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Go to the documentation of this file. Or view the newest version in sPHENIX GitHub for file SeedFinderOrthogonal.ipp
1 // This file is part of the Acts project.
2 //
3 // Copyright (C) 2023 CERN for the benefit of the Acts project
4 //
5 // This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
6 // License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
7 // file, You can obtain one at
16 #include <cmath>
17 #include <functional>
18 #include <numeric>
19 #include <type_traits>
21 namespace Acts {
22 template <typename external_spacepoint_t>
24  const internal_sp_t &low) const -> typename tree_t::range_t {
25  float colMin = m_config.collisionRegionMin;
26  float colMax = m_config.collisionRegionMax;
27  float pL = low.phi();
28  float rL = low.radius();
29  float zL = low.z();
31  typename tree_t::range_t res;
33  /*
34  * Cut: Ensure that we search only in φ_min ≤ φ ≤ φ_max, as defined by the
35  * seeding configuration.
36  */
37  res[DimPhi].shrinkMin(m_config.phiMin);
38  res[DimPhi].shrinkMax(m_config.phiMax);
40  /*
41  * Cut: Ensure that we search only in r ≤ r_max, as defined by the seeding
42  * configuration.
43  */
44  res[DimR].shrinkMax(m_config.rMax);
46  /*
47  * Cut: Ensure that we search only in z_min ≤ z ≤ z_max, as defined by the
48  * seeding configuration.
49  */
50  res[DimZ].shrinkMin(m_config.zMin);
51  res[DimZ].shrinkMax(m_config.zMax);
53  /*
54  * Cut: Ensure that we search only in Δr_min ≤ r - r_L ≤ Δr_max, as defined
55  * by the seeding configuration and the given lower spacepoint.
56  */
57  res[DimR].shrinkMin(rL + m_config.deltaRMinTopSP);
58  res[DimR].shrinkMax(rL + m_config.deltaRMaxTopSP);
60  /*
61  * Cut: Now that we have constrained r, we can use that new r range to
62  * further constrain z.
63  */
64  float zMax = (res[DimR].max() / rL) * (zL - colMin) + colMin;
65  float zMin = colMax - (res[DimR].max() / rL) * (colMax - zL);
67  /*
68  * This cut only works if z_low is outside the collision region for z.
69  */
70  if (zL > colMin) {
71  res[DimZ].shrinkMax(zMax);
72  } else if (zL < colMax) {
73  res[DimZ].shrinkMin(zMin);
74  }
76  /*
77  * Cut: Shrink the z-range using the maximum cot(θ).
78  */
79  res[DimZ].shrinkMin(zL - m_config.cotThetaMax * (res[DimR].max() - rL));
80  res[DimZ].shrinkMax(zL + m_config.cotThetaMax * (res[DimR].max() - rL));
82  /*
83  * Cut: Shrink the φ range, such that Δφ_min ≤ φ - φ_L ≤ Δφ_max
84  */
85  res[DimPhi].shrinkMin(pL - m_config.deltaPhiMax);
86  res[DimPhi].shrinkMax(pL + m_config.deltaPhiMax);
88  return res;
89 }
91 template <typename external_spacepoint_t>
93  const internal_sp_t &high) const -> typename tree_t::range_t {
94  float pM = high.phi();
95  float rM = high.radius();
97  typename tree_t::range_t res;
99  /*
100  * Cut: Ensure that we search only in φ_min ≤ φ ≤ φ_max, as defined by the
101  * seeding configuration.
102  */
103  res[DimPhi].shrinkMin(m_config.phiMin);
104  res[DimPhi].shrinkMax(m_config.phiMax);
106  /*
107  * Cut: Ensure that we search only in r ≤ r_max, as defined by the seeding
108  * configuration.
109  */
110  res[DimR].shrinkMax(m_config.rMax);
112  /*
113  * Cut: Ensure that we search only in z_min ≤ z ≤ z_max, as defined by the
114  * seeding configuration.
