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3 #include "LightCollectionModel.h"
4 #include "PHG4Cell.h" // for PHG4Cell
5 #include "PHG4CylinderCellGeom.h"
8 #include "PHG4CylinderGeom.h" // for PHG4CylinderGeom
10 #include "PHG4CylinderGeom_Spacalv1.h" // for PHG4CylinderGeom_Spaca...
13 #include "PHG4CellContainer.h"
14 #include "PHG4CellDefs.h"
15 #include "PHG4Cellv1.h"
17 #include <phparameter/PHParameterInterface.h> // for PHParameterInterface
19 #include <g4main/PHG4Hit.h>
22 #include <fun4all/Fun4AllBase.h> // for Fun4AllBase::VERBOSITY...
24 #include <fun4all/Fun4AllServer.h>
25 #include <fun4all/SubsysReco.h> // for SubsysReco
27 #include <phool/PHCompositeNode.h>
28 #include <phool/PHIODataNode.h>
29 #include <phool/PHNode.h> // for PHNode
30 #include <phool/PHNodeIterator.h>
31 #include <phool/PHObject.h> // for PHObject
32 #include <phool/getClass.h>
33 #include <phool/phool.h> // for PHWHERE
34 #include <phool/recoConsts.h>
38 #include <TAxis.h> // for TAxis
39 #include <TFile.h>
40 #include <TH1.h>
41 #include <TH2.h>
42 #include <TObject.h> // for TObject
43 #include <TSystem.h>
45 #include <cassert>
46 #include <cmath>
47 #include <cstdlib>
48 #include <exception>
49 #include <iostream>
50 #include <sstream>
51 #include <utility> // for pair
54  : SubsysReco(name)
55  , PHParameterInterface(name)
56 {
58 }
61 {
62  sum_energy_g4hit = 0.;
64 }
67 {
68  PHNodeIterator iter(topNode);
70  // Looking for the DST node
71  PHCompositeNode *dstNode;
72  dstNode = dynamic_cast<PHCompositeNode *>(iter.findFirst("PHCompositeNode", "DST"));
73  if (!dstNode)
74  {
75  std::cout << PHWHERE << "DST Node missing, doing nothing." << std::endl;
76  exit(1);
77  }
78  hitnodename = "G4HIT_" + detector;
79  PHG4HitContainer *g4hit = findNode::getClass<PHG4HitContainer>(topNode, hitnodename);
80  if (!g4hit)
81  {
82  std::cout << "PHG4FullProjSpacalCellReco::InitRun - Could not locate g4 hit node "
83  << hitnodename << std::endl;
84  topNode->print();
85  exit(1);
86  }
87  cellnodename = "G4CELL_" + detector;
88  PHG4CellContainer *cells = findNode::getClass<PHG4CellContainer>(topNode, cellnodename);
89  if (!cells)
90  {
91  PHNodeIterator dstiter(dstNode);
92  PHCompositeNode *DetNode = dynamic_cast<PHCompositeNode *>(dstiter.findFirst("PHCompositeNode", detector));
93  if (!DetNode)
94  {
95  DetNode = new PHCompositeNode(detector);
96  dstNode->addNode(DetNode);
97  }
98  cells = new PHG4CellContainer();
99  PHIODataNode<PHObject> *newNode = new PHIODataNode<PHObject>(cells, cellnodename, "PHObject");
100  DetNode->addNode(newNode);
101  }
103  geonodename = "CYLINDERGEOM_" + detector;
104  PHG4CylinderGeomContainer *geo = findNode::getClass<PHG4CylinderGeomContainer>(topNode, geonodename);
105  if (!geo)
106  {
107  std::cout << "PHG4FullProjSpacalCellReco::InitRun - Could not locate geometry node "
108  << geonodename << std::endl;
109  topNode->print();
110  exit(1);
111  }
112  if (Verbosity() > 0)
113  {
114  std::cout << "PHG4FullProjSpacalCellReco::InitRun - incoming geometry:"
115  << std::endl;
116  geo->identify();
117  }
118  seggeonodename = "CYLINDERCELLGEOM_" + detector;
119  PHG4CylinderCellGeomContainer *seggeo = findNode::getClass<PHG4CylinderCellGeomContainer>(topNode, seggeonodename);
120  if (!seggeo)
121  {
122  seggeo = new PHG4CylinderCellGeomContainer();
123  PHCompositeNode *runNode = dynamic_cast<PHCompositeNode *>(iter.findFirst("PHCompositeNode", "RUN"));
124  PHIODataNode<PHObject> *newNode = new PHIODataNode<PHObject>(seggeo, seggeonodename, "PHObject");
125  runNode->addNode(newNode);
126  }
128  const PHG4CylinderGeom *layergeom_raw = geo->GetFirstLayerGeom();
129  assert(layergeom_raw);
131  // a special implimentation of PHG4CylinderGeom is required here.
