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1 /*******************************************************************************
2  * Copyright (c) The JETSCAPE Collaboration, 2018
3  *
4  * Modular, task-based framework for simulating all aspects of heavy-ion collisions
5  *
6  * For the list of contributors see AUTHORS.
7  *
8  * Report issues at
9  *
10  * or via email to
11  *
12  * Distributed under the GNU General Public License 3.0 (GPLv3 or later).
13  * See COPYING for details.
14  ******************************************************************************/
16 #include "JetScape.h"
17 #include "JetScapeXML.h"
18 #include "JetScapeSignalManager.h"
19 #include "JetEnergyLossManager.h"
20 #include "FluidDynamics.h"
21 #include "JetScapeBanner.h"
22 #include "InitialState.h"
23 #include "PreequilibriumDynamics.h"
24 #include "JetEnergyLoss.h"
25 #include "CausalLiquefier.h"
27 #ifdef USE_HEPMC
28 #include "JetScapeWriterHepMC.h"
29  #ifdef USE_ROOT
30  #include "JetScapeWriterRootHepMC.h"
31  #endif
32 #endif
34 #include <iostream>
35 #include <string>
36 #include <vector>
37 #include <algorithm>
39 using namespace std;
41 namespace Jetscape {
46 JetScape::JetScape()
47  : JetScapeModuleBase(), n_events(1), n_events_printout(100), reuse_hydro_(false), n_reuse_hydro_(1),
48  liquefier(nullptr), fEnableAutomaticTaskListDetermination(true) {
49  VERBOSE(8);
50  SetId("primary");
51 }
54  VERBOSE(8);
55  //JetScapeSignalManager::Instance()->Clear();
56  //not needed, use weak_ptr in JetScapeSignalManager class (=not owning)
57 }
61 //________________________________________________________________
63  Show();
65  JSINFO << BOLDRED << "Initialize JetScape ...";
67  // Set the names of the XML files in the JetScapeXML instance
70  JSINFO << "================================================================";
72  // Check whether XML elements in the User file are not included in the Main file
75  // Read some general parameters from the XML configuration file
78  // Loop through the XML User file elements to determine the task list, if enabled
83  << "================================================================";
84  }
86  // Has to be called explicitly since not really fully recursively (if ever needed)
87  // So --> JetScape is "Task Manager" of all modules ...
88  JSINFO << "Found " << GetNumberOfTasks() << " Modules Initialize them ... ";
89  SetPointers();
90  JSINFO << "Calling JetScape InitTasks()...";
92 }
94 //________________________________________________________________
95 void JetScape::recurseToBuild(std::vector<std::string> &elems, tinyxml2::XMLElement *mElement)
96 {
97  tinyxml2::XMLElement *nextElement = mElement->FirstChildElement();
99  if (nextElement != nullptr)
100  recurseToBuild(elems, nextElement);
102  nextElement = mElement->NextSiblingElement();
104  if (nextElement != nullptr)
105  recurseToBuild(elems, nextElement);
107  elems.push_back(mElement->Name());
108 }
110 //________________________________________________________________
111 void JetScape::recurseToSearch(std::vector<std::string> &elems, tinyxml2::XMLElement *uElement)
112 {
113  tinyxml2::XMLElement *nextElement = uElement->FirstChildElement();
115  if (nextElement != nullptr)
116  recurseToSearch(elems, nextElement);
118  nextElement = uElement->NextSiblingElement();
120  if (nextElement != nullptr)
121  recurseToSearch(elems, nextElement);
123  if (!std::binary_search(elems.begin(), elems.end(), uElement->Name())) {
124  JSWARN << "User XML tag <" << uElement->Name() << "> is unrecognized. A default entry in the main XML file is required.";
125  exit(-1);
126  }
127 }
129 //________________________________________________________________
135  std::vector<std::string> elems;
137  recurseToBuild(elems, mElement);
138  sort(elems.begin(), elems.end());
139  recurseToSearch(elems, uElement);
140 }
142 //________________________________________________________________
145  // Debug level
146  std::string log_debug = GetXMLElementText({"debug"});
147  if ((int)log_debug.find("off") >= 0)
149  VERBOSE(1) << "JetScape Debug = " << log_debug;
151  // Remark
152  std::string log_remark = GetXMLElementText({"remark"});
153  if ((int)log_remark.find("on") >= 0)
155  VERBOSE(1) << "JetScape Remark = " << log_remark;