115  */
116  res[DimZ].shrinkMin(m_config.zMin);
117  res[DimZ].shrinkMax(m_config.zMax);
119  /*
120  * Cut: Ensure that we search only in Δr_min ≤ r_H - r ≤ Δr_max, as defined
121  * by the seeding configuration and the given higher spacepoint.
122  */
123  res[DimR].shrinkMin(rM - m_config.deltaRMaxBottomSP);
124  res[DimR].shrinkMax(rM - m_config.deltaRMinBottomSP);
126  /*
127  * Cut: Now that we have constrained r, we can use that new r range to
128  * further constrain z.
129  */
130  float fracR = res[DimR].min() / rM;
132  float zMin = (high.z() - m_config.collisionRegionMin) * fracR +
133  m_config.collisionRegionMin;
134  float zMax = (high.z() - m_config.collisionRegionMax) * fracR +
135  m_config.collisionRegionMax;
137  res[DimZ].shrinkMin(std::min(zMin, high.z()));
138  res[DimZ].shrinkMax(std::max(zMax, high.z()));
140  /*
141  * Cut: Shrink the φ range, such that Δφ_min ≤ φ - φ_H ≤ Δφ_max
142  */
143  res[DimPhi].shrinkMin(pM - m_config.deltaPhiMax);
144  res[DimPhi].shrinkMax(pM + m_config.deltaPhiMax);
146  return res;
147 }
149 template <typename external_spacepoint_t>
151  const SeedFinderOptions &options, const internal_sp_t &low,
152  const internal_sp_t &high, bool isMiddleInverted) const {
153  float rL = low.radius();
154  float rH = high.radius();
156  float zL = low.z();
157  float zH = high.z();
159  float deltaR = rH - rL;
161  float deltaZ = (zH - zL);
162  float cotTheta = deltaZ / deltaR;
163  /*
164  * Cut: Ensure that the origin of the dublet (the intersection of the line
165  * between them with the z axis) lies within the collision region.
166  */
167  float zOrigin = zL - rL * cotTheta;
168  if (zOrigin < m_config.collisionRegionMin ||
169  zOrigin > m_config.collisionRegionMax) {
170  return false;
171  }
173  // cut on the max curvature calculated from dublets
174  // first transform the space point coordinates into a frame such that the
175  // central space point SPm is in the origin of the frame and the x axis
176  // points away from the interaction point in addition to a translation
177  // transformation we also perform a rotation in order to keep the
178  // curvature of the circle tangent to the x axis
179  if (m_config.interactionPointCut) {
180  float xVal = (high.x() - low.x()) * (low.x() / rL) +
181  (high.y() - low.y()) * (low.y() / rL);
182  float yVal = (high.y() - low.y()) * (low.x() / rL) -
183  (high.x() - low.x()) * (low.y() / rL);
185  const int sign = isMiddleInverted ? -1 : 1;
187  if (std::abs(rL * yVal) > sign * m_config.impactMax * xVal) {
188  // conformal transformation u=x/(x²+y²) v=y/(x²+y²) transform the
189  // circle into straight lines in the u/v plane the line equation can
190  // be described in terms of aCoef and bCoef, where v = aCoef * u +
191  // bCoef
192  float uT = xVal / (xVal * xVal + yVal * yVal);
193  float vT = yVal / (xVal * xVal + yVal * yVal);
194  // in the rotated frame the interaction point is positioned at x = -rM
195  // and y ~= impactParam
196  float uIP = -1. / rL;
197  float vIP = m_config.impactMax / (rL * rL);
198  if (sign * yVal > 0.) {
199  vIP = -vIP;
200  }
201  // we can obtain aCoef as the slope dv/du of the linear function,
202  // estimated using du and dv between the two SP bCoef is obtained by
203  // inserting aCoef into the linear equation
204  float aCoef = (vT - vIP) / (uT - uIP);
205  float bCoef = vIP - aCoef * uIP;
206  // the distance of the straight line from the origin (radius of the
207  // circle) is related to aCoef and bCoef by d^2 = bCoef^2 / (1 +
208  // aCoef^2) = 1 / (radius^2) and we can apply the cut on the curvature
209  if ((bCoef * bCoef) > (1 + aCoef * aCoef) / options.minHelixDiameter2) {
210  return false;
211  }
212  }
213  }
215  /*
216  * Cut: Ensure that the forward angle (z / r) lies within reasonable bounds,
217  * which is to say the absolute value must be smaller than the max cot(θ).
