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3 #include "PHG4InEvent.h"
4 #include "PHG4Particle.h" // for PHG4Particle
5 #include "PHG4Particlev2.h"
6 #include "PHG4Utils.h"
10 #include <phool/PHCompositeNode.h>
11 #include <phool/PHDataNode.h> // for PHDataNode
12 #include <phool/PHNode.h> // for PHNode
13 #include <phool/PHNodeIterator.h> // for PHNodeIterator
14 #include <phool/PHObject.h> // for PHObject
15 #include <phool/getClass.h>
16 #include <phool/phool.h> // for PHWHERE
18 #include <TSystem.h>
20 #include <gsl/gsl_randist.h>
21 #include <gsl/gsl_rng.h> // for gsl_rng_uniform_pos
23 #include <cassert>
24 #include <cmath>
25 #include <cstdlib>
26 #include <iostream> // for operator<<, endl, basic_ostream
27 #include <memory> // for allocator_traits<>::value_type
31 {
32  return;
33 }
35 void PHG4SimpleEventGenerator::add_particles(const std::string &name, const unsigned int num)
36 {
37  _particle_names.push_back(std::make_pair(name, num));
38  return;
39 }
41 void PHG4SimpleEventGenerator::add_particles(const int pid, const unsigned int num)
42 {
43  _particle_codes.push_back(std::make_pair(pid, num));
44  return;
45 }
47 void PHG4SimpleEventGenerator::set_eta_range(const double min, const double max)
48 {
49  if (min > max)
50  {
51  std::cout << "not setting eta bc etamin " << min << " > etamax: " << max << std::endl;
52  gSystem->Exit(1);
53  }
54  m_EtaMin = min;
55  m_EtaMax = max;
56  m_ThetaMin = NAN;
57  m_ThetaMax = NAN;
58  return;
59 }
61 void PHG4SimpleEventGenerator::set_theta_range(const double min, const double max)
62 {
63  if (min > max)
64  {
65  std::cout << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ << " thetamin " << min << " > thetamax: " << max << std::endl;
66  gSystem->Exit(1);
67  }
68  if (min < 0 || max > M_PI)
69  {
70  std::cout << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ << " min or max outside range (range is 0 to pi) min: " << min << ", max: " << max << std::endl;
71  gSystem->Exit(1);
72  }
73  m_ThetaMin = min;
74  m_ThetaMax = max;
75  m_EtaMin = NAN;
76  m_EtaMax = NAN;
77  return;
78 }
80 void PHG4SimpleEventGenerator::set_phi_range(const double min, const double max)
81 {
82  if (min > max)
83  {
84  std::cout << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ << " phimin " << min << " > phimax: " << max << std::endl;
85  gSystem->Exit(1);
86  return;
87  }
88  if (min < -M_PI || max > M_PI)
89  {
90  std::cout << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ << "min or max outside range (range is -pi to pi), min: " << min << ", max: " << max << std::endl;
91  gSystem->Exit(1);
92  }
94  m_PhiMin = min;
95  m_PhiMax = max;
96  return;
97 }
100 {
101  m_powerLawN = n;
102 }
104 void PHG4SimpleEventGenerator::set_pt_range(const double min, const double max, const double pt_gaus_width)
105 {
106  if (min > max)
107  {
108  std::cout << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ << " ptmin " << min << " > ptmax: " << max << std::endl;
109  gSystem->Exit(1);
110  }
111  if (min < 0 || max < 0 || pt_gaus_width < 0)
112  {
113  std::cout << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ << " values need to be >= 0, min: " << min
114  << ", max: " << max << ", pt_gaus_width: " << pt_gaus_width << std::endl;
115  gSystem->Exit(1);
116  }
118  m_Pt_Min = min;
119  m_Pt_Max = max;
120  m_Pt_GausWidth = pt_gaus_width;
121  m_P_Min = NAN;
122  m_P_Max = NAN;
