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4 #include <g4detectors/PHG4CylinderGeom_Spacalv1.h> // for PHG4CylinderGeom_Spacalv1:...
5 #include <g4detectors/PHG4CylinderGeom_Spacalv3.h> // for PHG4CylinderGeom_...
7 #include <phparameter/PHParameters.h>
9 #include <g4main/PHG4Detector.h> // for PHG4Detector
10 #include <g4main/PHG4Utils.h>
12 #include <phool/PHCompositeNode.h>
13 #include <phool/PHIODataNode.h>
14 #include <phool/PHNode.h> // for PHNode
15 #include <phool/PHNodeIterator.h> // for PHNodeIterator
16 #include <phool/PHObject.h> // for PHObject
17 #include <phool/getClass.h>
19 #include <Geant4/G4Box.hh>
20 #include <Geant4/G4Colour.hh> // for G4Colour
21 #include <Geant4/G4DisplacedSolid.hh>
22 #include <Geant4/G4LogicalVolume.hh>
23 #include <Geant4/G4Material.hh>
24 #include <Geant4/G4PVPlacement.hh>
25 #include <Geant4/G4PhysicalConstants.hh>
26 #include <Geant4/G4String.hh> // for G4String
27 #include <Geant4/G4SubtractionSolid.hh>
28 #include <Geant4/G4SystemOfUnits.hh>
29 #include <Geant4/G4ThreeVector.hh> // for G4ThreeVector
30 #include <Geant4/G4Transform3D.hh> // for G4Transform3D, G4Translate3D
31 #include <Geant4/G4Trap.hh>
32 #include <Geant4/G4Tubs.hh>
33 #include <Geant4/G4Types.hh> // for G4double
34 #include <Geant4/G4UserLimits.hh>
35 #include <Geant4/G4Vector3D.hh>
36 #include <Geant4/G4VisAttributes.hh>
38 #include <boost/foreach.hpp>
40 #include <algorithm>
41 #include <cassert>
42 #include <cmath>
43 #include <cstdlib> // for exit
44 #include <iostream> // for operator<<, basic_ostream
45 #include <limits> // for numeric_limits
46 #include <memory> // for allocator_traits<...
47 #include <numeric> // std::accumulate
48 #include <sstream>
49 #include <string> // std::string, std::to_string
50 #include <vector> // for vector
52 class PHG4CylinderGeom;
54 using namespace std;
56 //_______________________________________________________________
57 //note this inactive thickness is ~1.5% of a radiation length
59  : PHG4Detector(subsys, Node, dnam)
60  , construction_params(parameters)
61  , cylinder_solid(nullptr)
62  , cylinder_logic(nullptr)
63  , cylinder_physi(nullptr)
64  , //
65  active(0)
66  , absorberactive(0)
67  , //
68  step_limits(nullptr)
69  , clading_step_limits(nullptr)
70  , fiber_core_step_limits(nullptr)
71  , //
72  _geom(nullptr)
73 {
76  SuperDetector(dnam);
77 }
80 {
81  // deleting nullptr pointers is allowed (results in NOOP)
82  // so checking for not null before deleting is not needed
83  delete step_limits;
84  delete clading_step_limits;
86  delete _geom;
87 }
89 //_______________________________________________________________
91  const G4VPhysicalVolume* volume)
92 {
93  // cout << "checking detector" << endl;
94  if (active && fiber_core_vol.find(volume) != fiber_core_vol.end())
95  {
96  // return fiber_core_vol.find(volume)->second;
97  return FIBER_CORE;
98  }
99  if (absorberactive)
100  {
101  if (fiber_vol.find(volume) != fiber_vol.end())
102  return FIBER_CLADING;
104  if (block_vol.find(volume) != block_vol.end())
105  return ABSORBER;
107  if (calo_vol.find(volume) != calo_vol.end())
108  return SUPPORT;
109  }
110  return INACTIVE;
111 }
113 //_______________________________________________________________
114 void PHG4SpacalPrototype4Detector::ConstructMe(G4LogicalVolume* logicWorld)
115 {
116  PHNodeIterator iter(topNode());
117  PHCompositeNode* parNode = dynamic_cast<PHCompositeNode*>(iter.findFirst(
118  "PHCompositeNode", "RUN"));
119  assert(parNode);
121  if (!_geom)
122  {
123  _geom = new SpacalGeom_t();
124  }
125  assert(_geom);
127  _geom->set_config(
129  // _geom->load_demo_sector_tower_map4();
130  // _geom->set_construction_verbose(2);
135  // step_limits = new G4UserLimits(_geom->get_calo_step_size() * cm);
136  //
137  // clading_step_limits = new G4UserLimits(
138  // _geom->get_fiber_clading_step_size() * cm);
139  step_limits = nullptr;
140  clading_step_limits = nullptr;
142  fiber_core_step_limits = new G4UserLimits(
145  const G4double z_rotation = construction_params->get_double_param(
146  "z_rotation_degree") *
147  degree;
148  const G4double enclosure_x = construction_params->get_double_param(
149  "enclosure_x") *
150  cm;
151  const G4double enclosure_x_shift = construction_params->get_double_param(
152  "enclosure_x_shift") *
153  cm;
154  const G4double enclosure_y = construction_params->get_double_param(
155  "enclosure_y") *
156  cm;
157  const G4double enclosure_z = construction_params->get_double_param(
158  "enclosure_z") *
159  cm;
161  const G4double box_x_shift = (_geom->get_radius() + 0.5 * _geom->get_thickness()) * cm + enclosure_x_shift;
162  const G4double box_z_shift = 0.5 * (_geom->get_zmin() + _geom->get_zmax()) * cm;
164  // G4Tubs* _cylinder_solid = new G4Tubs(G4String(GetName()),
165  // _geom->get_radius() * cm, _geom->get_max_radius() * cm,
166  // _geom->get_length() * cm / 2.0, 0, twopi);
167  // G4VSolid* cylinder_solid = new G4Box(G4String(GetName()),
168  // _geom->get_thickness() * 1.1 * 0.5 * cm, //
169  // twopi / _geom->get_azimuthal_n_sec() * _geom->get_sector_map().size()
170  // * 0.5 * _geom->get_max_radius() * cm, //
171  // _geom->get_length() * cm / 2.0);
172  G4VSolid* cylinder_solid = new G4Box(G4String(GetName()),
173  enclosure_x * 0.5, //
174  enclosure_y * 0.5, //
175  enclosure_z * 0.5);
177  cylinder_solid = new G4DisplacedSolid(G4String(GetName() + "_displaced"),
178  cylinder_solid, 0, //
179  G4ThreeVector(box_x_shift, 0, box_z_shift));
181  G4Material* cylinder_mat = G4Material::GetMaterial("G4_AIR");
182  assert(cylinder_mat);
184  cylinder_logic = new G4LogicalVolume(cylinder_solid, cylinder_mat,
185  G4String(GetName()), 0, 0, 0);
186  G4VisAttributes* VisAtt = new G4VisAttributes();
