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Go to the documentation of this file. Or view the newest version in sPHENIX GitHub for file Alignment.ipp
1 // This file is part of the Acts project.
2 //
3 // Copyright (C) 2020-2021 CERN for the benefit of the Acts project
4 //
5 // This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
6 // License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
7 // file, You can obtain one at
12 template <typename fitter_t>
13 template <typename source_link_t, typename start_parameters_t,
14  typename fit_options_t>
18  const std::vector<source_link_t>& sourcelinks,
19  const start_parameters_t& sParameters, const fit_options_t& fitOptions,
20  const std::unordered_map<const Acts::Surface*, size_t>& idxedAlignSurfaces,
21  const ActsAlignment::AlignmentMask& alignMask) const {
25  // Convert to Acts::SourceLink during iteration
26  Acts::SourceLinkAdapterIterator begin{sourcelinks.begin()};
27  Acts::SourceLinkAdapterIterator end{sourcelinks.end()};
29  // Perform the fit
30  auto fitRes =, end, sParameters, fitOptions, tracks);
32  if (not fitRes.ok()) {
33  ACTS_WARNING("Fit failure");
34  return fitRes.error();
35  }
36  // The fit results
37  const auto& track = fitRes.value();
38  // Calculate the global track parameters covariance with the fitted track
39  const auto& globalTrackParamsCov =
41  tracks.trackStateContainer(), track.tipIndex());
42  // Calculate the alignment state
43  const auto alignState = detail::trackAlignmentState(
44  gctx, tracks.trackStateContainer(), track.tipIndex(),
45  globalTrackParamsCov, idxedAlignSurfaces, alignMask);
46  if (alignState.alignmentDof == 0) {
47  ACTS_VERBOSE("No alignment dof on track!");
48  return AlignmentError::NoAlignmentDofOnTrack;
49  }
50  return alignState;
51 }
53 template <typename fitter_t>
54 template <typename trajectory_container_t,
55  typename start_parameters_container_t, typename fit_options_t>
57  const trajectory_container_t& trajectoryCollection,
58  const start_parameters_container_t& startParametersCollection,
59  const fit_options_t& fitOptions,
60  ActsAlignment::AlignmentResult& alignResult,
61  const ActsAlignment::AlignmentMask& alignMask) const {
62  // The number of trajectories must be equal to the number of starting
63  // parameters
64  assert(trajectoryCollection.size() == startParametersCollection.size());
66  // The total alignment degree of freedom
67  alignResult.alignmentDof =
68  alignResult.idxedAlignSurfaces.size() * Acts::eAlignmentSize;
69  // Initialize derivative of chi2 w.r.t. alignment parameters for all tracks
70  Acts::ActsDynamicVector sumChi2Derivative =
71  Acts::ActsDynamicVector::Zero(alignResult.alignmentDof);
72  Acts::ActsDynamicMatrix sumChi2SecondDerivative =
73  Acts::ActsDynamicMatrix::Zero(alignResult.alignmentDof,
74  alignResult.alignmentDof);
75  // Copy the fit options
76  fit_options_t fitOptionsWithRefSurface = fitOptions;
77  // Calculate contribution to chi2 derivatives from all input trajectories
78  // @Todo: How to update the source link error iteratively?
79  alignResult.chi2 = 0;
80  alignResult.measurementDim = 0;
81  alignResult.numTracks = trajectoryCollection.size();
82  double sumChi2ONdf = 0;
83  for (unsigned int iTraj = 0; iTraj < trajectoryCollection.size(); iTraj++) {
84  const auto& sourcelinks =;
85  const auto& sParameters =;
86  // Set the target surface
87  fitOptionsWithRefSurface.referenceSurface = &sParameters.referenceSurface();
88  // The result for one single track
89  auto evaluateRes = evaluateTrackAlignmentState(
90  fitOptions.geoContext, sourcelinks, sParameters,
91  fitOptionsWithRefSurface, alignResult.idxedAlignSurfaces, alignMask);
92  if (not evaluateRes.ok()) {
93  ACTS_DEBUG("Evaluation of alignment state for track " << iTraj
94  << " failed");
95  continue;
96  }
97  const auto& alignState = evaluateRes.value();
98  for (const auto& [rowSurface, rows] : alignState.alignedSurfaces) {
99  const auto& [dstRow, srcRow] = rows;
100  // Fill the results into full chi2 derivative matrix
101  sumChi2Derivative.segment<Acts::eAlignmentSize>(dstRow *
103  alignState.alignmentToChi2Derivative.segment(
104  srcRow * Acts::eAlignmentSize, Acts::eAlignmentSize);
106  for (const auto& [colSurface, cols] : alignState.alignedSurfaces) {
107  const auto& [dstCol, srcCol] = cols;
108  sumChi2SecondDerivative
109  .block<Acts::eAlignmentSize, Acts::eAlignmentSize>(
110  dstRow * Acts::eAlignmentSize, dstCol * Acts::eAlignmentSize) +=
111  alignState.alignmentToChi2SecondDerivative.block(
112  srcRow * Acts::eAlignmentSize, srcCol * Acts::eAlignmentSize,
113  Acts::eAlignmentSize, Acts::eAlignmentSize);
114  }
115  }
116  alignResult.chi2 += alignState.chi2;
117  alignResult.measurementDim += alignState.measurementDim;
118  sumChi2ONdf += alignState.chi2 / alignState.measurementDim;
119  }
120  alignResult.averageChi2ONdf = sumChi2ONdf / alignResult.numTracks;
122  // Get the inverse of chi2 second derivative matrix (we need this to
123  // calculate the covariance of the alignment parameters)
124  // @Todo: use more stable method for solving the inverse
125  size_t alignDof = alignResult.alignmentDof;