157  // Verbose level
158  int m_vlevel = GetXMLElementInt({"vlevel"});
159  if (m_vlevel > 0) {
161  VERBOSE(1) << "JetScape Verbose Level = " << m_vlevel;
162  }
164  // Flag for automatic task list determination from User XML
165  std::string enableAutomaticTaskListDetermination =
166  GetXMLElementText({"enableAutomaticTaskListDetermination"});
167  if ((int)enableAutomaticTaskListDetermination.find("true") >= 0) {
169  VERBOSE(1)
170  << "Enable automatic task list determination from User XML: True.";
171  } else if ((int)enableAutomaticTaskListDetermination.find("false") >= 0) {
173  VERBOSE(1)
174  << "Enable automatic task list determination from User XML: False.";
175  }
177  // nEvents
178  int nEvents = GetXMLElementInt({"nEvents"});
179  if (nEvents) {
180  SetNumberOfEvents(nEvents);
181  JSINFO << "nEvents = " << nEvents;
182  }
183  n_events_printout = GetXMLElementInt({"nEvents_printout"});
185  // Set whether to reuse hydro
186  std::string reuseHydro = GetXMLElementText({"setReuseHydro"});
187  if ((int)reuseHydro.find("true") >= 0) {
188  SetReuseHydro(true);
189  JSINFO << "Reuse Hydro: " << reuseHydro;
190  }
191  int nReuseHydro = GetXMLElementInt({"nReuseHydro"});
192  if (nReuseHydro) {
193  SetNReuseHydro(nReuseHydro);
194  JSINFO << "nReuseHydro: " << nReuseHydro;
195  }
197  // Set up helper. Mostly used for random numbers
198  // Needs the XML reader singleton set up
201  JSDEBUG << "JetScape Debug from XML = " << log_debug;
202  JSDEBUG << "JetScape Remark from XML = " << log_remark;
203 }
205 //________________________________________________________________
208  // First, check for Liquefier and create it if so (since it needs to be passed to other modules)
209  VERBOSE(2) << "Checking if Liquifier should be created...";
210  tinyxml2::XMLElement *elementXML =
212  ->GetXMLRootUser()
213  ->FirstChildElement();
214  while (elementXML) {
215  std::string elementName = elementXML->Name();
216  if (elementName == "Liquefier") {
217  liquefier = make_shared<CausalLiquefier>();
218  JSINFO << "Created liquefier.";
219  }
220  elementXML = elementXML->NextSiblingElement();
221  }
223  // Loop through and create all modules
226  ->GetXMLRootUser()
227  ->FirstChildElement();
228  while (element) {
229  std::string elementName = element->Name();
230  VERBOSE(2) << "Parsing element: " << elementName;
232  // Initial state
233  if (elementName == "IS") {
235  tinyxml2::XMLElement *childElement =
237  while (childElement) {
238  std::string childElementName = childElement->Name();
239  VERBOSE(2) << "Parsing childElement: " << childElementName;
241  // - Trento
242  if (childElementName == "Trento") {
243  auto trento = JetScapeModuleFactory::createInstance("TrentoInitial");
244  if (trento) {
245  Add(trento);
246  JSINFO << "JetScape::DetermineTaskList() -- Initial State: Added "
247  "Trento module to task list.";
248  }
249  }
250  // - Read initial conditions from file
251  else if (childElementName == "initial_profile_path") {
252 #ifdef USE_HDF5
253  auto initial =
254  JetScapeModuleFactory::createInstance("InitialFromFile");
255  if (initial) {
256  Add(initial);
257  JSINFO << "JetScape::DetermineTaskList() -- Initial state: Added "
258  "InitialFromFile to task list.";
259  }
260 #else
261  JSWARN << "InitialFromFile is attempted to be added, but HDF5 is not "
262  "installed!";
263 #endif
264  } else if (childElementName == "IPGlasma") {
265  auto ipglasma = JetScapeModuleFactory::createInstance("IPGlasma");
266  if (ipglasma) {
267  Add(ipglasma);
268  JSINFO << "JetScape::DetermineTaskList() -- Initial State: Added "
269  "IPGlasma module to task list.";
270  }
271  } else if (childElementName == "initial_Ncoll_list") {
272  auto initial =
273  JetScapeModuleFactory::createInstance("NcollListFromFile");
274  if (initial) {
275  Add(initial);
276  JSINFO << "JetScape::DetermineTaskList() -- Initial state: Added "
277  "NcollListFromFile to task list.";
278  }
279  }
280  // - Custom module
281  else if (((int)childElementName.find("CustomModule") >= 0)) {
282  auto customModule =
283  JetScapeModuleFactory::createInstance(childElementName);
284  if (customModule) {
285  Add(customModule);
286  JSINFO << "JetScape::DetermineTaskList() -- Initial state: Added "