187  VisAtt->SetColour(G4Colour::White());
188  VisAtt->SetVisibility(true);
189  VisAtt->SetForceSolid(false);
190  VisAtt->SetForceWireframe(true);
191  cylinder_logic->SetVisAttributes(VisAtt);
193  G4Transform3D cylinder_place(
194  G4Translate3D(_geom->get_xpos() * cm, _geom->get_ypos() * cm,
195  _geom->get_zpos() * cm) //
196  * G4RotateZ3D(z_rotation) //
197  * G4Translate3D(
198  -(_geom->get_radius() + 0.5 * _geom->get_thickness()) * cm, 0,
199  0));
201  cylinder_physi = new G4PVPlacement(cylinder_place, cylinder_logic,
202  G4String(GetName()), logicWorld, false, 0, OverlapCheck());
204  // install sectors
205  std::pair<G4LogicalVolume*, G4Transform3D> psec = Construct_AzimuthalSeg();
206  G4LogicalVolume* sec_logic = psec.first;
207  const G4Transform3D& sec_trans = psec.second;
208  BOOST_FOREACH (const SpacalGeom_t::sector_map_t::value_type& val, _geom->get_sector_map())
209  {
210  const int sec = val.first;
211  const double rot = val.second;
213  G4Transform3D sec_place = G4RotateZ3D(rot) * sec_trans;
215  ostringstream name;
216  name << GetName() << "_sec" << sec;
218  G4PVPlacement* calo_phys = new G4PVPlacement(sec_place, sec_logic,
219  G4String(name.str()), cylinder_logic, false, sec,
220  OverlapCheck());
221  calo_vol[calo_phys] = sec;
222  }
225  // install electronics
226  const G4double electronics_thickness = construction_params->get_double_param(
227  "electronics_thickness") *
228  cm;
229  const string electronics_material = construction_params->get_string_param(
230  "electronics_material");
232  G4VSolid* electronics_solid = new G4Box(G4String(GetName()),
233  electronics_thickness / 2.0, //
234  sin(
235  twopi / _geom->get_azimuthal_n_sec() * _geom->get_sector_map().size() / 2) *
237  _geom->get_length() * cm / 2.0);
239  electronics_solid = new G4DisplacedSolid(G4String(GetName() + "_displaced"),
240  electronics_solid,
241  0, //
242  G4ThreeVector(
243  cos(
244  twopi / _geom->get_azimuthal_n_sec() * _geom->get_sector_map().size() / 2) *
246  electronics_thickness,
247  0, box_z_shift));
249  G4Material* electronics_mat = G4Material::GetMaterial(electronics_material);
250  assert(electronics_mat);
252  G4LogicalVolume* electronics_logic = new G4LogicalVolume(electronics_solid,
253  electronics_mat, G4String(GetName()) + "_Electronics", 0, 0, 0);
254  VisAtt = new G4VisAttributes();
255  PHG4Utils::SetColour(VisAtt, electronics_material);
256  VisAtt->SetVisibility(true);
257  VisAtt->SetForceSolid(not _geom->is_virualize_fiber());
258  electronics_logic->SetVisAttributes(VisAtt);
260  new G4PVPlacement(G4Transform3D::Identity, electronics_logic,
261  G4String(GetName()) + "_Electronics", cylinder_logic, false, 0,
262  OverlapCheck());
264  // install the enclosure box
265  const G4double enclosure_thickness = construction_params->get_double_param(
266  "enclosure_thickness") *
267  cm;
268  const string enclosure_material = construction_params->get_string_param(
269  "enclosure_material");
271  G4VSolid* outer_enclosur_solid = new G4Box(
272  G4String(GetName()) + "_outer_enclosur_solid", enclosure_x * 0.5, //
273  enclosure_y * 0.5, //
274  enclosure_z * 0.5);
275  G4VSolid* inner_enclosur_solid = new G4Box(
276  G4String(GetName()) + "_inner_enclosur_solid",
277  enclosure_x * 0.5 - enclosure_thickness, //
278  enclosure_y * 0.5 - enclosure_thickness, //
279  enclosure_z * 0.5 - enclosure_thickness);
280  G4VSolid* enclosure_solid = new G4SubtractionSolid(
281  G4String(GetName()) + "_enclosure_solid", //
282  outer_enclosur_solid, inner_enclosur_solid);
283  enclosure_solid = new G4DisplacedSolid(
284  G4String(GetName() + "_enclosure_solid_displaced"), enclosure_solid, 0, //
285  G4ThreeVector(box_x_shift, 0, box_z_shift));
287  G4Material* enclosure_mat = G4Material::GetMaterial(enclosure_material);
288  assert(enclosure_mat);
290  G4LogicalVolume* enclosure_logic = new G4LogicalVolume(enclosure_solid,
291  enclosure_mat, G4String(GetName()) + "_enclosure", 0, 0, 0);
292  VisAtt = new G4VisAttributes();
293  PHG4Utils::SetColour(VisAtt, enclosure_material);
294  VisAtt->SetVisibility(true);
295  VisAtt->SetForceSolid(not _geom->is_virualize_fiber());
296  enclosure_logic->SetVisAttributes(VisAtt);
298  new G4PVPlacement(G4Transform3D::Identity, enclosure_logic,
299  G4String(GetName()) + "_enclosure", cylinder_logic, false, 0,
300  OverlapCheck());
302  if (active)
303  {
304  ostringstream geonode;
305  if (superdetector != "NONE")
306  {
307  geonode << "CYLINDERGEOM_" << superdetector;
308  }
309  else
310  {
311  geonode << "CYLINDERGEOM_" << detector_type;
312  }
314  PHG4CylinderGeomContainer>(topNode(), geonode.str());
315  if (!geo)
316  {
317  geo = new PHG4CylinderGeomContainer();
318  PHNodeIterator iter(topNode());
319  PHCompositeNode* runNode =
320  dynamic_cast<PHCompositeNode*>(iter.findFirst("PHCompositeNode",
321  "RUN"));
323  geonode.str(), "PHObject");
324  runNode->addNode(newNode);
325  }
326  // here in the detector class we have internal units, convert to cm
327  // before putting into the geom object
328  PHG4CylinderGeom* mygeom = new SpacalGeom_t(*_geom);
329  geo->AddLayerGeom(0, mygeom);
330  if (_geom->get_construction_verbose() >= 1)
331  {
332  cout << "PHG4SpacalPrototype4Detector::Construct::" << GetName()
333  << " - Print Layer Geometry:" << endl;
334  geo->identify();
335  }
336  }
338  if (absorberactive)
339  {
340  ostringstream geonode;
341  if (superdetector != "NONE")
342  {
343  geonode << "CYLINDERGEOM_ABSORBER_" << superdetector;
344  }
345  else
346  {
347  geonode << "CYLINDERGEOM_ABSORBER_" << detector_type << "_" << 0;
348  }
349  PHG4CylinderGeomContainer* geo = findNode::getClass<PHG4CylinderGeomContainer>(topNode(), geonode.str());
