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Go to the documentation of this file. Or view the newest version in sPHENIX GitHub for file HitsPrinter.cpp
1 // This file is part of the Acts project.
2 //
3 // Copyright (C) 2019 CERN for the benefit of the Acts project
4 //
5 // This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
6 // License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
7 // file, You can obtain one at
9 #include "HitsPrinter.hpp"
19 #include <algorithm>
20 #include <ostream>
21 #include <stdexcept>
22 #include <utility>
23 #include <vector>
27  : IAlgorithm("HitsPrinter", level), m_cfg(cfg) {
28  if (m_cfg.inputClusters.empty()) {
29  throw std::invalid_argument("Input clusters collection is not configured");
30  }
31  if (m_cfg.inputMeasurementParticlesMap.empty()) {
32  throw std::invalid_argument(
33  "Input hit-particles map collection is not configured");
34  }
35  if (m_cfg.inputHitIds.empty()) {
36  throw std::invalid_argument("Input hit ids collection is not configured");
37  }
42 }
45  const ActsExamples::AlgorithmContext& ctx) const {
46  const auto& clusters = m_inputClusters(ctx);
47  const auto& hitParticlesMap = m_inputMeasurementParticlesMap(ctx);
48  const auto& hitIds = m_inputHitIds(ctx);
50  if (clusters.size() != hitIds.size()) {
52  "event "
53  << ctx.eventNumber
54  << " input clusters and hit ids collections have inconsistent size");
55  return ProcessCode::ABORT;
56  }
57  ACTS_INFO("event " << ctx.eventNumber << " collection '"
58  << m_cfg.inputClusters << "' contains " << clusters.size()
59  << " hits");
61  // print hits selected by index
62  if (0 < m_cfg.selectIndexLength) {
63  size_t ihit = m_cfg.selectIndexStart;
64  // Saturated addition that does not overflow and exceed SIZE_MAX.
65  // From
66  size_t nend = ihit + m_cfg.selectIndexLength;
67  nend |= -static_cast<int>(nend < ihit);
68  // restrict to available hits
69  nend = std::min(clusters.size(), nend);
71  if (nend <= ihit) {
72  ACTS_WARNING("event "
73  << ctx.eventNumber << " collection '" << m_cfg.inputClusters
74  << " hit index selection is outside the available range");
75  } else {
76  ACTS_INFO("event " << ctx.eventNumber << " collection '"
77  << m_cfg.inputClusters << "' contains "
78  << (nend - ihit) << " hits in index selection ["
79  << m_cfg.selectIndexStart << ", "
80  << m_cfg.selectIndexLength << ")");
82  Acts::GeometryIdentifier prevGeoId;
83  for (; ihit < nend; ++ihit) {
84  // ihit is already known to be within the available cluster range.
85  // the `ic` iterator does not need to be checked for validity.
86  auto ic = clusters.nth(ihit);
87  Acts::GeometryIdentifier geoId = ic->first;
88  const Acts::PlanarModuleCluster& c = ic->second;
89  auto hitId =;
91  if (geoId != prevGeoId) {
92  ACTS_INFO("on geometry id " << geoId);
93  prevGeoId = geoId;
94  }
95  ACTS_INFO(" cluster " << ihit << " hit " << hitId << " size "
96  << c.digitizationCells().size());
97  // get all contributing particles
98  for (auto [hid, pid] : makeRange(hitParticlesMap.equal_range(ihit))) {
99  ACTS_INFO(" generated by particle " << pid);
100  }
101  }
102  }
103  }
105  // print hits within geometry selection
106  auto geoSelection = makeRange(clusters.begin(), clusters.begin());
107  if (m_cfg.selectModule != 0u) {
108  geoSelection = selectModule(clusters, m_cfg.selectVolume, m_cfg.selectLayer,
109  m_cfg.selectModule);
110  } else if (m_cfg.selectLayer != 0u) {
111  geoSelection = selectLayer(clusters, m_cfg.selectVolume, m_cfg.selectLayer);
112  } else if (m_cfg.selectVolume != 0u) {
113  geoSelection = selectVolume(clusters, m_cfg.selectVolume);
114  }
115  if (not geoSelection.empty()) {
116  ACTS_INFO("event " << ctx.eventNumber << " collection '"
117  << m_cfg.inputClusters << "' contains "
118  << geoSelection.size() << " hits in volume "
119  << m_cfg.selectVolume << " layer " << m_cfg.selectLayer
120  << " module " << m_cfg.selectModule);
121  // we could also use for (const Acts::PlanarModuleCluster& c : rangeModule)
122  // for simplicity, but then we could not get the hit index.
123  Acts::GeometryIdentifier prevGeoId;
124  for (auto ic = geoSelection.begin(); ic != geoSelection.end(); ++ic) {
125  auto ihit = clusters.index_of(ic);
126  auto hitId = hitIds[ihit];
128  Acts::GeometryIdentifier geoId = ic->first;
129  const Acts::PlanarModuleCluster& c = ic->second;
130  if (geoId != prevGeoId) {
131  ACTS_INFO("on geometry id " << geoId);
132  prevGeoId = geoId;
133  }
134  ACTS_INFO(" cluster " << ihit << " hit " << hitId << " size "
135  << c.digitizationCells().size());
136  // get all contributing particles
137  for (auto [hid, pid] : makeRange(hitParticlesMap.equal_range(ihit))) {
138  ACTS_INFO(" generated by particle " << pid);
139  }
140  }
141  }
143  return ProcessCode::SUCCESS;
144 }