
741  auto calibiter = channelmapiter->second.find(fieldname);
742  if (calibiter == channelmapiter->second.end())
743  {
744  if (verbose > 0)
745  {
746  std::cout << "Could not find " << name << " among double calibrations for channel " << channel << std::endl;
747  }
748  return std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN();
749  }
750  return calibiter->second;
751 }
754 {
755  if (m_SingleIntEntryMap.empty())
756  {
758  }
759  std::string fieldname = "I" + name;
760  auto singleiter = m_SingleIntEntryMap.find(fieldname);
761  if (singleiter == m_SingleIntEntryMap.end())
762  {
763  if (verbose > 0)
764  {
765  std::cout << "Could not find " << name << " in single int calibrations" << std::endl;
766  std::cout << "Existing values:" << std::endl;
767  for (auto &eiter : m_SingleIntEntryMap)
768  {
769  std::string tmpstring = eiter.first;
770  tmpstring.erase(0, 1);
771  std::cout << "name : " << tmpstring << ", value " << eiter.second
772  << std::endl;
773  }
774  }
776  }
777  return singleiter->second;
778 }
781 {
782  if (m_IntEntryMap.empty())
783  {
785  }
786  auto channelmapiter = m_IntEntryMap.find(channel);
787  if (channelmapiter == m_IntEntryMap.end())
788  {
789  if (verbose > 0)
790  {
791  std::cout << PHWHERE << " Could not find channel " << channel
792  << " for " << name << " in int calibrations" << std::endl;
793  }
795  }
796  std::string fieldname = "I" + name;
797  auto calibiter = channelmapiter->second.find(fieldname);
798  if (calibiter == channelmapiter->second.end())
799  {
800  if (verbose > 0)
801  {
802  std::cout << "Could not find " << name << " among int calibrations for channel " << channel << std::endl;
803  }
805  }
806  return calibiter->second;
807 }
810 {
811  if (m_SingleUInt64EntryMap.empty())
812  {
814  }
815  std::string fieldname = "g" + name;
816  auto singleiter = m_SingleUInt64EntryMap.find(fieldname);
817  if (singleiter == m_SingleUInt64EntryMap.end())
818  {
819  if (verbose > 0)
820  {
821  std::cout << "Could not find " << name << " in single uint64 calibrations" << std::endl;
822  std::cout << "Existing values:" << std::endl;
823  for (auto &eiter : m_SingleUInt64EntryMap)
824  {
825  std::string tmpstring = eiter.first;
826  tmpstring.erase(0, 1);
827  std::cout << "name : " << tmpstring << ", value " << eiter.second
828  << std::endl;
829  }
830  }
831  return std::numeric_limits<uint64_t>::max();
832  }
833  return singleiter->second;
834 }
837 {
838  if (m_UInt64EntryMap.empty())
839  {
841  }
842  auto channelmapiter = m_UInt64EntryMap.find(channel);
843  if (channelmapiter == m_UInt64EntryMap.end())
844  {
845  if (verbose > 0)
846  {
847  std::cout << "Could not find channel " << channel << " in unint64 calibrations" << std::endl;
848  }
849  return std::numeric_limits<uint64_t>::max();
850  }
851  std::string fieldname = "g" + name;
852  auto calibiter = channelmapiter->second.find(fieldname);
853  if (calibiter == channelmapiter->second.end())
854  {
855  if (verbose > 0)
856  {
857  std::cout << PHWHERE << " Could not find channel " << channel
858  << " for " << name << " in uint64_t calibrations" << std::endl;
859  }
860  return std::numeric_limits<uint64_t>::max();
861  }
862  return calibiter->second;
863 }