350  if (!geo)
351  {
352  geo = new PHG4CylinderGeomContainer();
353  PHNodeIterator iter(topNode());
354  PHCompositeNode* runNode =
355  dynamic_cast<PHCompositeNode*>(iter.findFirst("PHCompositeNode",
356  "RUN"));
357  PHIODataNode<PHObject>* newNode = new PHIODataNode<PHObject>(geo, geonode.str(), "PHObject");
358  runNode->addNode(newNode);
359  }
360  // here in the detector class we have internal units, convert to cm
361  // before putting into the geom object
362  PHG4CylinderGeom* mygeom = new SpacalGeom_t(*_geom);
363  geo->AddLayerGeom(0, mygeom);
364  if (_geom->get_construction_verbose() >= 1)
365  {
366  cout << "PHG4SpacalPrototype4Detector::Construct::" << GetName()
367  << " - Print Absorber Layer Geometry:" << endl;
368  geo->identify();
369  }
370  }
372  if (_geom->get_construction_verbose() >= 1)
373  {
374  cout << "PHG4SpacalPrototype4Detector::Construct::" << GetName()
375  << " - Completed. Print G4 Geometry:" << endl;
376  Print();
377  cout << "box_x_shift = " << box_x_shift << endl;
378  cout << "box_z_shift = " << box_z_shift << endl;
379  }
380 }
382 std::pair<G4LogicalVolume*, G4Transform3D>
384 {
385  assert(_geom);
388  // basic tilt geometry
389  const G4double half_chord_backend =
390  _geom->get_max_radius() * cm * tan(pi / _geom->get_azimuthal_n_sec()) //
391  + fabs(_geom->get_thickness() * cm * 0.5 * tan(_geom->get_azimuthal_tilt()));
392  const G4double reduced_outer_radius = sqrt(pow(_geom->get_max_radius() * cm, 2) - half_chord_backend * half_chord_backend);
393  const G4double enclosure_depth = reduced_outer_radius - _geom->get_radius() * cm;
394  const G4double enclosure_center = 0.5 * (reduced_outer_radius + _geom->get_radius() * cm);
395  const G4double enclosure_half_height_half_width = enclosure_center * tan(pi / _geom->get_azimuthal_n_sec());
397  const G4double width_adj1 = tan(_geom->get_azimuthal_tilt() - pi / _geom->get_azimuthal_n_sec()) * enclosure_depth * 0.5;
398  const G4double width_adj2 = tan(_geom->get_azimuthal_tilt() + pi / _geom->get_azimuthal_n_sec()) * enclosure_depth * 0.5;
400  const G4double center_adj = (width_adj1 + width_adj2) * 0.5;
401  const G4double center_tilt_angle = atan2(center_adj, enclosure_depth * 0.5);
402  const G4double inner_half_width = enclosure_half_height_half_width + 0.5 * (width_adj1 - width_adj2);
403  const G4double outter_half_width = enclosure_half_height_half_width + 0.5 * (-width_adj1 + width_adj2);
405  // enclosure walls
406  const G4double edge1_tilt_angle = atan2(width_adj1, enclosure_depth * 0.5);
407  const G4double edge2_tilt_angle = atan2(width_adj2, enclosure_depth * 0.5);
408  // const G4double edge1_half_depth = sqrt(width_adj1 * width_adj1 + enclosure_depth * enclosure_depth * .25);
409  // const G4double edge2_half_depth = sqrt(width_adj2 * width_adj2 + enclosure_depth * enclosure_depth * .25);
411  // projective center
412  const G4double half_projection_ratio = 0.5 * (-width_adj1 + width_adj2) / enclosure_half_height_half_width;
413  const G4double projection_center_y = enclosure_center - ((enclosure_depth * 0.5) / half_projection_ratio);
414  const G4double projection_center_x = center_adj / half_projection_ratio;
416  // blocks azimuthal segmentation
417  const int phi_bin_in_sec = _geom->get_max_phi_bin_in_sec();
418  assert(phi_bin_in_sec >= 1);
419  const G4double block_azimuth_angle = (edge2_tilt_angle - edge1_tilt_angle) / phi_bin_in_sec;
420  assert(block_azimuth_angle > 0);
421  if (!(fabs(block_azimuth_angle - M_PI * 2 / _geom->get_azimuthal_n_sec() / phi_bin_in_sec) < M_PI * numeric_limits<G4double>::epsilon()))
422  {
423  cout << "angle/nsec out of range: " << M_PI * numeric_limits<G4double>::epsilon() << endl;
424  exit(1);
425  }
426  const G4double block_edge1_half_width = enclosure_half_height_half_width - (_geom->get_sidewall_thickness() * cm + _geom->get_sidewall_outer_torr() * cm + 2.0 * _geom->get_assembly_spacing() * cm) / cos(edge1_tilt_angle);
427  const G4double block_edge2_half_width = enclosure_half_height_half_width - (_geom->get_sidewall_thickness() * cm + _geom->get_sidewall_outer_torr() * cm + 2.0 * _geom->get_assembly_spacing() * cm) / cos(edge2_tilt_angle);
428  G4double block_width_ratio = 0;
429  for (int s = 0; s < phi_bin_in_sec; ++s)
430  {
431  block_width_ratio += 1 / cos(block_azimuth_angle * (0.5 + s) + edge1_tilt_angle);
432  }
433  const G4double block_half_height_width = (block_edge1_half_width + block_edge2_half_width) / block_width_ratio;
434  assert(block_half_height_width > 0);
436  // write out the azimuthal block geometry
437  // block azimuth geometry records
438  struct block_azimuth_geom
439  {
440  G4double angle;
441  G4double projection_center_y;
442  G4double projection_center_x;
443  G4double projection_length;
444  };
445  vector<block_azimuth_geom> block_azimuth_geoms(phi_bin_in_sec,
446  block_azimuth_geom{
447  numeric_limits<double>::signaling_NaN(),
448  numeric_limits<double>::signaling_NaN(),
449  numeric_limits<double>::signaling_NaN(),
450  numeric_limits<double>::signaling_NaN()}); // [phi-bin in sector] -> azimuth geometry
451  G4double block_x_edge1 = block_edge1_half_width;
452  for (int s = 0; s < phi_bin_in_sec; ++s)
453  {
454  block_azimuth_geom& geom = block_azimuth_geoms[s];
456  geom.angle = block_azimuth_angle * (0.5 + s) + edge1_tilt_angle;
457  const G4double block_x_size = block_half_height_width / cos(geom.angle);
458  assert(block_x_size > 0);
459  const G4double x_center = block_x_edge1 - 0.5 * block_x_size;
461  // projection center per block
462  geom.projection_length = block_half_height_width / 2. / tan(block_azimuth_angle / 2.);
463  assert(geom.projection_length > 0);