132  const PHG4CylinderGeom_Spacalv3 *layergeom =
133  dynamic_cast<const PHG4CylinderGeom_Spacalv3 *>(layergeom_raw);
135  if (!layergeom)
136  {
137  std::cout << "PHG4FullProjSpacalCellReco::InitRun - Fatal Error -"
138  << " require to work with a version of SPACAL geometry of PHG4CylinderGeom_Spacalv3 or higher. "
139  << "However the incoming geometry has version "
140  << layergeom_raw->ClassName() << std::endl;
141  exit(1);
142  }
143  if (Verbosity() > 1)
144  {
145  layergeom->identify();
146  }
148  layergeom->subtower_consistency_check();
150  // int layer = layergeom->get_layer();
152  // create geo object and fill with variables common to all binning methods
154  layerseggeo->set_layer(layergeom->get_layer());
155  layerseggeo->set_radius(layergeom->get_radius());
156  layerseggeo->set_thickness(layergeom->get_thickness());
159  // construct a map to convert tower_ID into the older eta bins.
161  const PHG4CylinderGeom_Spacalv3::tower_map_t &tower_map = layergeom->get_sector_tower_map();
162  const PHG4CylinderGeom_Spacalv3::sector_map_t &sector_map = layergeom->get_sector_map();
163  const int nphibin = layergeom->get_azimuthal_n_sec() // sector
164  * layergeom->get_max_phi_bin_in_sec() // blocks per sector
165  * layergeom->get_n_subtower_phi(); // subtower per block
166  const double deltaphi = 2. * M_PI / nphibin;
168  using map_z_tower_z_ID_t = std::map<double, int>;
169  map_z_tower_z_ID_t map_z_tower_z_ID;
170  double phi_min = NAN;
172  for (const auto &tower_pair : tower_map)
173  {
174  const int &tower_ID = tower_pair.first;
175  const PHG4CylinderGeom_Spacalv3::geom_tower &tower = tower_pair.second;
177  // inspect index in sector 0
178  std::pair<int, int> tower_z_phi_ID = layergeom->get_tower_z_phi_ID(tower_ID, 0);
180  const int &tower_ID_z = tower_z_phi_ID.first;
181  const int &tower_ID_phi = tower_z_phi_ID.second;
183  if (tower_ID_phi == 0)
184  {
185  // assign phi min according phi bin 0
186  phi_min = M_PI_2 - deltaphi * (layergeom->get_max_phi_bin_in_sec() * layergeom->get_n_subtower_phi() / 2) // shift of first tower in sector
187  + sector_map.begin()->second;
188  }
190  if (tower_ID_phi == layergeom->get_max_phi_bin_in_sec() / 2)
191  {
192  // assign eta min according phi bin 0
193  map_z_tower_z_ID[tower.centralZ] = tower_ID_z;
194  }
195  // ...
196  } // const auto &tower_pair: tower_map
198  assert(!std::isnan(phi_min));
199  layerseggeo->set_phimin(phi_min);
200  layerseggeo->set_phistep(deltaphi);
201  layerseggeo->set_phibins(nphibin);
204  int eta_bin = 0;
205  for (auto &z_tower_z_ID : map_z_tower_z_ID)
206  {
207  tower_z_ID_eta_bin_map[z_tower_z_ID.second] = eta_bin;
208  eta_bin++;
209  }
210  layerseggeo->set_tower_z_ID_eta_bin_map(tower_z_ID_eta_bin_map);
211  layerseggeo->set_etabins(eta_bin * layergeom->get_n_subtower_eta());
212  layerseggeo->set_etamin(NAN);
213  layerseggeo->set_etastep(NAN);
215  // build eta bin maps
216  for (const auto &tower_pair : tower_map)
217  {
218  const int &tower_ID = tower_pair.first;
219  const PHG4CylinderGeom_Spacalv3::geom_tower &tower = tower_pair.second;
221  // inspect index in sector 0
222  std::pair<int, int> tower_z_phi_ID = layergeom->get_tower_z_phi_ID(tower_ID, 0);
223  const int &tower_ID_z = tower_z_phi_ID.first;
224  const int &tower_ID_phi = tower_z_phi_ID.second;
225  const int &etabin = tower_z_ID_eta_bin_map[tower_ID_z];
227  if (tower_ID_phi == layergeom->get_max_phi_bin_in_sec() / 2)
228  {
229  // half z-range
230  const double dz = fabs(0.5 * (tower.pDy1 + tower.pDy2) / sin(tower.pRotationAngleX));
231  const double tower_radial = layergeom->get_tower_radial_position(tower);
233  auto z_to_eta = [&tower_radial](const double &z)
234  { return -log(tan(0.5 * atan2(tower_radial, z))); };
236  const double eta_central = z_to_eta(tower.centralZ);
237  // half eta-range
238  const double deta = (z_to_eta(tower.centralZ + dz) - z_to_eta(tower.centralZ - dz)) / 2;
239  assert(deta > 0);
241  for (int sub_tower_ID_y = 0; sub_tower_ID_y < tower.NSubtowerY;
242  ++sub_tower_ID_y)
243  {
244  assert(tower.NSubtowerY <= layergeom->get_n_subtower_eta());
245  // do not overlap to the next bin.