123  m_P_GausWidth = NAN;
124  return;
125 }
127 void PHG4SimpleEventGenerator::set_p_range(const double min, const double max, const double p_gaus_width)
128 {
129  if (min > max)
130  {
131  std::cout << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ << " pmin " << min << " > pmax: " << max << std::endl;
132  gSystem->Exit(1);
133  }
134  if (min < 0 || max < 0 || p_gaus_width < 0)
135  {
136  std::cout << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ << " values need to be >= 0, min: " << min
137  << ", max: " << max << ", p_gaus_width: " << p_gaus_width << std::endl;
138  gSystem->Exit(1);
139  }
140  m_Pt_Min = NAN;
141  m_Pt_Max = NAN;
142  m_Pt_GausWidth = NAN;
143  m_P_Min = min;
144  m_P_Max = max;
145  m_P_GausWidth = p_gaus_width;
146  return;
147 }
150 {
151  m_VertexFunc_x = x;
152  m_VertexFunc_y = y;
153  m_VertexFunc_z = z;
154  return;
155 }
157 void PHG4SimpleEventGenerator::set_vertex_distribution_mean(const double x, const double y, const double z)
158 {
159  m_Vertex_x = x;
160  m_Vertex_y = y;
161  m_Vertex_z = z;
162  return;
163 }
165 void PHG4SimpleEventGenerator::set_vertex_distribution_width(const double x, const double y, const double z)
166 {
167  m_VertexWidth_x = x;
168  m_VertexWidth_y = y;
169  m_VertexWidth_z = z;
170  return;
171 }
173 void PHG4SimpleEventGenerator::set_existing_vertex_offset_vector(const double x, const double y, const double z)
174 {
178  return;
179 }
182 {
185  return;
186 }
189 {
191  {
192  std::cout << PHWHERE << "::Error - unknown x vertex distribution function requested" << std::endl;
193  gSystem->Exit(1);
194  }
196  {
197  std::cout << PHWHERE << "::Error - unknown y vertex distribution function requested" << std::endl;
198  gSystem->Exit(1);
199  }
201  {
202  std::cout << PHWHERE << "::Error - unknown z vertex distribution function requested" << std::endl;
203  gSystem->Exit(1);
204  }
206  m_InEvent = findNode::getClass<PHG4InEvent>(topNode, "PHG4INEVENT");
207  if (!m_InEvent)
208  {
209  PHNodeIterator iter(topNode);
210  PHCompositeNode *dstNode;
211  dstNode = dynamic_cast<PHCompositeNode *>(iter.findFirst("PHCompositeNode", "DST"));
213  m_InEvent = new PHG4InEvent();
214  PHDataNode<PHObject> *newNode = new PHDataNode<PHObject>(m_InEvent, "PHG4INEVENT", "PHObject");
215  dstNode->addNode(newNode);
216  }
218  if (Verbosity() > 0)
219  {
220  std::cout << "================ PHG4SimpleEventGenerator::InitRun() ======================" << std::endl;
221  std::cout << " Random seed = " << get_seed() << std::endl;
222  std::cout << " Particles:" << std::endl;
223  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < _particle_codes.size(); ++i)
224  {
225  std::cout << " " << _particle_codes[i].first << ", count = " << _particle_codes[i].second << std::endl;
226  }
227  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < _particle_names.size(); ++i)
228  {
229  std::cout << " " << _particle_names[i].first << ", count = " << _particle_names[i].second << std::endl;
230  }
232  {
233  std::cout << " Vertex Distribution: Set to reuse a previously generated sim vertex" << std::endl;
234  std::cout << " Vertex offset vector (x,y,z) = (" << m_VertexOffset_x << "," << m_VertexOffset_y << "," << m_VertexOffset_z << ")" << std::endl;
235  }
236  else
237  {
238  std::cout << " Vertex Distribution Function (x,y,z) = ("
239  << m_FunctionNames.find(m_VertexFunc_x)->second << ","