464  geom.projection_center_y = enclosure_center - geom.projection_length * cos(geom.angle);
465  geom.projection_center_x = x_center + geom.projection_length * sin(geom.angle);
467  // next step
468  block_x_edge1 -= block_x_size;
469  }
471  //write out the azimuthal block divider's geometry
472  struct block_divider_azimuth_geom
473  {
474  G4double angle;
475  G4double projection_center_y;
476  G4double projection_center_x;
477  G4double thickness; // thickness in the approximate azimuth direction
478  G4double radial_displacement;
479  G4double width;
480  };
481  assert(phi_bin_in_sec >= 1);
482  vector<block_divider_azimuth_geom> divider_azimuth_geoms(phi_bin_in_sec - 1,
483  block_divider_azimuth_geom{
484  numeric_limits<double>::signaling_NaN(),
485  numeric_limits<double>::signaling_NaN(),
486  numeric_limits<double>::signaling_NaN(),
487  numeric_limits<double>::signaling_NaN(),
488  numeric_limits<double>::signaling_NaN(),
489  numeric_limits<double>::signaling_NaN()});
491  if (_geom->get_sidewall_thickness() > 0)
492  {
493  for (int s = 0; s < phi_bin_in_sec - 1; ++s)
494  {
495  block_divider_azimuth_geom& geom = divider_azimuth_geoms[s];
497  geom.angle = 0.5 * (block_azimuth_geoms[s].angle + block_azimuth_geoms[s + 1].angle);
498  geom.projection_center_y = 0.5 * (block_azimuth_geoms[s].projection_center_y + block_azimuth_geoms[s + 1].projection_center_y);
499  geom.projection_center_x = 0.5 * (block_azimuth_geoms[s].projection_center_x + block_azimuth_geoms[s + 1].projection_center_x);
500  geom.radial_displacement = 0.5 * (block_azimuth_geoms[s].projection_length + block_azimuth_geoms[s + 1].projection_length);
502  geom.thickness = 2.0 * _geom->get_assembly_spacing() * cm * cos(block_azimuth_angle / 2.) - 2 * um;
503  geom.width = _geom->get_divider_width() * cm;
504  }
505  }
507  if (fabs(block_x_edge1 - (-block_edge2_half_width)) > _geom->get_assembly_spacing() * cm)
508  {
509  cout << "PHG4SpacalPrototype4Detector::Construct_AzimuthalSeg - ERROR - " << endl
510  << "\t block_x_edge1 = " << block_x_edge1 << endl
511  << "\t block_edge2_half_width = " << block_edge2_half_width << endl
512  << "\t fabs(block_x_edge1 - (-block_edge2_half_width)) = " << fabs(block_x_edge1 - (-block_edge2_half_width)) << endl
513  << "\t _geom->get_assembly_spacing() * cm = " << _geom->get_assembly_spacing() * cm << endl;
514  }
515  if (!(fabs(block_x_edge1 - (-block_edge2_half_width)) < _geom->get_assembly_spacing() * cm)) // closure check
516  {
517  cout << "PHG4SpacalPrototype4Detector::Construct_AzimuthalSeg - ERROR - closure check failed: " << fabs(block_x_edge1 - (-block_edge2_half_width)) << endl;
518  exit(1);
519  }
521  if (Verbosity())
522  {
523  cout << "PHG4SpacalPrototype4Detector::Construct_AzimuthalSeg - " << endl
524  << "\t edge1_tilt_angle = " << edge1_tilt_angle << endl
525  << "\t edge2_tilt_angle = " << edge2_tilt_angle << endl
526  << "\t projection_center_y = " << projection_center_y << endl
527  << "\t projection_center_x = " << projection_center_x << endl
528  << "\t block_azimuth_angle = " << block_azimuth_angle << endl
529  << "\t block_edge1_half_width = " << block_edge1_half_width << endl
530  << "\t block_edge2_half_width = " << block_edge2_half_width << endl
531  << "\t block_width_ratio = " << block_width_ratio << endl
532  << "\t block_half_height_width = " << block_half_height_width << endl;
534  for (int s = 0; s < phi_bin_in_sec; ++s)
535  {
536  cout << "\t block[" << s << "].angle = " << block_azimuth_geoms[s].angle << endl;
537  cout << "\t block[" << s << "].projection_center_y = " << block_azimuth_geoms[s].projection_center_y << endl;
538  cout << "\t block[" << s << "].projection_center_x = " << block_azimuth_geoms[s].projection_center_x << endl;
539  }
540  for (int s = 0; s < phi_bin_in_sec - 1; ++s)
541  {
542  cout << "\t divider[" << s << "].angle = " << divider_azimuth_geoms[s].angle << endl;
543  cout << "\t divider[" << s << "].projection_center_x = " << divider_azimuth_geoms[s].projection_center_x << endl;
544  cout << "\t divider[" << s << "].projection_center_y = " << divider_azimuth_geoms[s].projection_center_y << endl;
545  cout << "\t divider[" << s << "].radial_displacement = " << divider_azimuth_geoms[s].radial_displacement << endl;
546  cout << "\t divider[" << s << "].thickness = " << divider_azimuth_geoms[s].thickness << endl;
547  cout << "\t divider[" << s << "].width = " << divider_azimuth_geoms[s].width << endl;
548  }
549  }
551  assert(enclosure_depth > 10 * cm);
553  G4VSolid* sec_solid = new G4Trap(
554  /*const G4String& pName*/ G4String(GetName() + string("_sec_trap")),
555  enclosure_depth * 0.5, // G4double pDz,
556  center_tilt_angle, halfpi, // G4double pTheta, G4double pPhi,
557  inner_half_width, _geom->get_length() * cm / 2.0, _geom->get_length() * cm / 2.0, // G4double pDy1, G4double pDx1, G4double pDx2,
558  0, // G4double pAlp1,
559  outter_half_width, _geom->get_length() * cm / 2.0, _geom->get_length() * cm / 2.0, // G4double pDy2, G4double pDx3, G4double pDx4,
560  0 // G4double pAlp2 //
561  );
562  const G4double box_z_shift = 0.5 * (_geom->get_zmin() + _geom->get_zmax()) * cm;
563  G4Transform3D sec_solid_transform =
564  G4TranslateZ3D(box_z_shift) * G4TranslateY3D(enclosure_center) * G4RotateY3D(halfpi) * G4RotateX3D(-halfpi);
565  G4VSolid* sec_solid_place = new G4DisplacedSolid(
566  G4String(GetName() + string("_sec")), sec_solid, sec_solid_transform);
568  G4Material* cylinder_mat = G4Material::GetMaterial("G4_AIR");
569  assert(cylinder_mat);
571  G4LogicalVolume* sec_logic = new G4LogicalVolume(sec_solid_place, cylinder_mat,
572  G4String(G4String(GetName() + string("_sec"))), 0, 0, nullptr);
574  G4VisAttributes* VisAtt = new G4VisAttributes();
