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1 import json
3 import json
6 def dumper(obj):
7  try:
8  return obj.toJSON()
9  except:
10  return obj.__dict__
13 class index_info(object):
14  def __init__(self, index):
15  self.index = index
16  self.boundaries = []
19  self.approaches = []
27  def __repr__(self):
28  return repr(
29  (
30  self.index,
31  self.boundaries,
32  self.layers_no_approach,
34  self.approaches,
39  self.activeBinningRorZ,
40  self.activeBinningPhi,
41  )
42  )
45 def append_index_if_missing(dictionary, name, index):
46  if name not in dictionary:
47  dictionary[name] = index_info(index)
50 def extract_coords(coords, is_disc):
51  x_values = [coords[1], coords[2]]
52  y_values = [coords[0], coords[0]]
53  if is_disc:
54  x_values = [coords[2], coords[2]]
55  y_values = [coords[1], coords[0]]
56  return x_values, y_values
59 def dump_geo(filename, plot, output_folder, dump_steering, steering_file):
60  f = open(filename)
61  data = json.load(f)
63  # First you want to read the Volume entries and save the relevant quantities
64  # - names
65  index_to_names = []
66  for entry in data["Volumes"]["entries"]:
67  index_to_names.append(entry["value"]["NAME"])
69  # In case volume names are not found check in the volume names with dummy values
70  if not index_to_names:
71  for entry in data["Surfaces"]["entries"]:
72  if "volume" in entry:
73  vol = entry["volume"]
74  if "volume" + str(vol) not in index_to_names:
75  index_to_names.append("volume" + str(vol))
77  # Stores the information to easily decide on which layers you want the material to be mapped
78  steering_map = {}
80  # Once you have read the volumes extensions, you read the surfaces representing layers and boundaries.
81  # All these surfaces belong to a volume, they have therefore a volume index.
82  # You are interested only in:
83  # - surfaces with layer index (NO approach index):
84  # -- even layer indices represent "active" layers, i.e. the ones corresponding to sensitive layers
85  # -- odd event indices represent navigation layers
86  # - surfaces with layer index AND approach index:
87  # -- indicate approach layers to "active" layers:
88  # e.g. it can happen that for cylinders: 1 sits in front of the active layer,
89  # 2 sits in the middle of the layer,
90  # 3 sits behind the layer.
91  # ...
92  # - surfaces with boundary index (no layer index in this case):
93  # -- they indicate boundaries between volumes. You are interested in boundaries between volumes
94  # containing at least an active layer.
96  index_to_extends_layers_bounds_cylinders = [[] for _ in range(len(index_to_names))]
97  index_to_extends_layers_bounds_discs = [[] for _ in range(len(index_to_names))]
99  index_to_extends_layers_cylinders = [[] for _ in range(len(index_to_names))]
100  index_to_extends_layers_discs = [[] for _ in range(len(index_to_names))]
102  for entry in data["Surfaces"]["entries"]:
103  if "layer" in entry:
104  extends = []
105  vol = entry["volume"]
107  if "sensitive" in entry:
108  continue
110  # Filling extends with the following quantities:
111  # for cylinders:
112  # radius, z min, z max, approach index, layer index
113  # for discs:
114  # inner radius, outer radius, z position, approach index, layer index
116  z_shift = 0.0
117  if entry["value"]["transform"]["translation"] != None:
118  z_shift = entry["value"]["transform"]["translation"][2]
120  approach_index = -1
121  if "approach" in entry:
122  approach_index = entry["approach"]
124  if entry["value"]["type"] == "CylinderSurface":
125  # radius, z min, z max, approach index, layer index
126  extends = [
127  entry["value"]["bounds"]["values"][0],
128  z_shift - entry["value"]["bounds"]["values"][1],
129  z_shift + entry["value"]["bounds"]["values"][1],
130  approach_index,
131  entry["layer"],
132  ]
133  index_to_extends_layers_cylinders[vol - 1].append(extends)
134  elif entry["value"]["type"] == "DiscSurface":
135  # inner radius, outer radius, z position, approach index, layer index
136  extends = [
137  entry["value"]["bounds"]["values"][0],
138  entry["value"]["bounds"]["values"][1],
139  z_shift,
140  approach_index,
141  entry["layer"],
142  ]
143  index_to_extends_layers_discs[vol - 1].append(extends)
144  else:
145  print(
146  "WARNING: Processing surface with unknown type. Only CylinderSurface and DiscSurface are considered."