246  const int sub_tower_etabin = etabin * layergeom->get_n_subtower_eta() + sub_tower_ID_y;
248  const std::pair<double, double> etabounds(eta_central - deta + sub_tower_ID_y * 2 * deta / tower.NSubtowerY,
249  eta_central - deta + (sub_tower_ID_y + 1) * 2 * deta / tower.NSubtowerY);
251  const std::pair<double, double> zbounds(tower.centralZ - dz + sub_tower_ID_y * 2 * dz / tower.NSubtowerY,
252  tower.centralZ - dz + (sub_tower_ID_y + 1) * 2 * dz / tower.NSubtowerY);
254  layerseggeo->set_etabounds(sub_tower_etabin, etabounds);
255  layerseggeo->set_zbounds(sub_tower_etabin, zbounds);
257  if (Verbosity() >= VERBOSITY_SOME)
258  {
259  std::cout << "PHG4FullProjSpacalCellReco::InitRun::" << Name()
260  << "\t tower_ID_z = " << tower_ID_z
261  << "\t tower_ID_phi = " << tower_ID_phi
262  << "\t sub_tower_ID_y = " << sub_tower_ID_y
263  << "\t sub_tower_etabin = " << sub_tower_etabin
264  << "\t dz = " << dz
265  << "\t tower_radial = " << tower_radial
266  << "\t eta_central = " << eta_central
267  << "\t deta = " << deta
268  << "\t etabounds = [" << etabounds.first << ", " << etabounds.second << "]"
269  << "\t zbounds = [" << zbounds.first << ", " << zbounds.second << "]"
270  << std::endl;
271  }
272  }
273  }
274  // ...
275  } // const auto &tower_pair: tower_map
277  // add geo object filled by different binning methods
278  seggeo->AddLayerCellGeom(layerseggeo);
279  if (Verbosity() >= VERBOSITY_SOME)
280  {
281  std::cout << "PHG4FullProjSpacalCellReco::InitRun::" << Name()
282  << " - Done layer" << (layergeom->get_layer())
283  << ". Print out the cell geometry:" << std::endl;
284  layerseggeo->identify();
285  }
287  // save this to the run wise tree to store on DST
288  PHCompositeNode *runNode = dynamic_cast<PHCompositeNode *>(iter.findFirst("PHCompositeNode", "RUN"));
289  PHCompositeNode *parNode = dynamic_cast<PHCompositeNode *>(iter.findFirst("PHCompositeNode", "PAR"));
290  PHNodeIterator runIter(runNode);
291  PHCompositeNode *RunDetNode = dynamic_cast<PHCompositeNode *>(runIter.findFirst("PHCompositeNode", detector));
292  if (!RunDetNode)
293  {
294  RunDetNode = new PHCompositeNode(detector);
295  runNode->addNode(RunDetNode);
296  }
297  std::string paramnodename = "G4CELLPARAM_" + detector;
298  SaveToNodeTree(RunDetNode, paramnodename);
299  // save this to the parNode for use
300  PHNodeIterator parIter(parNode);
301  PHCompositeNode *ParDetNode = dynamic_cast<PHCompositeNode *>(parIter.findFirst("PHCompositeNode", detector));
302  if (!ParDetNode)
303  {
304  ParDetNode = new PHCompositeNode(detector);
305  parNode->addNode(ParDetNode);
306  }
307  std::string cellgeonodename = "G4CELLGEO_" + detector;
308  PutOnParNode(ParDetNode, cellgeonodename);
309  tmin = get_double_param("tmin");
310  tmax = get_double_param("tmax");
311  m_DeltaT = get_double_param("delta_t");
313 }
316 {
317  PHG4HitContainer *g4hit = findNode::getClass<PHG4HitContainer>(topNode, hitnodename);
318  if (!g4hit)
319  {
320  std::cout << "PHG4FullProjSpacalCellReco::process_event - Fatal Error - Could not locate g4 hit node "
321  << hitnodename << std::endl;
322  exit(1);
323  }
324  PHG4CellContainer *cells = findNode::getClass<PHG4CellContainer>(topNode, cellnodename);
325  if (!cells)
326  {
327  std::cout << "PHG4FullProjSpacalCellReco::process_event - Fatal Error - could not locate cell node "
328  << cellnodename << std::endl;
329  exit(1);
330  }
