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3 #include <phparameter/PHParameters.h>
5 #include <g4main/PHG4Detector.h> // for PHG4Detector
7 #include <Geant4/G4AssemblyVolume.hh>
8 #include <Geant4/G4Box.hh>
9 #include <Geant4/G4Colour.hh>
10 #include <Geant4/G4ExtrudedSolid.hh>
11 #include <Geant4/G4LogicalVolume.hh>
12 #include <Geant4/G4Material.hh>
13 #include <Geant4/G4PVPlacement.hh>
14 #include <Geant4/G4RotationMatrix.hh> // for G4RotationMatrix
15 #include <Geant4/G4String.hh> // for G4String
16 #include <Geant4/G4SystemOfUnits.hh>
17 #include <Geant4/G4ThreeVector.hh> // for G4ThreeVector
18 #include <Geant4/G4TwoVector.hh>
19 #include <Geant4/G4VPhysicalVolume.hh> // for G4VPhysicalVolume
20 #include <Geant4/G4VSolid.hh> // for G4VSolid
21 #include <Geant4/G4VisAttributes.hh>
23 #include <boost/format.hpp>
25 #include <cmath>
26 #include <iostream> // for operator<<, endl
27 #include <sstream>
28 #include <utility> // for pair, make_pair
29 #include <vector> // for vector, vector<>::...
31 class PHCompositeNode;
33 using namespace std;
35 static const string scintimothername = "OuterHcalScintiMother";
36 static const string steelplatename = "OuterHcalSteelPlate";
39  : PHG4Detector(subsys, Node, dnam)
40  , m_Params(parameters)
41  , m_OuterHcalSteelPlate(nullptr)
42  , m_OuterHcalAssembly(nullptr)
43  , m_SteelPlateCornerUpperLeft(1777.6 * mm, -433.5 * mm)
44  , m_SteelPlateCornerUpperRight(2600.4 * mm, -417.4 * mm)
45  , m_SteelPlateCornerLowerRight(2601.2 * mm, -459.8 * mm)
46  , m_SteelPlateCornerLowerLeft(1770.9 * mm, -459.8 * mm)
47  ,
49  m_ScintiUoneFrontSize(166.2 * mm)
50  , m_ScintiUoneCornerUpperLeft(0 * mm, 0 * mm)
51  , m_ScintiUoneCornerUpperRight(828.9 * mm, 0 * mm)
52  , m_ScintiUoneCornerLowerRight(828.9 * mm, -240.54 * mm)
53  , m_ScintiUoneCornerLowerLeft(0 * mm, -m_ScintiUoneFrontSize)
54  ,
56  m_ScintiU2CornerUpperLeft(0 * mm, 0 * mm)
57  , m_ScintiU2CornerUpperRight(828.9 * mm, -74.3 * mm)
58  , m_ScintiU2CornerLowerRight(828.9 * mm, -320.44 * mm)
59  , m_ScintiU2CornerLowerLeft(0 * mm, -171.0 * mm)
60  ,
62  m_ScintiT9DistanceToCorner(0.86 * mm)
63  , m_ScintiT9FrontSize(241.5 * mm)
64  , m_ScintiT9CornerUpperLeft(0 * mm, 0 * mm)
65  , m_ScintiT9CornerUpperRight(697.4 * mm, -552.2 * mm)
66  , m_ScintiT9CornerLowerRight(697.4 * mm, -697.4 * mm / tan(47.94 / 180. * M_PI) - m_ScintiT9FrontSize)
67  , m_ScintiT9CornerLowerLeft(0 * mm, -m_ScintiT9FrontSize)
68  ,
70  m_ScintiT10FrontSize(241.4 * mm)
71  , m_ScintiT10CornerUpperLeft(0 * mm, 0 * mm)
72  , m_ScintiT10CornerUpperRight(697.4 * mm, -629.3 * mm)
73  , m_ScintiT10CornerLowerRight(697.4 * mm, -697.4 * mm / tan(44.2 / 180. * M_PI) - m_ScintiT10FrontSize)
74  , m_ScintiT10CornerLowerLeft(0 * mm, -m_ScintiT10FrontSize)
75  ,
77  m_ScintiT11FrontSize(241.4 * mm)
78  , m_ScintiT11CornerUpperLeft(0 * mm, 0 * mm)
79  , m_ScintiT11CornerUpperRight(697.4 * mm, -717.1 * mm)
