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Go to the documentation of this file. Or view the newest version in sPHENIX GitHub for file JetSpectra.C
1 #include "sPhenixStyle.h"
2 #include "sPhenixStyle.C"
4 void JetSpectra()
5 {
7  TH1::SetDefaultSumw2();
8  TH2::SetDefaultSumw2();
10  TChain *ct = new TChain("T");
11  ct->Add("../macro/output.root");
13  vector<float> *pt = nullptr; // Declare a pointer to a vector of floats
15  ct->SetBranchAddress("pt", &pt); // Assign the branch to the vector<float>*
17  // Define the binning for the histogram (Replace these values with your desired bins)
18  int pt_N = 8;
19  float pt_min = 15.0;
20  float pt_max = 50.0;
22  TH1F *pt_hist = new TH1F("h_MC_Reso", "", pt_N, pt_min, pt_max);
24  Long64_t nEntries = ct->GetEntries();
26  for (Long64_t iEntry = 0; iEntry < nEntries; ++iEntry) {
27  ct->GetEntry(iEntry);
29  // Loop over the vector<float> and fill the histogram
30  for (size_t i = 0; i < pt->size(); ++i) {
31  pt_hist->Fill((*pt)[i]); // Fill the histogram with each element of the vector
32  }
33  }
35  // TCanvas *canvas = new TCanvas("canvas", "Histogram Canvas", 800, 600);
36  TCanvas *canvas = new TCanvas("canvas", "canvas",10,54,700,500);
37  canvas->Range(41,-4.051882,51,0.1891844);
38  canvas->SetFillColor(0);
39  canvas->SetBorderMode(0);
40  canvas->SetBorderSize(2);
41  canvas->SetLogy();
42  canvas->SetFrameBorderMode(0);
43  canvas->SetFrameBorderMode(0);
45  TPaveStats *ptstats = new TPaveStats(0.78,0.775,0.98,0.935,"brNDC");
46  ptstats->SetName("stats");
47  ptstats->SetBorderSize(1);
48  ptstats->SetFillColor(0);
49  ptstats->SetTextAlign(12);
50  ptstats->SetTextFont(42);
51  TText *ptstats_LaTex = ptstats->AddText("pt_hist");
52  ptstats_LaTex->SetTextSize(0.0368);
53  ptstats_LaTex = ptstats->AddText("Entries = 23023 ");
54  ptstats_LaTex = ptstats->AddText("Mean = 44.05");
55  ptstats_LaTex = ptstats->AddText("s_{NN}=200 GeV");
56  ptstats_LaTex = ptstats->AddText("-0.3 < #eta < 0.7");
57  ptstats->SetOptStat(1111);
58  ptstats->SetOptFit(0);
59  ptstats->Draw();
60  pt_hist->GetListOfFunctions()->Add(ptstats);
61  ptstats->SetParent(pt_hist);
63  // Normalize the x-axis by dividig each bin content by its width
64  for (int biny = 1; biny <= pt_hist->GetNbinsY(); ++biny) {
65  double binContenty = pt_hist->GetBinContent(biny);
66  double binWidthy = pt_hist->GetBinWidth(biny);
67  pt_hist->SetBinContent(biny, binContenty / binWidthy);
68  }
69  // Normalize the x-axis by dividing each bin content by its width
70  for (int bin = 1; bin <= pt_hist->GetNbinsX(); ++bin) {
71  double binContent = pt_hist->GetBinContent(bin);
72  double binWidth = pt_hist->GetBinWidth(bin);
73  pt_hist->SetBinContent(bin, binContent / binWidth);
74  }
77  Int_t ci; // for color index setting
78  TColor *color; // for color definition with alpha
79  ci = TColor::GetColor("#000099");
80  pt_hist->SetLineColor(ci);
81  pt_hist->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("p_{T}");
82  pt_hist->GetXaxis()->SetLabelFont(42);
83  pt_hist->GetXaxis()->SetTitleOffset(1);
84  pt_hist->GetXaxis()->SetTitleFont(42);
85  pt_hist->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("N Jets (arbitrary units)");
86  pt_hist->GetYaxis()->SetLabelFont(42);
87  pt_hist->GetYaxis()->SetTitleFont(42);
88  pt_hist->GetZaxis()->SetLabelFont(42);
89  pt_hist->GetZaxis()->SetTitleOffset(1);
90  pt_hist->GetZaxis()->SetTitleFont(42);
91  pt_hist->Scale(1.0/pt_hist->Integral("width"));
92  pt_hist->Draw("");
94  TPaveLabel *label = new TPaveLabel(0.2, 0.5, 0.5, 0.6, "s_{NN}=200GeV");
95  label->SetTextSize(0.04); // Adjust the label's text size
96  label->SetTextFont(42); // Set the font for the label text
97  label->SetFillColor(0);
98  label->Draw();
100  TPaveText *pt_textt = new TPaveText(0.4742407,0.9366491,0.5257593,0.995,"blNDC");
101  pt_textt->SetName("title");
102  pt_textt->SetBorderSize(0);
103  pt_textt->SetFillColor(0);
104  pt_textt->SetFillStyle(0);
106  pt_textt->SetTextFont(42);
107  TText *pt_LaTex = pt_textt->AddText("Jet Spectra R=0.4 [Simulation]");
108  pt_LaTex->SetTextSize(0.04); // Adjust the size of the title text
109  pt_LaTex->SetTextFont(42); // Set the font for the title
110  pt_textt->Draw();
111  canvas->Modified();
112  canvas->cd();
113  canvas->SetSelected(canvas);
114  canvas->SaveAs("JetSpectra.pdf");
115  canvas->Draw();
116 }