218  */
219  if (std::fabs(cotTheta) > m_config.cotThetaMax) {
220  return false;
221  }
222  /*
223  * Cut: Ensure that z-distance between SPs is within max and min values.
224  */
225  if (std::abs(deltaZ) > m_config.deltaZMax) {
226  return false;
227  }
229  return true;
230 }
232 template <typename external_spacepoint_t>
235  : m_config(config) {
236  if (not config.isInInternalUnits) {
237  throw std::runtime_error(
238  "SeedFinderOrthogonalConfig not in ACTS internal units in "
239  "SeedFinderOrthogonal");
240  }
241 }
243 template <typename external_spacepoint_t>
245  const SeedFinderOptions &options, internal_sp_t &middle,
246  std::vector<internal_sp_t *> &bottom, std::vector<internal_sp_t *> &top,
247  SeedFilterState seedFilterState,
249  &candidates_collector,
250  Acts::SpacePointData &spacePointData) const {
251  float rM = middle.radius();
252  float zM = middle.z();
253  float varianceRM = middle.varianceR();
254  float varianceZM = middle.varianceZ();
256  // apply cut on the number of top SP if seedConfirmation is true
257  if (m_config.seedConfirmation == true) {
258  // check if middle SP is in the central or forward region
259  SeedConfirmationRangeConfig seedConfRange =
260  (zM > m_config.centralSeedConfirmationRange.zMaxSeedConf ||
261  zM < m_config.centralSeedConfirmationRange.zMinSeedConf)
262  ? m_config.forwardSeedConfirmationRange
263  : m_config.centralSeedConfirmationRange;
264  // set the minimum number of top SP depending on whether the middle SP is
265  // in the central or forward region
266  seedFilterState.nTopSeedConf = rM > seedConfRange.rMaxSeedConf
267  ? seedConfRange.nTopForLargeR
268  : seedConfRange.nTopForSmallR;
269  // set max bottom radius for seed confirmation
270  seedFilterState.rMaxSeedConf = seedConfRange.rMaxSeedConf;
271  // continue if number of top SPs is smaller than minimum
272  if (top.size() < seedFilterState.nTopSeedConf) {
273  return;
274  }
275  }
277  std::vector<const internal_sp_t *> top_valid;
278  std::vector<float> curvatures;
279  std::vector<float> impactParameters;
281  // contains parameters required to calculate circle with linear equation
282  // ...for bottom-middle
283  std::vector<LinCircle> linCircleBottom;
284  // ...for middle-top
285  std::vector<LinCircle> linCircleTop;
287  // transform coordinates
288  transformCoordinates(spacePointData, bottom, middle, true, linCircleBottom);
289  transformCoordinates(spacePointData, top, middle, false, linCircleTop);
291  // sort: make index vector
292  std::vector<std::size_t> sorted_bottoms(linCircleBottom.size());
293  for (std::size_t i(0); i < sorted_bottoms.size(); ++i) {
294  sorted_bottoms[i] = i;
295  }
297  std::vector<std::size_t> sorted_tops(linCircleTop.size());
298  for (std::size_t i(0); i < sorted_tops.size(); ++i) {
299  sorted_tops[i] = i;
300  }
302  std::sort(
303  sorted_bottoms.begin(), sorted_bottoms.end(),
304  [&linCircleBottom](const std::size_t a, const std::size_t b) -> bool {
305  return linCircleBottom[a].cotTheta < linCircleBottom[b].cotTheta;
306  });
308  std::sort(sorted_tops.begin(), sorted_tops.end(),
309  [&linCircleTop](const std::size_t a, const std::size_t b) -> bool {
310  return linCircleTop[a].cotTheta < linCircleTop[b].cotTheta;
311  });
313  std::vector<float> tanMT;
314  tanMT.reserve(top.size());
316  size_t numTopSP = top.size();
317  for (size_t t = 0; t < numTopSP; t++) {
318  tanMT.push_back(
319  std::atan2(top[t]->radius() - middle.radius(), top[t]->z() - zM));
320  }
322  size_t t0 = 0;
324  for (const std::size_t b : sorted_bottoms) {
325  // break if we reached the last top SP
326  if (t0 == numTopSP) {
327  break;
328  }
330  auto lb = linCircleBottom[b];
332  // 1+(cot^2(theta)) = 1/sin^2(theta)
333  float iSinTheta2 = (1. + lb.cotTheta * lb.cotTheta);
