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Go to the documentation of this file. Or view the newest version in sPHENIX GitHub for file SpacePointGrid.ipp
1 // This file is part of the Acts project.
2 //
3 // Copyright (C) 2021 CERN for the benefit of the Acts project
4 //
5 // This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
6 // License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
7 // file, You can obtain one at
10 #include <iostream>
11 #include <memory>
13 template <typename SpacePoint>
14 std::unique_ptr<Acts::SpacePointGrid<SpacePoint>>
18  if (not config.isInInternalUnits) {
19  throw std::runtime_error(
20  "SpacePointGridConfig not in ACTS internal units in "
21  "SpacePointGridCreator::createGrid");
22  }
23  if (not options.isInInternalUnits) {
24  throw std::runtime_error(
25  "SpacePointGridOptions not in ACTS internal units in "
26  "SpacePointGridCreator::createGrid");
27  }
29  using namespace Acts::UnitLiterals;
31  int phiBins = 0;
32  // for no magnetic field, create 100 phi-bins
33  if (options.bFieldInZ == 0) {
34  phiBins = 100;
35  } else {
36  // calculate circle intersections of helix and max detector radius
37  float minHelixRadius =
38  config.minPt /
39  (1_T * 1e6 *
40  options.bFieldInZ); // in mm -> R[mm] =pT[GeV] / (3·10−4×B[T])
41  // = pT[MeV] / (300 *Bz[kT])
43  // sanity check: if yOuter takes the square root of a negative number
44  if (minHelixRadius < config.rMax / 2) {
45  throw std::domain_error(
46  "The value of minHelixRadius cannot be smaller than rMax / 2. Please "
47  "check the configuration of bFieldInZ and minPt");
48  }
50  float maxR2 = config.rMax * config.rMax;
51  float xOuter = maxR2 / (2 * minHelixRadius);
52  float yOuter = std::sqrt(maxR2 - xOuter * xOuter);
53  float outerAngle = std::atan(xOuter / yOuter);
54  // intersection of helix and max detector radius minus maximum R distance
55  // from middle SP to top SP
56  float innerAngle = 0;
57  float rMin = config.rMax;
58  if (config.rMax > config.deltaRMax) {
59  rMin = config.rMax - config.deltaRMax;
60  float innerCircleR2 =
61  (config.rMax - config.deltaRMax) * (config.rMax - config.deltaRMax);
62  float xInner = innerCircleR2 / (2 * minHelixRadius);
63  float yInner = std::sqrt(innerCircleR2 - xInner * xInner);
64  innerAngle = std::atan(xInner / yInner);
65  }
67  // evaluating the azimutal deflection including the maximum impact parameter
68  float deltaAngleWithMaxD0 =
69  std::abs(std::asin(config.impactMax / (rMin)) -
70  std::asin(config.impactMax / config.rMax));
72  // evaluating delta Phi based on the inner and outer angle, and the azimutal
73  // deflection including the maximum impact parameter
74  // Divide by config.phiBinDeflectionCoverage since we combine
75  // config.phiBinDeflectionCoverage number of consecutive phi bins in the
76  // seed making step. So each individual bin should cover
77  // 1/config.phiBinDeflectionCoverage of the maximum expected azimutal
78  // deflection
79  float deltaPhi = (outerAngle - innerAngle + deltaAngleWithMaxD0) /
82  // sanity check: if the delta phi is equal to or less than zero, we'll be
83  // creating an infinite or a negative number of bins, which would be bad!
84  if (deltaPhi <= 0.f) {
85  throw std::domain_error(
86  "Delta phi value is equal to or less than zero, leading to an "
87  "impossible number of bins (negative or infinite)");
88  }
90  // divide 2pi by angle delta to get number of phi-bins
91  // size is always 2pi even for regions of interest
92  phiBins = static_cast<int>(std::ceil(2 * M_PI / deltaPhi));
93  // need to scale the number of phi bins accordingly to the number of
94  // consecutive phi bins in the seed making step.
95  // Each individual bin should be approximately a fraction (depending on this
96  // number) of the maximum expected azimutal deflection.
98  // set protection for large number of bins, by default it is large
99  if (phiBins > config.maxPhiBins) {
100  phiBins = config.maxPhiBins;
101  }
102  }
104  Acts::detail::Axis<detail::AxisType::Equidistant,
105  detail::AxisBoundaryType::Closed>
106  phiAxis(config.phiMin, config.phiMax, phiBins);
108  // vector that will store the edges of the bins of z
109  std::vector<AxisScalar> zValues;
111  // If zBinEdges is not defined, calculate the edges as zMin + bin * zBinSize
112  if (config.zBinEdges.empty()) {
113  // TODO: can probably be optimized using smaller z bins
114  // and returning (multiple) neighbors only in one z-direction for forward
115  // seeds
116  // FIXME: zBinSize must include scattering
117  float zBinSize = config.cotThetaMax * config.deltaRMax;
118  int zBins =
119  std::max(1, (int)std::floor((config.zMax - config.zMin) / zBinSize));
121  for (int bin = 0; bin <= zBins; bin++) {
122  AxisScalar edge =
123  config.zMin + bin * ((config.zMax - config.zMin) / (float)zBins);
124  zValues.push_back(edge);
125  }
127  } else {
128  // Use the zBinEdges defined in the config
129  for (auto& bin : config.zBinEdges) {
130  zValues.push_back(bin);
131  }
132  }
134  detail::Axis<detail::AxisType::Variable, detail::AxisBoundaryType::Bound>
135  zAxis(zValues);
136  return std::make_unique<Acts::SpacePointGrid<SpacePoint>>(
137  std::make_tuple(phiAxis, zAxis));
138 }