80  , m_ScintiT11CornerLowerRight(697.4 * mm, -697.4 * mm / tan(42.47 / 180. * M_PI) - m_ScintiT11FrontSize)
81  , m_ScintiT11CornerLowerLeft(0 * mm, -m_ScintiT11FrontSize)
82  ,
84  m_ScintiT12FrontSize(312.7 * mm)
85  , m_ScintiT12CornerUpperLeft(0 * mm, 0 * mm)
86  , m_ScintiT12CornerUpperRight(697.4 * mm, -761.8 * mm)
87  , m_ScintiT12CornerLowerRight(392.9 * mm, -827.7)
88  , m_ScintiT12CornerLowerLeft(0 * mm, -m_ScintiT12FrontSize)
89  ,
91  m_ScintiX(828.9)
92  , m_ScintiXHiEta(697.4 * mm + 121.09 * mm)
93  , m_SteelZ(1600. * mm)
94  , m_SizeZ(m_SteelZ)
95  , m_ScintiTileZ(m_SteelZ)
96  , m_ScintiTileThickness(7 * mm)
97  , m_ScintiBoxSmaller(0.02 * mm)
98  , // blargh - off by 20 microns bc scinti tilt angle, need to revisit at some point
99  m_GapBetweenTiles(1 * mm)
100  , m_ScintiGap(8.5 * mm)
101  , m_TiltAngle(12 * deg)
102  , m_DeltaPhi(2 * M_PI / 320.)
103  , m_VolumeSteel(NAN)
104  , m_VolumeScintillator(NAN)
105  , m_NScintiPlates(20)
106  , m_NSteelPlates(m_NScintiPlates + 1)
107  , m_ActiveFlag(m_Params->get_int_param("active"))
108  , m_AbsorberActiveFlag(m_Params->get_int_param("absorberactive"))
109  , m_Layer(0)
110 {
111 }
114 {
115  delete m_OuterHcalAssembly;
116 }
118 //_______________________________________________________________
119 //_______________________________________________________________
121 {
122  G4LogicalVolume* logvol = volume->GetLogicalVolume();
124  {
125  return -1;
126  }
127  if (m_ActiveFlag && m_ActiveVolumeSet.find(logvol) != m_ActiveVolumeSet.end())
128  {
129  return 1;
130  }
131  return 0;
132 }
134 G4LogicalVolume*
136 {
138  {
139  G4VSolid* steel_plate;
140  std::vector<G4TwoVector> vertexes;
141  vertexes.push_back(m_SteelPlateCornerUpperLeft);
142  vertexes.push_back(m_SteelPlateCornerUpperRight);
143  vertexes.push_back(m_SteelPlateCornerLowerRight);
144  vertexes.push_back(m_SteelPlateCornerLowerLeft);
145  G4TwoVector zero(0, 0);
146  steel_plate = new G4ExtrudedSolid("OuterHcalSteelPlateSolid",
147  vertexes,
148  m_SizeZ / 2.0,
149  zero, 1.0,
150  zero, 1.0);
152  m_VolumeSteel = steel_plate->GetCubicVolume() * m_NSteelPlates;
153  m_OuterHcalSteelPlate = new G4LogicalVolume(steel_plate, G4Material::GetMaterial("Steel_A36"), "OuterHcalSteelPlate", 0, 0, 0);
154  G4VisAttributes visattchk;
155  visattchk.SetVisibility(true);
156  visattchk.SetForceSolid(false);
157  visattchk.SetColour(G4Colour::Blue());
158  m_OuterHcalSteelPlate->SetVisAttributes(visattchk);
159  }
160  return m_OuterHcalSteelPlate;
161 }
163 G4LogicalVolume*
165 {
166  int copynum = 0;
167  G4VSolid* scintiboxsolid = new G4Box(scintimothername, m_ScintiX / 2., (m_ScintiGap - m_ScintiBoxSmaller) / 2., m_ScintiTileZ / 2.);
168  // DisplayVolume(scintiboxsolid,hcalenvelope);
169  G4LogicalVolume* scintiboxlogical = new G4LogicalVolume(scintiboxsolid, G4Material::GetMaterial("G4_AIR"), G4String(scintimothername), 0, 0, 0);
170  G4VisAttributes* hcalVisAtt = new G4VisAttributes();
