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Go to the documentation of this file. Or view the newest version in sPHENIX GitHub for file TrackParamEtaDependence.C
1 int
2 TrackParamEtaDependence( TString csvfile="track_momres_new.csv" )
3 {
5  /* Read data from input file */
6  TTree *tres = new TTree();
7  //ptrue:etatrue:psig:psig_err:pmean:pmean_err:norm
8  tres->ReadFile( csvfile, "", ',' );
10  /* Print read-in tree */
11  tres->Print();
13  /* create frame histograms */
14  TH1F *hframe_par1 = new TH1F("hframe_par1","",10,-4.1,4.1);
15  hframe_par1->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("#eta");
16  hframe_par1->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Parameter 1");
17  hframe_par1->GetYaxis()->SetRangeUser(0,0.1);
18  hframe_par1->GetYaxis()->SetNdivisions(505);
20  TH1F *hframe_par2 = new TH1F("hframe_par2","",10,-4.1,4.1);
21  hframe_par2->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("#eta");
22  hframe_par2->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Parameter 2");
23  hframe_par2->GetYaxis()->SetRangeUser(0,0.01);
24  hframe_par2->GetYaxis()->SetNdivisions(505);
26  /* Parameter 1 */
27  TCanvas *c1 = new TCanvas();
28  tres->Draw("par1:eta:par1err:0");
30  /* Create TGraphErrors with selected data from tree */
31  TGraphErrors *gpar1 = new TGraphErrors( tres->GetEntries(),
32  &(tres->GetV2())[0],
33  &(tres->GetV1())[0],
34  &(tres->GetV4())[0],
35  &(tres->GetV3())[0] );
37  hframe_par1->Draw();
38  gpar1->Draw("Psame");
40  TF1* fpar1 = new TF1("fpar1", "[0] + [1] * x**2 + [2] * x**4");
41  fpar1->SetLineColor(kBlue);
42  gpar1->Fit(fpar1, "", "", -2.5, 2.5);
43  gpar1->Fit(fpar1, "", "", -2.5, 2.5);
44  gpar1->Fit(fpar1, "", "", -2.5, 2.5);
46  c1->Print("momres_par1_fit.eps");
48  /* Parameter 2 */
49  TCanvas *c2 = new TCanvas();
50  tres->Draw("par2:eta:par2err:0");
52  /* Create TGraphErrors with selected data from tree */
53  TGraphErrors *gpar2 = new TGraphErrors( tres->GetEntries(),
54  &(tres->GetV2())[0],
55  &(tres->GetV1())[0],
56  &(tres->GetV4())[0],
57  &(tres->GetV3())[0] );
59  hframe_par2->Draw();
60  gpar2->Draw("Psame");
62  TF1* fpar2 = new TF1("fpar2", "[0] + [1] * x**2 + [2] * x**3 + [3] * x**4");
63  fpar2->SetLineColor(kBlue);
64  gpar2->Fit(fpar2, "", "", -2.5, 2.5);
65  gpar2->Fit(fpar2, "", "", -2.5, 2.5);
66  gpar2->Fit(fpar2, "", "", -2.5, 2.5);
68  c2->Print("momres_par2_fit.eps");
71 // /* Create fit function */
72 // //TF1* f_momres = new TF1("f_momres", "[0]*x + [1]*x*x" );
73 // TF1* f_momres = new TF1("f_momres", "sqrt( [0]*[0] + [1]*[1]*x*x )" );
74 //
75 // cout << "\nFit function: " << f_momres->GetTitle() << "\n" << endl;
76 //
77 // /* Create scratch canvas */
78 // TCanvas *cscratch = new TCanvas("cscratch");
79 //
80 // /* Create framehistogram */
81 // TH1F* hframe = new TH1F("hframe","",100,0,40);
82 // hframe->GetYaxis()->SetRangeUser(0,0.15);
83 // hframe->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Momentum (GeV/c)");
84 // hframe->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("#sigma_{p}/p");
85 //
86 // /* create combined canvas plot */
87 // TCanvas *c1 = new TCanvas();
88 // hframe->Draw();
89 //
90 // /* Create legend */
91 // TLegend* leg_eta = new TLegend( 0.25, 0.40, 0.45, 0.90);
92 //
93 // /* Create ofstream to write fit parameter results */
94 // ofstream ofsfit("track_momres_new.csv");
95 // ofsfit<<"eta,par1,par1err,par2,par2err"<<endl;
96 //
97 // /* Create resolution-vs-momentum plot with fits for each selected theta value */
98 // for ( int i = 0; i < etas.size(); i++ )
99 // {
100 // /* Switch to scratch canvas */
101 // cscratch->cd();
102 //
103 // double eta =;
104 //
105 // /* Calculate pseudorapidity eta */
106 // //double eta = -1 * log( tan( / 2. ) );
107 //
108 // cout << "\n***Eta = " << eta << endl;
109 //
110 // /* Define range of theta because float comparison with fixed value doesn't work
111 // too well for cuts in ROOT trees */
112 // double eta_min = eta * 0.999;
113 // double eta_max = eta * 1.001;
114 //
115 // /* Cut for tree */
116 // TCut cutx( Form("ptrue > 1 && ( (etatrue > 0 && (etatrue > %f && etatrue < %f)) || (etatrue < 0 && (etatrue < %f && etatrue > %f)) )", eta_min, eta_max, eta_min, eta_max) );
117 //
118 // /* "Draw" tree on scratch canvas to fill V1...V4 arrays */
119 // //tres->Draw("psig/pmean:ptrue:psig_err/pmean:0", cutx );
120 // tres->Draw("psig:ptrue:psig_err:0", cutx );
121 //
122 //
123 // gres->SetMarkerColor(colors[i]);
124 //
125 // /* Only plot first few lines; if not plotting, still do the fit */
126 // if ( i < etas_plotmax )
127 // {
128 // /* Add graph to legend */
129 // leg_eta->AddEntry(gres, Form("#eta = %.1f", eta), "P");
130 //
131 // /* Add graph to plot */
132 // c1->cd();
133 // gres->Draw("Psame");
134 // f_momres->SetLineColor(colors[i]);
135 // gres->Fit(f_momres);
136 // }
137 // else
138 // {
139 // gres->Fit(f_momres);
140 // }
141 //
142 // /* Write fir results to file */
143 // double par1 = f_momres->GetParameter(0);
144 // double par1err = f_momres->GetParError(0);
145 // double par2 = f_momres->GetParameter(1);
146 // double par2err = f_momres->GetParError(1);
147 // ofsfit << eta << "," << par1 << "," << par1err << "," << par2 << "," << par2err << endl;
148 //
149 // }
150 //
151 // /* Draw legend */
152 // // c1->cd();
153 // TCanvas *c2 = new TCanvas();
154 // //hframe->Draw();
155 // leg_eta->Draw();
156 //
157 // /* Print plots */
158 // c1->Print("track_momres_vareta.eps");
159 // c2->Print("track_momres_vareta_legend.eps");
160 //
161 // /* Close output stream */
162 // ofsfit.close();
164  return 0;
165 }