147  )
149  if "boundary" in entry:
150  extends = []
151  vol = entry["volume"]
153  # Filling extends with the following quantities:
154  # for cylinders:
155  # radius, z min, z max, boundary index
156  # for discs:
157  # inner radius, outer radius, z position, boundary index
159  z_shift = 0.0
160  if entry["value"]["transform"]["translation"] != None:
161  z_shift = entry["value"]["transform"]["translation"][2]
163  if entry["value"]["type"] == "CylinderSurface":
164  extends = [
165  entry["value"]["bounds"]["values"][0],
166  z_shift - entry["value"]["bounds"]["values"][1],
167  z_shift + entry["value"]["bounds"]["values"][1],
168  entry["boundary"],
169  ]
170  index_to_extends_layers_bounds_cylinders[vol - 1].append(extends)
171  elif entry["value"]["type"] == "DiscSurface":
172  extends = [
173  entry["value"]["bounds"]["values"][0],
174  entry["value"]["bounds"]["values"][1],
175  z_shift,
176  entry["boundary"],
177  ]
178  index_to_extends_layers_bounds_discs[vol - 1].append(extends)
179  else:
180  print(
181  "WARNING: Processing surface with unknown type. Only CylinderSurface and DiscSurface are considered."
182  )
184  # Steering the information and collect it into an output file if needed
185  from itertools import chain
187  interesting_volumes = []
188  v_index = 0
189  is_disc = False
190  for elements in chain(
191  index_to_extends_layers_cylinders, index_to_extends_layers_discs
192  ):
193  for coords in elements:
194  if coords[3] > 0:
195  continue
196  if v_index not in interesting_volumes:
197  interesting_volumes.append(v_index)
198  append_index_if_missing(steering_map, index_to_names[v_index], v_index + 1)
199  steering_map[index_to_names[v_index]].layers_no_approach.append(coords[4])
200  v_index = v_index + 1
201  if not is_disc and v_index == len(index_to_extends_layers_cylinders):
202  v_index = 0
203  is_disc = True
205  v_index = 0
206  is_disc = False
207  for elements in chain(
208  index_to_extends_layers_bounds_cylinders, index_to_extends_layers_bounds_discs
209  ):
210  for coords in elements:
211  if v_index in interesting_volumes:
213  steering_map, index_to_names[v_index], v_index + 1
214  )
215  steering_map[index_to_names[v_index]].boundaries.append(coords[3])
216  v_index = v_index + 1
217  if not is_disc and v_index == len(index_to_extends_layers_bounds_cylinders):
218  v_index = 0
219  is_disc = True
221  v_index = 0
222  is_disc = False
223  for elements in chain(
224  index_to_extends_layers_cylinders, index_to_extends_layers_discs
225  ):
226  for coords in elements:
227  if coords[3] == -1:
228  continue
229  if (
230  coords[4]
231  not in steering_map[index_to_names[v_index]].layers_with_approach
232  ):
233  steering_map[index_to_names[v_index]].layers_with_approach.append(
234  coords[4]
235  )
236  if coords[3] not in steering_map[index_to_names[v_index]].approaches:
237  steering_map[index_to_names[v_index]].approaches.append(coords[3])
238  v_index = v_index + 1
239  if not is_disc and v_index == len(index_to_extends_layers_bounds_cylinders):
240  v_index = 0
241  is_disc = True
243  if dump_steering:
244  output_map = {"SteeringField": steering_map}
245  with open(steering_file, "w", encoding="utf-8") as f:
246  json.dump(output_map, f, default=dumper, ensure_ascii=False, indent=4)
248  # Once you have all the data in hands, you make a few nice plots to show volumes and surfaces
249  if plot:
250  import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
252  plt.rcParams.update({"figure.max_open_warning": 0})
253  from matplotlib.pyplot import cm
254  from itertools import cycle