171  hcalVisAtt->SetVisibility(true);
172  hcalVisAtt->SetForceSolid(false);
173  hcalVisAtt->SetColour(G4Colour::Red());
174  G4LogicalVolume* scintiu1_logic = ConstructScintiTileU1(hcalenvelope);
175  scintiu1_logic->SetVisAttributes(hcalVisAtt);
177  hcalVisAtt = new G4VisAttributes();
178  hcalVisAtt->SetVisibility(true);
179  hcalVisAtt->SetForceSolid(false);
180  hcalVisAtt->SetColour(G4Colour::Cyan());
181  G4LogicalVolume* scintiu2_logic = ConstructScintiTileU2(hcalenvelope);
182  scintiu2_logic->SetVisAttributes(hcalVisAtt);
183  G4RotationMatrix* Rot;
184  Rot = new G4RotationMatrix();
185  Rot->rotateX(-90 * deg);
186  new G4PVPlacement(Rot, G4ThreeVector(-m_ScintiX / 2., 0, -m_ScintiUoneFrontSize - m_GapBetweenTiles / 2. - m_GapBetweenTiles), scintiu2_logic, (boost::format("OuterScinti_%d") % copynum).str(), scintiboxlogical, false, copynum, OverlapCheck());
188  Rot = new G4RotationMatrix();
189  Rot->rotateX(-90 * deg);
190  copynum++;
191  new G4PVPlacement(Rot, G4ThreeVector(-m_ScintiX / 2., 0, -m_GapBetweenTiles / 2.), scintiu1_logic, (boost::format("OuterScinti_%d") % copynum).str(), scintiboxlogical, false, copynum, OverlapCheck());
193  Rot = new G4RotationMatrix();
194  Rot->rotateX(90 * deg);
195  copynum++;
196  new G4PVPlacement(Rot, G4ThreeVector(-m_ScintiX / 2., 0, m_GapBetweenTiles / 2.), scintiu1_logic, (boost::format("OuterScinti_%d") % copynum).str(), scintiboxlogical, false, copynum, OverlapCheck());
198  Rot = new G4RotationMatrix();
199  Rot->rotateX(90 * deg);
200  copynum++;
201  new G4PVPlacement(Rot, G4ThreeVector(-m_ScintiX / 2., 0, m_ScintiUoneFrontSize + m_GapBetweenTiles / 2. + m_GapBetweenTiles), scintiu2_logic, (boost::format("OuterScinti_%d") % copynum).str(), scintiboxlogical, false, copynum, OverlapCheck());
203  return scintiboxlogical;
204 }
206 G4LogicalVolume*
208 {
209  std::vector<G4TwoVector> vertexes;
210  vertexes.push_back(m_ScintiUoneCornerUpperLeft);
211  vertexes.push_back(m_ScintiUoneCornerUpperRight);
212  vertexes.push_back(m_ScintiUoneCornerLowerRight);
213  vertexes.push_back(m_ScintiUoneCornerLowerLeft);
214  G4TwoVector zero(0, 0);
215  G4VSolid* scintiu1 = new G4ExtrudedSolid("OuterHcalScintiU1",
216  vertexes,
217  m_ScintiTileThickness / 2.0,
218  zero, 1.0,
219  zero, 1.0);
221  G4LogicalVolume* scintiu1_logic = new G4LogicalVolume(scintiu1, G4Material::GetMaterial("G4_POLYSTYRENE"), "OuterHcalScintiU1", nullptr, nullptr, nullptr);
222  // DisplayVolume(scintiu1,hcalenvelope);
223  m_ActiveVolumeSet.insert(scintiu1_logic);
224  return scintiu1_logic;
225 }
227 G4LogicalVolume*
229 {
230  std::vector<G4TwoVector> vertexes;
231  vertexes.push_back(m_ScintiU2CornerUpperLeft);
232  vertexes.push_back(m_ScintiU2CornerUpperRight);
233  vertexes.push_back(m_ScintiU2CornerLowerRight);
234  vertexes.push_back(m_ScintiU2CornerLowerLeft);
235  G4TwoVector zero(0, 0);
236  G4VSolid* scintiu2 = new G4ExtrudedSolid("OuterHcalScintiU2",
237  vertexes,
