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Go to the documentation of this file. Or view the newest version in sPHENIX GitHub for file CylinderBounds.cpp
1 // This file is part of the Acts project.
2 //
3 // Copyright (C) 2016-2020 CERN for the benefit of the Acts project
4 //
5 // This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
6 // License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
7 // file, You can obtain one at
15 #include <algorithm>
16 #include <cmath>
17 #include <iomanip>
18 #include <iostream>
19 #include <utility>
26 }
29  const Acts::Vector2& lposition) const {
30  return {Acts::detail::radian_sym((lposition[Acts::eBoundLoc0] / get(eR)) -
31  get(eAveragePhi)),
32  lposition[Acts::eBoundLoc1]};
33 }
37  j(0, eBoundLoc0) = 1 / get(eR);
38  j(0, eBoundLoc1) = 0;
39  j(1, eBoundLoc0) = 0;
40  j(1, eBoundLoc1) = 1;
41  return j;
42 }
44 bool Acts::CylinderBounds::inside(const Vector2& lposition,
45  const BoundaryCheck& bcheck) const {
46  double bevelMinZ = get(eBevelMinZ);
47  double bevelMaxZ = get(eBevelMaxZ);
49  double halfLengthZ = get(eHalfLengthZ);
50  double halfPhi = get(eHalfPhiSector);
51  if (bevelMinZ != 0. && bevelMaxZ != 0.) {
52  double radius = get(eR);
53  // Beleved sides will unwrap to a trapezoid
55  // ________
56  // /| . . |\ r/phi
57  // \|______|/ r/phi
58  // -Z 0 Z
60  float localx =
61  lposition[0] > radius ? 2 * radius - lposition[0] : lposition[0];
62  Vector2 shiftedlposition = shifted(lposition);
63  if ((std::fabs(shiftedlposition[0]) <= halfPhi &&
64  std::fabs(shiftedlposition[1]) <= halfLengthZ)) {
65  return true;
66  } else if ((lposition[1] >=
67  -(localx * std::tan(bevelMinZ) + halfLengthZ)) &&
68  (lposition[1] <= (localx * std::tan(bevelMaxZ) + halfLengthZ))) {
69  return true;
70  } else {
71  // check within tolerance
72  auto boundaryCheck = bcheck.transformed(jacobian());
74  Vector2 lowerLeft = {-radius, -halfLengthZ};
75  Vector2 middleLeft = {0., -(halfLengthZ + radius * std::tan(bevelMinZ))};
76  Vector2 upperLeft = {radius, -halfLengthZ};
77  Vector2 upperRight = {radius, halfLengthZ};
78  Vector2 middleRight = {0., (halfLengthZ + radius * std::tan(bevelMaxZ))};
79  Vector2 lowerRight = {-radius, halfLengthZ};
80  Vector2 vertices[] = {lowerLeft, middleLeft, upperLeft,
81  upperRight, middleRight, lowerRight};
82  Vector2 closestPoint =
83  boundaryCheck.computeClosestPointOnPolygon(lposition, vertices);
85  return boundaryCheck.isTolerated(closestPoint - lposition);
86  }
87  } else {
88  return bcheck.transformed(jacobian())
89  .isInside(shifted(lposition), Vector2(-halfPhi, -halfLengthZ),
90  Vector2(halfPhi, halfLengthZ));
91  }
92 }
95  const BoundaryCheck& bcheck) const {
96  // additional tolerance from the boundary check if configured
97  bool checkAbsolute = bcheck.m_type == BoundaryCheck::Type::eAbsolute;
99  // this fast check only applies to closed cylindrical bounds
100  double addToleranceR =
101  (checkAbsolute && m_closed) ? bcheck.m_tolerance[0] : 0.;
102  double addToleranceZ = checkAbsolute ? bcheck.m_tolerance[1] : 0.;
103  // check if the position compatible with the radius
