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1 #include "fillSpaceChargeMaps.h"
3 #include "Shifter.h"
5 #include <g4main/PHG4Hit.h>
10 #include <fun4all/SubsysReco.h> // for SubsysReco
12 #include <phool/getClass.h>
13 #include <phool/PHCompositeNode.h>
15 //#include <g4tpc/PHG4TpcPadPlane.h>
16 //#include <g4tpc/PHG4TpcPadPlaneReadout.h>
18 #include <TAxis.h> // for TAxis
19 #include <TFile.h>
20 #include <TH1.h>
21 #include <TH2.h>
22 #include <TH3.h>
23 #include <TTree.h>
24 #include <TVector3.h>
26 #include <algorithm> // for max
27 //#include <cmath> // for sin, asin, cos, floor, M_PI
28 #include <cstdio> // for sprintf, printf
29 #include <cstdlib>
30 #include <fstream>
31 #include <iostream>
32 #include <map>
33 #include <sstream>
34 #include <string>
35 #include <utility> // for pair
36 #include <vector>
38 //____________________________________________________________________________..
40  : SubsysReco(name)
41  , _filename(filename)
42 {
43  std::cout << "fillSpaceChargeMaps::fillSpaceChargeMaps(const std::string &name) Calling ctor" << std::endl;
44 }
46 //____________________________________________________________________________..
48 {
49  //std::cout << "fillSpaceChargeMaps::~fillSpaceChargeMaps() Calling dtor" << std::endl;
50  // delete whatever is created
51  delete hm;
52 }
54 //____________________________________________________________________________..
56 {
57  int nz = 72;
58  double z_rdo = 108 * cm;
59  outfile = new TFile(_filename.c_str(), "RECREATE");
61  hm = new Fun4AllHistoManager("HITHIST");
62  const int r_bins_N = 66; //51;
63  double r_bins[r_bins_N + 1] = {217.83,
64  223.83, 229.83, 235.83, 241.83, 247.83, 253.83, 259.83, 265.83, 271.83, 277.83, 283.83, 289.83, 295.83, 301.83, 306.83,
65  311.05, 317.92, 323.31, 329.27, 334.63, 340.59, 345.95, 351.91, 357.27, 363.23, 368.59, 374.55, 379.91, 385.87, 391.23, 397.19, 402.49,
66  411.53, 421.70, 431.90, 442.11, 452.32, 462.52, 472.73, 482.94, 493.14, 503.35, 513.56, 523.76, 533.97, 544.18, 554.39, 564.59, 574.76,
67  583.67, 594.59, 605.57, 616.54, 627.51, 638.48, 649.45, 660.42, 671.39, 682.36, 693.33, 704.30, 715.27, 726.24, 737.21, 748.18, 759.11};
68  double r_bins_edges[r_bins_N + 3] = {217.83-2,217.83,
69  223.83, 229.83, 235.83, 241.83, 247.83, 253.83, 259.83, 265.83, 271.83, 277.83, 283.83, 289.83, 295.83, 301.83, 306.83,
70  311.05, 317.92, 323.31, 329.27, 334.63, 340.59, 345.95, 351.91, 357.27, 363.23, 368.59, 374.55, 379.91, 385.87, 391.23, 397.19, 402.49,
71  411.53, 421.70, 431.90, 442.11, 452.32, 462.52, 472.73, 482.94, 493.14, 503.35, 513.56, 523.76, 533.97, 544.18, 554.39, 564.59, 574.76,
72  583.67, 594.59, 605.57, 616.54, 627.51, 638.48, 649.45, 660.42, 671.39, 682.36, 693.33, 704.30, 715.27, 726.24, 737.21, 748.18, 759.11, 759.11+2};
74  const int nphi = 205;
76  double phi_bins[nphi + 1] = { 0., 6.3083-2 * M_PI, 6.3401-2 * M_PI, 6.372-2 * M_PI, 6.4039-2 * M_PI, 6.4358-2 * M_PI, 6.4676-2 * M_PI, 6.4995-2 * M_PI, 6.5314-2 * M_PI,
77  0.2618, 0.2937, 0.3256, 0.3574, 0.3893, 0.4212, 0.453, 0.4849, 0.5168, 0.5487, 0.5805, 0.6124, 0.6443, 0.6762, 0.7081,
78  0.7399, 0.7718, 0.7854, 0.8173, 0.8491, 0.881, 0.9129, 0.9448, 0.9767, 1.0085, 1.0404, 1.0723, 1.1041, 1.136, 1.1679,
79  1.1998, 1.2317, 1.2635, 1.2954, 1.309, 1.3409, 1.3727, 1.4046, 1.4365, 1.4684, 1.5002, 1.5321, 1.564, 1.5959, 1.6277,