575  VisAtt->SetColor(.5, .9, .5, .1);
576  VisAtt->SetVisibility(true);
577  VisAtt->SetForceSolid(false);
578  VisAtt->SetForceWireframe(true);
579  sec_logic->SetVisAttributes(VisAtt);
581  // // construct walls
582  //
583  // G4Material* wall_mat = G4Material::GetMaterial(_geom->get_sidewall_mat());
584  // assert(wall_mat);
585  //
586  // if (_geom->get_sidewall_thickness() > 0)
587  // {
588  // // end walls
589  // if (_geom->get_construction_verbose() >= 1)
590  // {
591  // cout << "PHG4SpacalPrototype4Detector::Construct_AzimuthalSeg::" << GetName()
592  // << " - construct end walls." << endl;
593  // }
594  // // G4Tubs* wall_solid = new G4Tubs(G4String(GetName() + string("_EndWall")),
595  // // _geom->get_radius() * cm + _geom->get_sidewall_outer_torr() * cm,
596  // // _geom->get_max_radius() * cm - _geom->get_sidewall_outer_torr() * cm,
597  // // _geom->get_sidewall_thickness() * cm / 2.0,
598  // // halfpi - pi / _geom->get_azimuthal_n_sec(),
599  // // twopi / _geom->get_azimuthal_n_sec());
600  // const G4double side_wall_half_thickness = _geom->get_sidewall_thickness() * cm / 2.0;
601  // G4VSolid* wall_solid = new G4Trap(G4String(GetName() + string("_EndWall_trap")),
602  // enclosure_depth * 0.5, // G4double pDz,
603  // center_tilt_angle, halfpi, // G4double pTheta, G4double pPhi,
604  // inner_half_width, side_wall_half_thickness, side_wall_half_thickness, // G4double pDy1, G4double pDx1, G4double pDx2,
605  // 0, // G4double pAlp1,
606  // outter_half_width, side_wall_half_thickness, side_wall_half_thickness, // G4double pDy2, G4double pDx3, G4double pDx4,
607  // 0 // G4double pAlp2 //
608  // );
609  // G4VSolid* wall_solid_place = new G4DisplacedSolid(
610  // G4String(GetName() + string("_EndWall")), wall_solid, sec_solid_transform);
611  //
612  // G4LogicalVolume* wall_logic = new G4LogicalVolume(wall_solid_place, wall_mat,
613  // G4String(G4String(GetName() + string("_EndWall"))), 0, 0,
614  // nullptr);
615  // GetDisplayAction()->AddVolume(wall_logic, "Wall");
616  //
617  // typedef map<int, double> z_locations_t;
618  // z_locations_t z_locations;
619  // z_locations[000] = _geom->get_sidewall_thickness() * cm / 2.0 + _geom->get_assembly_spacing() * cm;
620  // z_locations[001] = _geom->get_length() * cm / 2.0 - (_geom->get_sidewall_thickness() * cm / 2.0 + _geom->get_assembly_spacing() * cm);
621  // z_locations[100] = -(_geom->get_sidewall_thickness() * cm / 2.0 + _geom->get_assembly_spacing() * cm);
622  // z_locations[101] = -(_geom->get_length() * cm / 2.0 - (_geom->get_sidewall_thickness() * cm / 2.0 + _geom->get_assembly_spacing() * cm));
623  //
624  // BOOST_FOREACH (z_locations_t::value_type& val, z_locations)
625  // {
626  // if (_geom->get_construction_verbose() >= 2)
627  // cout << "PHG4SpacalPrototype4Detector::Construct_AzimuthalSeg::"
628  // << GetName() << " - constructed End Wall ID " << val.first
629  // << " @ Z = " << val.second << endl;
630  //
631  // G4Transform3D wall_trans = G4TranslateZ3D(val.second);
632  //
633  // G4PVPlacement* wall_phys = new G4PVPlacement(wall_trans, wall_logic,
634  // G4String(GetName()) + G4String("_EndWall_") + to_string(val.first), sec_logic,
635  // false, val.first, OverlapCheck());
636  //
637  // calo_vol[wall_phys] = val.first;
638  // assert(gdml_config);
639  // gdml_config->exclude_physical_vol(wall_phys);
640  // }
641  // }
642  // //
643  // if (_geom->get_sidewall_thickness() > 0)
644  // {
645  // // side walls
646  // if (_geom->get_construction_verbose() >= 1)
647  // {
648  // cout << "PHG4SpacalPrototype4Detector::Construct_AzimuthalSeg::" << GetName()
649  // << " - construct side walls." << endl;
650  // }
651  //
652  // typedef map<int, pair<int, int> > sign_t;
653  // sign_t signs;
654  // signs[100] = make_pair(+1, +1);
655  // signs[101] = make_pair(+1, -1);
656  // signs[200] = make_pair(-1, +1);
657  // signs[201] = make_pair(-1, -1);
658  //
659  // BOOST_FOREACH (sign_t::value_type& val, signs)
660  // {
661  // const int sign_z = val.second.first;
662  // const int sign_azimuth = val.second.second;
663  //
664  // if (_geom->get_construction_verbose() >= 2)
665  // cout << "PHG4SpacalPrototype4Detector::Construct_AzimuthalSeg::"
666  // << GetName() << " - constructed Side Wall ID " << val.first
667  // << " with"
668  // << " Shift X = "
669  // << sign_azimuth * (_geom->get_sidewall_thickness() * cm / 2.0 + _geom->get_sidewall_outer_torr() * cm)
670  // << " Rotation Z = "
671  // << sign_azimuth * pi / _geom->get_azimuthal_n_sec()
672  // << " Shift Z = " << sign_z * (_geom->get_length() * cm / 4)
673  // << endl;
674  //
675  // const G4double azimuth_roate =
676  // sign_azimuth > 0 ? edge1_tilt_angle : edge2_tilt_angle;
677  // const G4double edge_half_depth = -_geom->get_sidewall_thickness() * cm - _geom->get_sidewall_outer_torr() * cm +
678  // (sign_azimuth > 0 ? edge1_half_depth : edge2_half_depth);
679  //
680  // G4Box* wall_solid = new G4Box(G4String(GetName() + G4String("_SideWall_") + to_string(val.first)),
681  // _geom->get_sidewall_thickness() * cm / 2.0,
682  // edge_half_depth,
683  // (_geom->get_length() / 2. - 2 * (_geom->get_sidewall_thickness() + 2. * _geom->get_assembly_spacing())) * cm * .5);
684  //
685  // G4LogicalVolume* wall_logic = new G4LogicalVolume(wall_solid, wall_mat,
686  // G4String(G4String(GetName() + G4String("_SideWall_") + to_string(val.first))), 0, 0,
687  // nullptr);
688  // GetDisplayAction()->AddVolume(wall_logic, "Wall");
689  //
690  // const G4Transform3D wall_trans =
691  // G4TranslateZ3D(sign_z * (_geom->get_length() * cm / 4)) *
692  // G4TranslateY3D(enclosure_center) *
693  // G4TranslateX3D(sign_azimuth * enclosure_half_height_half_width) *