287  << childElementName << " to task list.";
288  }
289  }
291  childElement = childElement->NextSiblingElement();
292  }
293  }
295  // Hard process
296  else if (elementName == "Hard") {
298  tinyxml2::XMLElement *childElement =
300  while (childElement) {
301  std::string childElementName = childElement->Name();
302  VERBOSE(2) << "Parsing childElement: " << childElementName;
304  // - PGun
305  if (childElementName == "PGun") {
306  auto pGun = JetScapeModuleFactory::createInstance(childElementName);
307  if (pGun) {
308  Add(pGun);
309  JSINFO << "JetScape::DetermineTaskList() -- Hard Process: Added "
310  "PGun to task list.";
311  }
312  }
313  // - PythiaGun
314  else if (childElementName == "PythiaGun") {
315  auto pythiaGun =
316  JetScapeModuleFactory::createInstance(childElementName);
317  if (pythiaGun) {
318  Add(pythiaGun);
319  JSINFO << "JetScape::DetermineTaskList() -- Hard Process: Added "
320  "PythiaGun to task list.";
321  }
322  }
323  // - epemGun
324  else if (childElementName == "epemGun") {
325  auto EpemGun =
326  JetScapeModuleFactory::createInstance(childElementName);
327  if (EpemGun) {
328  Add(EpemGun);
329  JSINFO << "JetScape::DetermineTaskList() -- Hard Process: Added "
330  "epemGun to task list.";
331  }
332  }
333  else if (((int)childElementName.find("CustomModule") >= 0)) {
334  auto customModule =
335  JetScapeModuleFactory::createInstance(childElementName);
336  if (customModule) {
337  Add(customModule);
338  JSINFO << "JetScape::DetermineTaskList() -- Hard Process: Added "
339  << childElementName << " to task list.";
340  }
341  }
343  childElement = childElement->NextSiblingElement();
344  }
346  }
348  // Pre-equilibrium
349  else if (elementName == "Preequilibrium") {
351  tinyxml2::XMLElement *childElement =
353  while (childElement) {
354  std::string childElementName = childElement->Name();
355  VERBOSE(2) << "Parsing childElement: " << childElementName;
357  // - NullPreDynamics
358  if (childElementName == "NullPreDynamics") {
359  auto predynamics =
360  JetScapeModuleFactory::createInstance(childElementName);
361  if (predynamics) {
362  Add(predynamics);
363  JSINFO << "JetScape::DetermineTaskList() -- PreDynamics: Added "
364  "NullPreDynamics to task list.";
365  }
366  } else if (childElementName == "Glasma") {
367  auto predynamics =
368  JetScapeModuleFactory::createInstance(childElementName);
369  if (predynamics) {
370  Add(predynamics);
371  JSINFO << "JetScape::DetermineTaskList() -- PreDynamics: Added "
372  "Glasma to task list.";
373  }
374  } else if (childElementName == "FreestreamMilne") {
375  // - FreestreamMilne
377  auto predynamics =
378  JetScapeModuleFactory::createInstance(childElementName);
379  if (predynamics) {
380  Add(predynamics);
381  JSINFO << "JetScape::DetermineTaskList() -- PreDynamics: Added "
382  "FreestreamMilne to task list.";
383  }
384 #else
385  JSWARN << "FreestreamMilne is attempted to be added, but freestream "
386  "is not installed!";
387 #endif
388  } else if (((int)childElementName.find("CustomModule") >= 0)) {
389  // - Custom module
390  auto customModule =
391  JetScapeModuleFactory::createInstance(childElementName);
392  if (customModule) {
393  Add(customModule);
394  JSINFO << "JetScape::DetermineTaskList() -- PreDynamics: Added "
395  << childElementName << " to task list.";
396  }
397  }
399  childElement = childElement->NextSiblingElement();
400  }
402  }
404  // Hydro
405  else if (elementName == "Hydro") {
407  // First, check if liquefier should be added (Note: Can't use GetXMLElementText(), since that only works for unique tags)
408  VERBOSE(2) << "Checking if liquefer should be added: Hydro";
409  bool bAddLiquefier = false;
410  tinyxml2::XMLElement *childElementLiquefier =
412  while (childElementLiquefier) {
413  std::string childElementName = childElementLiquefier->Name();
414  VERBOSE(2) << "Parsing childElementLiq: " << childElementName;
415  if (childElementName == "AddLiquefier") {
416  std::string strAddLiquefier = childElementLiquefier->GetText();
417  if ((int)strAddLiquefier.find("true") >= 0) {
418  bAddLiquefier = true;
419  VERBOSE(1) << "Add liquefier to Hydro: True.";
420  } else {
421  VERBOSE(1) << "Add liquefier to Hydro: False.";