80  1.6596, 1.6915, 1.7234, 1.7552, 1.7871, 1.819, 1.8326, 1.8645, 1.8963, 1.9282, 1.9601, 1.992, 2.0238, 2.0557, 2.0876,
81  2.1195, 2.1513, 2.1832, 2.2151, 2.247, 2.2788, 2.3107, 2.3426, 2.3562, 2.3881, 2.42, 2.4518, 2.4837, 2.5156, 2.5474,
82  2.5793, 2.6112, 2.6431, 2.6749, 2.7068, 2.7387, 2.7706, 2.8024, 2.8343, 2.8662, 2.8798, 2.9117, 2.9436, 2.9754, 3.0073,
83  3.0392, 3.0711, 3.1029, 3.1348, 3.1667, 3.1986, 3.2304, 3.2623, 3.2942, 3.326, 3.3579, 3.3898, 3.4034, 3.4353, 3.4671,
84  3.499, 3.5309, 3.5628, 3.5946, 3.6265, 3.6584, 3.6903, 3.7221, 3.754, 3.7859, 3.8178, 3.8496, 3.8815, 3.9134, 3.927,
85  3.9589, 3.9907, 4.0226, 4.0545, 4.0864, 4.1182, 4.1501, 4.182, 4.2139, 4.2457, 4.2776, 4.3095, 4.3414, 4.3732, 4.4051,
86  4.437, 4.4506, 4.4825, 4.5143, 4.5462, 4.5781, 4.61, 4.6418, 4.6737, 4.7056, 4.7375, 4.7693, 4.8012, 4.8331, 4.865,
87  4.8968, 4.9287, 4.9606, 4.9742, 5.0061, 5.0379, 5.0698, 5.1017, 5.1336, 5.1654, 5.1973, 5.2292, 5.2611, 5.2929, 5.3248,
88  5.3567, 5.3886, 5.4204, 5.4523, 5.4842, 5.4978, 5.5297, 5.5615, 5.5934, 5.6253, 5.6572, 5.689, 5.7209, 5.7528, 5.7847,
89  5.8165, 5.8484, 5.8803, 5.9122, 5.944, 5.9759, 6.0078, 6.0214, 6.0533, 6.0851, 6.117, 6.1489, 6.1808, 6.2127, 6.2445,
90  6.2764, 2 * M_PI};
93  double z_bins[2 * nz + 1];
94  for (int z = 0; z <= 2 * nz; z++)
95  {
96  z_bins[z] = -z_rdo + z_rdo / nz * z;
97  }
99  _h_R = new TH1F("_h_R", "_h_R;R, [mm]", r_bins_N+2, r_bins_edges);
100  _h_hits = new TH1F("_h_hits", "_h_hits;N, [hit]", 1000, 0, 1e6);
101  _h_DC_E = new TH2F("_h_DC_E", "_h_DC_E;SC;E#times10^{6}", 2000, -100, 2e5 - 100, 1000, -50, 1e3 - 50);
102  _h_SC_XY = new TH2F("_h_SC_XY" ,"_h_SC_XY;X, [mm];Y, [mm];ADC;" ,4*159,-1*78*cm,78*cm,4*159,-1*78*cm,78*cm);
104  char name[100];
105  char name_ax[100];
106  for (int iz = 0; iz < 30; iz++)
107  {
108  sprintf(name, "_h_SC_ibf_%d", iz);
109  sprintf(name_ax, "_h_SC_ibf_%d;#phi, [rad];R, [mm];Z, [mm]", iz);
110  _h_SC_ibf[iz] = new TH3F(name, name_ax, nphi, phi_bins, r_bins_N, r_bins, 2 * nz, z_bins);
111  sprintf(name, "_h_SC_prim_%d", iz);
112  sprintf(name_ax, "_h_SC_prim_%d;#phi, [rad];R, [mm];Z, [mm]", iz);
113  _h_SC_prim[iz] = new TH3F(name, name_ax, nphi, phi_bins, r_bins_N, r_bins, 2 * nz, z_bins);
115  hm->registerHisto(_h_SC_prim[iz]);
116  hm->registerHisto(_h_SC_ibf[iz]);
117  }
118  hm->registerHisto(_h_hits);
119  hm->registerHisto(_h_R);
120  hm->registerHisto(_h_DC_E);
121  hm->registerHisto(_h_SC_XY);
122  //_event_timestamp = 0;
123  _hit_eion = 0;
124  _hit_r = 0;
125  _hit_phi = 0;
126  _hit_z = 0;
127  _ibf_vol = 0;
128  _amp_ele_vol = 0;
129  if (_fSliming == 1)
130  {
131  _rawHits = new TTree("hTree", "tpc hit tree for ionization");
132  _rawHits->Branch("isOnPlane", &_isOnPlane);
133  _rawHits->Branch("hit_z", &_hit_z);
134  _rawHits->Branch("hit_r", &_hit_r);
135  _rawHits->Branch("hit_phi", &_hit_phi);
136  _rawHits->Branch("hit_eion", &_hit_eion);
137  _rawHits->Branch("ibf_vol", &_ibf_vol);
138  _rawHits->Branch("amp_ele_vol", &_amp_ele_vol);
140  _rawHits->Branch("event_timestamp", &_event_timestamp);
141  _rawHits->Branch("event_bunchXing", &_event_bunchXing);
142  }
143  //padplane = new PHG4TpcPadPlaneReadout;
144  //seggeo = new PHG4TpcCylinderGeomContainer();
145  return 0;
146 }
148 //____________________________________________________________________________..