255  import numpy as np
257  color = cm.rainbow(np.linspace(0, 1, len(index_to_extends_layers_cylinders)))
259  is_in_legend = []
261  plt.figure(figsize=(20, 10))
263  # Plot all layers (w/o approach layers) + boundaries
264  v_index = 0
265  is_disc = False
266  for elements in chain(
267  index_to_extends_layers_cylinders, index_to_extends_layers_discs
268  ):
269  for coords in elements:
270  # skip approach layers
271  if coords[3] > 0:
272  continue
273  x_values, y_values = extract_coords(coords, is_disc)
274  if index_to_names[v_index] not in is_in_legend:
275  plt.plot(
276  x_values,
277  y_values,
278  c=color[v_index],
279  label="v: " + str(v_index + 1) + ", " + index_to_names[v_index],
280  )
281  is_in_legend.append(index_to_names[v_index])
282  else:
283  plt.plot(x_values, y_values, c=color[v_index])
284  v_index = v_index + 1
285  if not is_disc and v_index == len(index_to_extends_layers_cylinders):
286  v_index = 0
287  is_disc = True
289  v_index = 0
290  is_disc = False
291  for elements in chain(
292  index_to_extends_layers_bounds_cylinders,
293  index_to_extends_layers_bounds_discs,
294  ):
295  for coords in elements:
296  if v_index in interesting_volumes:
297  x_values, y_values = extract_coords(coords, is_disc)
298  plt.plot(x_values, y_values, c=color[v_index])
299  v_index = v_index + 1
300  if not is_disc and v_index == len(index_to_extends_layers_bounds_cylinders):
301  v_index = 0
302  is_disc = True
304  plt.xlabel("z [mm]")
305  plt.ylabel("R [mm]")
306  plt.title("Volumes and Layers (no approach layers)")
307  plt.legend(loc="center left", bbox_to_anchor=(1, 0.5))
308  plt.savefig(output_folder + "/volumes_and_layers.png")
310  # Plot each volume: layers + approach layers
311  v_index = 0
312  is_disc = False
313  approach_colors = ["black", "blue", "red", "green", "orange", "purple", "pink"]
314  for elements in chain(
315  index_to_extends_layers_cylinders, index_to_extends_layers_discs
316  ):
317  l_index = 0
318  if not elements:
319  v_index = v_index + 1
320  continue
321  plt.figure(figsize=(20, 10))
322  color_layers = cm.rainbow(np.linspace(0, 1, len(elements)))
323  has_elements = False
324  for coords in elements:
325  if coords[3] > 0:
326  continue
327  has_elements = True
328  x_values, y_values = extract_coords(coords, is_disc)
329  plt.plot(
330  x_values,
331  y_values,
332  c=color_layers[l_index],
333  label="l: " + str(coords[4]),
334  )
335  l_index = l_index + 1
337  a_is_disc = False
338  count = 0
339  for a_coords in chain(
340  index_to_extends_layers_cylinders[v_index],
341  index_to_extends_layers_discs[v_index],
342  ):
343  if a_coords[4] == coords[4] and a_coords[3] > 0:
344  ax_values, ay_values = extract_coords(a_coords, a_is_disc)
345  plt.plot(
346  ax_values,
347  ay_values,
348  linestyle=(0, (5, 10)),
349  c=approach_colors[a_coords[3]],
350  label="l: " + str(coords[4]) + ", a: " + str(a_coords[3]),
351  )
352  count = count + 1
353  if count == len(index_to_extends_layers_cylinders[v_index]):
354  a_is_disc = True
356  v_index = v_index + 1
357  if not is_disc and v_index == len(index_to_extends_layers_cylinders):
358  v_index = 0
359  is_disc = True
361  if not has_elements:
362  continue
364  plt.xlabel("z [mm]")
365  plt.ylabel("R [mm]")
366  plt.title(index_to_names[v_index - 1])
367  plt.legend(loc="center left", bbox_to_anchor=(1, 0.5))
368  plt.savefig(output_folder + "/layers_for_volume_" + str(v_index) + ".png")
370  plt.figure(figsize=(20, 10))
372  # Plot boundaries
373  v_index = 0
374  is_disc = False
375  for elements in chain(
376  index_to_extends_layers_bounds_cylinders,