332  PHG4CylinderCellGeomContainer *seggeo = findNode::getClass<PHG4CylinderCellGeomContainer>(topNode, seggeonodename);
333  if (!seggeo)
334  {
335  std::cout << "PHG4FullProjSpacalCellReco::process_event - Fatal Error - could not locate cell geometry node "
336  << seggeonodename << std::endl;
337  exit(1);
338  }
340  PHG4CylinderGeomContainer *layergeo = findNode::getClass<PHG4CylinderGeomContainer>(topNode, geonodename);
341  if (!layergeo)
342  {
343  std::cout << "PHG4FullProjSpacalCellReco::process_event - Fatal Error - Could not locate sim geometry node "
344  << geonodename << std::endl;
345  exit(1);
346  }
349  PHG4HitContainer::ConstRange hit_begin_end = g4hit->getHits();
351  PHG4CylinderCellGeom *geo_raw = seggeo->GetFirstLayerCellGeom();
352  PHG4CylinderCellGeom_Spacalv1 *geo = dynamic_cast<PHG4CylinderCellGeom_Spacalv1 *>(geo_raw);
353  assert(geo);
354  const PHG4CylinderGeom *layergeom_raw = layergeo->GetFirstLayerGeom();
355  assert(layergeom_raw);
356  // a special implimentation of PHG4CylinderGeom is required here.
357  const PHG4CylinderGeom_Spacalv3 *layergeom =
358  dynamic_cast<const PHG4CylinderGeom_Spacalv3 *>(layergeom_raw);
359  assert(layergeom);
361  for (hiter = hit_begin_end.first; hiter != hit_begin_end.second; ++hiter)
362  {
363  // checking ADC timing integration window cut
364  if (hiter->second->get_t(0) > tmax) continue;
365  if (hiter->second->get_t(1) < tmin) continue;
366  if (hiter->second->get_t(1) - hiter->second->get_t(0) > m_DeltaT) continue;
368  sum_energy_g4hit += hiter->second->get_edep();
370  // hit loop
371  int scint_id = hiter->second->get_scint_id();
373  // decode scint_id
376  // convert to z_ID, phi_ID
377  std::pair<int, int> tower_z_phi_ID = layergeom->get_tower_z_phi_ID(decoder.tower_ID, decoder.sector_ID);
378  const int &tower_ID_z = tower_z_phi_ID.first;
379  const int &tower_ID_phi = tower_z_phi_ID.second;
381  PHG4CylinderGeom_Spacalv3::tower_map_t::const_iterator it_tower =
382  layergeom->get_sector_tower_map().find(decoder.tower_ID);
383  assert(it_tower != layergeom->get_sector_tower_map().end());
385  unsigned int key = static_cast<unsigned int>(scint_id);
386  PHG4Cell *cell = nullptr;
387  std::map<unsigned int, PHG4Cell *>::iterator it = celllist.find(key);
388  if (it != celllist.end())
389  {
390  cell = it->second;
391  }
392  else
393  {
394  // convert tower_ID_z to to eta bin number
395  int etabin = -1;
396  try
397  {
398  etabin = geo->get_etabin_block(tower_ID_z); // block eta bin
399  }
400  catch (std::exception &e)
401  {
402  std::cout << "Print cell geometry:" << std::endl;
403  geo->identify();
404  std::cout << "Print scint_id_coder:" << std::endl;
405  decoder.identify();
406  std::cout << "Print the hit:" << std::endl;
407  hiter->second->print();
408  std::cout << "PHG4FullProjSpacalCellReco::process_event::"
409  << Name() << " - Fatal Error - " << e.what() << std::endl;
410  exit(1);
411  }
413  const int sub_tower_ID_x = it_tower->second.get_sub_tower_ID_x(decoder.fiber_ID);
414  const int sub_tower_ID_y = it_tower->second.get_sub_tower_ID_y(decoder.fiber_ID);
415  unsigned short fiber_ID = decoder.fiber_ID;
416  unsigned short etabinshort = etabin * layergeom->get_n_subtower_eta() + sub_tower_ID_y;
417  unsigned short phibin = tower_ID_phi * layergeom->get_n_subtower_phi() + sub_tower_ID_x;
418  PHG4CellDefs::keytype cellkey = PHG4CellDefs::SpacalBinning::genkey(etabinshort, phibin, fiber_ID);
419  cell = new PHG4Cellv1(cellkey);
420  celllist[key] = cell;