334  float sigmaSquaredPtDependent = iSinTheta2 * options.sigmapT2perRadius;
335  // calculate max scattering for min momentum at the seed's theta angle
336  // scaling scatteringAngle^2 by sin^2(theta) to convert pT^2 to p^2
337  // accurate would be taking 1/atan(thetaBottom)-1/atan(thetaTop) <
338  // scattering
339  // but to avoid trig functions we approximate cot by scaling by
340  // 1/sin^4(theta)
341  // resolving with pT to p scaling --> only divide by sin^2(theta)
342  // max approximation error for allowed scattering angles of 0.04 rad at
343  // eta=infinity: ~8.5%
344  float scatteringInRegion2 = options.multipleScattering2 * iSinTheta2;
346  // minimum number of compatible top SPs to trigger the filter for a certain
347  // middle bottom pair if seedConfirmation is false we always ask for at
348  // least one compatible top to trigger the filter
349  size_t minCompatibleTopSPs = 2;
350  if (!m_config.seedConfirmation or
351  bottom[b]->radius() > seedFilterState.rMaxSeedConf) {
352  minCompatibleTopSPs = 1;
353  }
354  if (m_config.seedConfirmation and seedFilterState.numQualitySeeds) {
355  minCompatibleTopSPs++;
356  }
358  // clear all vectors used in each inner for loop
359  top_valid.clear();
360  curvatures.clear();
361  impactParameters.clear();
363  float tanLM = std::atan2(rM - bottom[b]->radius(), zM - bottom[b]->z());
365  for (size_t index_t = t0; index_t < numTopSP; index_t++) {
366  const std::size_t t = sorted_tops[index_t];
367  auto lt = linCircleTop[t];
369  if (std::abs(tanLM - tanMT[t]) > 0.005) {
370  continue;
371  }
373  // add errors of spB-spM and spM-spT pairs and add the correlation term
374  // for errors on spM
375  float error2 = lt.Er + lb.Er +
376  2 * (lb.cotTheta * lt.cotTheta * varianceRM + varianceZM) *
377  lb.iDeltaR * lt.iDeltaR;
379  float deltaCotTheta = lb.cotTheta - lt.cotTheta;
380  float deltaCotTheta2 = deltaCotTheta * deltaCotTheta;
382  // Apply a cut on the compatibility between the r-z slope of the two
383  // seed segments. This is done by comparing the squared difference
384  // between slopes, and comparing to the squared uncertainty in this
385  // difference - we keep a seed if the difference is compatible within
386  // the assumed uncertainties. The uncertainties get contribution from
387  // the space-point-related squared error (error2) and a scattering term
388  // calculated assuming the minimum pt we expect to reconstruct
389  // (scatteringInRegion2). This assumes gaussian error propagation which
390  // allows just adding the two errors if they are uncorrelated (which is
391  // fair for scattering and measurement uncertainties)
392  if (deltaCotTheta2 > (error2 + scatteringInRegion2)) {
393  // skip top SPs based on cotTheta sorting when producing triplets
394  // break if cotTheta from bottom SP < cotTheta from top SP because
395  // the SP are sorted by cotTheta
396  if (deltaCotTheta < 0) {
397  break;
398  }
399  t0 = index_t + 1;
400  continue;
401  }
403  float dU = lt.U - lb.U;
405  // A and B are evaluated as a function of the circumference parameters
406  // x_0 and y_0
407  float A = (lt.V - lb.V) / dU;
408  float S2 = 1. + A * A;
409  float B = lb.V - A * lb.U;
410  float B2 = B * B;
411  // sqrt(S2)/B = 2 * helixradius
412  // calculated radius must not be smaller than minimum radius
413  if (S2 < B2 * options.minHelixDiameter2) {
414  continue;
415  }
417  // 1/helixradius: (B/sqrt(S2))*2 (we leave everything squared)
418  // convert p(T) to p scaling by sin^2(theta) AND scale by 1/sin^4(theta)
419  // from rad to deltaCotTheta
420  float p2scatterSigma = B2 / S2 * sigmaSquaredPtDependent;
421  if (!std::isinf(m_config.maxPtScattering)) {
422  // if pT > maxPtScattering, calculate allowed scattering angle using
423  // maxPtScattering instead of pt.
