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1 #include "DaqMonDraw.h"
3 #include <onlmon/OnlMonClient.h>
4 #include <onlmon/OnlMonDB.h>
6 #include <TAxis.h> // for TAxis
7 #include <TCanvas.h>
8 #include <TDatime.h>
9 #include <TGraphErrors.h>
10 #include <TH1.h>
11 #include <TPad.h>
12 #include <TROOT.h>
13 #include <TSystem.h>
14 #include <TText.h>
16 #include <cstring> // for memset
17 #include <ctime>
18 #include <fstream>
19 #include <iostream> // for operator<<, basic_ostream, basic_os...
20 #include <sstream>
21 #include <vector> // for vector
24  : OnlMonDraw(name)
25 {
26  // this TimeOffsetTicks is neccessary to get the time axis right
27  TDatime T0(2003, 01, 01, 00, 00, 00);
28  TimeOffsetTicks = T0.Convert();
29  dbvars = new OnlMonDB(ThisName);
30  return;
31 }
34 {
35  return 0;
36 }
39 {
41  int xsize = cl->GetDisplaySizeX();
42  int ysize = cl->GetDisplaySizeY();
43  if (name == "DaqMon1")
44  {
45  // xpos (-1) negative: do not draw menu bar
46  TC[0] = new TCanvas(name.c_str(), "DaqMon Example Monitor", -1, 0, xsize / 2, ysize);
47  // root is pathetic, whenever a new TCanvas is created root piles up
48  // 6kb worth of X11 events which need to be cleared with
49  // gSystem->ProcessEvents(), otherwise your process will grow and
50  // grow and grow but will not show a definitely lost memory leak
51  gSystem->ProcessEvents();
52  Pad[0] = new TPad("daqpad1", "who needs this?", 0.1, 0.5, 0.9, 0.9, 0);
53  Pad[1] = new TPad("daqpad2", "who needs this?", 0.1, 0.05, 0.9, 0.45, 0);
54  Pad[0]->Draw();
55  Pad[1]->Draw();
56  // this one is used to plot the run number on the canvas
57  transparent[0] = new TPad("transparent0", "this does not show", 0, 0, 1, 1);
58  transparent[0]->SetFillStyle(4000);
59  transparent[0]->Draw();
60  TC[0]->SetEditable(false);
61  }
62  else if (name == "DaqMon2")
63  {
64  // xpos negative: do not draw menu bar
65  TC[1] = new TCanvas(name.c_str(), "DaqMon2 Example Monitor", -xsize / 2, 0, xsize / 2, ysize);
66  gSystem->ProcessEvents();
67  Pad[2] = new TPad("daqpad3", "who needs this?", 0.1, 0.5, 0.9, 0.9, 0);
68  Pad[3] = new TPad("daqpad4", "who needs this?", 0.1, 0.05, 0.9, 0.45, 0);
69  Pad[2]->Draw();
70  Pad[3]->Draw();
71  // this one is used to plot the run number on the canvas
72  transparent[1] = new TPad("transparent1", "this does not show", 0, 0, 1, 1);
73  transparent[1]->SetFillStyle(4000);
74  transparent[1]->Draw();
75  TC[1]->SetEditable(false);
76  }
77  else if (name == "DaqMon3")
78  {
79  TC[2] = new TCanvas(name.c_str(), "DaqMon3 Example Monitor", xsize / 2, 0, xsize / 2, ysize);
80  gSystem->ProcessEvents();
81  Pad[4] = new TPad("daqpad5", "who needs this?", 0.1, 0.5, 0.9, 0.9, 0);
82  Pad[5] = new TPad("daqpad6", "who needs this?", 0.1, 0.05, 0.9, 0.45, 0);
83  Pad[4]->Draw();
84  Pad[5]->Draw();
85  // this one is used to plot the run number on the canvas
86  // transparent[2] = new TPad("transparent2", "this does not show", 0, 0, 1, 1);
87  // transparent[2]->SetFillStyle(4000);
88  // transparent[2]->Draw();
89  // TC[2]->SetEditable(0);
90  }
91  return 0;
92 }
94 int DaqMonDraw::Draw(const std::string &what)
95 {
96  int iret = 0;
97  int idraw = 0;
98  if (what == "ALL" || what == "FIRST")
99  {
100  iret += DrawFirst(what);
101  idraw++;
102  }
103  if (what == "ALL" || what == "SECOND")
104  {
105  iret += DrawSecond(what);
106  idraw++;
107  }
108  if (what == "ALL" || what == "HISTORY")
109  {
110  iret += DrawHistory(what);
111  idraw++;
112  }
113  if (!idraw)
114  {
