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Go to the documentation of this file. Or view the newest version in sPHENIX GitHub for file PortalJsonConverter.cpp
1 // This file is part of the Acts project.
2 //
3 // Copyright (C) 2023 CERN for the benefit of the Acts project
4 //
5 // This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
6 // License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
7 // file, You can obtain one at
12 #include "Acts/Detector/Portal.hpp"
25 #include <algorithm>
26 #include <iterator>
27 #include <vector>
29 namespace {
37 int findVolume(
39  const std::vector<const Acts::Experimental::DetectorVolume*>& volumes) {
40  auto candidate = std::find(volumes.begin(), volumes.end(), volume);
41  if (candidate != volumes.end()) {
42  return std::distance(volumes.begin(), candidate);
43  }
44  return -1;
45 }
46 } // namespace
49  const GeometryContext& gctx, const Experimental::Portal& portal,
50  const std::vector<const Experimental::DetectorVolume*>& detectorVolumes,
51  const Options& options) {
52  // The overall return object
53  nlohmann::json jPortal;
54  // Write the surface
55  jPortal["surface"] = SurfaceJsonConverter::toJson(gctx, portal.surface(),
56  options.surfaceOptions);
57  // And the portal specific information
58  const auto& volumeLinks = portal.detectorVolumeUpdators();
59  nlohmann::json jLinks;
60  for (const auto& vLink : volumeLinks) {
61  nlohmann::json jLink = toJson(vLink, detectorVolumes);
62  jLinks.push_back(jLink);
63  }
64  jPortal["volume_links"] = jLinks;
65  // Return the full json object
66  return jPortal;
67 }
69 std::vector<nlohmann::json> Acts::PortalJsonConverter::toJsonDetray(
70  const GeometryContext& gctx, const Experimental::Portal& portal,
71  std::size_t ip, const Experimental::DetectorVolume& volume,
72  const OrientedSurfaces& orientedSurfaces,
73  const std::vector<const Experimental::DetectorVolume*>& detectorVolumes,
74  const Options& option) {
75  // The overall return object
76  std::vector<nlohmann::json> jPortals = {};
77  const Surface& surface = portal.surface();
78  const auto& volumeLinks = portal.detectorVolumeUpdators();
80  // First assumption for outside link (along direction)
81  std::size_t outside = 1u;
83  // Find out if you need to take the outside or inside volume
84  // for planar surfaces that's easy
85  if (surface.type() != Acts::Surface::SurfaceType::Cylinder) {
86  // Get the two volume center
87  const auto volumeCenter = volume.transform(gctx).translation();
88  const auto surfaceCenter =;
89  const auto surfaceNormal = surface.normal(gctx);
90  // Get the direction from the volume to the surface, correct link
91  const auto volumeToSurface = surfaceCenter - volumeCenter;
92  if ( < 0) {
93  outside = 0u;
94  }
95  } else {
96  // This is a cylinder portal, inner cover reverses the normal
97  if (ip == 3u) {
98  outside = 0u;
99  }
100  }
102  const auto& outsideLink = volumeLinks[outside];
103  // Grab the corresponding volume link
104  // If it is a single link, we are done
105  const auto* instance = outsideLink.instance();
106  // Single link cast
107  auto singleLink =
109  instance);
111  auto [surfaceAdjusted, insidePointer] = orientedSurfaces[ip];
113  SurfaceJsonConverter::Options surfaceOptions = option.surfaceOptions;
114  surfaceOptions.portal = true;
115  // Single link detected - just write it out, we use the oriented surface
116  // in order to make sure the size is adjusted
117  if (singleLink != nullptr) {
118  // Single link can be written out
119  std::size_t vLink = findVolume(singleLink->dVolume, detectorVolumes);
120  auto jPortal = SurfaceJsonConverter::toJsonDetray(gctx, *surfaceAdjusted,
121  surfaceOptions);
122  DetrayJsonHelper::addVolumeLink(jPortal["mask"], vLink);
123  jPortals.push_back(jPortal);
124  } else {
