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Go to the documentation of this file. Or view the newest version in sPHENIX GitHub for file EigenStepper.ipp
1 // This file is part of the Acts project.
2 //
3 // Copyright (C) 2019-2022 CERN for the benefit of the Acts project
4 //
5 // This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
6 // License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
7 // file, You can obtain one at
13 template <typename E, typename A>
15  std::shared_ptr<const MagneticFieldProvider> bField, double overstepLimit)
16  : m_bField(std::move(bField)), m_overstepLimit(overstepLimit) {}
18 template <typename E, typename A>
20  std::reference_wrapper<const GeometryContext> gctx,
21  std::reference_wrapper<const MagneticFieldContext> mctx,
22  const BoundTrackParameters& par, double ssize) const -> State {
23  return State{gctx, m_bField->makeCache(mctx), par, ssize};
24 }
26 template <typename E, typename A>
28  const BoundVector& boundParams,
29  const BoundSquareMatrix& cov,
30  const Surface& surface,
31  const double stepSize) const {
32  // Update the stepping state
33  update(state,
35  boundParams),
36  boundParams, cov, surface);
37  state.stepSize = ConstrainedStep(stepSize);
38  state.pathAccumulated = 0.;
40  // Reinitialize the stepping jacobian
41  state.jacToGlobal =
42  surface.boundToFreeJacobian(state.geoContext, boundParams);
43  state.jacobian = BoundMatrix::Identity();
44  state.jacTransport = FreeMatrix::Identity();
45  state.derivative = FreeVector::Zero();
46 }
48 template <typename E, typename A>
50  State& state, const Surface& surface, bool transportCov,
51  const FreeToBoundCorrection& freeToBoundCorrection) const
53  return detail::boundState(
54  state.geoContext, state.cov, state.jacobian, state.jacTransport,
55  state.derivative, state.jacToGlobal,, state.particleHypothesis,
56  state.covTransport && transportCov, state.pathAccumulated, surface,
57  freeToBoundCorrection);
58 }
60 template <typename E, typename A>
62  bool transportCov) const
63  -> CurvilinearState {
65  state.cov, state.jacobian, state.jacTransport, state.derivative,
66  state.jacToGlobal,, state.particleHypothesis,
67  state.covTransport && transportCov, state.pathAccumulated);
68 }
70 template <typename E, typename A>
72  const FreeVector& freeParams,
73  const BoundVector& boundParams,
74  const Covariance& covariance,
75  const Surface& surface) const {
76 = freeParams;
77  state.cov = covariance;
78  state.jacToGlobal =
79  surface.boundToFreeJacobian(state.geoContext, boundParams);
80 }
82 template <typename E, typename A>
84  const Vector3& udirection, double qOverP,
85  double time) const {
86 segment<3>(eFreePos0) = uposition;
87 segment<3>(eFreeDir0) = udirection;
88[eFreeTime] = time;
89[eFreeQOverP] = qOverP;
90 }
92 template <typename E, typename A>
94  State& state) const {
96  state.jacTransport, state.derivative,
97  state.jacToGlobal, direction(state));
98 }
100 template <typename E, typename A>
102  State& state, const Surface& surface,
103  const FreeToBoundCorrection& freeToBoundCorrection) const {
105  state.geoContext.get(), state.cov, state.jacobian, state.jacTransport,
106  state.derivative, state.jacToGlobal,, surface,
107  freeToBoundCorrection);
108 }
110 template <typename E, typename A>
111 template <typename propagator_state_t, typename navigator_t>
113  propagator_state_t& state, const navigator_t& navigator) const {
114  using namespace UnitLiterals;
116  // Runge-Kutta integrator state
117  auto& sd = state.stepping.stepData;
118  double error_estimate = 0.;
119  double h2 = 0, half_h = 0;
121  auto pos = position(state.stepping);
122  auto dir = direction(state.stepping);
124  // First Runge-Kutta point (at current position)
125  auto fieldRes = getField(state.stepping, pos);
126  if (!fieldRes.ok()) {
127  return fieldRes.error();
128  }
129  sd.B_first = *fieldRes;
130  if (!state.stepping.extension.validExtensionForStep(state, *this,
131  navigator) ||
132  !state.stepping.extension.k1(state, *this, navigator, sd.k1, sd.B_first,
133  sd.kQoP)) {
134  return 0.;
135  }
137  // The following functor starts to perform a Runge-Kutta step of a certain
138  // size, going up to the point where it can return an estimate of the local
139  // integration error. The results are stated in the local variables above,
140  // allowing integration to continue once the error is deemed satisfactory
141  const auto tryRungeKuttaStep = [&](const double h) -> Result<bool> {