424  if (B2 == 0 or options.pTPerHelixRadius * std::sqrt(S2 / B2) >
425  2. * m_config.maxPtScattering) {
426  float pTscatterSigma =
427  (m_config.highland / m_config.maxPtScattering) *
428  m_config.sigmaScattering;
429  p2scatterSigma = pTscatterSigma * pTscatterSigma * iSinTheta2;
430  }
431  }
432  // if deltaTheta larger than allowed scattering for calculated pT, skip
433  if (deltaCotTheta2 > (error2 + p2scatterSigma)) {
434  if (deltaCotTheta < 0) {
435  break;
436  }
437  t0 = index_t;
438  continue;
439  }
441  // A and B allow calculation of impact params in U/V plane with linear
442  // function
443  // (in contrast to having to solve a quadratic function in x/y plane)
444  float Im = std::abs((A - B * rM) * rM);
446  if (Im <= m_config.impactMax) {
447  top_valid.push_back(top[t]);
448  // inverse diameter is signed depending on if the curvature is
449  // positive/negative in phi
450  curvatures.push_back(B / std::sqrt(S2));
451  impactParameters.push_back(Im);
452  }
453  }
455  // continue if number of top SPs is smaller than minimum required for filter
456  if (top.size() < minCompatibleTopSPs) {
457  continue;
458  }
460  seedFilterState.zOrigin = zM - rM * lb.cotTheta;
462  m_config.seedFilter->filterSeeds_2SpFixed(
463  spacePointData, *bottom[b], middle, top_valid, curvatures,
464  impactParameters, seedFilterState, candidates_collector);
466  } // loop on bottoms
467 }
469 template <typename external_spacepoint_t>
470 template <typename output_container_t>
472  const SeedFinderOptions &options, const tree_t &tree,
473  output_container_t &out_cont, const typename tree_t::pair_t &middle_p,
474  Acts::SpacePointData &spacePointData) const {
475  using range_t = typename tree_t::range_t;
476  internal_sp_t &middle = *middle_p.second;
478  /*
479  * Prepare four output vectors for seed candidates:
480  *
481  * bottom_lh_v denotes the candidates bottom seed points, assuming that the
482  * track has monotonically _increasing_ z position. bottom_hl_v denotes the
483  * candidate bottom points assuming that the track has monotonically
484  * _decreasing_ z position. top_lh_v are the candidate top points for an
485  * increasing z track, and top_hl_v are the candidate top points for a
486  * decreasing z track.
487  */
488  std::vector<internal_sp_t *> bottom_lh_v, bottom_hl_v, top_lh_v, top_hl_v;
490  /*
491  * Storage for seed candidates
492  */
493  std::size_t max_num_quality_seeds_per_spm =
494  m_config.seedFilter->getSeedFilterConfig().maxQualitySeedsPerSpMConf;
495  std::size_t max_num_seeds_per_spm =
496  m_config.seedFilter->getSeedFilterConfig().maxSeedsPerSpMConf;
499  candidates_collector;
500  candidates_collector.setMaxElements(max_num_seeds_per_spm,
501  max_num_quality_seeds_per_spm);
503  /*
504  * Calculate the search ranges for bottom and top candidates for this middle
505  * space point.