421  }
423  double light_yield = hiter->second->get_light_yield();
425  // light yield correction from fiber attenuation:
428  {
429  const double z = 0.5 * (hiter->second->get_local_z(0) + hiter->second->get_local_z(1));
430  assert(not std::isnan(z));
433  }
436  // light yield correction from light guide collection efficiency:
438  {
439  const double x = it_tower->second.get_position_fraction_x_in_sub_tower(decoder.fiber_ID);
440  const double y = it_tower->second.get_position_fraction_y_in_sub_tower(decoder.fiber_ID);
443  }
444  cell->add_edep(hiter->first, hiter->second->get_edep());
445  cell->add_edep(hiter->second->get_edep());
446  cell->add_light_yield(light_yield);
447  cell->add_shower_edep(hiter->second->get_shower_id(), hiter->second->get_edep());
449  } // end loop over g4hits
450  int numcells = 0;
451  for (std::map<unsigned int, PHG4Cell *>::const_iterator mapiter =
452  celllist.begin();
453  mapiter != celllist.end(); ++mapiter)
454  {
455  cells->AddCell(mapiter->second);
456  numcells++;
457  if (Verbosity() > 1)
458  {
459  std::cout << "PHG4FullProjSpacalCellReco::process_event::" << Name()
460  << " - "
461  << "Adding cell in bin eta "
462  << PHG4CellDefs::SpacalBinning::get_etabin(mapiter->second->get_cellid())
463  << " phi "
464  << PHG4CellDefs::SpacalBinning::get_phibin(mapiter->second->get_cellid())
465  << " fiber "
466  << PHG4CellDefs::SpacalBinning::get_fiberid(mapiter->second->get_cellid())
467  << ", energy dep: "
468  << mapiter->second->get_edep() << ", light yield: "
469  << mapiter->second->get_light_yield() << std::endl;
470  }
471  }
472  celllist.clear();
473  if (Verbosity() > 0)
474  {
475  std::cout << "PHG4FullProjSpacalCellReco::process_event::" << Name()
476  << " - "
477  << " found " << numcells
478  << " fibers with energy deposition" << std::endl;
479  }
481  if (chkenergyconservation || Verbosity() > 4)
482  {
483  CheckEnergy(topNode);
484  }
486 }
489 {
490  PHG4CellContainer *cells = findNode::getClass<PHG4CellContainer>(topNode, cellnodename);
491  double sum_energy_cells = 0.;
492  PHG4CellContainer::ConstRange cell_begin_end = cells->getCells();
494  for (citer = cell_begin_end.first; citer != cell_begin_end.second; ++citer)
495  {
496  sum_energy_cells += citer->second->get_edep();
497  }
498  // the fractional eloss for particles traversing eta bins leads to minute rounding errors
499  if (fabs(sum_energy_cells - sum_energy_g4hit) / sum_energy_g4hit > 1e-6)
500  {
501  std::cout
502  << "PHG4FullProjSpacalCellReco::CheckEnergy - energy mismatch between cells: "
503  << sum_energy_cells << " and hits: " << sum_energy_g4hit
504  << " diff sum(cells) - sum(hits): "
505  << sum_energy_cells - sum_energy_g4hit << std::endl;
506  return -1;
507  }
508  else
509  {
510  if (Verbosity() > 0)
511  {
512  std::cout << "PHG4FullProjSpacalCellReco::CheckEnergy::" << Name()
513  << " - total energy for this event: " << sum_energy_g4hit
514  << " GeV. Passed CheckEnergy" << std::endl;
515  }
516  }
517  return 0;
518 }
521 {
522  set_default_double_param("tmax", 60.0);
523  set_default_double_param("tmin", -20.0); // collision has a timing spread around the triggered event. Accepting negative time too.
524  set_default_double_param("delta_t", 100.0);
525  return;
526 }
528 void PHG4FullProjSpacalCellReco::set_timing_window(const double tmi, const double tma)
529 {
530  set_double_param("tmin", tmi);
531  set_double_param("tmax", tma);
532 }