238  m_ScintiTileThickness / 2.0,
239  zero, 1.0,
240  zero, 1.0);
242  G4LogicalVolume* scintiu2_logic = new G4LogicalVolume(scintiu2, G4Material::GetMaterial("G4_POLYSTYRENE"), "OuterHcalScintiU2", nullptr, nullptr, nullptr);
243  // DisplayVolume(scintiu2,hcalenvelope);
244  m_ActiveVolumeSet.insert(scintiu2_logic);
245  return scintiu2_logic;
246 }
248 G4LogicalVolume*
250 {
251  int copynum = 0;
252  G4VSolid* scintiboxsolid = new G4Box(scintimothername, m_ScintiX / 2., (m_ScintiGap - m_ScintiBoxSmaller) / 2., m_ScintiTileZ / 2.);
253  // DisplayVolume(scintiboxsolid,hcalenvelope);
254  G4LogicalVolume* scintiboxlogical = new G4LogicalVolume(scintiboxsolid, G4Material::GetMaterial("G4_AIR"), G4String(scintimothername), 0, 0, 0);
256  G4VisAttributes hcalVisAtt;
257  hcalVisAtt.SetVisibility(true);
258  hcalVisAtt.SetForceSolid(false);
259  hcalVisAtt.SetColour(G4Colour::Magenta());
260  G4LogicalVolume* scintit9_logic = ConstructScintiTile9(hcalenvelope);
261  scintit9_logic->SetVisAttributes(hcalVisAtt);
263  double distance_to_corner = -m_SizeZ / 2. + m_ScintiT9DistanceToCorner;
264  G4RotationMatrix* Rot;
265  Rot = new G4RotationMatrix();
266  Rot->rotateX(90 * deg);
267  new G4PVPlacement(Rot, G4ThreeVector(-m_ScintiXHiEta / 2., 0, distance_to_corner), scintit9_logic, (boost::format("OuterScinti_%d") % copynum).str(), scintiboxlogical, false, copynum, OverlapCheck());
269  hcalVisAtt.SetVisibility(true);
270  hcalVisAtt.SetForceSolid(false);
271  hcalVisAtt.SetColour(G4Colour::Blue());
272  G4LogicalVolume* scintit10_logic = ConstructScintiTile10(hcalenvelope);
273  scintit10_logic->SetVisAttributes(hcalVisAtt);
275  distance_to_corner += m_ScintiT9FrontSize + m_GapBetweenTiles;
276  Rot = new G4RotationMatrix();
277  Rot->rotateX(90 * deg);
278  copynum++;
279  new G4PVPlacement(Rot, G4ThreeVector(-m_ScintiXHiEta / 2., 0, distance_to_corner), scintit10_logic, (boost::format("OuterScinti_%d") % copynum).str(), scintiboxlogical, false, copynum, OverlapCheck());
281  hcalVisAtt.SetVisibility(true);
282  hcalVisAtt.SetForceSolid(false);
283  hcalVisAtt.SetColour(G4Colour::Yellow());
284  G4LogicalVolume* scintit11_logic = ConstructScintiTile11(hcalenvelope);
285  scintit11_logic->SetVisAttributes(hcalVisAtt);
287  distance_to_corner += m_ScintiT10FrontSize + m_GapBetweenTiles;
288  Rot = new G4RotationMatrix();
289  Rot->rotateX(90 * deg);
290  copynum++;
291  new G4PVPlacement(Rot, G4ThreeVector(-m_ScintiXHiEta / 2., 0, distance_to_corner), scintit11_logic, (boost::format("OuterScinti_%d") % copynum).str(), scintiboxlogical, false, copynum, OverlapCheck());
293  hcalVisAtt.SetVisibility(true);
294  hcalVisAtt.SetForceSolid(false);
295  hcalVisAtt.SetColour(G4Colour::Cyan());
296  G4LogicalVolume* scintit12_logic = ConstructScintiTile12(hcalenvelope);
297  scintit12_logic->SetVisAttributes(hcalVisAtt);
299  distance_to_corner += m_ScintiT11FrontSize + m_GapBetweenTiles;
300  Rot = new G4RotationMatrix();
