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Go to the documentation of this file. Or view the newest version in sPHENIX GitHub for file MvtxPrototype2Geom.h
1 // Tell emacs that this is a C++ source
2 // -*- C++ -*-.
6 #define NMAXRU 2
7 #define NMAXRUCHN 28
8 #define NLAYER 4
9 #define NCHIP 9
10 #define NROW 512
11 #define NCOL 1024
12 #define NREGION 32
13 #define NCOL_PER_REGION 32
15 #include <trackbase/TrkrDefs.h>
16 #include <mvtx/MvtxDefs.h>
19 #include <TGeoMatrix.h>
23 template <typename T = TGeoHMatrix>
25 {
26  public:
27  MatrixCache() = default;
28  ~MatrixCache() = default;
29  MatrixCache(const MatrixCache& src) = delete;
30  MatrixCache& operator=(const MatrixCache src) = delete;
33  void setSize(int s)
34  {
35  if (!m_cache.size())
36  m_cache.resize(s);
37  }
40  int getSize() const { return m_cache.size(); }
42  void setMatrix(const T& mat, int sensID)
43  {
44  // assign matrix for given sensor. The cache must be booked in advance
45  //if ((unsigned int)sensID >= mCache.size()) {
46  // LOG(FATAL) << "SensID " << sensID << " exceeds cache size of " << mCache.size();
47  //}
48  m_cache[sensID] = mat;
49  }
51  const T& getMatrix(int sensID) const { return m_cache[sensID]; }
52  bool isFilled() const { return !m_cache.empty(); }
54  private:
55  std::vector<T> m_cache;
56 };
62 {
63  public:
65  {
66  if (s_instance) {
67  exit(1);
68  }
69  Build();
70  }
72  ~MvtxPrototype2Geom() = default;
73  MvtxPrototype2Geom(const MvtxPrototype2Geom& src) = delete;
74  MvtxPrototype2Geom& operator=(const MvtxPrototype2Geom& geo) = delete;
76  const MatrixCache<TGeoHMatrix>& getCacheL2G() const { return m_l2G; }
77  const TGeoHMatrix& getMatrixL2G(int sensID) const { return m_l2G.getMatrix(sensID); }
78  bool isBuilt() const { return m_size != 0; }
79  int getSize() const { return m_size; }
80  // before calling fillMatrixCache, detector implementation should set the size of the matrix cache
81  void setSize(int s)
82  {
83  // set the size of the matrix cache, can be done only once
84  //if (mSize != 0) {
85  // LOG(FATAL) << "Cache size (N sensors) was already set to " << mSize;
86  //}
87  m_size = s;
88  }
89  int getLastChipIndex(int lay) const { return m_lastChipIndex[lay]; }
90  int getFirstChipIndex(int lay) const { return (lay == 0) ? 0 : m_lastChipIndex[lay - 1] + 1; }
91  int getChipIndex(int lay, int chipInStave)
92  {
93  return getFirstChipIndex(lay) + chipInStave;
94  }
97  }
98  int getLayer(int index) const { return index / m_numOfChips; }
99  int getChipInLay(int index) const { return index % m_numOfChips; }
102  {
103  // get (create if needed) a unique instance of the object
104  if (!s_instance)
105  s_instance = std::unique_ptr<MvtxPrototype2Geom>(new MvtxPrototype2Geom());
106  return s_instance.get();
107  }
109  void Build();
111  void setVerbose(int v) { m_verbose = v; }
112  int Verbose() { return m_verbose; }
114  public:
115  static constexpr float s_pitchChip_IB = 100.e-4;
116  static constexpr float s_gapLayers_TB = 4.;
118  // static bool detectorToStave(int chip, int iRow, int iCol, int& sRow, int& sCol);
119  // static bool staveToDetector(int sRow, int sCol, int& chip, int& iRow, int& iCol);
120  bool detectorToGlobal(int index, int iCol, int iRow, double* glo);
123  private:
125  {
126  return m_numOfStaves * m_numOfChips;
127  }
128  TGeoHMatrix* extractMatrixSensor(int index);
129  void fillMatrixCache();
131  private:
132  int m_verbose;
133  static std::unique_ptr<MvtxPrototype2Geom> s_instance;
134  int m_size = 0;
137  static constexpr int m_numOfLayers = 4;
138  static constexpr int m_numOfStaves = 1;
139  static constexpr int m_numOfChips = 9;
141  std::vector<int> m_lastChipIndex;
143 };
145 //_________________________________________________________________________________________________
146 /* inline bool MvtxPrototype2Geom::detectorToStave(int chip, int iRow, int iCol, int& sRow, int& sCol)
147 {
148  //convert to concecutive row/col in a stave from row/col in chip
149  if (iRow<0 || iRow>=Segmentation::NRows || iCol<0 || iCol>=Segmentation::NCols)
150  return false;
151  sRow = iRow;
152  sCol = chip * Segmentation::NCols + iCol;
153  return true;
154 }
156 //_________________________________________________________________________________________________
157 inline bool MvtxPrototype2Geom::staveToDetector(int sRow, int sCol, int& chip, int& iRow, int& iCol)
158 {
159  //convert to chip row/col from consecutive stave from row/col in chip
160  if (sRow<0 || sRow>=Segmentation::NRows || sCol<0 || sCol>=(m_numOfChips * Segmentation::NCols))
161  return false;
162  chip = sCol / Segmentation::NCols;
163  iCol = sCol % Segmentation::NCols;
164  iRow = sRow;
165  return true;
166 }
167 */
168 //_________________________________________________________________________________________________
169 inline bool MvtxPrototype2Geom::detectorToGlobal(int index, int iCol, int iRow, double* glo)
170 {
171  if (iRow<0 || iRow>=Segmentation::NRows || iCol<0 || iCol>=Segmentation::NCols)
172  return false;
173  TVector3 locPoint;
174  Segmentation::detectorToLocal(iRow, iCol, locPoint);
175  const TGeoHMatrix& matL2G = Instance()->getMatrixL2G(index);
176  //matL2G.Print();
177  double loc[3];
178  locPoint.GetXYZ(loc);
179  matL2G.LocalToMaster(loc, glo);
180  return true;
181 }
183 inline bool MvtxPrototype2Geom::detectorToGlobal(TrkrDefs::hitsetkey _hitsetkey, TrkrDefs::hitkey _hitkey, double* glo)
184 {
185  return detectorToGlobal(getChipIndex(_hitsetkey), MvtxDefs::getCol(_hitkey), MvtxDefs::getRow(_hitkey), glo);
186 }
188 #endif