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Go to the documentation of this file. Or view the newest version in sPHENIX GitHub for file TreeMakerCopyAndMakeJets.C
1 #include <TreeMaker.h>
3 #include <phool/getClass.h>
6 // --- calorimeter towers
7 #include <calobase/RawTower.h>
8 #include <calobase/RawTowerContainer.h>
9 #include <calobase/RawTowerGeom.h>
10 #include <calobase/RawTowerGeomContainer.h>
12 // --- jet specific stuff
13 #include <g4jets/Jet.h>
14 #include <g4jets/JetMap.h>
15 #include <g4jets/JetV1.h>
16 #include <g4jets/JetMapV1.h>
18 using std::cout;
19 using std::endl;
24 {
26  // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
27  // ---
28  // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
30  // --- calorimeter tower containers
31  RawTowerContainer* towersEM3 = findNode::getClass<RawTowerContainer>(topNode, "TOWER_CALIB_CEMC");
32  RawTowerContainer* towersIH3 = findNode::getClass<RawTowerContainer>(topNode, "TOWER_CALIB_HCALIN");
33  RawTowerContainer* towersOH3 = findNode::getClass<RawTowerContainer>(topNode, "TOWER_CALIB_HCALOUT");
35  // --- calorimeter geometry objects
36  RawTowerGeomContainer* geomEM = findNode::getClass<RawTowerGeomContainer>(topNode, "TOWERGEOM_CEMC");
37  RawTowerGeomContainer* geomIH = findNode::getClass<RawTowerGeomContainer>(topNode, "TOWERGEOM_HCALIN");
38  RawTowerGeomContainer* geomOH = findNode::getClass<RawTowerGeomContainer>(topNode, "TOWERGEOM_HCALOUT");
40  // --- jet objects
41  JetMap* old_jets = findNode::getClass<JetMap>(topNode,"AntiKt_Tower_r02");
42  JetMap* new_jets = findNode::getClass<JetMap>(topNode,"AntiKt_Tower_Mod_r02"); // this node is created in createnode
43  if ( verbosity > 0 )
44  {
45  cout << "Regular jet node: " << old_jets << endl;
46  cout << "Modified jet node: " << new_jets << endl;
47  }
48  if ( !old_jets || ! new_jets )
49  {
50  cout << "One or more invalid pointers, exiting event" << endl;
51  return 0;
52  }
54  // --- print sizes of old and new objects for diagnostic purposes
55  if ( verbosity > 0 )
56  {
57  cout << "process_event: entering with # original jets = " << old_jets->size() << endl;
58  cout << "process_event: entering with # new jets = " << new_jets->size() << endl;
59  }
61  // --- iterate over jets
62  int ijet = 0;
63  for ( JetMap::Iter iter = old_jets->begin(); iter != old_jets->end(); ++iter )
64  {
65  // --- get information from this jet (an element of the jet container)
66  Jet* this_jet = iter->second;
67  float this_e = this_jet->get_e();
68  float this_pt = this_jet->get_pt();
69  float this_phi = this_jet->get_phi();
70  float this_eta = this_jet->get_eta();
71  // --- create a new jet object
72  Jet *new_jet = new JetV1();
73  float new_total_px = 0;
74  float new_total_py = 0;
75  float new_total_pz = 0;
76  float new_total_e = 0;
77  if ( verbosity > 3 && this_pt > 5 )
78  {
79  cout << "process_event: unsubtracted jet with e / pt / eta / phi = "
80  << this_e << " / " << this_pt << " / " << this_eta << " / " << this_phi << endl;
81  }
82  // --- now loop over individual constituents of this jet
83  for ( Jet::ConstIter comp = this_jet->begin_comp(); comp != this_jet->end_comp(); ++comp )
84  {
85  // --- (*.comp).first is the layer:
86  // --- 0 = void
87  // --- 1 = particle
88  // --- 2 = track
89  // --- 3 = emcal tower
90  // --- 4 = emcal cluster
91  // --- 5 = ihcal tower
92  // --- 6 = ihcal cluster
93  // --- 7 = ohcal tower
94  // --- 8 = ohcal cluster
95  // --- 9 = femc tower
96  // --- 10 = femc cluster
97  // --- 11 = fhcal tower
98  // --- 12 = fhcal cluster
99  // --- 13 = emcal retower (combined towers to match ihcal geometry)