104  if ((s_onSurfaceTolerance + addToleranceR) <=
105  std::abs(perp(position) - get(eR))) {
106  return false;
107  } else if (checkAbsolute && m_closed) {
108  double bevelMinZ = get(eBevelMinZ);
109  double bevelMaxZ = get(eBevelMaxZ);
111  double addedMinZ =
112  bevelMinZ != 0. ? position.y() * std::sin(bevelMinZ) : 0.;
113  double addedMaxZ =
114  bevelMinZ != 0. ? position.y() * std::sin(bevelMaxZ) : 0.;
116  return ((s_onSurfaceTolerance + addToleranceZ + get(eHalfLengthZ) +
117  addedMinZ) >= position.z()) &&
118  ((s_onSurfaceTolerance + addToleranceZ + get(eHalfLengthZ) +
119  addedMaxZ) <= position.z());
120  }
121  // detailed, but slower check
122  Vector2 lpos(detail::radian_sym(phi(position) - get(eAveragePhi)),
123  position.z());
124  return bcheck.transformed(jacobian())
125  .isInside(lpos, Vector2(-get(eHalfPhiSector), -get(eHalfLengthZ)),
126  Vector2(get(eHalfPhiSector), get(eHalfLengthZ)));
127 }
129 std::ostream& Acts::CylinderBounds::toStream(std::ostream& sl) const {
130  sl << std::setiosflags(std::ios::fixed);
131  sl << std::setprecision(7);
132  sl << "Acts::CylinderBounds: (radius, halfLengthZ, halfPhiSector, "
133  "averagePhi, bevelMinZ, bevelMaxZ) = ";
134  sl << "(" << get(eR) << ", " << get(eHalfLengthZ) << ", ";
135  sl << get(eHalfPhiSector) << ", " << get(eAveragePhi) << ", ";
136  sl << get(eBevelMinZ) << ", " << get(eBevelMaxZ) << ")";
137  sl << std::setprecision(-1);
138  return sl;
139 }
141 std::vector<Acts::Vector3> Acts::CylinderBounds::createCircles(
142  const Transform3 ctrans, size_t lseg) const {
143  std::vector<Vector3> vertices;
145  double avgPhi = get(eAveragePhi);
146  double halfPhi = get(eHalfPhiSector);
148  bool fullCylinder = coversFullAzimuth();
150  // Get the phi segments from the helper - ensures extra points
151  auto phiSegs = fullCylinder ? detail::VerticesHelper::phiSegments()
153  avgPhi - halfPhi, avgPhi + halfPhi,
154  {static_cast<ActsScalar>(avgPhi)});
156  // Write the two bows/circles on either side
157  std::vector<int> sides = {-1, 1};
158  for (auto& side : sides) {
159  for (size_t iseg = 0; iseg < phiSegs.size() - 1; ++iseg) {
160  int addon = (iseg == phiSegs.size() - 2 and not fullCylinder) ? 1 : 0;
163  vertices, {get(eR), get(eR)}, phiSegs[iseg], phiSegs[iseg + 1], lseg,
164  addon, Vector3(0., 0., side * get(eHalfLengthZ)), ctrans);
165  }
166  }
168  double bevelMinZ = get(eBevelMinZ);
169  double bevelMaxZ = get(eBevelMaxZ);
171  // Modify the vertices position if bevel is defined
172  if ((bevelMinZ != 0. || bevelMaxZ != 0.) && vertices.size() % 2 == 0) {
173  auto halfWay = vertices.end() - vertices.size() / 2;
174  double mult{1};
175  auto invCtrans = ctrans.inverse();
176  auto func = [&mult, &ctrans, &invCtrans](Vector3& v) {
177  v = invCtrans * v;
178  v(2) += v(1) * mult;
179  v = ctrans * v;
180  };
181  if (bevelMinZ != 0.) {
182  mult = std::tan(-bevelMinZ);
183  std::for_each(vertices.begin(), halfWay, func);
184  }
185  if (bevelMaxZ != 0.) {
186  mult = std::tan(bevelMaxZ);
187  std::for_each(halfWay, vertices.end(), func);
188  }
189  }
190  return vertices;
191 }