150 {
151  //std::cout << "fillSpaceChargeMaps::InitRun(PHCompositeNode *topNode) Initializing for Run XXX" << std::endl;
153  //AA collisions timestamps
154  std::string txt_file = "./data/timestamps_50kHz_1M.txt";
155  int start_line = 3;
156  if (_collSyst == 1)
157  {
158  //pp collisions timestamps
159  txt_file = "/phenix/u/hpereira/sphenix/work/g4simulations/timestamps_3MHz.txt";
160  start_line = 2;
161  }
162  std::ifstream InputFile(txt_file);
163  if (InputFile.is_open())
164  {
165  int n_line = 0;
166  while (getline(InputFile, line))
167  {
168  n_line++;
169  if (n_line > start_line)
170  {
171  std::istringstream is(line);
172  double n[2] = {0, 0};
173  int i = 0;
174  while (is >> n[i])
175  {
176  i++;
177  }
178  _timestamps[n[0]] = n[1];
179  if (n_line < 10)
180  {
181  std::cout << n[1] << std::endl;
182  }
183  _keys.push_back(int(n[0]));
184  }
185  }
186  InputFile.close();
187  }
189  else
190  std::cout << "Unable to open file:" << txt_file << std::endl;
192  if (_fUseIBFMap)
193  {
194  TFile *MapsFile = new TFile("./data/IBF_Map.root", "READ");
195  if (MapsFile->IsOpen()) printf("File opened successfully\n");
196  _h_modules_anode = (TH2F *) MapsFile->Get("h_modules_anode")->Clone("_h_modules_anode");
197  _h_modules_measuredibf = (TH2F *) MapsFile->Get("h_modules_measuredibf")->Clone("_h_modules_measuredibf");
198  }
200  _mbRate = _freqKhz * kHz;
201  _xingRate = 9.383 * MHz;
202  _mean = mbRate / xingRate;
203  //padplane->CreateReadoutGeometry( PHCompositeNode *, seggeo);
204  return 0;
205 }
207 //____________________________________________________________________________..
209 {
210  //double tpc_frame_r3_outer = 759.11*mm; //758.4;//mm inner edge of larger-r frame of r3
211  //double tpc_frame_r3_inner = 583.67*mm; //583.5;//mm outer edge of smaller-r frame of r3
213  //double tpc_frame_r2_outer = 574.76*mm; //574.9;//mm inner edge of larger-r frame of r3
214  //double tpc_frame_r2_inner = 411.53*mm; //411.4;//mm outer edge of smaller-r frame of r3
216  //double tpc_frame_r1_outer = 402.49*mm; //402.6;//mm inner edge of larger-r frame of r3
217  //double tpc_frame_r1_inner = 217.83*mm; //221.0;//mm outer edge of smaller-r frame of r3
220  double z_bias_avg = 0;
221  int bemxingsInFile = _keys.size();
222  int key = -1;
223  if (_fAvg == 1)
224  {
225  z_bias_avg = 1.055 * m * (float) rand() / RAND_MAX;
226  }
227  if (_evtstart >= bemxingsInFile) _evtstart = _evtstart - bemxingsInFile;
228  key =;
229  _event_timestamp = (float) _timestamps[key] * ns; //units in seconds
230  _event_bunchXing = key;
232  if (_evtstart % 10 == 0) std::cout << "_evtstart = " << _evtstart << std::endl;
233  _evtstart++;
235  Shifter shifter("/sphenix/user/rcorliss/distortion_maps/2021.04/apr07.average.real_B1.4_E-400.0.ross_phi1_sphenix_phislice_lookup_r26xp40xz40.distortion_map.hist.root");
237  PHG4HitContainer *hits = findNode::getClass<PHG4HitContainer>(topNode, "G4HIT_TPC");
238  int n_hits = 0;
239  if (hits)
240  {
241  PHG4HitContainer::ConstRange hit_range = hits->getHits();
242  for (PHG4HitContainer::ConstIterator hit_iter = hit_range.first; hit_iter != hit_range.second; hit_iter++)