115  std::cout << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ << " Unimplemented Drawing option: " << what << std::endl;
116  iret = -1;
117  }
118  return iret;
119 }
121 int DaqMonDraw::DrawFirst(const std::string & /* what */)
122 {
124  TH1 *daqmon_hist1 = cl->getHisto("DAQMON_0","daqmon_hist1");
125  TH1 *daqmon_hist2 = cl->getHisto("DAQMON_0","daqmon_hist1");
126  if (!gROOT->FindObject("DaqMon1"))
127  {
128  MakeCanvas("DaqMon1");
129  }
130  TC[0]->SetEditable(true);
131  TC[0]->Clear("D");
132  Pad[0]->cd();
133  if (daqmon_hist1)
134  {
135  daqmon_hist1->DrawCopy();
136  }
137  else
138  {
140  TC[0]->SetEditable(false);
141  return -1;
142  }
143  Pad[1]->cd();
144  if (daqmon_hist2)
145  {
146  daqmon_hist2->DrawCopy();
147  }
148  TText PrintRun;
149  PrintRun.SetTextFont(62);
150  PrintRun.SetTextSize(0.04);
151  PrintRun.SetNDC(); // set to normalized coordinates
152  PrintRun.SetTextAlign(23); // center/top alignment
153  std::ostringstream runnostream;
154  std::string runstring;
155  time_t evttime = cl->EventTime("CURRENT");
156  // fill run number and event time into string
157  runnostream << ThisName << "_1 Run " << cl->RunNumber()
158  << ", Time: " << ctime(&evttime);
159  runstring = runnostream.str();
160  transparent[0]->cd();
161  PrintRun.DrawText(0.5, 1., runstring.c_str());
162  TC[0]->Update();
163  TC[0]->Show();
164  TC[0]->SetEditable(false);
165  return 0;
166 }
168 int DaqMonDraw::DrawSecond(const std::string & /* what */)
169 {
171  TH1 *daqmon_hist1 = cl->getHisto("DAQMON_0","daqmon_hist2");
172  TH1 *daqmon_hist2 = cl->getHisto("DAQMON_0","daqmon_hist2");
173  if (!gROOT->FindObject("DaqMon2"))
174  {
175  MakeCanvas("DaqMon2");
176  }
177  TC[1]->SetEditable(true);
178  TC[1]->Clear("D");
179  Pad[2]->cd();
180  if (daqmon_hist1)
181  {
182  daqmon_hist1->DrawCopy();
183  }
184  else
185  {
187  TC[1]->SetEditable(false);
188  return -1;
189  }
190  Pad[3]->cd();
191  if (daqmon_hist2)
192  {
193  daqmon_hist2->DrawCopy();
194  }
195  TText PrintRun;
196  PrintRun.SetTextFont(62);
197  PrintRun.SetTextSize(0.04);
198  PrintRun.SetNDC(); // set to normalized coordinates
199  PrintRun.SetTextAlign(23); // center/top alignment
200  std::ostringstream runnostream;
201  std::string runstring;
202  time_t evttime = cl->EventTime("CURRENT");
203  // fill run number and event time into string
204  runnostream << ThisName << "_2 Run " << cl->RunNumber()
205  << ", Time: " << ctime(&evttime);
206  runstring = runnostream.str();
207  transparent[1]->cd();
208  PrintRun.DrawText(0.5, 1., runstring.c_str());
209  TC[1]->Update();
210  TC[1]->Show();
211  TC[1]->SetEditable(false);
212  return 0;
213 }
216 {
219  int iret = Draw(what);
220  if (iret) // on error no png files please
221  {
222  return iret;
223  }
224  int icnt = 0;
225  for (TCanvas *canvas : TC)
226  {
227  if (canvas == nullptr)
228  {
229  continue;
230  }
231  icnt++;
232  std::string filename = ThisName + "_" + std::to_string(icnt) + "_" +
233  std::to_string(cl->RunNumber()) + "." + type;
234  cl->CanvasToPng(canvas, filename);
235  }
236  return 0;
237 }
240 {
241  int iret = Draw(what);
242  if (iret) // on error no html output please
243  {
244  return iret;
245  }
249  // Register the 1st canvas png file to the menu and produces the png file.
250  std::string pngfile = cl->htmlRegisterPage(*this, "First Canvas", "1", "png");
251  cl->CanvasToPng(TC[0], pngfile);
253  // idem for 2nd canvas.
254  pngfile = cl->htmlRegisterPage(*this, "Second Canvas", "2", "png");
255  cl->CanvasToPng(TC[1], pngfile);
256  // Now register also EXPERTS html pages, under the EXPERTS subfolder.