694  // G4RotateZ3D(azimuth_roate) *
695  // G4TranslateX3D(-sign_azimuth * (_geom->get_sidewall_thickness() * cm / 2.0 + _geom->get_sidewall_outer_torr() * cm));
696  //
697  // G4PVPlacement* wall_phys = new G4PVPlacement(wall_trans, wall_logic,
698  // G4String(GetName()) + G4String("_SideWall_") + to_string(val.first), sec_logic,
699  // false, val.first, OverlapCheck());
700  //
701  // calo_vol[wall_phys] = val.first;
702  // assert(gdml_config);
703  // gdml_config->exclude_physical_vol(wall_phys);
704  // }
705  // }
706  //
707  // // construct dividers
708  // if (_geom->get_divider_width() > 0)
709  // {
710  // if (_geom->get_construction_verbose() >= 1)
711  // {
712  // cout << "PHG4SpacalPrototype4Detector::Construct_AzimuthalSeg::" << GetName()
713  // << " - construct dividers" << endl;
714  // }
715  //
716  // G4Material* divider_mat = G4Material::GetMaterial(_geom->get_divider_mat());
717  // assert(divider_mat);
718  //
719  // int ID = 300;
720  // for (const auto& geom : divider_azimuth_geoms)
721  // {
722  // G4Box* divider_solid = new G4Box(G4String(GetName() + G4String("_Divider_") + to_string(ID)),
723  // geom.thickness / 2.0,
724  // geom.width / 2.,
725  // (_geom->get_length() / 2. - 2 * (_geom->get_sidewall_thickness() + 2. * _geom->get_assembly_spacing())) * cm * .5);
726  //
727  // G4LogicalVolume* wall_logic = new G4LogicalVolume(divider_solid, divider_mat,
728  // G4String(G4String(GetName() + G4String("_Divider_") + to_string(ID))), 0, 0,
729  // nullptr);
730  // GetDisplayAction()->AddVolume(wall_logic, "Divider");
731  //
732  // for (int sign_z = -1; sign_z <= 1; sign_z += 2)
733  // {
734  // G4Transform3D wall_trans =
735  // G4TranslateX3D(geom.projection_center_x) *
736  // G4TranslateY3D(geom.projection_center_y) *
737  // G4RotateZ3D(geom.angle) *
738  // G4TranslateY3D(geom.radial_displacement) *
739  // G4TranslateZ3D(sign_z * (_geom->get_length() * cm / 4));
740  //
741  // G4PVPlacement* wall_phys = new G4PVPlacement(wall_trans, wall_logic,
742  // G4String(GetName()) + G4String("_Divider_") + to_string(ID), sec_logic,
743  // false, ID, OverlapCheck());
744  //
745  // calo_vol[wall_phys] = ID;
746  // // assert(gdml_config);
747  // // gdml_config->exclude_physical_vol(wall_phys);
748  //
749  // if (Verbosity())
750  // {
751  // cout << "PHG4SpacalPrototype4Detector::Construct_AzimuthalSeg - placing divider " << wall_phys->GetName() << " copy ID " << ID << endl;
752  // }
753  //
754  // ++ID;
755  // }
756  // } // for (const auto & geom : divider_azimuth_geoms)
757  // }
759  // // construct towers
760  //
762  {
763  SpacalGeom_t::geom_tower g_tower = val.second;
765  const int tower_id =;
766  const int tower_phi_id_in_sec = tower_id % 10;
767  assert(tower_phi_id_in_sec >= 0);
768  assert(tower_phi_id_in_sec < phi_bin_in_sec);
770  const auto& block_azimuth_geom =;
772  G4LogicalVolume* LV_tower = Construct_Tower(g_tower);
774  G4Transform3D block_trans =
775  G4TranslateX3D(block_azimuth_geom.projection_center_x) *
776  G4TranslateY3D(block_azimuth_geom.projection_center_y) *
777  G4RotateZ3D(block_azimuth_geom.angle) *
778  G4TranslateX3D(g_tower.centralX * cm) *
779  G4TranslateY3D(g_tower.centralY * cm) *
780  G4TranslateZ3D(g_tower.centralZ * cm) *
781  G4RotateX3D(g_tower.pRotationAngleX * rad);
783  const bool overlapcheck_block = OverlapCheck() and (_geom->get_construction_verbose() >= 2);
785  G4PVPlacement* block_phys = new G4PVPlacement(block_trans, LV_tower,
786  G4String(GetName()) + G4String("_Tower_") + to_string(, sec_logic, false,
787, overlapcheck_block);
788  block_vol[block_phys] =;
789  // assert(gdml_config);
790  // gdml_config->exclude_physical_vol(block_phys);
792  if (g_tower.LightguideHeight > 0)
793  {
794  // also build a light guide
796  for (int ix = 0; ix < g_tower.NSubtowerX; ix++)
797  // int ix = 0;
798  {
799  for (int iy = 0; iy < g_tower.NSubtowerY; iy++)
800  // int iy = 0;
801  {
802  G4LogicalVolume* LV_lg = Construct_LightGuide(g_tower, ix,
803  iy);
805  G4PVPlacement* lg_phys = new G4PVPlacement(block_trans, LV_lg, LV_lg->GetName(),
806  sec_logic, false,, overlapcheck_block);
808  block_vol[lg_phys] = * 100 + ix * 10 + iy;
810  // assert(gdml_config);
811  // gdml_config->exclude_physical_vol(lg_phys);
812  }
813  }
814  }
815  }
817  cout << "PHG4SpacalPrototype4Detector::Construct_AzimuthalSeg::" << GetName()
818  << " - constructed " << _geom->get_sector_tower_map().size()
819  << " unique towers" << endl;
821  return make_pair(sec_logic, G4Transform3D::Identity);
822 }
824 G4LogicalVolume*
826  const string& id)
827 {
828  G4Tubs* fiber_solid = new G4Tubs(G4String(GetName() + string("_fiber") + id),
829  0, _geom->get_fiber_outer_r() * cm, length / 2.0, 0, twopi);
831  G4Material* clading_mat = G4Material::GetMaterial(
833  assert(clading_mat);
835  G4LogicalVolume* fiber_logic = new G4LogicalVolume(fiber_solid, clading_mat,
836  G4String(G4String(GetName() + string("_fiber") + id)), 0, 0,
839  {
840  G4VisAttributes* VisAtt = new G4VisAttributes();
841  PHG4Utils::SetColour(VisAtt, "G4_POLYSTYRENE");
842  VisAtt->SetVisibility(_geom->is_virualize_fiber());
843  VisAtt->SetForceSolid(_geom->is_virualize_fiber());
844  fiber_logic->SetVisAttributes(VisAtt);
845  }
847  G4Tubs* core_solid = new G4Tubs(
848  G4String(GetName() + string("_fiber_core") + id), 0,
849  _geom->get_fiber_core_diameter() * cm / 2, length / 2.0, 0, twopi);
851  G4Material* core_mat = G4Material::GetMaterial(_geom->get_fiber_core_mat());
852  assert(core_mat);
854  G4LogicalVolume* core_logic = new G4LogicalVolume(core_solid, core_mat,
855  G4String(G4String(GetName() + string("_fiber_core") + id)), 0, 0,
858  {
859  G4VisAttributes* VisAtt = new G4VisAttributes();