243  {
244  int f_fill_prim[30] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0};
245  int f_fill_ibf[30] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0};
247  float hit_x0 = hit_iter->second->get_x(0);
248  float hit_y0 = hit_iter->second->get_y(0);
249  float hit_z0 = hit_iter->second->get_z(0);
250  float hit_x1 = hit_iter->second->get_x(1);
251  float hit_y1 = hit_iter->second->get_y(1);
252  float hit_z1 = hit_iter->second->get_z(1);
254  float hit_eion = hit_iter->second->get_eion();
255  float N_electrons = hit_eion * Tpc_ElectronsPerGeV;
256  float x = (hit_x0 + f * (hit_x1 - hit_x0)) * cm;
257  float y = (hit_y0 + f * (hit_y1 - hit_y0)) * cm;
258  float z = (hit_z0 + f * (hit_z1 - hit_z0)) * cm;
260  float r = sqrt(x * x + y * y);
261  float phi = atan2(x, y);
262  if (phi < 0) phi += 2 * M_PI;
264  // Shift electrons according to the field maps
265  TVector3 oldPos(x / cm, y / cm, z / cm);
266  TVector3 newPos;
267  if (_shiftElectrons == 1)
268  {
269  if (oldPos.z() < 0)
270  {
271  oldPos.SetZ(abs(oldPos.z()));
272  newPos = shifter.ShiftForward(oldPos);
273  newPos.SetZ(newPos.z() * -1);
274  }
275  else
276  {
277  newPos = shifter.ShiftForward(oldPos);
278  }
279  }
280  else
281  {
282  newPos.SetZ(oldPos.Z());
283  newPos.SetX(oldPos.X());
284  newPos.SetY(oldPos.Y());
285  }
287  //Reading IBF and Gain weights according to X-Y position
288  float w_ibf = 1.;
289  float w_gain = 1.;
291  if (_fUseIBFMap)
292  {
293  int bin_x = _h_modules_anode->GetXaxis()->FindBin(x / mm);
294  int bin_y = _h_modules_anode->GetYaxis()->FindBin(y / mm);
295  w_ibf = _h_modules_measuredibf->GetBinContent(bin_x, bin_y);
296  w_gain = _h_modules_anode->GetBinContent(bin_x, bin_y);
297  }
298  float ionsPerEle = w_gain * _ampGain * w_ibf * _ampIBFfrac;
300  //Check that it is on the frame
301  _isOnPlane = 0;
302  double dr_bin = -1;
303  double dphi_bin = -1;
304  double new_phi = newPos.Phi();
305  double new_r = newPos.Perp() * cm;
306  if (new_phi < 0) new_phi += 2 * M_PI;
307  if (!IsOverFrame(new_r, new_phi))
308  {
309  _isOnPlane = 1;
310  }
311  else
312  {
313  std::vector<double> r_phi_bin = putOnPlane(new_r / mm, new_phi);
314  dr_bin = r_phi_bin[0];
315  dphi_bin = r_phi_bin[1];
316  }
317  _hit_z = z;
318  _hit_r = r;
319  _hit_phi = phi;
320  _hit_eion = hit_eion;
321  _ibf_vol = N_electrons * ionsPerEle;
322  _amp_ele_vol = w_gain * _ampGain;
323  if (new_r < 210 || new_r > 770) continue;
324  if (_fSliming == 1) _rawHits->Fill();
325  double z_prim[30] = {-1 * 1e10, -1 * 1e10, -1 * 1e10, -1 * 1e10, -1 * 1e10, -1 * 1e10, -1 * 1e10, -1 * 1e10, -1 * 1e10, -1 * 1e10,
326  -1 * 1e10, -1 * 1e10, -1 * 1e10, -1 * 1e10, -1 * 1e10, -1 * 1e10, -1 * 1e10, -1 * 1e10, -1 * 1e10, -1 * 1e10,
327  -1 * 1e10, -1 * 1e10, -1 * 1e10, -1 * 1e10, -1 * 1e10, -1 * 1e10, -1 * 1e10, -1 * 1e10, -1 * 1e10, -1 * 1e10};
328  double z_ibf[30] = {-1 * 1e10, -1 * 1e10, -1 * 1e10, -1 * 1e10, -1 * 1e10, -1 * 1e10, -1 * 1e10, -1 * 1e10, -1 * 1e10, -1 * 1e10,
329  -1 * 1e10, -1 * 1e10, -1 * 1e10, -1 * 1e10, -1 * 1e10, -1 * 1e10, -1 * 1e10, -1 * 1e10, -1 * 1e10, -1 * 1e10,