506  */
507  range_t bottom_r = validTupleOrthoRangeHL(middle);
508  range_t top_r = validTupleOrthoRangeLH(middle);
510  /*
511  * Calculate the value of cot(θ) for this middle spacepoint.
512  */
513  float myCotTheta =
514  std::max(std::abs(middle.z() / middle.radius()), m_config.cotThetaMax);
516  /*
517  * Calculate the maximum Δr, given that we have already constrained our
518  * search space.
519  */
520  float deltaRMaxTop = top_r[DimR].max() - middle.radius();
521  float deltaRMaxBottom = middle.radius() - bottom_r[DimR].min();
523  /*
524  * Create the search range for the bottom spacepoint assuming a
525  * monotonically increasing z track, by calculating the minimum z value from
526  * the cot(θ), and by setting the maximum to the z position of the middle
527  * spacepoint - if the z position is higher than the middle point, then it
528  * would be a decreasing z track!
529  */
530  range_t bottom_lh_r = bottom_r;
531  bottom_lh_r[DimZ].shrink(middle.z() - myCotTheta * deltaRMaxBottom,
532  middle.z());
534  /*
535  * Calculate the search ranges for the other four sets of points in a
536  * similar fashion.
537  */
538  range_t top_lh_r = top_r;
539  top_lh_r[DimZ].shrink(middle.z(), middle.z() + myCotTheta * deltaRMaxTop);
541  range_t bottom_hl_r = bottom_r;
542  bottom_hl_r[DimZ].shrink(middle.z(),
543  middle.z() + myCotTheta * deltaRMaxBottom);
544  range_t top_hl_r = top_r;
545  top_hl_r[DimZ].shrink(middle.z() - myCotTheta * deltaRMaxTop, middle.z());
547  /*
548  * Make sure the candidate vectors are clear, in case we've used them
549  * before.
550  */
551  bottom_lh_v.clear();
552  bottom_hl_v.clear();
553  top_lh_v.clear();
554  top_hl_v.clear();
556  /*
557  * Now, we will actually search for the spaces. Remembering that we combine
558  * bottom and top candidates for increasing and decreasing tracks
559  * separately, we will first check whether both the search ranges for
560  * increasing tracks are not degenerate - if they are, we will never find
561  * any seeds and we do not need to bother doing the search.
562  */
563  if (!bottom_lh_r.degenerate() && !top_lh_r.degenerate()) {
564  /*
565  * Search the trees for points that lie in the given search range.
566  */
567  tree.rangeSearchMapDiscard(top_lh_r,
568  [this, &options, &middle, &top_lh_v](
569  const typename tree_t::coordinate_t &,
570  const typename tree_t::value_t &top) {
571  if (validTuple(options, *top, middle, true)) {
572  top_lh_v.push_back(top);
573  }
574  });
575  }
577  /*
578  * Perform the same search for candidate bottom spacepoints, but for
579  * monotonically decreasing z tracks.