301  Rot->rotateX(90 * deg);
302  copynum++;
303  new G4PVPlacement(Rot, G4ThreeVector(-m_ScintiXHiEta / 2., 0, distance_to_corner), scintit12_logic, (boost::format("OuterScinti_%d") % copynum).str(), scintiboxlogical, false, copynum, OverlapCheck());
304  //DisplayVolume(scintiboxlogical,hcalenvelope);
305  return scintiboxlogical;
306 }
307 G4LogicalVolume*
309 {
310  std::vector<G4TwoVector> vertexes;
311  vertexes.push_back(m_ScintiT9CornerUpperLeft);
312  vertexes.push_back(m_ScintiT9CornerUpperRight);
313  vertexes.push_back(m_ScintiT9CornerLowerRight);
314  vertexes.push_back(m_ScintiT9CornerLowerLeft);
315  G4TwoVector zero(0, 0);
316  G4VSolid* scintit9 = new G4ExtrudedSolid("OuterHcalScintiT9",
317  vertexes,
318  m_ScintiTileThickness / 2.0,
319  zero, 1.0,
320  zero, 1.0);
322  G4LogicalVolume* scintit9_logic = new G4LogicalVolume(scintit9, G4Material::GetMaterial("G4_POLYSTYRENE"), "OuterHcalScintiT9", nullptr, nullptr, nullptr);
323  // DisplayVolume(scintit9,hcalenvelope);
324  m_ActiveVolumeSet.insert(scintit9_logic);
325  return scintit9_logic;
326 }
328 G4LogicalVolume*
330 {
331  std::vector<G4TwoVector> vertexes;
332  vertexes.push_back(m_ScintiT10CornerUpperLeft);
333  vertexes.push_back(m_ScintiT10CornerUpperRight);
334  vertexes.push_back(m_ScintiT10CornerLowerRight);
335  vertexes.push_back(m_ScintiT10CornerLowerLeft);
336  G4TwoVector zero(0, 0);
337  G4VSolid* scintit10 = new G4ExtrudedSolid("OuterHcalScintiT10",
338  vertexes,
339  m_ScintiTileThickness / 2.0,
340  zero, 1.0,
341  zero, 1.0);
343  G4LogicalVolume* scintit10_logic = new G4LogicalVolume(scintit10, G4Material::GetMaterial("G4_POLYSTYRENE"), "OuterHcalScintiT10", nullptr, nullptr, nullptr);
344  // DisplayVolume(scintit10,hcalenvelope);
345  m_ActiveVolumeSet.insert(scintit10_logic);
346  return scintit10_logic;
347 }
349 G4LogicalVolume*
351 {
352  std::vector<G4TwoVector> vertexes;
353  vertexes.push_back(m_ScintiT11CornerUpperLeft);
354  vertexes.push_back(m_ScintiT11CornerUpperRight);
355  vertexes.push_back(m_ScintiT11CornerLowerRight);
356  vertexes.push_back(m_ScintiT11CornerLowerLeft);
357  G4TwoVector zero(0, 0);
358  G4VSolid* scintit11 = new G4ExtrudedSolid("OuterHcalScintiT11",
359  vertexes,
360  m_ScintiTileThickness / 2.0,
361  zero, 1.0,
362  zero, 1.0);
364  G4LogicalVolume* scintit11_logic = new G4LogicalVolume(scintit11, G4Material::GetMaterial("G4_POLYSTYRENE"), "OuterHcalScintiT11", nullptr, nullptr, nullptr);
365  // DisplayVolume(scintit11,hcalenvelope);
366  m_ActiveVolumeSet.insert(scintit11_logic);
367  return scintit11_logic;
368 }
370 G4LogicalVolume*
372 {
373  std::vector<G4TwoVector> vertexes;
374  vertexes.push_back(m_ScintiT12CornerUpperLeft);
375  vertexes.push_back(m_ScintiT12CornerUpperRight);
376  vertexes.push_back(m_ScintiT12CornerLowerRight);
377  vertexes.push_back(m_ScintiT12CornerLowerLeft);
378  G4TwoVector zero(0, 0);
379  G4VSolid* scintit12 = new G4ExtrudedSolid("OuterHcalScintiT12",
