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Go to the documentation of this file. Or view the newest version in sPHENIX GitHub for file VolumeStructureBuilder.cpp
1 // This file is part of the Acts project.
2 //
3 // Copyright (C) 2023 CERN for the benefit of the Acts project
4 //
5 // This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
6 // License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
7 // file, You can obtain one at
24  std::unique_ptr<const Acts::Logger> mlogger)
25  : IExternalStructureBuilder(), m_cfg(cfg), m_logger(std::move(mlogger)) {
26  // Sanity cross-checks
27  if (m_cfg.boundValues.empty() and not m_cfg.extent.has_value()) {
28  throw std::invalid_argument(
29  "VolumeStructureBuilder: no extent nor boundary values given");
30  }
31  // Check for the bounds type
32  if (m_cfg.boundsType == VolumeBounds::BoundsType::eOther) {
33  throw std::invalid_argument(
34  "VolumeStructureBuilder: no known volume bounds type provided.");
35  }
36 }
40  [[maybe_unused]] const Acts::GeometryContext& gctx) const {
41  // Print out the auxiliary information
42  if (not m_cfg.auxiliary.empty()) {
43  ACTS_DEBUG(m_cfg.auxiliary);
44  }
46  // The volume bounds to be constructed
47  std::unique_ptr<VolumeBounds> volumeBounds = nullptr;
49  // The transform from the extent
50  auto eTransform = Transform3::Identity();
51  std::vector<ActsScalar> boundValues = m_cfg.boundValues;
53  // This code dispatches into the dedicated volume types
54  switch (m_cfg.boundsType) {
55  case VolumeBounds::BoundsType::eCone: {
56  ACTS_VERBOSE("Building conical volume bounds.");
57  // Cone translation - only pre-defined values
58  if (boundValues.size() < 5u) {
59  throw std::runtime_error(
60  "VolumeStructureBuilder: parameters for cone volume bounds need to "
61  "be fully provided, they can not be estimated from an Extent "
62  "object. It needs at least 5 parameters, while " +
63  std::to_string(boundValues.size()) + " where given");
64  }
65  auto bArray = to_array<ConeVolumeBounds::BoundValues::eSize, ActsScalar>(
66  boundValues);
67  volumeBounds = std::make_unique<ConeVolumeBounds>(bArray);
68  } break;
69  case VolumeBounds::BoundsType::eCuboid: {
70  ACTS_VERBOSE("Building cuboid volume bounds.");
71  // Cuboid translation - either parameters / or extent
72  if (boundValues.empty() and m_cfg.extent.has_value()) {
73  ACTS_VERBOSE("Cuboid: estimate parameters from Extent.");
74  const auto& vExtent = m_cfg.extent.value();
75  if (vExtent.constrains(binX) and vExtent.constrains(binY) and
76  vExtent.constrains(binZ)) {
77  eTransform.pretranslate(Vector3(vExtent.medium(binX),
78  vExtent.medium(binY),
79  vExtent.medium(binZ)));
80  boundValues = {0.5 * vExtent.interval(binX),
81  0.5 * vExtent.interval(binY),
82  0.5 * vExtent.interval(binZ)};
84  } else {
85  throw std::runtime_error(
86  "VolumeStructureBuilder: translation to cuboid does not work as "
87  "the extent does not constrain all necessary value.");
88  }
89  } else if (boundValues.size() < 3u) {
90  throw std::runtime_error(
91  "VolumeStructureBuilder: parameters for cuboid volume bounds need "
92  "to be fully provided, it needs exactly 3 parameters, while " +
93  std::to_string(boundValues.size()) + " where given");
94  }
95  auto bArray =
96  to_array<CuboidVolumeBounds::BoundValues::eSize>(boundValues);
97  volumeBounds = std::make_unique<CuboidVolumeBounds>(bArray);
98  } break;
99  case VolumeBounds::BoundsType::eCutoutCylinder: {
100  ACTS_VERBOSE("Building cutout cylindrical volume bounds.");
101  // Cutout cylinder translation - only parameters
102  if (boundValues.size() < 5u) {
103  throw std::runtime_error(
104  "VolumeStructureBuilder: parameters for cutout cylinder volume "
105  "bounds need to be fully provided, they can not be estimated from "
106  "an Extent object. It needs exactly 3 parameters, while " +
107  std::to_string(boundValues.size()) + " where given");
