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Go to the documentation of this file. Or view the newest version in sPHENIX GitHub for file Langevin.cxx
1 #include "Langevin.h"
2 #include <string>
4 #include "TH3F.h"
5 #include "TFile.h"
6 #include "TMath.h"
8 //=====================
10  fDebug = 0;
11  fEr = NULL;
12  fEp = NULL;
13  fEz = NULL;
14  fDeltaR = NULL;
15  fRDeltaPHI = NULL;
16  fInnerRadius=1.;
17  fOutterRadius=2.;
18  fHalfLength=1.;
19  fNRadialSteps=1;
22  fFileNameRoot="rho";
23 }
24 //=====================
26 }
27 //=====================
29  InitMaps();
31  //------------
32  //STEER
33  if(fEr==NULL) {
34  printf("Input fields not found. A B O R T I N G\n");
35  return;
36  }
37  if(fDebug>0) printf("Langevin solutions are being computed... \n");
39  const float prec=1e-8;
40  const float kE0 = 400; //V/cm
41  //const float kB0 = 5; //kGauss ALICE / STAR
42  const float kB0 = 15; //kGauss PHENIX
43  //Langevin gas parameters
44  // P9 gas
45  //const float kT1 = 1.34; //NIM Phys Res A235,296 (1985)
46  //const float kT2 = 1.11; //NIM Phys Res A235,296 (1985)
47  // P10 gas
48  //const float kT1 = 1.36; //measured by STAR
49  //const float kT2 = 1.11; //measured by STAR
50  // 85.7%Ne / 9.5%CO2 / 4.5%N2
51  const float kT1 = 1.0; // measured by ALICE
52  const float kT2 = 1.0; // measured by ALICE
53  const float kV0 = 4.0; // [cm/us] @ E=400V/cm (need fine tunning)
54  float wt = -10*kB0*kV0/kE0; //[kGauss] * [cm/us] / [V/cm] //0.32 != -10*5*4/400
55  float c0 = 1.0/(1.0+kT2*kT2*wt*wt);
56  float c1 = kT1*wt/(1.0+kT1*kT1*wt*wt);
57  float c2 = kT2*kT2*wt*wt*c0;
58  if(fDebug>1) printf("wt = %f \n",wt);
59  if(fDebug>1) printf("c0 = %f \n",c0);
60  if(fDebug>1) printf("c1 = %f \n",c1);
61  if(fDebug>1) printf("c2 = %f \n",c2);
62  float dz = fEz->GetZaxis()->GetBinWidth(1);
63  for(int r=0; r!=fNRadialSteps; ++r)
64  for(int p=0; p!=fNAzimuthalSteps; ++p)
65  for(int z=0; z!=fNLongitudinalSteps; ++z) {
66  float intDR = 0, intRDPHI = 0;
67  // integrating over drift ditance
68  int minZ = 0;
69  int maxZ = z+1;
70  if( fEz->GetZaxis()->GetBinCenter(z+1)>0 ) {
71  minZ=z;
73  }
74  for(int zprime=minZ; zprime!=maxZ; ++zprime) {
75  float dR, RdPHI;
76  float dEz = fEz->GetBinContent( r+1, p+1, z+1 ) + kE0;
77  dR = c0*fEr->GetBinContent( r+1, p+1, zprime+1 )/dEz;
78  dR += c1*fEp->GetBinContent( r+1, p+1, zprime+1 )/dEz;
79  RdPHI = -c1*fEr->GetBinContent( r+1, p+1, zprime+1 )/dEz;
80  RdPHI += c0*fEp->GetBinContent( r+1, p+1, zprime+1 )/dEz;
81  if(!TMath::AreEqualAbs( dR, 0, prec )) intDR += dR*dz;
82  if(!TMath::AreEqualAbs( RdPHI, 0, prec )) intRDPHI += RdPHI*dz;
83  }
84  fDeltaR->SetBinContent( r+1, p+1, z+1, intDR );
85  fRDeltaPHI->SetBinContent( r+1, p+1, z+1, intRDPHI );
86  if(fDebug>2) printf("@{Ir,Ip,Iz}={%d,%d,%d}, deltaR=%f\n",r,p,z,intDR);
87  if(fDebug>2) printf("@{Ir,Ip,Iz}={%d,%d,%d}, RdeltaPHI=%f\n",r,p,z,intRDPHI);
88  }
89  if(fDebug>0) printf("[DONE]\n");
90  //------------
92  SaveMaps();
93 }
94 //=====================
96  const char *inputfile = Form("%s_1.root",;
97  if(fDebug>0) printf("Langevin is reading the input file %s... ",inputfile);
98  TFile *ifile = new TFile(inputfile);
99  fEr = (TH3F*) ifile->Get("Er");
100  fEp = (TH3F*) ifile->Get("Ep");
101  fEz = (TH3F*) ifile->Get("Ez");
102  if(fDebug>0) printf("[DONE]\n");
103 }
104 //=====================
106  ReadFile();
107  if(fDebug>0) printf("Langevin is initializing distortion maps... ");
108  fDeltaR = new TH3F("mapDeltaR","#delta_{R} [cm];Radial [cm];Azimuthal [rad];Longitudinal [cm]",
112  fRDeltaPHI = new TH3F("mapRDeltaPHI","R#delta_{#varphi} [cm];Radial [cm];Azimuthal [rad];Longitudinal [cm]",
116  if(fDebug>0) printf("[DONE]\n");
117 }
118 //=====================
120  const char *outputfile= Form("%s_2.root",;
121  if(fDebug>0) printf("Langevin saving distortion maps... ");
122  TFile *ofile = new TFile(outputfile,"RECREATE");
123  ofile->WriteObject(fDeltaR,"mapDeltaR");
124  ofile->WriteObject(fRDeltaPHI,"mapRDeltaPHI");
125  ofile->Close();
126  if(fDebug>0) printf("[DONE]\n");
127 }