380  vertexes,
381  m_ScintiTileThickness / 2.0,
382  zero, 1.0,
383  zero, 1.0);
385  G4LogicalVolume* scintit12_logic = new G4LogicalVolume(scintit12, G4Material::GetMaterial("G4_POLYSTYRENE"), "OuterHcalScintiT12", nullptr, nullptr, nullptr);
386  // DisplayVolume(scintit12,hcalenvelope);
387  m_ActiveVolumeSet.insert(scintit12_logic);
388  return scintit12_logic;
389 }
391 // Construct the envelope and the call the
392 // actual outer hcal construction
393 void PHG4Prototype2OuterHcalDetector::ConstructMe(G4LogicalVolume* logicWorld)
394 {
395  G4ThreeVector g4vec(m_Params->get_double_param("place_x") * cm,
396  m_Params->get_double_param("place_y") * cm,
397  m_Params->get_double_param("place_z") * cm);
398  G4RotationMatrix Rot;
399  Rot.rotateX(m_Params->get_double_param("rot_x") * deg);
400  Rot.rotateY(m_Params->get_double_param("rot_y") * deg);
401  Rot.rotateZ(m_Params->get_double_param("rot_z") * deg);
402  // ConstructScintillatorBoxHiEta(logicWorld);
403  m_OuterHcalAssembly = new G4AssemblyVolume();
404  //ConstructSteelPlate(hcal_envelope_log);
405  // return;
406  ConstructOuterHcal(logicWorld);
407  m_OuterHcalAssembly->MakeImprint(logicWorld, g4vec, &Rot, 0, OverlapCheck());
408  // this is rather pathetic - there is no way to extract the name when a volume is added
409  // to the assembly. The only thing we can do is get an iterator over the placed volumes
410  // in the order in which they were placed. Since this code does not install the scintillators
411  // for the Al version, parsing the volume names to get the id does not work since it changes
412  // So now we loop over all volumes and store them in a map for fast lookup of the row
413  int isteel = 0;
414  int iscinti = 0;
415  vector<G4VPhysicalVolume*>::iterator it = m_OuterHcalAssembly->GetVolumesIterator();
416  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < m_OuterHcalAssembly->TotalImprintedVolumes(); i++)
417  {
418  string volname = (*it)->GetName();
419  if (volname.find(steelplatename) != string::npos)
420  {
421  m_SteelPlateIdMap.insert(make_pair(volname, isteel));
422  ++isteel;
423  }
424  else if (volname.find(scintimothername) != string::npos)
425  {
426  m_ScintillatorIdMap.insert(make_pair(volname, iscinti));
427  ++iscinti;
428  }
429  ++it;
430  }
431  // print out volume names and their assigned id
432  // map<string,int>::const_iterator iter;
433  // for (iter = m_SteelPlateIdMap.begin(); iter != m_SteelPlateIdMap.end(); ++iter)
434  // {
435  // cout << iter->first << ", " << iter->second << endl;
436  // }
437  // for (iter = m_ScintillatorIdMap.begin(); iter != m_ScintillatorIdMap.end(); ++iter)
438  // {
439  // cout << iter->first << ", " << iter->second << endl;
440  // }
442  return;
443 }
445 int PHG4Prototype2OuterHcalDetector::ConstructOuterHcal(G4LogicalVolume *hcalenvelope)
446 {
447  G4LogicalVolume* steel_plate = ConstructSteelPlate(hcalenvelope); // bottom steel plate