377  index_to_extends_layers_bounds_discs,
378  ):
379  for coords in elements:
380  x_values, y_values = extract_coords(coords, is_disc)
381  if v_index in interesting_volumes:
382  plt.plot(
383  x_values,
384  y_values,
385  linestyle="--",
386  c=color[v_index],
387  label="v: " + str(v_index + 1) + ", b: " + str(coords[3]),
388  )
389  v_index = v_index + 1
390  if not is_disc and v_index == len(index_to_extends_layers_bounds_cylinders):
391  v_index = 0
392  is_disc = True
394  plt.xlabel("z [mm]")
395  plt.ylabel("R [mm]")
396  plt.title("Boundary surfaces")
397  plt.legend(loc="center left", bbox_to_anchor=(1, 0.5))
398  plt.savefig(output_folder + "/boundaries.png")
400  plt.figure(figsize=(20, 10))
402  # Plot all approach layers
403  v_index = 0
404  is_disc = False
405  add_to_legend = []
406  for elements in chain(
407  index_to_extends_layers_cylinders, index_to_extends_layers_discs
408  ):
409  if not elements:
410  v_index = v_index + 1
411  continue
412  for coords in elements:
413  if coords[3] == -1:
414  continue
415  x_values, y_values = extract_coords(coords, is_disc)
416  if coords[3] not in add_to_legend:
417  plt.plot(
418  x_values,
419  y_values,
420  c=approach_colors[coords[3]],
421  linestyle="--",
422  label="approach index = " + str(coords[3]),
423  )
424  add_to_legend.append(coords[3])
425  else:
426  plt.plot(
427  x_values, y_values, c=approach_colors[coords[3]], linestyle="--"
428  )
429  v_index = v_index + 1
430  if not is_disc and v_index == len(index_to_extends_layers_bounds_cylinders):
431  v_index = 0
432  is_disc = True
434  plt.xlabel("z [mm]")
435  plt.ylabel("R [mm]")
436  plt.title("Approach layers")
437  plt.legend(loc="center left", bbox_to_anchor=(1, 0.5))
438  plt.savefig(output_folder + "/approach_layers.png")
441 def read_and_modify(filename, plot, output_folder, steering_file, output_file):
442  f = open(filename)
443  layers = open(steering_file)
444  data = json.load(f)
445  full_data = json.load(layers)
446  layer_data = full_data["SteeringField"]
448  index_to_names = []
450  # Allows to dump the binning defined for the material layers
451  dump_binning_for_material = False
453  # Allows to check which layers are configured to carry material
454  check_material_layers = True
456  # First you want to read the Volume entries and save the relevant quantities
457  # - names
458  for entry in data["Volumes"]["entries"]:
459  index_to_names.append(entry["value"]["NAME"])
461  # In case volume names are not found check in the volume names with dummy values
462  if not index_to_names:
463  for entry in data["Surfaces"]["entries"]:
464  if "volume" in entry:
465  vol = entry["volume"]
466  if "volume" + str(vol) not in index_to_names:
467  index_to_names.append("volume" + str(vol))
469  for entry in data["Surfaces"]["entries"]:
470  if "layer" in entry:
471  vol = entry["volume"]
473  if index_to_names[vol - 1] in layer_data:
474  if "approach" in entry:
475  if (
476  entry["layer"]
477  in layer_data[index_to_names[vol - 1]]["layers_with_approach"]
478  and entry["approach"]
479  in layer_data[index_to_names[vol - 1]]["approaches"]
480  ):
481  entry["value"]["material"]["mapMaterial"] = True
482  else:
483  if (
484  entry["layer"]
485  in layer_data[index_to_names[vol - 1]]["layers_no_approach"]
486  ):
487  entry["value"]["material"]["mapMaterial"] = True
489  if entry["value"]["material"]["mapMaterial"]:
490  for val in entry["value"]["material"]["binUtility"]["binningdata"]:
491  if val["value"] == "binZ" or val["value"] == "binR":
492  val["bins"] = layer_data[index_to_names[vol - 1]][