240  << m_FunctionNames.find(m_VertexFunc_y)->second << ","
241  << m_FunctionNames.find(m_VertexFunc_z)->second << ")"
242  << std::endl;
243  std::cout << " Vertex mean (x,y,z) = (" << m_Vertex_x << "," << m_Vertex_y << "," << m_Vertex_z << ")" << std::endl;
244  std::cout << " Vertex width (x,y,z) = (" << m_VertexWidth_x << "," << m_VertexWidth_y << "," << m_VertexWidth_z << ")" << std::endl;
245  }
246  std::cout << " Vertex size function (r) = ("
247  << m_FunctionNames.find(m_VertexSizeFunc_r)->second << ")"
248  << std::endl;
249  std::cout << " Vertex size (mean) = (" << m_VertexSizeMean << ")" << std::endl;
250  std::cout << " Vertex size (width) = (" << m_VertexSizeWidth << ")" << std::endl;
251  if (std::isfinite(m_EtaMin) && std::isfinite(m_EtaMax))
252  {
253  std::cout << " Eta range = " << m_EtaMin << " - " << m_EtaMax << std::endl;
254  }
255  if (std::isfinite(m_ThetaMin) && std::isfinite(m_ThetaMax))
256  {
257  std::cout << " Theta range = " << m_ThetaMin << " - " << m_ThetaMax
258  << ", deg: " << m_ThetaMin / M_PI * 180. << " - " << m_ThetaMax / M_PI * 180. << std::endl;
259  }
260  std::cout << " Phi range = " << m_PhiMin << " - " << m_PhiMax
261  << ", deg: " << m_PhiMin / M_PI * 180. << " - " << m_PhiMax / M_PI * 180. << std::endl;
262  if (std::isfinite(m_Pt_Min) && std::isfinite(m_Pt_Max))
263  {
264  std::cout << " pT range = " << m_Pt_Min << " - " << m_Pt_Max << std::endl;
265  }
266  if (std::isfinite(m_P_Min) && std::isfinite(m_P_Max))
267  {
268  std::cout << " p range = " << m_P_Min << " - " << m_P_Max << std::endl;
269  }
270  std::cout << " t0 = " << get_t0() << std::endl;
271  std::cout << "===========================================================================" << std::endl;
272  }
274  // the definition table should be filled now, so convert codes into names
275  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < _particle_codes.size(); ++i)
276  {
277  int pdgcode = _particle_codes[i].first;
278  unsigned int count = _particle_codes[i].second;
279  std::string pdgname = get_pdgname(pdgcode);
280  _particle_names.push_back(std::make_pair(pdgname, count));
281  }
284 }
287 {
288  if (Verbosity() > 0)
289  {
290  std::cout << "====================== PHG4SimpleEventGenerator::process_event() =====================" << std::endl;
291  std::cout << "PHG4SimpleEventGenerator::process_event - reuse_existing_vertex = " << get_reuse_existing_vertex() << std::endl;
292  }
294  if (!ReuseExistingVertex(topNode))
295  {
296  // generate a new vertex point
300  }
305  if (Verbosity() > 0)
306  {
307  std::cout << "PHG4SimpleEventGenerator::process_event - vertex center" << get_reuse_existing_vertex()
308  << get_vtx_x() << ", " << get_vtx_y() << ", " << get_vtx_z() << " cm"
309  << std::endl;
310  }
312  int vtxindex = -1;
313  int trackid = -1;
314  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < _particle_names.size(); ++i)
315  {
316  std::string pdgname = _particle_names[i].first;
317  int pdgcode = get_pdgcode(pdgname);
318  unsigned int nparticles = _particle_names[i].second;
320  for (unsigned int j = 0; j < nparticles; ++j)
321  {
322  if ((m_VertexSizeWidth > 0.0) || (m_VertexSizeMean != 0.0))
323  {
326  double x = 0.0;
327  double y = 0.0;
328  double z = 0.0;
329  gsl_ran_dir_3d(RandomGenerator(), &x, &y, &z);
330  x *= r;
331  y *= r;
332  z *= r;
334  vtxindex = m_InEvent->AddVtx(get_vtx_x() + x, get_vtx_y() + y, get_vtx_z() + z, get_t0());