108  }
109  auto bArray =
110  to_array<CutoutCylinderVolumeBounds::BoundValues::eSize>(boundValues);
111  volumeBounds = std::make_unique<CutoutCylinderVolumeBounds>(bArray);
112  } break;
113  case VolumeBounds::BoundsType::eCylinder: {
114  ACTS_VERBOSE("Building cylindrical volume bounds.");
115  // Cylinder translation - either parameters / or extent
116  if (boundValues.empty() and m_cfg.extent.has_value()) {
117  ACTS_VERBOSE("Cylinder: estimate parameters from Extent.");
118  const auto& vExtent = m_cfg.extent.value();
119  if (vExtent.constrains(binR) and vExtent.constrains(binZ)) {
120  eTransform.pretranslate(Vector3(0., 0., vExtent.medium(binZ)));
121  boundValues = {vExtent.min(binR), vExtent.max(binR),
122  0.5 * vExtent.interval(binZ)};
123  if (vExtent.constrains(binPhi)) {
124  boundValues.push_back(0.5 * vExtent.interval(binPhi));
125  boundValues.push_back(vExtent.medium(binPhi));
126  }
127  } else {
128  throw std::runtime_error(
129  "VolumeStructureBuilder: translation to cuboid does not work as "
130  "the extent does not constrain all necessary values.");
131  }
132  } else if (boundValues.size() < 3u) {
133  throw std::runtime_error(
134  "VolumeStructureBuilder: parameters for cylinder volume "
135  "bounds need to be fully provided, it needs at least 3 parameters, "
136  "while " +
137  std::to_string(boundValues.size()) + " where given");
138  }
139  // Check if phi has been constraint, otherwise fill it with full coverage
140  if (boundValues.size() == 3u) {
141  boundValues.push_back(M_PI);
142  boundValues.push_back(0.);
143  }
144  ACTS_VERBOSE(" - cylindrical shape with [iR, oR, hZ, sPhi, mPhi] = "
145  << boundValues[0] << ", " << boundValues[1] << ", "
146  << boundValues[2] << ", " << boundValues[3] << ", "
147  << boundValues[4]);
148  auto bArray =
149  to_array<CylinderVolumeBounds::BoundValues::eSize>(boundValues);
150  volumeBounds = std::make_unique<CylinderVolumeBounds>(bArray);
151  } break;
152  case VolumeBounds::BoundsType::eGenericCuboid: {
153  ACTS_VERBOSE("Building generic cuboid volume bounds.");
154  // Generic cuboid translation - parameters only
155  if (boundValues.size() < GenericCuboidVolumeBounds::BoundValues::eSize) {
156  throw std::runtime_error(
157  "VolumeStructureBuilder: parameters for generic cuboid volume "
158  "bounds need to be provided, they can not be estimated from an "
159  "Extent object. It needs exactly 24 parameters, while " +
160  std::to_string(boundValues.size()) + " where given");
161  }
162  auto bArray =
163  to_array<GenericCuboidVolumeBounds::BoundValues::eSize>(boundValues);
164  volumeBounds = std::make_unique<GenericCuboidVolumeBounds>(bArray);
165  } break;
166  case VolumeBounds::BoundsType::eTrapezoid: {
167  ACTS_VERBOSE("Building trapezoid volume bounds.");
168  // Trapezoid translation - parameters only
169  if (boundValues.size() < 4u) {
170  throw std::runtime_error(
171  "VolumeStructureBuilder: parameters for trapezoid volume bounds "
172  "need to be provided, they can not be estimated from an Extent "
173  "object. It needs at least 4 parameters, while " +
174  std::to_string(boundValues.size()) + " where given");
175  }
176  auto bArray =
177  to_array<TrapezoidVolumeBounds::BoundValues::eSize>(boundValues);
178  volumeBounds = std::make_unique<TrapezoidVolumeBounds>(bArray);
179  } break;
180  default:
181  break;
182  }
184  Transform3 fTransform = m_cfg.transform * eTransform;
185  ACTS_VERBOSE(" - translation: " << Acts::toString(fTransform.translation()));
186  if (not fTransform.rotation().isApprox(
187  Acts::Transform3::Identity().rotation())) {
188  ACTS_VERBOSE(" - rotation: " << Acts::toString(fTransform.rotation()));
189  }
190  // Return the transform, the volume bounds, and some default portal
191  // generators
192  return {fTransform, std::move(volumeBounds), defaultPortalGenerator()};
193 }