493  "activeBinningRorZ"
494  ]
495  else:
496  val["bins"] = layer_data[index_to_names[vol - 1]][
497  "activeBinningPhi"
498  ]
499  if val["bins"] == 0:
500  print(
501  "ERROR!!! Using binning value == 0! Check you input for",
502  index_to_names[vol - 1],
503  )
504  return
506  approach_index = "None"
507  if "approach" in entry:
508  approach_index = entry["approach"]
510  if dump_binning_for_material and entry["value"]["material"]["mapMaterial"]:
511  print(
512  "Volume: ",
513  entry["volume"],
514  index_to_names[vol - 1],
515  " - Layer: ",
516  entry["layer"],
517  " - Approach:",
518  approach_index,
519  )
520  for val in entry["value"]["material"]["binUtility"]["binningdata"]:
521  print("-->", val["value"], ": ", val["bins"])
523  if "boundary" in entry:
524  extends = []
525  vol = entry["volume"]
527  if (
528  index_to_names[vol - 1] in layer_data
529  and entry["boundary"]
530  in layer_data[index_to_names[vol - 1]]["boundaries"]
531  ):
532  entry["value"]["material"]["mapMaterial"] = True
533  for val in entry["value"]["material"]["binUtility"]["binningdata"]:
534  if entry["value"]["type"] == "CylinderSurface":
535  if val["value"] == "binZ":
536  val["bins"] = layer_data[index_to_names[vol - 1]][
537  "passiveCylinderBinningZ"
538  ]
539  else:
540  val["bins"] = layer_data[index_to_names[vol - 1]][
541  "passiveCylinderBinningPhi"
542  ]
543  elif entry["value"]["type"] == "DiscSurface":
544  if val["value"] == "binR":
545  val["bins"] = layer_data[index_to_names[vol - 1]][
546  "passiveDiscBinningR"
547  ]
548  else:
549  val["bins"] = layer_data[index_to_names[vol - 1]][
550  "passiveDiscBinningPhi"
551  ]
552  else:
553  print(
554  "WARNING: Processing surface with unknown type. Only CylinderSurface and DiscSurface are considered."
555  )
556  if val["bins"] == 0:
557  print(
558  "ERROR!!! Using binning value == 0! Check you input for",
559  index_to_names[vol - 1],
560  )
561  return
563  if dump_binning_for_material and entry["value"]["material"]["mapMaterial"]:
564  print(
565  "Volume: ",
566  entry["volume"],
567  index_to_names[vol - 1],
568  " - Boundary:",
569  entry["boundary"],
570  )
571  for val in entry["value"]["material"]["binUtility"]["binningdata"]:
572  print("-->", val["value"], ": ", val["bins"])
574  # Once you have all the data in hands, you make a few nice plots to show volumes and surfaces
576  with open(output_file, "w", encoding="utf-8") as f:
577  json.dump(data, f, ensure_ascii=False, indent=4)
579  if plot and check_material_layers:
580  import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
581  from matplotlib.pyplot import cm
582  from itertools import cycle
583  import numpy as np
585  plt.figure(figsize=(20, 10))
587  material_layer_cylinders = [[] for _ in range(len(index_to_names))]
588  material_layer_discs = [[] for _ in range(len(index_to_names))]
590  material_approach_cylinders = [[] for _ in range(len(index_to_names))]
591  material_approach_discs = [[] for _ in range(len(index_to_names))]
593  material_boundary_cylinders = [[] for _ in range(len(index_to_names))]
594  material_boundary_discs = [[] for _ in range(len(index_to_names))]
596  for entry in data["Surfaces"]["entries"]:
598  if not entry["value"]["material"]["mapMaterial"]:
599  continue
601  z_shift = 0.0
602  if entry["value"]["transform"]["translation"] != None:
603  z_shift = entry["value"]["transform"]["translation"][2]
605  if "layer" in entry:
606  extends = []
607  vol = entry["volume"]
609  if entry["value"]["type"] == "CylinderSurface":
610  extends = [
611  entry["value"]["bounds"]["values"][0],