125  // Multi link detected - 1D
126  auto multiLink1D =
127  dynamic_cast<const Experimental::BoundVolumesGrid1Impl*>(instance);
128  if (multiLink1D != nullptr) {
129  // Resolve the multi link 1D
130  auto boundaries =
131  multiLink1D->indexedUpdator.grid.axes()[0u]->getBinEdges();
132  const auto& cast = multiLink1D->indexedUpdator.casts[0u];
133  const auto& transform = multiLink1D->indexedUpdator.transform;
134  const auto& volumes = multiLink1D->indexedUpdator.extractor.dVolumes;
135  if (not transform.isApprox(Transform3::Identity())) {
136  std::runtime_error(
137  "PortalJsonConverter: transformed boundary link implementation not "
138  "(yet) supported");
139  }
141  // Get the volume indices
142  auto surfaceType = surfaceAdjusted->type();
143  std::vector<unsigned int> vIndices = {};
144  for (const auto& v : volumes) {
145  vIndices.push_back(findVolume(v, detectorVolumes));
146  }
148  // Pick the surface dimension - via poly
149  std::array<ActsScalar, 2u> clipRange = {0., 0.};
150  std::vector<ActsScalar> boundValues = surfaceAdjusted->bounds().values();
151  if (surfaceType == Surface::SurfaceType::Cylinder and cast == binZ) {
152  ActsScalar zPosition = surfaceAdjusted->center(gctx).z();
153  clipRange = {
154  zPosition - boundValues[CylinderBounds::BoundValues::eHalfLengthZ],
155  zPosition + boundValues[CylinderBounds::BoundValues::eHalfLengthZ]};
156  } else if (surfaceType == Surface::SurfaceType::Disc and cast == binR) {
157  clipRange = {boundValues[RadialBounds::BoundValues::eMinR],
158  boundValues[RadialBounds::BoundValues::eMaxR]};
159  } else {
160  throw std::runtime_error(
161  "PortalJsonConverter: surface type not (yet) supported for detray "
162  "conversion, only cylinder and disc are currently supported.");
163  }
165  // Need to clip the parameter space to the surface dimension
166  std::vector<unsigned int> clippedIndices = {};
167  std::vector<ActsScalar> clippedBoundaries = {};
168  clippedBoundaries.push_back(clipRange[0u]);
169  for (const auto [ib, b] : enumerate(boundaries)) {
170  if (ib > 0) {
171  unsigned int vI = vIndices[ib - 1u];
172  ActsScalar highEdge = boundaries[ib];
173  if (boundaries[ib - 1] >= clipRange[1u]) {
174  break;
175  }
176  if (highEdge <= clipRange[0u]) {
177  continue;
178  }
179  if (highEdge > clipRange[1u]) {
180  highEdge = clipRange[1u];
181  }
182  clippedIndices.push_back(vI);
183  clippedBoundaries.push_back(highEdge);
184  }
185  }
187  // Interpret the clipped information
188  //
189  // Clipped cylinder case
190  if (surfaceType == Surface::SurfaceType::Cylinder) {
191  for (auto [ib, b] : enumerate(clippedBoundaries)) {
192  if (ib > 0) {
193  // Create sub surfaces
194  std::array<ActsScalar, CylinderBounds::BoundValues::eSize>
195  subBoundValues = {};
196  for (auto [ibv, bv] : enumerate(boundValues)) {
197  subBoundValues[ibv] = bv;
198  }
199  subBoundValues[CylinderBounds::BoundValues::eHalfLengthZ] =
200  0.5 * (b - clippedBoundaries[ib - 1u]);
201  auto subBounds = std::make_shared<CylinderBounds>(subBoundValues);
202  auto subTransform = Transform3::Identity();
203  subTransform.pretranslate(Vector3(
204  0., 0.,
205  clippedBoundaries[ib - 1u] +
206  subBoundValues[CylinderBounds::BoundValues::eHalfLengthZ]));
207  auto subSurface =
208  Surface::makeShared<CylinderSurface>(subTransform, subBounds);
209  auto jPortal = SurfaceJsonConverter::toJsonDetray(gctx, *subSurface,
210  surfaceOptions);
211  DetrayJsonHelper::addVolumeLink(jPortal["mask"],
212  clippedIndices[ib - 1u]);
213  jPortals.push_back(jPortal);
214  }
215  }
216  } else {
217  for (auto [ib, b] : enumerate(clippedBoundaries)) {
218  if (ib > 0) {
219  // Create sub surfaces
220  std::array<ActsScalar, RadialBounds::BoundValues::eSize>
221  subBoundValues = {};
222  for (auto [ibv, bv] : enumerate(boundValues)) {