142  // helpers because bool and std::error_code are ambiguous
143  constexpr auto success = &Result<bool>::success;
144  constexpr auto failure = &Result<bool>::failure;
146  // State the square and half of the step size
147  h2 = h * h;
148  half_h = h * 0.5;
150  // Second Runge-Kutta point
151  const Vector3 pos1 = pos + half_h * dir + h2 * 0.125 * sd.k1;
152  auto field = getField(state.stepping, pos1);
153  if (!field.ok()) {
154  return failure(field.error());
155  }
156  sd.B_middle = *field;
158  if (!state.stepping.extension.k2(state, *this, navigator, sd.k2,
159  sd.B_middle, sd.kQoP, half_h, sd.k1)) {
160  return success(false);
161  }
163  // Third Runge-Kutta point
164  if (!state.stepping.extension.k3(state, *this, navigator, sd.k3,
165  sd.B_middle, sd.kQoP, half_h, sd.k2)) {
166  return success(false);
167  }
169  // Last Runge-Kutta point
170  const Vector3 pos2 = pos + h * dir + h2 * 0.5 * sd.k3;
171  field = getField(state.stepping, pos2);
172  if (!field.ok()) {
173  return failure(field.error());
174  }
175  sd.B_last = *field;
176  if (!state.stepping.extension.k4(state, *this, navigator, sd.k4, sd.B_last,
177  sd.kQoP, h, sd.k3)) {
178  return success(false);
179  }
181  // Compute and check the local integration error estimate
182  error_estimate =
183  h2 * ((sd.k1 - sd.k2 - sd.k3 + sd.k4).template lpNorm<1>() +
184  std::abs(sd.kQoP[0] - sd.kQoP[1] - sd.kQoP[2] + sd.kQoP[3]));
185  error_estimate = std::max(error_estimate, 1e-20);
187  return success(error_estimate <= state.options.tolerance);
188  };
190  const double initialH =
191  state.stepping.stepSize.value() * state.options.direction;
192  double h = initialH;
193  size_t nStepTrials = 0;
194  // Select and adjust the appropriate Runge-Kutta step size as given
195  // ATL-SOFT-PUB-2009-001
196  while (true) {
197  auto res = tryRungeKuttaStep(h);
198  if (!res.ok()) {
199  return res.error();
200  }
201  if (!!res.value()) {
202  break;
203  }
205  const double stepSizeScaling =
206  std::min(std::max(0.25f, std::sqrt(std::sqrt(static_cast<float>(
207  state.options.tolerance /
208  std::abs(2. * error_estimate))))),
209  4.0f);
210  h *= stepSizeScaling;
212  // If step size becomes too small the particle remains at the initial
213  // place
214  if (std::abs(h) < std::abs(state.options.stepSizeCutOff)) {
215  // Not moving due to too low momentum needs an aborter
216  return EigenStepperError::StepSizeStalled;
217  }
219  // If the parameter is off track too much or given stepSize is not
220  // appropriate
221  if (nStepTrials > state.options.maxRungeKuttaStepTrials) {
222  // Too many trials, have to abort
223  return EigenStepperError::StepSizeAdjustmentFailed;
224  }
225  nStepTrials++;
226  }
228  // When doing error propagation, update the associated Jacobian matrix
229  if (state.stepping.covTransport) {
230  // The step transport matrix in global coordinates
231  FreeMatrix D;
232  if (!state.stepping.extension.finalize(state, *this, navigator, h, D)) {
233  return EigenStepperError::StepInvalid;
234  }
236  // for moment, only update the transport part
237  state.stepping.jacTransport = D * state.stepping.jacTransport;
238  } else {
239  if (!state.stepping.extension.finalize(state, *this, navigator, h)) {
240  return EigenStepperError::StepInvalid;
241  }
242  }
244  // Update the track parameters according to the equations of motion
245 segment<3>(eFreePos0) +=
246  h * dir + h2 / 6. * (sd.k1 + sd.k2 + sd.k3);
247 segment<3>(eFreeDir0) +=
248  h / 6. * (sd.k1 + 2. * (sd.k2 + sd.k3) + sd.k4);
249  ( segment<3>(eFreeDir0)).normalize();
251  if (state.stepping.covTransport) {
252  state.stepping.derivative.template head<3>() =
253 segment<3>(eFreeDir0);
254  state.stepping.derivative.template segment<3>(4) = sd.k4;
255  }
256  state.stepping.pathAccumulated += h;
257  const double stepSizeScaling = std::min(
258  std::max(0.25f,
259  std::sqrt(std::sqrt(static_cast<float>(
260  state.options.tolerance / std::abs(error_estimate))))),
261  4.0f);
262  const double nextAccuracy = std::abs(h * stepSizeScaling);
263  const double previousAccuracy = std::abs(state.stepping.stepSize.accuracy());
264  const double initialStepLength = std::abs(initialH);
265  if (nextAccuracy < initialStepLength || nextAccuracy > previousAccuracy) {
266  state.stepping.stepSize.setAccuracy(nextAccuracy);
267  }
268  state.stepping.stepSize.nStepTrials = nStepTrials;
270  return h;
271 }
273 template <typename E, typename A>
275  state.jacobian = BoundMatrix::Identity();
276 }