330  -1 * 1e10, -1 * 1e10, -1 * 1e10, -1 * 1e10, -1 * 1e10, -1 * 1e10, -1 * 1e10, -1 * 1e10, -1 * 1e10, -1 * 1e10};
332  if (_hit_z >= 5 * mm && _hit_z < 1.055 * m)
333  {
334  n_hits++;
335  _h_DC_E->Fill(_ibf_vol, hit_eion * 1e6);
336  for (int iz = 0; iz < 30; iz++)
337  {
338  double bX = _beamxing[iz];
339  //double bX_end = _beamxing_end[iz];
340  if (_event_bunchXing <= bX)
341  {
342  if (_fAvg == 1)
343  {
344  z_prim[iz] = _hit_z - z_bias_avg;
345  z_ibf[iz] = 1.055 * m - z_bias_avg;
346  }
347  else
348  {
349  z_prim[iz] = _hit_z - (bX - _event_bunchXing) * 106 * vIon * ns;
350  z_ibf[iz] = 1.055 * m - (bX - _event_bunchXing) * 106 * vIon * ns;
351  }
352  if (z_prim[iz] > 0 && z_prim[iz] < 1.055 * m)
353  {
354  f_fill_prim[iz] = 1;
355  }
356  if (z_ibf[iz] > 0 && z_ibf[iz] < 1.055 * m)
357  {
358  f_fill_ibf[iz] = 1;
359  }
360  }
361  }
362  }
364  if (_hit_z < -5 * mm && _hit_z > -1.055 * m)
365  {
366  n_hits++;
367  _h_DC_E->Fill(_ibf_vol, hit_eion * 1e6);
368  for (int iz = 0; iz < 30; iz++)
369  {
370  double bX = _beamxing[iz];
371  //double bX_end = _beamxing_end[iz];
372  if (_event_bunchXing <= bX)
373  {
374  if (_fAvg == 1)
375  {
376  z_prim[iz] = _hit_z + z_bias_avg;
377  z_ibf[iz] = -1.055 * m + z_bias_avg;
378  }
379  else
380  {
381  z_prim[iz] = _hit_z + (bX - _event_bunchXing) * 106 * vIon * ns;
382  z_ibf[iz] = -1.055 * m + (bX - _event_bunchXing) * 106 * vIon * ns;
383  }
384  if (z_prim[iz] < 0 && z_prim[iz] > -1.055 * m)
385  {
386  f_fill_prim[iz] = 1;
387  }
388  if (z_ibf[iz] < 0 && z_ibf[iz] > -1.055 * m)
389  {
390  f_fill_ibf[iz] = 1;
391  }
392  }
393  }
394  }
396  double w_prim = _hit_eion * Tpc_ElectronsPerGeV;
397  for (int iz = 0; iz < 30; iz++)
398  {
399  if (f_fill_prim[iz] == 1)
400  {
401  _h_SC_prim[iz]->Fill(_hit_phi, _hit_r, z_prim[iz], w_prim);
402  }
403  if (f_fill_ibf[iz] == 1)
404  {
405  if (!_isOnPlane)
406  {
407  //Redistribute charges
408  //std::vector<double> newWeights = getNewWeights(_h_SC_ibf[iz], _h_modules_anode, _h_modules_measuredibf, _hit_r, _hit_phi, dr_bin, dphi_bin, _fUseIBFMap);
409  std::vector<double> newWeights = getNewWeights(_h_SC_ibf[iz], _h_modules_anode, _h_modules_measuredibf, new_r, new_phi, dr_bin, dphi_bin, _fUseIBFMap);
411  double w_ibf_tmp = newWeights[0];
412  double w_gain_tmp = newWeights[1];
413  _hit_r = newWeights[2];
414  _hit_phi = newWeights[3];
416  _ibf_vol = N_electrons * w_gain_tmp * _ampGain * w_ibf_tmp * _ampIBFfrac;
417  _h_SC_ibf[iz]->Fill(_hit_phi, _hit_r, z_ibf[iz], _ibf_vol);
418  if(iz==0)_h_SC_XY->Fill(_hit_r * cos(_hit_phi),_hit_r * sin(_hit_phi));//,_ibf_vol);
420  }
421  else
422  {
423  _h_SC_ibf[iz]->Fill(new_phi, new_r, z_ibf[iz], _ibf_vol);
424  if(iz==0)_h_SC_XY->Fill(new_r * cos(new_phi),new_r * sin(new_phi));//,_ibf_vol);
425  }
426  }
427  }
429  if (f_fill_ibf[0] == 1)
430  {
431  _h_R->Fill(_hit_r);
432  }
433  }
434  }
435  else
436  {
437  if (_fSliming == 1) _rawHits->Fill();
438  }
439  _h_hits->Fill(n_hits);
442 }
444 //____________________________________________________________________________..