422  }
423  }
424  childElementLiquefier = childElementLiquefier->NextSiblingElement();
425  }
427  // Loop through elements to look for specific hydro module
428  tinyxml2::XMLElement *childElement =
430  while (childElement) {
431  std::string childElementName = childElement->Name();
432  VERBOSE(2) << "Parsing childElement: " << childElementName;
434  // - Brick
435  if (childElementName == "Brick") {
436  auto hydro = JetScapeModuleFactory::createInstance(childElementName);
437  if (hydro) {
438  Add(hydro);
439  JSINFO << "JetScape::DetermineTaskList() -- Hydro: Added Brick to "
440  "task list.";
441  SetModuleId(childElement, hydro);
442  if (bAddLiquefier) {
443  dynamic_pointer_cast<FluidDynamics>(hydro)->add_a_liquefier(
444  liquefier);
445  JSINFO << "JetScape::DetermineTaskList() -- Hydro: Added "
446  "liquefier to Brick.";
447  }
448  }
449  }
450  // - Gubser
451  else if (childElementName == "Gubser") {
452  auto hydro = JetScapeModuleFactory::createInstance(childElementName);
453  if (hydro) {
454  Add(hydro);
455  JSINFO << "JetScape::DetermineTaskList() -- Hydro: Added Gubser to "
456  "task list.";
457  SetModuleId(childElement, hydro);
458  if (bAddLiquefier) {
459  dynamic_pointer_cast<FluidDynamics>(hydro)->add_a_liquefier(
460  liquefier);
461  JSINFO << "JetScape::DetermineTaskList() -- Hydro: Added "
462  "liquefier to Gubser.";
463  }
464  }
465  }
466  // - hydro_from_file
467  else if (childElementName == "hydro_from_file") {
468  auto hydro = JetScapeModuleFactory::createInstance("HydroFromFile");
469  if (hydro) {
470  Add(hydro);
471  JSINFO << "JetScape::DetermineTaskList() -- Hydro: Added "
472  "hydro_from_file to task list.";
473  SetModuleId(childElement, hydro);
474  if (bAddLiquefier) {
475  dynamic_pointer_cast<FluidDynamics>(hydro)->add_a_liquefier(
476  liquefier);
477  JSINFO << "JetScape::DetermineTaskList() -- Hydro: Added "
478  "liquefier to hydro_from_file.";
479  }
480  }
481  }
482  // - MUSIC
483  else if (childElementName == "MUSIC") {
484 #ifdef USE_MUSIC
485  auto hydro = JetScapeModuleFactory::createInstance("MUSIC");
486  if (hydro) {
487  Add(hydro);
488  JSINFO << "JetScape::DetermineTaskList() -- Hydro: Added MUSIC to "
489  "task list.";
490  SetModuleId(childElement, hydro);
491  if (bAddLiquefier) {
492  dynamic_pointer_cast<FluidDynamics>(hydro)->add_a_liquefier(
493  liquefier);
494  JSINFO << "JetScape::DetermineTaskList() -- Hydro: Added "
495  "liquefier to MUSIC.";
496  }
497  }
498 #else
499  JSWARN << "MUSIC is attempted to be added, but it is not installed!";
500 #endif
501  }
502  // - CLVisc
503  else if (childElementName == "CLVisc") {
504  auto hydro = JetScapeModuleFactory::createInstance("CLVisc");
505  if (hydro) {
506  Add(hydro);
507  JSINFO << "JetScape::DetermineTaskList() -- Hydro: Added CLVisc to "
508  "task list.";
509  } else {
511  << "CLVisc is attempted to be added, but it is not installed!";
512  }
513  }
515  // - Custom module
516  else if (((int)childElementName.find("CustomModule") >= 0)) {
517  auto customModule =
518  JetScapeModuleFactory::createInstance(childElementName);
519  if (customModule) {
520  Add(customModule);
521  JSINFO << "JetScape::DetermineTaskList() -- Hydro: Added "
522  << childElementName << " to task list.";
523  SetModuleId(childElement, customModule);
524  if (bAddLiquefier) {
525  dynamic_pointer_cast<FluidDynamics>(customModule)
526  ->add_a_liquefier(liquefier);
527  JSINFO << "JetScape::DetermineTaskList() -- Hydro: Added "
528  "liquefier to CustomModule.";
529  }
530  }
531  }
533  childElement = childElement->NextSiblingElement();
534  }
535  }
537  // Eloss
538  else if (elementName == "Eloss") {
540  auto jlossmanager = make_shared<JetEnergyLossManager>();
541  auto jloss = make_shared<JetEnergyLoss>();
543  // Check if liquefier should be added, and add it if so
544  std::string strAddLiquefier =
545  GetXMLElementText({"Eloss", "AddLiquefier"});
546  if ((int)strAddLiquefier.find("true") >= 0) {
547  jloss->add_a_liquefier(liquefier);
548  JSINFO << "JetScape::DetermineTaskList() -- Added liquefier to Eloss.";
549  } else {
550  VERBOSE(1) << "Add liquefier to Eloss: False.";
551  }
553  // Loop through and add Eloss modules
554  tinyxml2::XMLElement *childElement =