580  */
581  if (!bottom_hl_r.degenerate() && !top_hl_r.degenerate()) {
582  tree.rangeSearchMapDiscard(top_hl_r,
583  [this, &options, &middle, &top_hl_v](
584  const typename tree_t::coordinate_t &,
585  const typename tree_t::value_t &top) {
586  if (validTuple(options, middle, *top, false)) {
587  top_hl_v.push_back(top);
588  }
589  });
590  }
592  // apply cut on the number of top SP if seedConfirmation is true
593  SeedFilterState seedFilterState;
594  bool search_bot_hl = true;
595  bool search_bot_lh = true;
596  if (m_config.seedConfirmation) {
597  // check if middle SP is in the central or forward region
598  SeedConfirmationRangeConfig seedConfRange =
599  (middle.z() > m_config.centralSeedConfirmationRange.zMaxSeedConf ||
600  middle.z() < m_config.centralSeedConfirmationRange.zMinSeedConf)
601  ? m_config.forwardSeedConfirmationRange
602  : m_config.centralSeedConfirmationRange;
603  // set the minimum number of top SP depending on whether the middle SP is
604  // in the central or forward region
605  seedFilterState.nTopSeedConf = middle.radius() > seedConfRange.rMaxSeedConf
606  ? seedConfRange.nTopForLargeR
607  : seedConfRange.nTopForSmallR;
608  // set max bottom radius for seed confirmation
609  seedFilterState.rMaxSeedConf = seedConfRange.rMaxSeedConf;
610  // continue if number of top SPs is smaller than minimum
611  if (top_lh_v.size() < seedFilterState.nTopSeedConf) {
612  search_bot_lh = false;
613  }
614  if (top_hl_v.size() < seedFilterState.nTopSeedConf) {
615  search_bot_hl = false;
616  }
617  }
619  /*
620  * Next, we perform a search for bottom candidates in increasing z tracks,
621  * which only makes sense if we found any bottom candidates.
622  */
623  if (!top_lh_v.empty() and search_bot_lh) {
625  bottom_lh_r, [this, &options, &middle, &bottom_lh_v](
626  const typename tree_t::coordinate_t &,
627  const typename tree_t::value_t &bottom) {
628  if (validTuple(options, *bottom, middle, false)) {
629  bottom_lh_v.push_back(bottom);
630  }
631  });
632  }
634  /*
635  * And repeat for the top spacepoints for decreasing z tracks!
636  */
637  if (!top_hl_v.empty() and search_bot_hl) {
639  bottom_hl_r, [this, &options, &middle, &bottom_hl_v](
640  const typename tree_t::coordinate_t &,
641  const typename tree_t::value_t &bottom) {
642  if (validTuple(options, middle, *bottom, true)) {
643  bottom_hl_v.push_back(bottom);
644  }
645  });
646  }
648  /*
649  * If we have candidates for increasing z tracks, we try to combine them.
650  */
651  if (!bottom_lh_v.empty() && !top_lh_v.empty()) {
652  filterCandidates(options, middle, bottom_lh_v, top_lh_v, seedFilterState,
653  candidates_collector, spacePointData);
654  }
655  /*
656  * Try to combine candidates for decreasing z tracks.
657  */
658  if (!bottom_hl_v.empty() && !top_hl_v.empty()) {
659  filterCandidates(options, middle, bottom_hl_v, top_hl_v, seedFilterState,
660  candidates_collector, spacePointData);
661  }
662  /*
663  * Run a seed filter, just like in other seeding algorithms.
664  */
665  if ((!bottom_lh_v.empty() && !top_lh_v.empty()) or
666  (!bottom_hl_v.empty() && !top_hl_v.empty())) {
667  m_config.seedFilter->filterSeeds_1SpFixed(
668  spacePointData, candidates_collector, seedFilterState.numQualitySeeds,
669  std::back_inserter(out_cont));
670  }
671 }
673 template <typename external_spacepoint_t>
675  const std::vector<internal_sp_t *> &spacePoints) const -> tree_t {
676  std::vector<typename tree_t::pair_t> points;
678  /*
679  * For every input point, we create a coordinate-pointer pair, which we then
680  * linearly pass to the k-d tree constructor. That constructor will take
681  * care of sorting the pairs and splitting the space.
682  */
683  for (internal_sp_t *sp : spacePoints) {
684  typename tree_t::coordinate_t point;
686  point[DimPhi] = sp->phi();
687  point[DimR] = sp->radius();
688  point[DimZ] = sp->z();
690  points.emplace_back(point, sp);
691  }
693  return tree_t(std::move(points));
694 }
696 template <typename external_spacepoint_t>
697 template <typename input_container_t, typename output_container_t,
698  typename callable_t>
701  const input_container_t &spacePoints, output_container_t &out_cont,
702  callable_t &&extract_coordinates) const {
703  if (not options.isInInternalUnits) {
704  throw std::runtime_error(
705  "SeedFinderOptions not in ACTS internal units in "
706  "SeedFinderOrthogonal");
707  }
708  /*
709  * The template parameters we accept are a little too generic, so we want to
710  * run some basic checks to make sure the containers have the correct value
711  * types.