446 {
447  std::cout << "fillSpaceChargeMaps::End" << std::endl;
448  if (_fSliming == 1)
449  {
450  outfile->cd();
451  outfile->Write();
452  outfile->Close();
453  delete outfile;
454  for (int iz = 0; iz < 30; iz++)
455  {
456  _h_SC_prim[iz]->Sumw2(false);
457  _h_SC_ibf[iz]->Sumw2(false);
458  }
460  _h_SC_XY->Sumw2(false);
461  _h_hits->Sumw2(false);
462  _h_DC_E->Sumw2(false);
463  _h_R->Sumw2(false);
464  hm->dumpHistos(_filename, "UPDATE");
465  }
466  else
467  {
468  std::cout << "Writing File:" << _filename << std::endl;
469  hm->dumpHistos(_filename, "RECREATE");
470  }
472  return 0;
473 }
476 {
477  _freqKhz = freq;
478  std::cout << "Frequency is set to: " << _freqKhz << " kHz" << std::endl;
479 }
481 void fillSpaceChargeMaps::SetBeamXing(const std::vector<int> &beamXs)
482 {
483  _beamxing = beamXs;
484  std::cout << "Initial BeamXing is set to: " << _beamxing[0] << std::endl;
485 }
486 //void fillSpaceChargeMaps::SetBeamXingEnd(std::vector<int> beamXs_end){
487 // _beamxing_end = beamXs_end;
488 // std::cout<<"Last BeamXing to fill TPC is set to: "<<_beamxing_end[0]<<std::endl;
489 //
490 //}
491 void fillSpaceChargeMaps::SetEvtStart(int newEvtStart)
492 {
493  _evtstart = newEvtStart;
494  std::cout << "Starting event is set to: " << newEvtStart << std::endl;
495 }
498 {
499  _fUseIBFMap = useIBFMap;
500  std::cout << "Using IBF and Gain Maps" << std::endl;
501 }
502 void fillSpaceChargeMaps::SetGain(float ampGain)
503 {
504  _ampGain = ampGain;
505  std::cout << "Gain is set to: " << _ampGain << std::endl;
506 }
507 void fillSpaceChargeMaps::SetIBF(float ampIBFfrac)
508 {
509  _ampIBFfrac = ampIBFfrac;
510  std::cout << "IBF is set to: " << _ampIBFfrac << std::endl;
511 }
514 {
515  _collSyst = coll_syst;
516  static const std::string s_syst[2] = {"AA", "pp"};
517  std::cout << "Collision system is set to: " << s_syst[_collSyst] << std::endl;
518 }
521 {
522  _fAvg = fAvg;
523  static const std::string s_avg[2] = {"OFF", "ON"};
524  std::cout << "Averaging is set to: " << s_avg[_fAvg] << std::endl;
525 }
527 {
528  _fSliming = fSliming;
529  static const std::string s_sliming[2] = {"OFF", "ON"};
530  std::cout << "Sliming is set to: " << s_sliming[_fSliming] << std::endl;
531 }
533 void fillSpaceChargeMaps::UseFieldMaps(int shiftElectrons)
534 {
535  _shiftElectrons = shiftElectrons;
536  static const std::string s_shiftElectrons[2] = {"OFF", "ON"};
537  std::cout << "Use Field-Maps is set to: " << s_shiftElectrons[_shiftElectrons] << std::endl;
538 }
540 std::vector<double> fillSpaceChargeMaps::getNewWeights(TH3 *h_SC_ibf, TH2 *h_modules_anode, TH2 *h_modules_measuredibf, double hit_r, double hit_phi, double dr_bin, double dphi_bin, bool fUseIBFMap)
541 {
542  double w_ibf_tmp = 1.0;
543  double w_gain_tmp = 1.0;
544  int r_bin = _h_R->GetXaxis()->FindBin(dr_bin);
545  double r_bin_c = _h_R->GetXaxis()->GetBinCenter(r_bin);
546  double r_bin_r = _h_R->GetXaxis()->GetBinCenter(r_bin+1);
547  double r_bin_l = _h_R->GetXaxis()->GetBinCenter(r_bin-1);
549  int phi_bin = h_SC_ibf->GetXaxis()->FindBin(dphi_bin);
551  double phi_bin_c = h_SC_ibf->GetXaxis()->GetBinCenter(phi_bin);
552  double phi_bin_r = h_SC_ibf->GetXaxis()->GetBinCenter(phi_bin+1);
553  double phi_bin_l = h_SC_ibf->GetXaxis()->GetBinCenter(phi_bin-1);
557  if (dr_bin > 0 && dphi_bin < 0)
558  {
559  if (hit_r - r_bin_c > 0)
560  {
561  hit_r = r_bin_r;//hit_r + dr_bin;
562  }
563  else
564  {
565  hit_r = r_bin_l;//hit_r - dr_bin;
566  }
567  }
569  if (dr_bin < 0 && dphi_bin > 0)
570  {
571  if (hit_phi - phi_bin_c > 0)