223  subBoundValues[ibv] = bv;
224  }
225  subBoundValues[RadialBounds::BoundValues::eMinR] =
226  clippedBoundaries[ib - 1u];
227  subBoundValues[RadialBounds::BoundValues::eMaxR] = b;
228  auto subBounds = std::make_shared<RadialBounds>(subBoundValues);
229  auto subSurface = Surface::makeShared<DiscSurface>(
230  portal.surface().transform(gctx), subBounds);
231  auto jPortal = SurfaceJsonConverter::toJsonDetray(gctx, *subSurface,
232  surfaceOptions);
233  DetrayJsonHelper::addVolumeLink(jPortal["mask"],
234  clippedIndices[ib - 1u]);
235  jPortals.push_back(jPortal);
236  }
237  }
238  }
240  } else {
241  // End of world
242  // Write surface with invalid link
243  auto jPortal = SurfaceJsonConverter::toJsonDetray(gctx, *surfaceAdjusted,
244  surfaceOptions);
246  jPortal["mask"], std::numeric_limits<std::uint_least16_t>::max());
247  jPortals.push_back(jPortal);
248  }
249  }
250  return jPortals;
251 }
255  const std::vector<const Experimental::DetectorVolume*>& detectorVolumes) {
256  nlohmann::json jLink;
257  if (updator.connected()) {
258  const auto instance = updator.instance();
259  // Single link cast
260  auto singleLink =
261  dynamic_cast<const Experimental::SingleDetectorVolumeImpl*>(instance);
262  // Single link detected
263  if (singleLink != nullptr) {
264  auto vIndex = findVolume(singleLink->dVolume, detectorVolumes);
265  if (vIndex < 0) {
266  throw std::runtime_error(
267  "PortalJsonConverter: volume not found in the list of volumes.");
268  }
269  jLink["single"] = vIndex;
270  }
271  // Multi link detected - 1D
272  auto multiLink1D =
273  dynamic_cast<const Experimental::BoundVolumesGrid1Impl*>(instance);
274  if (multiLink1D != nullptr) {
275  nlohmann::json jMultiLink;
276  const auto& volumes = multiLink1D->indexedUpdator.extractor.dVolumes;
277  const auto& casts = multiLink1D->indexedUpdator.casts;
278  nlohmann::json jTransform = Transform3JsonConverter::toJson(
279  multiLink1D->indexedUpdator.transform);
280  std::vector<unsigned int> vIndices = {};
281  for (const auto& v : volumes) {
282  vIndices.push_back(findVolume(v, detectorVolumes));
283  }
284  jMultiLink["boundaries"] =
285  multiLink1D->indexedUpdator.grid.axes()[0u]->getBinEdges();
286  jMultiLink["binning"] = casts[0u];
287  jMultiLink["targets"] = vIndices;
288  jMultiLink["transform"] = jTransform;
289  jLink["multi_1D"] = jMultiLink;
290  }
291  }
292  return jLink;
293 }
295 std::shared_ptr<Acts::Experimental::Portal> Acts::PortalJsonConverter::fromJson(
296  const GeometryContext& gctx, const nlohmann::json& jPortal,
297  const std::vector<std::shared_ptr<Experimental::DetectorVolume>>&
298  detectorVolumes) {
299  // The surface re-creation is trivial
300  auto surface = SurfaceJsonConverter::fromJson(jPortal["surface"]);
301  auto portal = Experimental::Portal::makeShared(surface);
303  std::array<Acts::Direction, 2> normalDirs = {Direction::Backward,
304  Direction::Forward};
305  // re-create the volume links
306  auto jLinks = jPortal["volume_links"];
307  for (auto [ivl, vl] : enumerate(jLinks)) {
308  if (vl.contains("single")) {
309  const auto vIndex = vl["single"].get<unsigned int>();
311  *portal, detectorVolumes[vIndex], normalDirs[ivl]);
312  } else if (vl.contains("multi_1D")) {
313  // Resolve the multi link 1D
314  auto jMultiLink = vl["multi_1D"];
315  auto boundaries = jMultiLink["boundaries"].get<std::vector<double>>();
316  auto binning = jMultiLink["binning"].get<BinningValue>();
317  auto targets = jMultiLink["targets"].get<std::vector<unsigned int>>();
318  std::vector<std::shared_ptr<Experimental::DetectorVolume>> targetVolumes;
319  for (const auto t : targets) {
320  targetVolumes.push_back(detectorVolumes[t]);
321  }
323  gctx, *portal, targetVolumes, normalDirs[ivl], boundaries, binning);
324  }
325  }
327  return portal;
328 }