126  Acts::ActsDynamicMatrix sumChi2SecondDerivativeInverse =
127  Acts::ActsDynamicMatrix::Zero(alignDof, alignDof);
128  sumChi2SecondDerivativeInverse = sumChi2SecondDerivative.inverse();
129  if (sumChi2SecondDerivativeInverse.hasNaN()) {
130  ACTS_DEBUG("Chi2 second derivative inverse has NaN");
131  // return AlignmentError::AlignmentParametersUpdateFailure;
132  }
134  // Initialize the alignment results
135  alignResult.deltaAlignmentParameters =
136  Acts::ActsDynamicVector::Zero(alignDof);
137  alignResult.alignmentCovariance =
138  Acts::ActsDynamicMatrix::Zero(alignDof, alignDof);
139  // Solve the linear equation to get alignment parameters change
140  alignResult.deltaAlignmentParameters =
141  -sumChi2SecondDerivative.fullPivLu().solve(sumChi2Derivative);
142  ACTS_VERBOSE("sumChi2SecondDerivative = \n" << sumChi2SecondDerivative);
143  ACTS_VERBOSE("sumChi2Derivative = \n" << sumChi2Derivative);
144  ACTS_VERBOSE("alignResult.deltaAlignmentParameters \n");
146  // Alignment parameters covariance
147  alignResult.alignmentCovariance = 2 * sumChi2SecondDerivativeInverse;
148  // chi2 change
149  alignResult.deltaChi2 = 0.5 * sumChi2Derivative.transpose() *
150  alignResult.deltaAlignmentParameters;
151 }
153 template <typename fitter_t>
156  const Acts::GeometryContext& gctx,
157  const std::vector<Acts::DetectorElementBase*>& alignedDetElements,
158  const ActsAlignment::AlignedTransformUpdater& alignedTransformUpdater,
159  ActsAlignment::AlignmentResult& alignResult) const {
160  // Update the aligned transform
161  Acts::AlignmentVector deltaAlignmentParam = Acts::AlignmentVector::Zero();
162  for (const auto& [surface, index] : alignResult.idxedAlignSurfaces) {
163  // 1. The original transform
164  const Acts::Vector3& oldCenter = surface->center(gctx);
165  const Acts::Transform3& oldTransform = surface->transform(gctx);
166  const Acts::RotationMatrix3& oldRotation = oldTransform.rotation();
167  // The elements stored below is (rotZ, rotY, rotX)
168  const Acts::Vector3& oldEulerAngles = oldRotation.eulerAngles(2, 1, 0);
170  // 2. The delta transform
171  deltaAlignmentParam = alignResult.deltaAlignmentParameters.segment(
173  // The delta translation
174  Acts::Vector3 deltaCenter =
175  deltaAlignmentParam.segment<3>(Acts::eAlignmentCenter0);
176  // The delta Euler angles
177  Acts::Vector3 deltaEulerAngles =
178  deltaAlignmentParam.segment<3>(Acts::eAlignmentRotation0);
180  // 3. The new transform
181  const Acts::Vector3 newCenter = oldCenter + deltaCenter;
182  // The rotation around global z axis
183  Acts::AngleAxis3 rotZ(oldEulerAngles(0) + deltaEulerAngles(2),
184  Acts::Vector3::UnitZ());
185  // The rotation around global y axis
186  Acts::AngleAxis3 rotY(oldEulerAngles(1) + deltaEulerAngles(1),
187  Acts::Vector3::UnitY());
188  // The rotation around global x axis
189  Acts::AngleAxis3 rotX(oldEulerAngles(2) + deltaEulerAngles(0),
190  Acts::Vector3::UnitX());
191  Eigen::Quaternion<Acts::ActsScalar> newRotation = rotZ * rotY * rotX;
192  const Acts::Transform3 newTransform =
193  Acts::Translation3(newCenter) * newRotation;
195  // 4. Update the aligned transform
196  //@Todo: use a better way to handle this (need dynamic cast to inherited
197  // detector element type)
198  ACTS_VERBOSE("Delta of alignment parameters at element "
199  << index << "= \n"
200  << deltaAlignmentParam);
201  bool updated = alignedTransformUpdater(, gctx,
202  newTransform);
203  if (not updated) {
204  ACTS_ERROR("Update alignment parameters for detector element failed");
205  return AlignmentError::AlignmentParametersUpdateFailure;
206  }
207  }
210 }
212 template <typename fitter_t>
213 template <typename trajectory_container_t,
214  typename start_parameters_container_t, typename fit_options_t>
217  const trajectory_container_t& trajectoryCollection,
218  const start_parameters_container_t& startParametersCollection,
219  const ActsAlignment::AlignmentOptions<fit_options_t>& alignOptions) const {
220  // Construct an AlignmentResult object
221  AlignmentResult alignResult;
223  // Assign index to the alignable surface
224  for (unsigned int iDetElement = 0;
225  iDetElement < alignOptions.alignedDetElements.size(); iDetElement++) {
226  alignResult.idxedAlignSurfaces.emplace(
227  &>surface(),
228  iDetElement);
229  }
230  ACTS_VERBOSE("There are " << alignResult.idxedAlignSurfaces.size()
231  << " detector elements to be aligned");
233  // Start the iteration to minimize the chi2
234  bool converged = false;
235  bool alignmentParametersUpdated = false;
236  std::queue<double> recentChi2ONdf;
237  ACTS_INFO("Max number of iterations: " << alignOptions.maxIterations);
238  for (unsigned int iIter = 0; iIter < alignOptions.maxIterations; iIter++) {
239  // Perform the fit to the trajectories and update alignment parameters
240  // Initialize the alignment mask (all dof in default)
241  AlignmentMask alignMask = AlignmentMask::All;
242  // Set the alignment mask
243  auto iter_it = alignOptions.iterationState.find(iIter);
244  if (iter_it != alignOptions.iterationState.end()) {
245  alignMask = iter_it->second;
246  }
247  // Calculate the alignment parameters delta etc.