572  {
573  hit_phi = phi_bin_r; //hit_phi + dphi_bin;
574  }
575  else
576  {
577  hit_phi = phi_bin_l; //hit_phi - dphi_bin;
578  }
579  }
580  if (dr_bin > 0 && dphi_bin > 0)
581  {
582  if (hit_phi - phi_bin_c >= 0 && hit_r - r_bin_c >= 0)
583  {
584  hit_phi = phi_bin_r; //hit_phi + dphi_bin;
585  hit_r = r_bin_r;//hit_r + dr_bin;
586  }
587  if (hit_phi - phi_bin_c <= 0 && hit_r - r_bin_c <= 0)
588  {
589  hit_phi = phi_bin_l; //hit_phi - dphi_bin;
590  hit_r = r_bin_l;//hit_r - dr_bin;
591  }
592  if (hit_phi - phi_bin_c >= 0 && hit_r - r_bin_c <= 0)
593  {
594  hit_phi = phi_bin_r; //hit_phi + dphi_bin;
595  hit_r = r_bin_l;//hit_r - dr_bin;
596  }
597  if (hit_phi - phi_bin_c <= 0 && hit_r - r_bin_c >= 0)
598  {
599  hit_phi = phi_bin_l; //hit_phi - dphi_bin;
600  hit_r = r_bin_r;//hit_r + dr_bin;
601  }
602  }
603  if (fUseIBFMap)
604  {
605  double x_tmp = hit_r * cos(hit_phi);
606  double y_tmp = hit_r * sin(hit_phi);
607  int bin_x = h_modules_anode->GetXaxis()->FindBin(x_tmp);
608  int bin_y = h_modules_anode->GetYaxis()->FindBin(y_tmp);
609  w_ibf_tmp = h_modules_measuredibf->GetBinContent(bin_x, bin_y);
610  w_gain_tmp = h_modules_anode->GetBinContent(bin_x, bin_y);
611  }
612  //for(int p=0;p<24;p++){
613  // if(hit_phi>=phi_dead_bins[p] && hit_phi<=phi_dead_bins[p+1]){
614  // std::cout<<
615  // " dphi_bin = "<< dphi_bin <<
616  // " phi_bin_c = " <<phi_bin_c <<
617  // " phi_bin_r = " <<phi_bin_r <<
618  // " phi_bin_l = " <<phi_bin_l
619  // << std::endl;
620  // std::cout<<"end new Weights hit_phi = "<<hit_phi<<std::endl;
621  // }
622  // p++;
623  //}
624  std::vector<double> newWeights;
625  newWeights.push_back(w_ibf_tmp);
626  newWeights.push_back(w_gain_tmp);
627  newWeights.push_back(hit_r);
628  newWeights.push_back(hit_phi);
629  return newWeights;
630 }
633 {
634  //these parameters are taken from Feb 12 drawings of frames.
635  //double tpc_frame_side_gap = 0.8 * mm; //mm //space between radial line and start of frame
636  //double tpc_frame_side_width = 2.6 * mm; //mm //thickness of frame
637  double tpc_margin = 2.0 * mm; //mm // extra gap between edge of frame and start of GEM holes
639  double tpc_frame_r3_outer = 759.11 * mm; //758.4;//mm inner edge of larger-r frame of r3
640  double tpc_frame_r3_inner = 583.67 * mm; //583.5;//mm outer edge of smaller-r frame of r3
642  double tpc_frame_r2_outer = 574.76 * mm; //574.9;//mm inner edge of larger-r frame of r3
643  double tpc_frame_r2_inner = 411.53 * mm; //411.4;//mm outer edge of smaller-r frame of r3
645  double tpc_frame_r1_outer = 402.49 * mm; //402.6;//mm inner edge of larger-r frame of r3
646  double tpc_frame_r1_inner = 217.83 * mm; //221.0;//mm outer edge of smaller-r frame of r3
648  //double tpc_sec0_phi=0.0;//get_double_param("tpc_sec0_phi");
650  //if the coordinate is in the radial spaces of the frames, return true:
651  if (r <= tpc_frame_r1_inner + tpc_margin)
652  {
653  return true;
654  }
655  if (r >= tpc_frame_r1_outer - tpc_margin && r <= tpc_frame_r2_inner + tpc_margin)
656  {
657  return true;
658  }
659  if (r >= tpc_frame_r2_outer - tpc_margin && r <= tpc_frame_r3_inner + tpc_margin)
660  {
661  return true;
662  }
663  if (r >= tpc_frame_r3_outer - tpc_margin)
664  {
665  return true;
666  }
668  for(int p=0;p<24;p=p+2){
669  if(phi>=phi_dead_bins[p] && phi<=phi_dead_bins[p+1]){
670  return true;
671  }
672  }
673  return false;
674 }
676 std::vector<double> fillSpaceChargeMaps::putOnPlane(double r, double phi)
677 {
678  //these parameters are taken from Feb 12 drawings of frames.
