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1 #include "PHG4HitContainer.h"
3 #include "PHG4Hit.h"
4 #include "PHG4Hitv1.h"
6 #include <phool/phool.h>
8 #include <TSystem.h>
10 #include <cstdlib>
12 using namespace std;
15  : id(-1), hitmap(), layers()
16 {
17 }
20  : id(PHG4HitDefs::get_volume_id(nodename)), hitmap(), layers()
21 {
22 }
24 void
26 {
27  while(hitmap.begin() != hitmap.end())
28  {
29  delete hitmap.begin()->second;
30  hitmap.erase(hitmap.begin());
31  }
32  return;
33 }
35 void
37 {
38  ConstIterator iter;
39  os << "Number of hits: " << size() << endl;
40  for (iter = hitmap.begin(); iter != hitmap.end(); ++iter)
41  {
42  os << "hit key 0x" << hex << iter->first << dec << endl;
43  (iter->second)->identify();
44  }
45  set<unsigned int>::const_iterator siter;
46  os << "Number of layers: " << num_layers() << endl;
47  for (siter = layers.begin(); siter != layers.end(); ++siter)
48  {
49  os << "layer : " << *siter << endl;
50  }
51  return;
52 }
55 PHG4HitContainer::getmaxkey(const unsigned int detid)
56 {
57  ConstRange miter = getHits(detid);
58  // first handle 2 special cases where there is no hit in the current layer
59  // no hits in this layer and higher layers (lower layers can contain hits)
60  if (miter.first == hitmap.end())
61  {
62  return 0;
63  }
64  // no hits in this layer - but hits in higher layers
65  if (miter.first == miter.second)
66  {
67  return 0;
68  }
69  PHG4HitDefs::keytype detidlong = detid;
70  PHG4HitDefs::keytype shiftval = detidlong << PHG4HitDefs::hit_idbits;
71  ConstIterator lastlayerentry = miter.second;
72  --lastlayerentry;
73  PHG4HitDefs::keytype iret = lastlayerentry->first - shiftval; // subtract layer mask
74  return iret;
75 }
79 PHG4HitContainer::genkey(const unsigned int detid)
80 {
81  PHG4HitDefs::keytype detidlong = detid;
82  if ((detidlong >> PHG4HitDefs::keybits) > 0)
83  {
84  cout << PHWHERE << " detector id too large: " << detid << endl;
85  gSystem->Exit(1);
86  }
87  PHG4HitDefs::keytype shiftval = detidlong << PHG4HitDefs::hit_idbits;
88  // cout << "max index: " << (detminmax->second)->first << endl;
89  // after removing hits with no energy deposition, we have holes
90  // in our hit ranges. This construct will get us the last hit in
91  // a layer and return it's hit id. Adding 1 will put us at the end of this layer
92  PHG4HitDefs::keytype hitid = getmaxkey(detid);
93  hitid++;
94  PHG4HitDefs::keytype newkey = hitid | shiftval;
95  if (hitmap.find(newkey) != hitmap.end())
96  {
97  cout << PHWHERE << " duplicate key: 0x"
98  << hex << newkey << dec
99  << " for detector " << detid
100  << " hitmap.size: " << hitmap.size()
101  << " hitid: " << hitid << " exiting now" << endl;
102  exit(1);
103  }
104  return newkey;
105 }
109 {
110  PHG4HitDefs::keytype key = newhit->get_hit_id();
111  if (hitmap.find(key) != hitmap.end())
112  {
113  cout << "hit with id 0x" << hex << key << dec << " exists already" << endl;
114  return hitmap.find(key);
115  }
117  unsigned int detid = detidlong;
118  layers.insert(detid);
119  return hitmap.insert( std::make_pair( key, newhit ) ).first;
120 }
123 PHG4HitContainer::AddHit(const unsigned int detid, PHG4Hit *newhit)
124 {
125  PHG4HitDefs::keytype key = genkey(detid);
126  layers.insert(detid);
127  newhit->set_hit_id(key);
128  return hitmap.insert( std::make_pair( key, newhit ) ).first;
129 }
132 {
133  PHG4HitDefs::keytype detidlong = detid;
134  if ((detidlong >> PHG4HitDefs::keybits) > 0)
135  {
136  cout << " detector id too large: " << detid << endl;
137  exit(1);
138  }
139  PHG4HitDefs::keytype keylow = detidlong << PHG4HitDefs::hit_idbits;
140  PHG4HitDefs::keytype keyup = ((detidlong + 1) << PHG4HitDefs::hit_idbits) -1 ;
141  ConstRange retpair;
142  retpair.first = hitmap.lower_bound(keylow);
143  retpair.second = hitmap.upper_bound(keyup);
144  return retpair;
145 }
148 { return std::make_pair( hitmap.begin(), hitmap.end() ); }
152 {
154  if(it == hitmap.end())
155  {
156  hitmap[key] = new PHG4Hitv1();
157  it = hitmap.find(key);
158  PHG4Hit* mhit = it->second;
159  mhit->set_hit_id(key);
160  mhit->set_edep(0.);
161  layers.insert(mhit->get_layer()); // add layer to our set of layers
162  }
163  return it;
164 }
167 {
169  if(it != hitmap.end())
170  {
171  return it->second;
172  }
174  return nullptr;
175 }
177 void
179 {
180  // unsigned int hitsbef = hitmap.size();
181  Iterator itr = hitmap.begin();
182  Iterator last = hitmap.end();
183  for (; itr != last; )
184  {
185  PHG4Hit *hit = itr->second;
186  if (hit->get_edep() == 0)
187  {
188  delete hit;
189  hitmap.erase(itr++);
190  }
191  else
192  {
193  ++itr;
194  }
195  }
196 // unsigned int hitsafter = hitmap.size();
197 // cout << "hist before: " << hitsbef
198 // << ", hits after: " << hitsafter << endl;
199  return;
200 }