335  }
336  else if ((i == 0) && (j == 0))
337  {
338  vtxindex = m_InEvent->AddVtx(get_vtx_x(), get_vtx_y(), get_vtx_z(), get_t0());
339  }
341  ++trackid;
343  double eta;
344  if (!std::isnan(m_EtaMin) && !std::isnan(m_EtaMax))
345  {
346  eta = (m_EtaMax - m_EtaMin) * gsl_rng_uniform_pos(RandomGenerator()) + m_EtaMin;
347  }
348  else if (!std::isnan(m_ThetaMin) && !std::isnan(m_ThetaMax))
349  {
350  double theta = (m_ThetaMax - m_ThetaMin) * gsl_rng_uniform_pos(RandomGenerator()) + m_ThetaMin;
351  eta = PHG4Utils::get_eta(theta);
352  }
353  else
354  {
355  std::cout << PHWHERE << "Error: neither eta range or theta range was specified" << std::endl;
356  std::cout << "That should not happen, please inform the software group howthis happened" << std::endl;
357  exit(-1);
358  }
360  double phi = (m_PhiMax - m_PhiMin) * gsl_rng_uniform_pos(RandomGenerator()) + m_PhiMin;
362  double pt;
364  if (!std::isnan(m_P_Min) && !std::isnan(m_P_Max) && !std::isnan(m_P_GausWidth))
365  {
366  pt = ((m_P_Max - m_P_Min) * gsl_rng_uniform_pos(RandomGenerator()) + m_P_Min + gsl_ran_gaussian(RandomGenerator(), m_P_GausWidth)) / cosh(eta);
367  if(!std::isnan(m_powerLawN))
368  {
369  double y = gsl_rng_uniform_pos(RandomGenerator());
370  double x1 = pow(m_Pt_Max, m_powerLawN+1);
371  double x0 = pow(m_Pt_Min, m_powerLawN+1);
372  pt = pow((x1-x0)*y + x0,1./(m_powerLawN+1.));
373  }
374  }
375  else if (!std::isnan(m_Pt_Min) && !std::isnan(m_Pt_Max) && !std::isnan(m_Pt_GausWidth))
376  {
377  pt = (m_Pt_Max - m_Pt_Min) * gsl_rng_uniform_pos(RandomGenerator()) + m_Pt_Min + gsl_ran_gaussian(RandomGenerator(), m_Pt_GausWidth);
378  if(!std::isnan(m_powerLawN))
379  {
380  double y = gsl_rng_uniform_pos(RandomGenerator());
381  double x1 = pow(m_Pt_Max, m_powerLawN+1);
382  double x0 = pow(m_Pt_Min, m_powerLawN+1);
383  pt = pow((x1-x0)*y + x0,1./(m_powerLawN+1.));
384  }
386  }
387  else
388  {
389  std::cout << PHWHERE << "Error: neither a p range or pt range was specified" << std::endl;
390  exit(-1);
391  }
393  double px = pt * cos(phi);
394  double py = pt * sin(phi);
395  double pz = pt * sinh(eta);
396  double m = get_mass(pdgcode);
397  double e = sqrt(px * px + py * py + pz * pz + m * m);
400  particle->set_track_id(trackid);
401  particle->set_vtx_id(vtxindex);
402  particle->set_parent_id(0);
403  particle->set_name(pdgname);
404  particle->set_pid(pdgcode);
405  particle->set_px(px);
406  particle->set_py(py);
407  particle->set_pz(pz);
408  particle->set_e(e);
410  m_InEvent->AddParticle(vtxindex, particle);
411  if (EmbedFlag() != 0) m_InEvent->AddEmbeddedParticle(particle, EmbedFlag());
412  }
413  }
415  if (Verbosity() > 0)
416  {
417  m_InEvent->identify();
418  std::cout << "======================================================================================" << std::endl;
419  }
422 }
424 double
426 {
427  double res = position;
428  if (dist == Uniform)
429  {
430  res = (position - width) + 2 * gsl_rng_uniform_pos(RandomGenerator()) * width;
431  }
432  else if (dist == Gaus)
433  {
434  res = position + gsl_ran_gaussian(RandomGenerator(), width);
435  }
436  else
437  {
438  std::cout << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ << " invalid distribution function " << dist
439  << " (" << m_FunctionNames.find(dist)->second << ")" << std::endl;
440  gSystem->Exit(1);
441  }
442  return res;
443 }