612  z_shift - entry["value"]["bounds"]["values"][1],
613  z_shift + entry["value"]["bounds"]["values"][1],
614  ]
615  if "approach" in entry:
616  material_approach_cylinders[vol - 1].append(extends)
617  else:
618  material_layer_cylinders[vol - 1].append(extends)
620  elif entry["value"]["type"] == "DiscSurface":
621  extends = [
622  entry["value"]["bounds"]["values"][0],
623  entry["value"]["bounds"]["values"][1],
624  z_shift,
625  ]
626  if "approach" in entry:
627  material_approach_discs[vol - 1].append(extends)
628  else:
629  material_layer_discs[vol - 1].append(extends)
630  else:
631  print(
632  "WARNING: Processing surface with unknown type. Only CylinderSurface and DiscSurface are considered."
633  )
635  if "boundary" in entry:
636  extends = []
637  vol = entry["volume"]
639  if entry["value"]["type"] == "CylinderSurface":
640  extends = [
641  entry["value"]["bounds"]["values"][0],
642  z_shift - entry["value"]["bounds"]["values"][1],
643  z_shift + entry["value"]["bounds"]["values"][1],
644  ]
645  material_boundary_cylinders[vol - 1].append(extends)
647  elif entry["value"]["type"] == "DiscSurface":
648  extends = [
649  entry["value"]["bounds"]["values"][0],
650  entry["value"]["bounds"]["values"][1],
651  z_shift,
652  ]
653  material_boundary_discs[vol - 1].append(extends)
654  else:
655  print(
656  "WARNING: Processing surface with unknown type. Only CylinderSurface and DiscSurface are considered."
657  )
659  from itertools import chain
661  v_index = 0
662  is_first = True
663  is_disc = False
664  for elements in chain(material_layer_cylinders, material_layer_discs):
665  l_index = 0
666  for coords in elements:
667  x_values, y_values = extract_coords(coords, is_disc)
668  if is_first:
669  plt.plot(x_values, y_values, c="black", label="layer")
670  is_first = False
671  else:
672  plt.plot(x_values, y_values, c="black")
673  l_index = l_index + 1
674  v_index = v_index + 1
675  if not is_disc and v_index == len(material_layer_cylinders):
676  is_disc = True
677  v_index = 0
679  v_index = 0
680  is_first = True
681  is_disc = False
682  for elements in chain(material_approach_cylinders, material_approach_discs):
683  l_index = 0
684  for coords in elements:
685  x_values, y_values = extract_coords(coords, is_disc)
686  if is_first:
687  plt.plot(x_values, y_values, c="red", label="approach")
688  is_first = False
689  else:
690  plt.plot(x_values, y_values, c="red")
691  l_index = l_index + 1
692  v_index = v_index + 1
693  if not is_disc and v_index == len(material_approach_cylinders):
694  is_disc = True
695  v_index = 0
697  v_index = 0
698  is_first = True
699  is_disc = False
700  for elements in chain(material_boundary_cylinders, material_boundary_discs):
701  l_index = 0
702  for coords in elements:
703  x_values, y_values = extract_coords(coords, is_disc)
704  if is_first:
705  plt.plot(x_values, y_values, c="blue", label="boundary")
706  is_first = False
707  else:
708  plt.plot(x_values, y_values, c="blue")
709  l_index = l_index + 1
710  v_index = v_index + 1
711  if not is_disc and v_index == len(material_boundary_cylinders):
712  is_disc = True
713  v_index = 0
715  plt.xlabel("z [mm]")
716  plt.ylabel("R [mm]")
717  plt.title("Layers with material")
718  plt.legend(loc="center left", bbox_to_anchor=(1, 0.5))
719  plt.savefig(output_folder + "/material_layers.png")
722 import argparse
723 import os
725 # Initialize parser
726 parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
727 parser.add_argument(
728  "--geometry",
729  default="",
730  type=str,
731  help="Specify the input file for geometry visualisation",
732 )