258  std::string logfile = cl->htmlRegisterPage(*this, "EXPERTS/Log", "log", "html");
259  std::ofstream out(logfile.c_str());
260  out << "<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>Log file for run " << cl->RunNumber()
261  << "</TITLE></HEAD>" << std::endl;
262  out << "<P>Some log file output would go here." << std::endl;
263  out.close();
265  std::string status = cl->htmlRegisterPage(*this, "EXPERTS/Status", "status", "html");
266  std::ofstream out2(status.c_str());
267  out2 << "<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>Status file for run " << cl->RunNumber()
268  << "</TITLE></HEAD>" << std::endl;
269  out2 << "<P>Some status output would go here." << std::endl;
270  out2.close();
271  cl->SaveLogFile(*this);
272  return 0;
273 }
275 int DaqMonDraw::DrawHistory(const std::string & /* what */)
276 {
277  int iret = 0;
278  // you need to provide the following vectors
279  // which are filled from the db
280  std::vector<float> var;
281  std::vector<float> varerr;
282  std::vector<time_t> timestamp;
283  std::vector<int> runnumber;
284  std::string varname = "daqmondummy";
285  // this sets the time range from whihc values should be returned
286  time_t begin = 0; // begin of time (1.1.1970)
287  time_t end = time(nullptr); // current time (right NOW)
288  iret = dbvars->GetVar(begin, end, varname, timestamp, runnumber, var, varerr);
289  if (iret)
290  {
291  std::cout << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ << " Error in db access" << std::endl;
292  return iret;
293  }
294  if (!gROOT->FindObject("DaqMon3"))
295  {
296  MakeCanvas("DaqMon3");
297  }
298  // timestamps come sorted in ascending order
299  float *x = new float[var.size()];
300  float *y = new float[var.size()];
301  float *ex = new float[var.size()];
302  float *ey = new float[var.size()];
303  int n = var.size();
304  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < var.size(); i++)
305  {
306  // std::cout << "timestamp: " << ctime(&timestamp[i])
307  // << ", run: " << runnumber[i]
308  // << ", var: " << var[i]
309  // << ", varerr: " << varerr[i]
310  // << std::endl;
311  x[i] = timestamp[i] - TimeOffsetTicks;
312  y[i] = var[i];
313  ex[i] = 0;
314  ey[i] = varerr[i];
315  }
316  Pad[4]->cd();
317  if (gr[0])
318  {
319  delete gr[0];
320  }
321  gr[0] = new TGraphErrors(n, x, y, ex, ey);
322  gr[0]->SetMarkerColor(4);
323  gr[0]->SetMarkerStyle(21);
324  gr[0]->Draw("ALP");
325  gr[0]->GetXaxis()->SetTimeDisplay(1);
326  gr[0]->GetXaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.03);
327  // the x axis labeling looks like crap
328  // please help me with this, the SetNdivisions
329  // don't do the trick
330  gr[0]->GetXaxis()->SetNdivisions(-1006);
331  gr[0]->GetXaxis()->SetTimeOffset(TimeOffsetTicks);
332  gr[0]->GetXaxis()->SetTimeFormat("%Y/%m/%d %H:%M");
333  delete[] x;
334  delete[] y;
335  delete[] ex;
336  delete[] ey;
338  varname = "daqmoncount";
339  iret = dbvars->GetVar(begin, end, varname, timestamp, runnumber, var, varerr);
340  if (iret)
341  {
342  std::cout << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ << " Error in db access" << std::endl;
343  return iret;
344  }
345  x = new float[var.size()];
346  y = new float[var.size()];
347  ex = new float[var.size()];
348  ey = new float[var.size()];
349  n = var.size();
350  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < var.size(); i++)
351  {
352  // std::cout << "timestamp: " << ctime(&timestamp[i])
353  // << ", run: " << runnumber[i]
354  // << ", var: " << var[i]
355  // << ", varerr: " << varerr[i]
356  // << std::endl;
357  x[i] = timestamp[i] - TimeOffsetTicks;
358  y[i] = var[i];
359  ex[i] = 0;
360  ey[i] = varerr[i];
361  }
362  Pad[5]->cd();
363  if (gr[1])
364  {
365  delete gr[1];
366  }
367  gr[1] = new TGraphErrors(n, x, y, ex, ey);
368  gr[1]->SetMarkerColor(4);
369  gr[1]->SetMarkerStyle(21);
370  gr[1]->Draw("ALP");
371  gr[1]->GetXaxis()->SetTimeDisplay(1);
372  // TC[2]->Update();
373  // h1->GetXaxis()->SetTimeDisplay(1);
374  // h1->GetXaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.03);
375  gr[1]->GetXaxis()->SetLabelSize(0.03);
376  gr[1]->GetXaxis()->SetTimeOffset(TimeOffsetTicks);
377  gr[1]->GetXaxis()->SetTimeFormat("%Y/%m/%d %H:%M");
378  // h1->Draw();
379  delete[] x;
380  delete[] y;
381  delete[] ex;
382  delete[] ey;
384  TC[2]->Update();
385  return 0;
386 }