100  // --- 14 = subtracted emcal tower
101  // --- 15 = subtracted ihcal tower
102  // --- 16 = subtracted ohcal tower
103  RawTower *tower = 0;
104  RawTowerGeom *tower_geom = 0;
105  double comp_e = 0;
106  double comp_eta = 0;
107  double comp_phi = 0;
108  int comp_ieta = 0;
109  int comp_iphi = 0;
110  //double comp_background = 0;
111  // --- layer 5 is inner hcal towers
112  if ( (*comp).first == 5 )
113  {
114  tower = towersIH3->getTower( (*comp).second );
115  tower_geom = geomIH->get_tower_geometry(tower->get_key());
116  comp_ieta = geomIH->get_etabin( tower_geom->get_eta() );
117  comp_iphi = geomIH->get_phibin( tower_geom->get_phi() );
118  }
119  // --- layer 7 is outer hcal towers
120  else if ( (*comp).first == 7 )
121  {
122  tower = towersOH3->getTower( (*comp).second );
123  tower_geom = geomOH->get_tower_geometry(tower->get_key());
124  comp_ieta = geomOH->get_etabin( tower_geom->get_eta() );
125  comp_iphi = geomOH->get_phibin( tower_geom->get_phi() );
126  }
127  // --- layer 3 is EMCal towers
128  // --- layer 13 is re-towered emcal, which uses IHCal geom... not using for now
129  else if ( (*comp).first == 3 )
130  {
131  tower = towersEM3->getTower( (*comp).second );
132  tower_geom = geomEM->get_tower_geometry(tower->get_key());
133  comp_ieta = geomEM->get_etabin( tower_geom->get_eta() );
134  comp_iphi = geomEM->get_phibin( tower_geom->get_phi() );
135  }
137  // --- if tower and tower_geom exist, get energy from there
138  if ( tower && tower_geom )
139  {
140  comp_e = tower->get_energy();
141  comp_eta = tower_geom->get_eta();
142  comp_phi = tower_geom->get_phi();
143  }
145  // --- if very high verbosity, print lots of stuff to screen
146  if ( verbosity > 4 && this_jet->get_pt() > 5 )
147  {
148  cout << "process_event: --> constituent in layer " << (*comp).first
149  << ", has unsub E = " << comp_e << ", is at ieta #" << comp_ieta
150  << " and iphi # = " << comp_iphi << endl;
151  }
153  // --- update constituent energy based on some algorithm to be developed
154  double comp_new_e = comp_e;
156  // --- define new kinematics for constituent
157  double comp_px = comp_new_e / cosh( comp_eta ) * cos( comp_phi );
158  double comp_py = comp_new_e / cosh( comp_eta ) * sin( comp_phi );
159  double comp_pz = comp_new_e * tanh( comp_eta );
161  // --- add up the total for the new jet based on the modified constituents
162  new_total_px += comp_px;
163  new_total_py += comp_py;
164  new_total_pz += comp_pz;
165  new_total_e += comp_new_e;
166  } // end of loop over jet constituents
168  // --- set the properties for the new jet
169  new_jet->set_px( new_total_px );
170  new_jet->set_py( new_total_py );
171  new_jet->set_pz( new_total_pz );
172  new_jet->set_e( new_total_e );
173  new_jet->set_id(ijet);
175  // --- put the jet into a new container class
176  new_jets->insert( new_jet );
178  if (verbosity > 1 && this_pt > 5)
179  {
180  cout << "process_event: old jet #" << ijet << ", old px / py / pz / e = "
181  << this_jet->get_px() << " / " << this_jet->get_py() << " / "
182  << this_jet->get_pz() << " / " << this_jet->get_e() << endl;
183  cout << "process_event: new jet #" << ijet << ", new px / py / pz / e = "
184  << new_jet->get_px() << " / " << new_jet->get_py() << " / "
185  << new_jet->get_pz() << " / " << new_jet->get_e() << endl;
186  }
188  ijet++; // increment jet counter
190  } // end of loop over jet maps (list of jets)
192  if ( verbosity > 0 )
193  {
194  cout << "process_event: exiting with # original jets = " << old_jets->size() << endl;
195  cout << "process_event: exiting with # new jets = " << new_jets->size() << endl;
196  }
198  return 0;
200 }