556  while (childElement) {
557  std::string childElementName = childElement->Name();
558  VERBOSE(2) << "Parsing childElement: " << childElementName;
560  // - Matter
561  if (childElementName == "Matter") {
562  auto matter = JetScapeModuleFactory::createInstance(childElementName);
563  if (matter) {
564  jloss->Add(
565  matter); // Note: if you use Matter, it MUST come first (to set virtuality)
566  JSINFO << "JetScape::DetermineTaskList() -- Eloss: Added Matter to "
567  "Eloss list.";
568  }
569  }
570  // - LBT
571  else if (childElementName == "Lbt") {
572  auto lbt = JetScapeModuleFactory::createInstance(childElementName);
573  if (lbt) {
574  jloss->Add(
575  lbt); // go to 3rd party and ./get_lbtTab before adding this module
576  JSINFO << "JetScape::DetermineTaskList() -- Eloss: Added LBT to "
577  "Eloss list.";
578  }
579  }
580  // - Martini
581  else if (childElementName == "Martini") {
582  auto martini =
583  JetScapeModuleFactory::createInstance(childElementName);
584  if (martini) {
585  jloss->Add(martini);
586  JSINFO << "JetScape::DetermineTaskList() -- Eloss: Added Martini "
587  "to Eloss list.";
588  }
589  }
590  // - AdS/CFT
591  else if (childElementName == "AdSCFT") {
592  auto adscft = JetScapeModuleFactory::createInstance(childElementName);
593  if (adscft) {
594  jloss->Add(adscft);
595  JSINFO << "JetScape::DetermineTaskList() -- Eloss: Added AdS/CFT "
596  "to Eloss list.";
597  }
598  }
599  // - Custom module
600  else if (((int)childElementName.find("CustomModule") >= 0)) {
601  auto customModule =
602  JetScapeModuleFactory::createInstance(childElementName);
603  if (customModule) {
604  jloss->Add(customModule);
605  JSINFO << "JetScape::DetermineTaskList() -- Eloss: Added "
606  << childElementName << " to Eloss list.";
607  }
608  }
610  childElement = childElement->NextSiblingElement();
611  }
613  jlossmanager->Add(jloss);
614  Add(jlossmanager);
615  }
617  // Jet Hadronization
618  else if (elementName == "JetHadronization") {
620  // Create hadronization manager and module
621  auto hadroMgr = make_shared<HadronizationManager>();
622  auto hadro = make_shared<Hadronization>();
624  // Determine type of hadronization module, and add it
625  std::string hadronizationName =
626  element->FirstChildElement("name")->GetText();
627  if (hadronizationName == "colored") {
628  auto hadroModule =
629  JetScapeModuleFactory::createInstance("ColoredHadronization");
630  if (hadroModule) {
631  hadro->Add(hadroModule);
632  JSINFO << "JetScape::DetermineTaskList() -- JetHadronization: Added "
633  "ColoredHadronization to task list.";
634  }
635  } else if (hadronizationName == "colorless") {
636  auto hadroModule =
637  JetScapeModuleFactory::createInstance("ColorlessHadronization");
638  if (hadroModule) {
639  hadro->Add(hadroModule);
640  JSINFO << "JetScape::DetermineTaskList() -- JetHadronization: Added "
641  "ColorlessHadronization to task list.";
642  }
643  } else if (hadronizationName == "hybrid") {
644  auto hadroModule =
645  JetScapeModuleFactory::createInstance("HybridHadronization");
646  if (hadroModule) {
647  hadro->Add(hadroModule);
648  JSINFO << "JetScape::DetermineTaskList() -- JetHadronization: Added "
649  "HybridHadronization to task list.";
650  }
651  }
652  // - Custom module
653  else if (((int)hadronizationName.find("CustomModule") >= 0)) {
654  auto customModule =
655  JetScapeModuleFactory::createInstance(hadronizationName);
656  if (customModule) {
657  hadro->Add(customModule);
658  JSINFO << "JetScape::DetermineTaskList() -- JetHadronization: Added "
659  << hadronizationName << " to task list.";
660  }
661  }
663  hadroMgr->Add(hadro);
664  Add(hadroMgr);
665  }
667  // Soft Particlization
668  else if (elementName == "SoftParticlization") {
670  tinyxml2::XMLElement *childElement =
672  while (childElement) {
673  std::string childElementName = childElement->Name();
674  VERBOSE(2) << "Parsing childElement: " << childElementName;
676  // - iSS
677  if (childElementName == "iSS") {
678 #ifdef iSpectraSampler
679  auto iSSmodule =
680  JetScapeModuleFactory::createInstance(childElementName);
681  if (iSSmodule) {
682  Add(iSSmodule);
683  JSINFO << "JetScape::DetermineTaskList() -- SoftParticlization: "
684  "Added iSS to task list.";
