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Go to the documentation of this file. Or view the newest version in sPHENIX GitHub for file SurfaceView3DBase.hpp
1 // This file is part of the Acts project.
2 //
3 // Copyright (C) 2020 CERN for the benefit of the Acts project
4 //
5 // This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
6 // License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
7 // file, You can obtain one at
9 #pragma once
31 #include <fstream>
32 #include <sstream>
33 #include <string>
35 namespace Acts {
37 namespace SurfaceView3DTest {
46 static inline std::string run(IVisualization3D& helper, bool triangulate,
47  const std::string& tag) {
48  auto gctx = GeometryContext();
49  auto identity = Transform3::Identity();
50  std::stringstream cStream;
52  double halfPhiSector = M_PI / 4.;
53  double centralPhi = M_PI / 2.;
55  ViewConfig sConfig = s_viewSensitive;
56  sConfig.triangulate = triangulate;
58  //----------------------------------------------------
59  // Cone Surface section
60  std::vector<std::shared_ptr<ConeSurface>> coneSurfaces;
62  double coneAlpha = 0.245;
63  double coneMinZ = 0.;
64  double coneCutZ = 2.;
65  double coneMaxZ = 10.;
66  // Full Cone
67  auto coneBounds =
68  std::make_shared<ConeBounds>(coneAlpha, -coneCutZ, coneMaxZ);
69  auto cone = Surface::makeShared<ConeSurface>(identity, coneBounds);
70  coneSurfaces.push_back(cone);
71  GeometryView3D::drawSurface(helper, *cone, gctx, Transform3::Identity(),
72  sConfig);
73  ;
74  helper.write(std::string("Surfaces_ConeSurface") + tag);
75  helper.write(cStream);
76  helper.clear();
78  // Sectoral Cone
79  coneBounds = std::make_shared<ConeBounds>(coneAlpha, coneMinZ, coneMaxZ,
80  halfPhiSector);
81  cone = Surface::makeShared<ConeSurface>(identity, coneBounds);
82  coneSurfaces.push_back(cone);
83  GeometryView3D::drawSurface(helper, *cone, gctx, Transform3::Identity(),
84  sConfig);
85  ;
86  helper.write(std::string("Surfaces_ConeSurfaceSector") + tag);
87  helper.write(cStream);
88  helper.clear();
90  // Sectoral Cone Shifted
91  coneBounds = std::make_shared<ConeBounds>(coneAlpha, coneCutZ, coneMaxZ,
92  halfPhiSector, centralPhi);
93  cone = Surface::makeShared<ConeSurface>(identity, coneBounds);
94  coneSurfaces.push_back(cone);
95  GeometryView3D::drawSurface(helper, *cone, gctx, Transform3::Identity(),
96  sConfig);
97  ;
98  helper.write(std::string("Surfaces_ConeSurfaceSectorShifted") + tag);
99  helper.write(cStream);
100  helper.clear();
102  // All in one for radial bounds
103  std::vector<Transform3> threeCones = {
104  Transform3(Translation3{-0.5 * coneMaxZ, 0., 0.}),
105  Transform3(Translation3{0., 0., 0.}),
106  Transform3(Translation3{0.75 * coneMaxZ, 0., 0.})};
108  for (size_t ic = 0; ic < coneSurfaces.size(); ++ic) {
109  GeometryView3D::drawSurface(helper, *coneSurfaces[ic], gctx, threeCones[ic],
110  sConfig);
111  }
112  helper.write(std::string("Surfaces_All_ConeSurfaces") + tag);
113  helper.write(cStream);
114  helper.clear();
116  //----------------------------------------------------
117  // Cylinder surface section
118  std::vector<std::shared_ptr<CylinderSurface>> cylinderSurfaces;
120  double cylinderRadius = 5.;
121  double cylinderHalfZ = 10.;
123  // Full Cylinder
124  auto cylinderBounds =
125  std::make_shared<CylinderBounds>(cylinderRadius, cylinderHalfZ);
126  auto cylinder =
127  Surface::makeShared<CylinderSurface>(identity, cylinderBounds);
128  cylinderSurfaces.push_back(cylinder);
129  GeometryView3D::drawSurface(helper, *cylinder, gctx, Transform3::Identity(),
130  sConfig);
131  ;
132  helper.write(std::string("Surfaces_CylinderSurface") + tag);
133  helper.write(cStream);
134  helper.clear();
136  // Sectoral Cone
137  cylinderBounds = std::make_shared<CylinderBounds>(
138  cylinderRadius, cylinderHalfZ, halfPhiSector);
139  cylinder = Surface::makeShared<CylinderSurface>(identity, cylinderBounds);
140  cylinderSurfaces.push_back(cylinder);
141  GeometryView3D::drawSurface(helper, *cylinder, gctx, Transform3::Identity(),
142  sConfig);
143  ;
144  helper.write(std::string("Surfaces_CylinderSurfaceSector") + tag);
145  helper.write(cStream);
146  helper.clear();
148  // Sectoral Cone Shifted
149  cylinderBounds = std::make_shared<CylinderBounds>(
150  cylinderRadius, cylinderHalfZ, halfPhiSector, centralPhi);
151  cylinder = Surface::makeShared<CylinderSurface>(identity, cylinderBounds);
152  cylinderSurfaces.push_back(cylinder);
153  GeometryView3D::drawSurface(helper, *cylinder, gctx, Transform3::Identity(),