248  calculateAlignmentParameters(
249  trajectoryCollection, startParametersCollection,
250  alignOptions.fitOptions, alignResult, alignMask);
251  // Screen out the information
252  ACTS_INFO("iIter = " << iIter << ", total chi2 = " << alignResult.chi2
253  << ", total measurementDim = "
254  << alignResult.measurementDim
255  << " and average chi2/ndf = "
256  << alignResult.averageChi2ONdf);
257  // Check if it has converged against the provided precision
258  // 1. either the delta average chi2/ndf in the last few
259  // iterations is within tolerance
260  if (recentChi2ONdf.size() >=
261  alignOptions.deltaAverageChi2ONdfCutOff.first) {
262  if (std::abs(recentChi2ONdf.front() - alignResult.averageChi2ONdf) <=
263  alignOptions.deltaAverageChi2ONdfCutOff.second) {
265  "Alignment has converged with change of chi2/ndf < "
266  << alignOptions.deltaAverageChi2ONdfCutOff.second << " in the last "
267  << alignOptions.deltaAverageChi2ONdfCutOff.first << " iterations"
268  << " after " << iIter << " iteration(s)");
269  converged = true;
270  break;
271  }
272  recentChi2ONdf.pop();
273  }
274  // 2. or the average chi2/ndf (is this correct?)
275  if (alignResult.averageChi2ONdf <= alignOptions.averageChi2ONdfCutOff) {
276  ACTS_INFO("Alignment has converged with average chi2/ndf < "
277  << alignOptions.averageChi2ONdfCutOff << " after " << iIter
278  << " iteration(s)");
279  converged = true;
280  break;
281  }
282  // Remove the first element
283  // Store the result in the queue
284  recentChi2ONdf.push(alignResult.averageChi2ONdf);
286  ACTS_INFO("The solved delta of alignmentParameters = \n "
287  << alignResult.deltaAlignmentParameters);
288  // Not coveraged yet, update the detector element alignment parameters
289  auto updateRes = updateAlignmentParameters(
290  alignOptions.fitOptions.geoContext, alignOptions.alignedDetElements,
291  alignOptions.alignedTransformUpdater, alignResult);
292  if (not updateRes.ok()) {
293  ACTS_ERROR("Update alignment parameters failed: " << updateRes.error());
294  return updateRes.error();
295  }
296  alignmentParametersUpdated = true;
297  } // end of all iterations
299  // Alignment failure if not converged
300  if (not converged) {
301  ACTS_ERROR("Alignment is not converged.");
302  alignResult.result = AlignmentError::ConvergeFailure;
303  }
305  // Screen out the final aligned parameters
306  // @todo
307  if (alignmentParametersUpdated) {
308  for (const auto& det : alignOptions.alignedDetElements) {
309  const auto& surface = &det->surface();
310  const auto& transform =
311  det->transform(alignOptions.fitOptions.geoContext);
312  // write it to the result
313  alignResult.alignedParameters.emplace(det, transform);
314  const auto& translation = transform.translation();
315  const auto& rotation = transform.rotation();
316  const Acts::Vector3 rotAngles = rotation.eulerAngles(2, 1, 0);
317  ACTS_VERBOSE("Detector element with surface "
318  << surface->geometryId()
319  << " has aligned geometry position as below:");
320  ACTS_VERBOSE("Center (cenX, cenY, cenZ) = " << translation.transpose());
322  "Euler angles (rotZ, rotY, rotX) = " << rotAngles.transpose());
323  ACTS_VERBOSE("Rotation matrix = \n" << rotation);
324  }
325  } else {
326  ACTS_DEBUG("Alignment parameters is not updated.");
327  }
329  return alignResult;
330 }