685  }
686 #else
687  JSWARN << "iSS is attempted to be added, but iSS is not installed!";
688 #endif
689  }
690  // - Custom module
691  else if (((int)childElementName.find("CustomModule") >= 0)) {
692  auto customModule =
693  JetScapeModuleFactory::createInstance(childElementName);
694  if (customModule) {
695  Add(customModule);
697  << "JetScape::DetermineTaskList() -- SoftParticlization: Added "
698  << childElementName << " to task list.";
699  }
700  }
702  childElement = childElement->NextSiblingElement();
703  }
704  }
706  // Afterburner
707  else if (elementName == "Afterburner") {
709  tinyxml2::XMLElement *childElement =
711  while (childElement) {
712  std::string childElementName = childElement->Name();
713  VERBOSE(2) << "Parsing childElement: " << childElementName;
715  // - SMASH
716  if (childElementName == "SMASH") {
717 #ifdef USE_SMASH
718  auto smashModule =
719  JetScapeModuleFactory::createInstance(childElementName);
720  if (smashModule) {
721  Add(smashModule);
722  JSINFO << "JetScape::DetermineTaskList() -- Afterburner: Added "
723  "SMASH to task list.";
724  }
725 #else
727  << "SMASH is attempted to be added, but SMASH is not installed!";
728 #endif
729  }
730  // - Custom module
731  else if (((int)childElementName.find("CustomModule") >= 0)) {
732  auto customModule =
733  JetScapeModuleFactory::createInstance(childElementName);
734  if (customModule) {
735  Add(customModule);
736  JSINFO << "JetScape::DetermineTaskList() -- Afterburner: Added "
737  << childElementName << " to task list.";
738  }
739  }
741  childElement = childElement->NextSiblingElement();
742  }
743  }
745  // Parton printer
746  else if (elementName == "PartonPrinter") {
748  auto partonPrinter = JetScapeModuleFactory::createInstance(elementName);
749  if (partonPrinter) {
750  Add(partonPrinter);
751  JSINFO << "JetScape::DetermineTaskList() -- Added PartonPrinter to "
752  "task list.";
753  }
754  }
755  else if (elementName == "HadronPrinter") {
756  auto hadronPrinter = JetScapeModuleFactory::createInstance(elementName);
757  if (hadronPrinter) {
758  Add(hadronPrinter);
759  JSINFO << "JetScape::DetermineTaskList() -- Added HadronPrinter to "
760  "task list.";
761  }
762  }
764  else {
765  VERBOSE(2) << "Nothing to do.";
766  }
768  element = element->NextSiblingElement();
769  }
770 }
772 //________________________________________________________________
774  shared_ptr<JetScapeModuleBase> module) {
776  tinyxml2::XMLElement *childElement =
777  (tinyxml2::XMLElement *)moduleElement->FirstChildElement();
778  while (childElement) {
779  std::string childElementName = childElement->Name();
780  if (childElementName == "name") {
781  std::string name = childElement->GetText();
782  module->SetId(name);
783  JSINFO << "Set ID to: " << name;
784  }
785  childElement = childElement->NextSiblingElement();
786  }
787 }
789 //________________________________________________________________
792  // Get file output name to write to (without file extension, except if custom writer)
793  std::string outputFilename = GetXMLElementText({"outputFilename"});
795  // Copy string in order to set file extensions for each type
796  std::string outputFilenameAscii = outputFilename;
797  std::string outputFilenameAsciiGZ = outputFilename;
798  std::string outputFilenameHepMC = outputFilename;
799  std::string outputFilenameRootHepMC = outputFilename;
800  std::string outputFilenameFinalStatePartonsAscii = outputFilename;
801  std::string outputFilenameFinalStateHadronsAscii = outputFilename;
803  // Check if each writer is enabled, and if so add it to the task list
804  CheckForWriterFromXML("JetScapeWriterAscii",
805  outputFilenameAscii.append(".dat"));
806  CheckForWriterFromXML("JetScapeWriterAsciiGZ",
807  outputFilenameAsciiGZ.append(".dat.gz"));
808  CheckForWriterFromXML("JetScapeWriterHepMC",
809  outputFilenameHepMC.append(".hepmc"));
810  CheckForWriterFromXML("JetScapeWriterRootHepMC",
811  outputFilenameRootHepMC.append("_hepmc.root"));
812  CheckForWriterFromXML("JetScapeWriterFinalStatePartonsAscii",
813  outputFilenameFinalStatePartonsAscii.append("_final_state_partons.dat"));
814  CheckForWriterFromXML("JetScapeWriterFinalStateHadronsAscii",