860  PHG4Utils::SetColour(VisAtt, "G4_POLYSTYRENE");
861  VisAtt->SetVisibility(false);
862  VisAtt->SetForceSolid(false);
863  core_logic->SetVisAttributes(VisAtt);
864  }
866  const bool overlapcheck_fiber = OverlapCheck() and (_geom->get_construction_verbose() >= 3);
867  G4PVPlacement* core_physi = new G4PVPlacement(0, G4ThreeVector(), core_logic,
868  G4String(G4String(GetName() + string("_fiber_core") + id)), fiber_logic,
869  false, 0, overlapcheck_fiber);
870  fiber_core_vol[core_physi] = 0;
872  return fiber_logic;
873 }
876 {
877  assert(_geom);
879  cout << "PHG4SpacalPrototype4Detector::Print::" << GetName()
880  << " - Print Geometry:" << endl;
881  _geom->Print();
883  return;
884 }
889  G4LogicalVolume* LV_tower)
890 {
891  assert(_geom);
893  // construct fibers
895  // first check out the fibers geometry
897  typedef map<int, pair<G4Vector3D, G4Vector3D> > fiber_par_map;
898  fiber_par_map fiber_par;
899  G4double min_fiber_length = g_tower.pDz * cm * 4;
901  G4Vector3D v_zshift = G4Vector3D(tan(g_tower.pTheta) * cos(g_tower.pPhi),
902  tan(g_tower.pTheta) * sin(g_tower.pPhi), 1) *
903  g_tower.pDz;
904  // int fiber_ID = 0;
905  for (int ix = 0; ix < g_tower.NFiberX; ix++)
906  // int ix = 0;
907  {
908  const double weighted_ix = static_cast<double>(ix) / (g_tower.NFiberX - 1.);
910  const double weighted_pDx1 = (g_tower.pDx1 - g_tower.ModuleSkinThickness - _geom->get_fiber_outer_r()) * (weighted_ix * 2 - 1);
911  const double weighted_pDx2 = (g_tower.pDx2 - g_tower.ModuleSkinThickness - _geom->get_fiber_outer_r()) * (weighted_ix * 2 - 1);
913  const double weighted_pDx3 = (g_tower.pDx3 - g_tower.ModuleSkinThickness - _geom->get_fiber_outer_r()) * (weighted_ix * 2 - 1);
914  const double weighted_pDx4 = (g_tower.pDx4 - g_tower.ModuleSkinThickness - _geom->get_fiber_outer_r()) * (weighted_ix * 2 - 1);
916  for (int iy = 0; iy < g_tower.NFiberY; iy++)
917  // int iy = 0;
918  {
919  if ((ix + iy) % 2 == 1)
920  continue; // make a triangle pattern
922  const double weighted_iy = static_cast<double>(iy) / (g_tower.NFiberY - 1.);
924  const double weighted_pDy1 = (g_tower.pDy1 - g_tower.ModuleSkinThickness - _geom->get_fiber_outer_r()) * (weighted_iy * 2 - 1);
925  const double weighted_pDy2 = (g_tower.pDy2 - g_tower.ModuleSkinThickness - _geom->get_fiber_outer_r()) * (weighted_iy * 2 - 1);
927  const double weighted_pDx12 = weighted_pDx1 * (1 - weighted_iy) + weighted_pDx2 * (weighted_iy) + weighted_pDy1 * tan(g_tower.pAlp1);
928  const double weighted_pDx34 = weighted_pDx3 * (1 - weighted_iy) + weighted_pDx4 * (weighted_iy) + weighted_pDy1 * tan(g_tower.pAlp2);
930  G4Vector3D v1 = G4Vector3D(weighted_pDx12, weighted_pDy1, 0) - v_zshift;
931  G4Vector3D v2 = G4Vector3D(weighted_pDx34, weighted_pDy2, 0) + v_zshift;
933  G4Vector3D vector_fiber = (v2 - v1);
934  vector_fiber *= (vector_fiber.mag() - _geom->get_fiber_outer_r()) / vector_fiber.mag(); // shrink by fiber boundary protection
935  G4Vector3D center_fiber = (v2 + v1) / 2;
937  // convert to Geant4 units
938  vector_fiber *= cm;
939  center_fiber *= cm;
941  const int fiber_ID = g_tower.compose_fiber_id(ix, iy);
942  fiber_par[fiber_ID] = make_pair(vector_fiber, center_fiber);
944  const G4double fiber_length = vector_fiber.mag();
946  min_fiber_length = min(fiber_length, min_fiber_length);
948  // ++fiber_ID;
949  }
950  }
952  int fiber_count = 0;
954  const G4double fiber_length = min_fiber_length;
955  vector<G4double> fiber_cut;
957  ostringstream ss;
958  ss << string("_Tower") <<;
959  G4LogicalVolume* fiber_logic = Construct_Fiber(fiber_length, ss.str());
961  BOOST_FOREACH (const fiber_par_map::value_type& val, fiber_par)
962  {
963  const int fiber_ID = val.first;
964  G4Vector3D vector_fiber = val.second.first;
965  G4Vector3D center_fiber = val.second.second;
966  const G4double optimal_fiber_length = vector_fiber.mag();
968  const G4Vector3D v1 = center_fiber - 0.5 * vector_fiber;
970  // keep a statistics
971  assert(optimal_fiber_length - fiber_length >= 0);
972  fiber_cut.push_back(optimal_fiber_length - fiber_length);
974  center_fiber += (fiber_length / optimal_fiber_length - 1) * 0.5 * vector_fiber;
975  vector_fiber *= fiber_length / optimal_fiber_length;
977  // const G4Vector3D v1_new = center_fiber - 0.5 *vector_fiber;
979  if (_geom->get_construction_verbose() >= 3)
980  cout
981  << "PHG4SpacalPrototype4Detector::Construct_Fibers_SameLengthFiberPerTower::"
982  << GetName() << " - constructed fiber " << fiber_ID << ss.str()
983  //
984  << ", Length = " << optimal_fiber_length << "-"
985  << (optimal_fiber_length - fiber_length) << "mm, " //
986  << "x = " << center_fiber.x() << "mm, " //
987  << "y = " << center_fiber.y() << "mm, " //
988  << "z = " << center_fiber.z() << "mm, " //
989  << "vx = " << vector_fiber.x() << "mm, " //
990  << "vy = " << vector_fiber.y() << "mm, " //
991  << "vz = " << vector_fiber.z() << "mm, " //
992  << endl;
994  const G4double rotation_angle = G4Vector3D(0, 0, 1).angle(vector_fiber);
995  const G4Vector3D rotation_axis =
996  rotation_angle == 0 ? G4Vector3D(1, 0, 0) : G4Vector3D(0, 0, 1).cross(vector_fiber);
998  G4Transform3D fiber_place(
999  G4Translate3D(center_fiber.x(), center_fiber.y(), center_fiber.z()) * G4Rotate3D(rotation_angle, rotation_axis));
1001  ostringstream name;
1002  name << GetName() + string("_Tower") << << "_fiber"
1003  << ss.str();
1005  const bool overlapcheck_fiber = OverlapCheck() and (_geom->get_construction_verbose() >= 3);
1006  G4PVPlacement* fiber_physi = new G4PVPlacement(fiber_place, fiber_logic,
1007  G4String(name.str()), LV_tower, false, fiber_ID,
1008  overlapcheck_fiber);
1009  fiber_vol[fiber_physi] = fiber_ID;
1011  fiber_count++;
1012  }