712  */
713  static_assert(std::is_same_v<typename output_container_t::value_type,
715  "Output iterator container type must accept seeds.");
716  static_assert(std::is_same_v<typename input_container_t::value_type,
717  const external_spacepoint_t *>,
718  "Input container must contain external spacepoints.");
720  /*
721  * Sadly, for the time being, we will need to construct our internal space
722  * points on the heap. This adds some additional overhead and work. Here we
723  * take each external spacepoint, allocate a corresponding internal space
724  * point, and save it in a vector.
725  */
726  Acts::Extent rRangeSPExtent;
727  std::size_t counter = 0;
728  std::vector<internal_sp_t *> internalSpacePoints;
729  Acts::SpacePointData spacePointData;
730  spacePointData.resize(spacePoints.size());
732  for (const external_spacepoint_t *p : spacePoints) {
733  auto [position, variance] = extract_coordinates(p);
734  internalSpacePoints.push_back(new InternalSpacePoint<external_spacepoint_t>(
735  counter++, *p, position, options.beamPos, variance));
736  // store x,y,z values in extent
737  rRangeSPExtent.extend(position);
738  }
739  // variable middle SP radial region of interest
740  const Acts::Range1D<float> rMiddleSPRange(
741  std::floor(rRangeSPExtent.min(Acts::binR) / 2) * 2 +
742  m_config.deltaRMiddleMinSPRange,
743  std::floor(rRangeSPExtent.max(Acts::binR) / 2) * 2 -
744  m_config.deltaRMiddleMaxSPRange);
746  /*
747  * Construct the k-d tree from these points. Note that this not consume or
748  * take ownership of the points.
749  */
750  tree_t tree = createTree(internalSpacePoints);
751  /*
752  * Run the seeding algorithm by iterating over all the points in the tree
753  * and seeing what happens if we take them to be our middle spacepoint.
754  */
755  for (const typename tree_t::pair_t &middle_p : tree) {
756  internal_sp_t &middle = *middle_p.second;
757  auto rM = middle.radius();
759  /*
760  * Cut: Ensure that the middle spacepoint lies within a valid r-region for
761  * middle points.
762  */
763  if (m_config.useVariableMiddleSPRange) {
764  if (rM < rMiddleSPRange.min() || rM > rMiddleSPRange.max()) {
765  continue;
766  }
767  } else {
768  if (rM > m_config.rMaxMiddle || rM < m_config.rMinMiddle) {
769  continue;
770  }
771  }
773  // remove all middle SPs outside phi and z region of interest
774  if (middle.z() < m_config.zOutermostLayers.first or
775  middle.z() > m_config.zOutermostLayers.second) {
776  continue;
777  }
778  float spPhi = middle.phi();
779  if (spPhi > m_config.phiMax or spPhi < m_config.phiMin) {
780  continue;
781  }
783  processFromMiddleSP(options, tree, out_cont, middle_p, spacePointData);
784  }
786  /*
787  * Don't forget to get rid of all the spacepoints we just allocated!
788  */
789  for (const internal_sp_t *p : internalSpacePoints) {
790  delete p;
791  }
792 }
794 template <typename external_spacepoint_t>
795 template <typename input_container_t, typename callable_t>
796 std::vector<Seed<external_spacepoint_t>>
799  const input_container_t &spacePoints,
800  callable_t &&extract_coordinates) const {
801  std::vector<seed_t> r;
802  createSeeds(options, spacePoints, r,
803  std::forward<callable_t>(extract_coordinates));
804  return r;
805 }
807 } // namespace Acts