815  outputFilenameFinalStateHadronsAscii.append("_final_state_hadrons.dat"));
817  // Check for custom writers
820  ->GetXMLRootUser()
821  ->FirstChildElement();
822  while (element) {
823  std::string elementName = element->Name();
824  VERBOSE(2) << "Parsing element: " << elementName;
826  if (((int)elementName.find("CustomWriter") >= 0)) {
827  CheckForWriterFromXML(elementName.c_str(), outputFilename);
828  }
829  element = element->NextSiblingElement();
830  }
831 }
833 //________________________________________________________________
834 void JetScape::CheckForWriterFromXML(const char *writerName,
835  std::string outputFilename) {
837  std::string enableWriter = GetXMLElementText({writerName});
838  VERBOSE(2) << "Parsing writer: " << writerName;
839  if ((int)enableWriter.find("on") >= 0) {
840  VERBOSE(2) << "Writer is on.";
841  auto writer = JetScapeModuleFactory::createInstance(writerName);
843  if (writer) {
844  dynamic_pointer_cast<JetScapeWriter>(writer)->SetOutputFileName(
845  outputFilename);
846  Add(writer);
847  JSINFO << "JetScape::DetermineTaskList() -- " << writerName << " ("
848  << outputFilename.c_str() << ") added to task list.";
849  }
850  // Manually create HepMC writer if it is enabled, since JetScapeModuleFactor::map_type assumes single inheritance
851  // from JetScapeModuleBase -- but JetScapeWriterHepMC has multiple inheritance
852  else if (strcmp(writerName, "JetScapeWriterHepMC") == 0) {
853 #ifdef USE_HEPMC
854  VERBOSE(2) << "Manually creating JetScapeWriterHepMC (due to multiple "
855  "inheritance)";
856  auto writer = std::make_shared<JetScapeWriterHepMC>(outputFilename);
857  Add(writer);
858  JSINFO << "JetScape::DetermineTaskList() -- " << writerName << " ("
859  << outputFilename.c_str() << ") added to task list.";
860 #endif
861  }
862  else if (strcmp(writerName, "JetScapeWriterRootHepMC") == 0) {
863 #ifdef USE_HEPMC
864  #ifdef USE_ROOT
865  VERBOSE(2) << "Manually creating JetScapeWriterRootHepMC (due to multiple "
866  "inheritance)";
867  auto writer = std::make_shared<JetScapeWriterRootHepMC>(outputFilename);
868  Add(writer);
869  JSINFO << "JetScape::DetermineTaskList() -- " << writerName << " ("
870  << outputFilename.c_str() << ") added to task list.";
871  #endif
872 #endif
873  } else {
874  VERBOSE(2) << "Writer is NOT created...";
875  }
876  } else {
877  VERBOSE(2) << "Writer is off.";
878  }
879 }
881 // kind of cluncky, maybe a better way ... ?
882 // Handle signal/slots in JetScape hence avoid passing pointers to sub tasks ...
884  // to get hydro pointer for signals, use signal?
885  JSINFO << "Set Hydro,JetEnergylossManager and IS Pointers for "
886  << "SignalManager to create Signal/Slots";
888  bool hydro_pointer_is_set = false;
889  for (auto it : GetTaskList()) {
890  if (dynamic_pointer_cast<InitialState>(it)) {
892  dynamic_pointer_cast<InitialState>(it));
893  } else if (dynamic_pointer_cast<PreequilibriumDynamics>(it)) {
895  dynamic_pointer_cast<PreequilibriumDynamics>(it));
896  } else if (dynamic_pointer_cast<FluidDynamics>(it) &&
897  !hydro_pointer_is_set) {
899  dynamic_pointer_cast<FluidDynamics>(it));
900  hydro_pointer_is_set = true;
901  } else if (dynamic_pointer_cast<JetEnergyLossManager>(it)) {
903  dynamic_pointer_cast<JetEnergyLossManager>(it));
904  } else if (dynamic_pointer_cast<HardProcess>(it)) {
906  dynamic_pointer_cast<HardProcess>(it));
907  } else if (dynamic_pointer_cast<JetScapeWriter>(it) && it->GetActive()) {
909  dynamic_pointer_cast<JetScapeWriter>(it));
910  } else if (dynamic_pointer_cast<PartonPrinter>(it)) {
912  dynamic_pointer_cast<PartonPrinter>(it));
913  } else if (dynamic_pointer_cast<SoftParticlization>(it)) {
915  dynamic_pointer_cast<SoftParticlization>(it));
916  } else if (dynamic_pointer_cast<HadronizationManager>(it)) {
918  dynamic_pointer_cast<HadronizationManager>(it));
919  } else if (dynamic_pointer_cast<HadronPrinter>(it)) {
921  dynamic_pointer_cast<HadronPrinter>(it));
922  }
923  }
924 }
927  JSINFO << BOLDRED << "Run JetScape ...";
928  JSINFO << BOLDRED << "Number of Events = " << GetNumberOfEvents();
930  // JetScapeTask::ExecuteTasks(); Has to be called explicitly since not really fully recursively (if ever needed)
931  // --> JetScape is "Task Manager" of all modules ...