448  G4LogicalVolume* scintibox = nullptr;
449  if (m_Params->get_int_param("hi_eta"))
450  {
451  scintibox = ConstructScintillatorBoxHiEta(hcalenvelope);
452  }
453  else
454  {
455  scintibox = ConstructScintillatorBox(hcalenvelope);
456  }
457  double phi = 0.;
458  double phislat = 0.;
459  // the coordinate of the center of the bottom of the bottom steel plate
460  // to get the radius of the circle which is the center of the scintillator box
461  double bottom_xmiddle_steel_tile = (m_SteelPlateCornerLowerRight.x() - m_SteelPlateCornerLowerLeft.x()) / 2. + m_SteelPlateCornerLowerLeft.x();
462  double bottom_ymiddle_steel_tile = m_SteelPlateCornerLowerRight.y();
463  double middlerad = sqrt(bottom_xmiddle_steel_tile * bottom_xmiddle_steel_tile + bottom_ymiddle_steel_tile * bottom_ymiddle_steel_tile);
464  double philow = atan((bottom_ymiddle_steel_tile - m_ScintiGap / 2.) / bottom_xmiddle_steel_tile);
465  double scintiangle = GetScintiAngle();
466  for (int i = 0; i < m_NSteelPlates; i++)
467  {
468  G4RotationMatrix Rot;
469  Rot.rotateZ(phi * rad);
470  G4ThreeVector g4vec(0, 0, 0);
471  m_OuterHcalAssembly->AddPlacedVolume(steel_plate, g4vec, &Rot);
472  if (i > 0)
473  {
474  double ypos = sin(phi + philow) * middlerad;
475  double xpos = cos(phi + philow) * middlerad;
476  // the center of the scintillator is not the center of the inner hcal
477  // but depends on the tilt angle. Therefore we need to shift
478  // the center from the mid point
479  ypos += sin((-m_TiltAngle) / rad - phi);
480  xpos -= cos((-m_TiltAngle) / rad - phi);
481  G4RotationMatrix Rota;
482  Rota.rotateZ(scintiangle + phislat);
483  G4ThreeVector g4vec(xpos, ypos, 0);
485  m_OuterHcalAssembly->AddPlacedVolume(scintibox, g4vec, &Rota);
486  phislat += m_DeltaPhi;
487  }
488  phi += m_DeltaPhi;
489  }
490  return 0;
491 }
493 // calculate the angle of the bottom scintillator. It is the angle of the top edge
494 // of the steel plate
495 double
497 {
500  double angle = atan(ylen / xlen);
501  return angle;
502 }
504 void PHG4Prototype2OuterHcalDetector::Print(const string& what) const
505 {
506  cout << "Outer Hcal Detector:" << endl;
507  if (what == "ALL" || what == "VOLUME")
508  {
509  cout << "Volume Steel: " << m_VolumeSteel / cm3 << " cm^3" << endl;
510  cout << "Volume Scintillator: " << m_VolumeScintillator / cm3 << " cm^3" << endl;
511  }
512  return;
513 }
516 {
517  int id = -9999;
518  auto it = m_ScintillatorIdMap.find(volname);
519  if (it != m_ScintillatorIdMap.end())
520  {
521  id = it->second;
522  }
523  else
524  {
525  cout << "unknown scintillator volume name: " << volname << endl;
526  }
528  return id;
529 }
532 {
533  int id = -9999;
534  auto it = m_SteelPlateIdMap.find(volname);
535  if (it != m_SteelPlateIdMap.end())
536  {
537  id = it->second;
538  }
539  else
540  {
541  cout << "unknown steel volume name: " << volname << endl;
542  }
543  return id;
544 }