1014  if (_geom->get_construction_verbose() >= 2)
1015  cout
1016  << "PHG4SpacalPrototype4Detector::Construct_Fibers_SameLengthFiberPerTower::"
1017  << GetName() << " - constructed tower ID " << << " with "
1018  << fiber_count << " fibers. Average fiber length cut = "
1019  << accumulate(fiber_cut.begin(), fiber_cut.end(), 0.0) / fiber_cut.size() << " mm" << endl;
1021  return fiber_count;
1022 }
1025 G4LogicalVolume*
1028 {
1029  assert(_geom);
1031  if (_geom->get_construction_verbose() >= 2)
1032  {
1033  cout << "PHG4SpacalPrototype4Detector::Construct_Tower::" << GetName()
1034  << " - constructed tower ID " <<
1035  << " with geometry parameter: ";
1036  g_tower.identify(cout);
1037  }
1039  std::ostringstream sout;
1040  sout << "_" <<;
1041  const G4String sTowerID(sout.str());
1043  //Processed PostionSeeds 1 from 1 1
1045  G4Trap* block_solid = new G4Trap(
1046  /*const G4String& pName*/ G4String(GetName()) + sTowerID,
1047  g_tower.pDz * cm, // G4double pDz,
1048  g_tower.pTheta * rad, g_tower.pPhi * rad, // G4double pTheta, G4double pPhi,
1049  g_tower.pDy1 * cm, g_tower.pDx1 * cm, g_tower.pDx2 * cm, // G4double pDy1, G4double pDx1, G4double pDx2,
1050  g_tower.pAlp1 * rad, // G4double pAlp1,
1051  g_tower.pDy2 * cm, g_tower.pDx3 * cm, g_tower.pDx4 * cm, // G4double pDy2, G4double pDx3, G4double pDx4,
1052  g_tower.pAlp2 * rad // G4double pAlp2 //
1053  );
1055  G4Material* cylinder_mat = G4Material::GetMaterial(
1056  _geom->get_absorber_mat());
1057  assert(cylinder_mat);
1059  G4LogicalVolume* block_logic = new G4LogicalVolume(block_solid, cylinder_mat,
1060  G4String(G4String(GetName()) + string("_Tower") + sTowerID), 0, 0,
1061  step_limits);
1063  G4VisAttributes* VisAtt = new G4VisAttributes();
1064  // PHG4Utils::SetColour(VisAtt, "W_Epoxy");
1065  VisAtt->SetColor(.3, .3, .3, .3);
1066  VisAtt->SetVisibility(
1068  VisAtt->SetForceSolid(not _geom->is_virualize_fiber());
1069  block_logic->SetVisAttributes(VisAtt);
1071  // construct fibers
1073  int fiber_count = 0;
1075  fiber_count = Construct_Fibers_SameLengthFiberPerTower(g_tower, block_logic);
1077  if (_geom->get_construction_verbose() >= 2)
1078  cout << "PHG4SpacalPrototype4Detector::Construct_Tower::" << GetName()
1079  << " - constructed tower ID " << << " with " << fiber_count
1080  << " fibers using Construct_Fibers_SameLengthFiberPerTower" << endl;
1082  return block_logic;
1083 }
1085 G4LogicalVolume*
1088  const int index_x, const int index_y)
1089 {
1090  assert(_geom);
1092  std::ostringstream sout;
1093  sout << "_Lightguide_" << << "_" << index_x << "_" << index_y;
1094  const G4String sTowerID(sout.str());
1096  assert(g_tower.LightguideHeight > 0);
1098  // light guide parameters in PHENIX units
1099  const double weight_x1 = 1 - (double) index_y / g_tower.NSubtowerY;
1100  const double weight_x2 = 1 - (double) (index_y + 1) / g_tower.NSubtowerY;
1101  const double weight_xcenter = 1 - (double) (index_y + 0.5) / g_tower.NSubtowerY;
1103  assert(weight_x1 >= 0 and weight_x1 <= 1);
1104  assert(weight_x2 >= 0 and weight_x2 <= 1);
1105  assert(weight_xcenter >= 0 and weight_xcenter <= 1);
1107  const double lg_pDx1 = (g_tower.pDx1 * weight_x1 //
1108  + g_tower.pDx2 * (1 - weight_x1)) /
1109  g_tower.NSubtowerX;
1110  const double lg_pDx2 = (g_tower.pDx1 * weight_x2 //
1111  + g_tower.pDx2 * (1 - weight_x2)) /
1112  g_tower.NSubtowerX;
1113  const double lg_pDy1 = g_tower.pDy1 / g_tower.NSubtowerY;
1114  const double lg_Alp1 = atan(
1115  (g_tower.pDx2 - g_tower.pDx1) * (-g_tower.NSubtowerX + 1. + 2 * index_x) / (double) (g_tower.NSubtowerX) / (2. * g_tower.pDy1) + tan(g_tower.pAlp1));
1117  const double shift_xcenter = (g_tower.pDx1 * weight_xcenter //
1118  + g_tower.pDx2 * (1 - weight_xcenter)) //
1119  * //
1120  (-g_tower.NSubtowerX + 1. + 2 * index_x) / (double) (g_tower.NSubtowerX);
1121  const double shift_ycenter = g_tower.pDy1 //
1122  * //
1123  (-g_tower.NSubtowerY + 1. + 2 * index_y) / (double) (g_tower.NSubtowerY);
1125  G4VSolid* block_solid = new G4Trap(
1126  /*const G4String& pName*/ G4String(GetName()) + sTowerID,
1127  0.5 * g_tower.LightguideHeight * cm, // G4double pDz,
1128  0 * rad, 0 * rad, // G4double pTheta, G4double pPhi,
1129  g_tower.LightguideTaperRatio * lg_pDy1 * cm,
1130  g_tower.LightguideTaperRatio * lg_pDx1 * cm,
1131  g_tower.LightguideTaperRatio * lg_pDx2 * cm, // G4double pDy1, G4double pDx1, G4double pDx2,
1132  lg_Alp1 * rad, // G4double pAlp1,
1133  lg_pDy1 * cm, lg_pDx1 * cm, lg_pDx2 * cm, // G4double pDy2, G4double pDx3, G4double pDx4,
1134  lg_Alp1 * rad // G4double pAlp2 //
1135  );
1137  block_solid = new G4DisplacedSolid(G4String(GetName() + "_displaced"),
1138  block_solid, 0, //
1139  G4ThreeVector( //
1140  tan(g_tower.pTheta * rad) * cos(g_tower.pPhi * rad), //
1141  tan(g_tower.pTheta * rad) * sin(g_tower.pPhi * rad), //
1142  1) * // G4ThreeVector
1143  -(g_tower.pDz) *
1144  cm //
1145  + G4ThreeVector(shift_xcenter * cm, shift_ycenter * cm, 0) // shit in subtower direction
1146  + G4ThreeVector(0, 0, -0.5 * g_tower.LightguideHeight * cm) //shift in the light guide height
1147  );
1149  G4Material* cylinder_mat = G4Material::GetMaterial(
1150  g_tower.LightguideMaterial);
1151  assert(cylinder_mat);
1153  G4LogicalVolume* block_logic = new G4LogicalVolume(block_solid, cylinder_mat,
1154  G4String(G4String(GetName()) + string("_Tower") + sTowerID), 0, 0,
1155  step_limits);
1157  G4VisAttributes* VisAtt = new G4VisAttributes();
1158  PHG4Utils::SetColour(VisAtt, g_tower.LightguideMaterial);
1159  // VisAtt->SetColor(.3, .3, .3, .3);
1160  VisAtt->SetVisibility(
1162  VisAtt->SetForceSolid(not _geom->is_virualize_fiber());
1163  block_logic->SetVisAttributes(VisAtt);
1165  return block_logic;
1166 }