933  // Simple way of passing the writer module pointer
934  vector<weak_ptr<JetScapeWriter>> vWriter;
936  for (auto it : GetTaskList()) {
937  if (dynamic_pointer_cast<JetScapeWriter>(it)) {
938  if (it->GetActive()) {
939  vWriter.push_back(dynamic_pointer_cast<JetScapeWriter>(it));
940  }
941  }
942  }
944  for (int i = 0; i < GetNumberOfEvents(); i++) {
945  if (i % n_events_printout == 0) {
946  JSINFO << BOLDRED << "Run Event # = " << i;
947  }
948  VERBOSE(1) << BOLDRED << "Run Event # = " << i;
949  JSDEBUG << "Found " << GetNumberOfTasks() << " Modules Execute them ... ";
951  // First run all tasks
954  // Then hand around the collection of writers and ask
955  // modules to write what they like
956  // Sequence of events:
957  // -- writer->Exec is called and redirects to WriteEvent, which starts a new event line
958  // -- any remaining exec's finish
959  // -- all modules write their headers
960  // -- Now all header info is known to the writers, so write out the header
961  // -- all other Write()'s are being called
962  // the result still confuses me. It's in the best possible order but it shouldn't be.
964  // collect module header data
965  for (auto w : vWriter) {
966  auto f = w.lock();
967  if (f) {
969  }
970  }
971  // official header
972  for (auto w : vWriter) {
973  auto f = w.lock();
974  if (f) {
975  f->WriteHeaderToFile();
976  }
977  }
979  // event data
980  for (auto w : vWriter) {
981  auto f = w.lock();
982  if (f) {
984  }
985  }
987  // Finalize
988  for (auto w : vWriter) {
989  auto f = w.lock();
990  if (f) {
991  f->WriteEvent();
992  }
993  }
995  // For reusal, deactivate task after it has finished
996  // but before it gets cleaned up.
997  if (reuse_hydro_) {
998  if (n_reuse_hydro_ <= 0) {
999  JSWARN << " reuse_hydro is set, but n_reuse_hydro = " << n_reuse_hydro_;
1000  throw std::runtime_error("Incompatible reusal settings.");
1001  }
1002  bool hydro_pointer_is_set = false;
1003  for (auto it : GetTaskList()) {
1004  if (!dynamic_pointer_cast<FluidDynamics>(it) &&
1005  !dynamic_pointer_cast<PreequilibriumDynamics>(it) &&
1006  !dynamic_pointer_cast<InitialState>(it)) {
1007  continue;
1008  }
1010  // only deactivate the first hydro
1011  if (dynamic_pointer_cast<FluidDynamics>(it) && hydro_pointer_is_set) {
1012  continue;
1013  }
1015  if (i % n_reuse_hydro_ == n_reuse_hydro_ - 1) {
1016  JSDEBUG << " i was " << i
1017  << " i%n_reuse_hydro_ = " << i % n_reuse_hydro_
1018  << " --> ACTIVATING";
1019  it->SetActive(true);
1020  if (dynamic_pointer_cast<FluidDynamics>(it)) {
1021  hydro_pointer_is_set = true;
1022  }
1023  } else {
1024  JSDEBUG << " i was " << i
1025  << " i%n_reuse_hydro_ = " << i % n_reuse_hydro_
1026  << " --> DE-ACTIVATING";
1027  it->SetActive(false);
1028  if (dynamic_pointer_cast<FluidDynamics>(it)) {
1029  hydro_pointer_is_set = true;
1030  }
1031  }
1032  }
1033  }
1035  // Now clean up, only affects active taskjs
1039  }
1040 }
1043  JSINFO << BOLDBLACK << "JetScape finished after " << GetNumberOfEvents()
1044  << " events!";
1045  JSDEBUG << "More infos wrap up/saving to file/closing file ...";
1047  // same as in Init() and Exec() ...
1048  JetScapeTask::FinishTasks(); //dummy so far ...
1049 }
1051 } // end namespace Jetscape