733 parser.add_argument(
734  "--plot",
735  default=True,
736  action="store_true",
737  help="Enable plot creation for geometry visualisation (Default : True)",
738 )
739 parser.add_argument(
740  "--output_folder",
741  default="plots",
742  type=str,
743  help="Specify the output folder for plots (Default : plots)",
744 )
745 parser.add_argument(
746  "--dump_steering",
747  default=False,
748  action="store_true",
749  help="Enable production of steering file for material mapping (Default : False)",
750 )
751 parser.add_argument(
752  "--edit",
753  default=False,
754  action="store_true",
755  help="Enable editing of input file for creation of json for material mapping (Default : False)",
756 )
757 parser.add_argument(
758  "--steering_file",
759  default="",
760  type=str,
761  help="Specify the steering file to guide editing of json for material mapping",
762 )
763 parser.add_argument(
764  "--output_map",
765  default="",
766  type=str,
767  help="Specify the output json for material mapping",
768 )
769 args = parser.parse_args()
771 print(" --- Geometry visualisation and material map fie creation --- ")
772 print()
774 if not args.geometry:
775  print("Error: Missing input geometry file. Please specify --geometry.")
776  exit()
778 if not os.path.exists(args.geometry):
779  print("Error: Invalid file path/name in --geometry. Please check your input!")
780  exit()
782 if not args.geometry.endswith(".json"):
783  print("Error: Invalid file format in --geometry. Please check your input!")
784  exit()
786 print("\t parsing file : ", args.geometry)
787 if args.plot:
788  print("\t job configured to produce plots in output folder: ", args.output_folder)
789  if not os.path.exists(args.output_folder):
790  os.mkdir(args.output_folder)
792 if args.dump_steering and args.edit:
793  print(
794  "Error: Wrong job configuration. --dump_steering and --edit can't be \
795  both true at the same time."
796  )
797  print(
798  "\t Decide if you want to dump the steering file OR to read an existing file for editing the geometry file."
799  )
800  exit()
802 if args.dump_steering:
803  if not args.steering_file:
804  print("Error: Missing output steering file. Please specify --steering_file.")
805  exit()
806  if not args.steering_file.endswith(".json"):
807  print("Error: Invalid file format in --steering_file. It must end with .json!")
808  exit()
809  print(
810  "\t job configured to produce steering file for material mapping with name: ",
811  args.steering_file,
812  )
814 if args.edit:
815  print("\t job configured to edit the input geometry file following a steering file")
816  if not args.steering_file:
817  print("Error: Missing input steering file. Please specify --steering_file.")
818  exit()
819  if not os.path.exists(args.steering_file):
820  print(
821  "Error: Invalid file path/name in --steering_file. Please check your input!"
822  )
823  exit()
824  if not args.steering_file.endswith(".json"):
825  print("Error: Invalid file format in --steering_file. Please check your input!")
826  exit()
827  if not args.output_map:
828  print("Error: Missing output map file. Please specify --output_map.")
829  exit()
830  if not args.output_map.endswith(".json"):
831  print("Error: Invalid file format in --output_map. Please check your input!")
832  exit()
835 if args.plot or args.dump_steering:
836  dump_geo(
837  args.geometry,
838  args.plot,
839  args.output_folder,
840  args.dump_steering,
841  args.steering_file,
842  )
844 if args.edit:
846  args.geometry,
847  args.plot,
848  args.output_folder,
849  args.steering_file,
850  args.output_map,
851  )