679  //double tpc_frame_side_gap = 0.8*mm; //mm //space between radial line and start of frame
680  //double tpc_frame_side_width = 2.6*mm; //mm //thickness of frame
681  double tpc_margin = 2.0*mm; //mm // extra gap between edge of frame and start of GEM holes
683  double tpc_frame_r3_outer = 759.11*mm; //758.4;//mm inner edge of larger-r frame of r3
684  double tpc_frame_r3_inner = 583.67*mm; //583.5;//mm outer edge of smaller-r frame of r3
686  double tpc_frame_r2_outer = 574.76*mm; //574.9;//mm inner edge of larger-r frame of r3
687  double tpc_frame_r2_inner = 411.53*mm; //411.4;//mm outer edge of smaller-r frame of r3
689  double tpc_frame_r1_outer = 402.49*mm; //402.6;//mm inner edge of larger-r frame of r3
690  double tpc_frame_r1_inner = 217.83*mm; //221.0;//mm outer edge of smaller-r frame of r3
692  //double tpc_sec0_phi=0.0;//get_double_param("tpc_sec0_phi");
693  double r_0_bin = -1;
694  double phi_0_bin = -1;
695  //if the coordinate is in the radial spaces of the frames, return true:
696  if (r >= tpc_frame_r1_inner - 2*tpc_margin && r <= tpc_frame_r1_inner + tpc_margin)
697  {
698  //Collect charges from inner margin + 1 mm
699  r_0_bin = tpc_frame_r1_inner - tpc_margin/2;//- r;
700  }
701  if (r >= tpc_frame_r1_outer - tpc_margin && r <= tpc_frame_r2_inner + tpc_margin)
702  {
703  r_0_bin = tpc_frame_r2_inner-(tpc_frame_r2_inner - tpc_frame_r1_outer)/2;
704  }
705  if (r >= tpc_frame_r2_outer - tpc_margin && r <= tpc_frame_r3_inner + tpc_margin)
706  {
707  r_0_bin = tpc_frame_r3_inner-(tpc_frame_r3_inner - tpc_frame_r2_outer)/2;
708  }
709  if (r >= tpc_frame_r3_outer - tpc_margin)
710  {
711  //Collect charges from outer margin + 1 mm
712  r_0_bin = tpc_frame_r3_outer + tpc_margin/2;
713  }
715  //if the coordinate is within gap+width of a sector boundary, return true:
716  //note that this is not a line of constant radius, but a linear distance from a radius.
718  //find the two spokes we're between:
719  for(int p=0;p<24;p=p+2){
720  if(phi>=phi_dead_bins[p] && phi<=phi_dead_bins[p+1]){
721  phi_0_bin = phi_dead_bins[p] + (phi_dead_bins[p+1]-phi_dead_bins[p])/2;
722  }
723  }
725  // // float sectorangle = (M_PI / 6.);
726  // // float nsectors = (phi+sectorangle/2) / sectorangle;
727  // // if(nsectors>11) nsectors-=11;
728  // // int nsec = floor(nsectors);
729  // // float reduced_phi = phi - nsec * sectorangle; //between zero and sixty degrees.
730  // // float dist_to_previous = r * sin(reduced_phi );
731  // // float dist_to_next = r * sin(sectorangle - reduced_phi );
732  // // if (dist_to_previous <= tpc_frame_side_gap + tpc_frame_side_width + tpc_margin)
733  // // {
734  // // //phi_0_bin = 0.0136;
735  // // phi_0_bin = asin((tpc_frame_side_gap + tpc_frame_side_width + tpc_margin) / r);
736  // // }
737  // // if (dist_to_next <= tpc_frame_side_gap + tpc_frame_side_width + tpc_margin)
738  // // {
739  // // //phi_0_bin = 0.0136;
740  // // phi_0_bin = asin((tpc_frame_side_gap + tpc_frame_side_width + tpc_margin) / r);
741  // // }
742  std::vector<double> r_phi_bin;
743  r_phi_bin.push_back(r_0_bin);
744  r_phi_bin.push_back(phi_0_bin);
745  return r_phi_bin;
746 }