154  sConfig);
155  ;
156  helper.write(std::string("Surfaces_CylinderSurfaceSectorShifted") + tag);
157  helper.write(cStream);
158  helper.clear();
160  // All in one for radial bounds
161  std::vector<Transform3> threeCylinders = {
162  Transform3(Translation3{-2 * cylinderRadius, 0., 0.}),
163  Transform3(Translation3{0., 0., 0.}),
164  Transform3(Translation3{2.5 * cylinderRadius, 0., 0.})};
166  for (size_t ic = 0; ic < cylinderSurfaces.size(); ++ic) {
167  GeometryView3D::drawSurface(helper, *cylinderSurfaces[ic], gctx,
168  threeCylinders[ic], sConfig);
169  }
170  helper.write(std::string("Surfaces_All_CylinderSurfaces") + tag);
171  helper.write(cStream);
172  helper.clear();
176  auto writeBoundingBox2D = [&](const RectangleBounds& rBounds,
177  const std::string& path) -> void {
178  std::string bbPath = path + tag + "_bbox";
180  auto bbBounds = std::make_shared<RectangleBounds>(rBounds);
181  auto bbSurface = Surface::makeShared<PlaneSurface>(identity, bbBounds);
182  GeometryView3D::drawSurface(helper, *bbSurface, gctx,
183  Transform3::Identity(), sConfig);
184  ;
185  helper.write(bbPath);
186  helper.write(cStream);
187  helper.clear();
188  };
190  //----------------------------------------------------
191  // Disc Surface section
193  double discRmin = 5.;
194  double discRmax = 10.;
196  std::vector<std::shared_ptr<DiscSurface>> radialSurfaces;
198  // Full Disc
199  auto radialBounds = std::make_shared<RadialBounds>(0., discRmax);
200  auto disc = Surface::makeShared<DiscSurface>(identity, radialBounds);
201  radialSurfaces.push_back(disc);
202  GeometryView3D::drawSurface(helper, *disc, gctx, Transform3::Identity(),
203  sConfig);
204  ;
205  helper.write(std::string("Surfaces_DiscSurfaceFull") + tag);
206  helper.write(cStream);
207  helper.clear();
209  // Full Sectoral Disc
210  radialBounds = std::make_shared<RadialBounds>(0., discRmax, halfPhiSector);
211  disc = Surface::makeShared<DiscSurface>(identity, radialBounds);
212  radialSurfaces.push_back(disc);
213  GeometryView3D::drawSurface(helper, *disc, gctx, Transform3::Identity(),
214  sConfig);
216  helper.write(std::string("Surfaces_DiscSurfaceFullSector") + tag);
217  helper.write(cStream);
218  helper.clear();
220  // Full Sectoral Shifted Disc
221  radialBounds =
222  std::make_shared<RadialBounds>(0., discRmax, halfPhiSector, centralPhi);
223  disc = Surface::makeShared<DiscSurface>(identity, radialBounds);
224  radialSurfaces.push_back(disc);
225  GeometryView3D::drawSurface(helper, *disc, gctx, Transform3::Identity(),
226  sConfig);
228  helper.write(std::string("Surfaces_DiscSurfaceFullSectorShifted") + tag);
229  helper.write(cStream);
230  helper.clear();
232  // Full Ring
233  radialBounds = std::make_shared<RadialBounds>(discRmin, discRmax);
234  disc = Surface::makeShared<DiscSurface>(identity, radialBounds);
235  radialSurfaces.push_back(disc);
236  GeometryView3D::drawSurface(helper, *disc, gctx, Transform3::Identity(),
237  sConfig);
239  helper.write(std::string("Surfaces_DiscSurfaceRing") + tag);
240  helper.write(cStream);
241  helper.clear();
243  // Full Sectoral Rin g
244  radialBounds =
245  std::make_shared<RadialBounds>(discRmin, discRmax, halfPhiSector);
246  disc = Surface::makeShared<DiscSurface>(identity, radialBounds);
247  radialSurfaces.push_back(disc);
248  GeometryView3D::drawSurface(helper, *disc, gctx, Transform3::Identity(),
249  sConfig);
251  helper.write(std::string("Surfaces_DiscSurfaceRingSector") + tag);
252  helper.write(cStream);
253  helper.clear();
255  // Full Sectoral Shifted Ring
256  radialBounds = std::make_shared<RadialBounds>(discRmin, discRmax,
257  halfPhiSector, centralPhi);
258  disc = Surface::makeShared<DiscSurface>(identity, radialBounds);
259  radialSurfaces.push_back(disc);
260  GeometryView3D::drawSurface(helper, *disc, gctx, Transform3::Identity(),
261  sConfig);
263  helper.write(std::string("Surfaces_DiscSurfaceRingSectorShifted") + tag);
264  helper.write(cStream);
265  helper.clear();
267  // All in one for radial bounds
268  std::vector<Transform3> sixDiscs = {
269  Transform3(Translation3{-2.0 * discRmax, 1.5 * discRmax, 0.}),
270  Transform3(Translation3{0., 1.5 * discRmax, 0.}),
271  Transform3(Translation3{2.5 * discRmax, 1.5 * discRmax, 0.}),
272  Transform3(Translation3{-2.0 * discRmax, -1.5 * discRmax, 0.}),
273  Transform3(Translation3{0., -1.5 * discRmax, 0.}),
274  Transform3(Translation3{2.5 * discRmax, -1.5 * discRmax, 0.})};
275  for (size_t ir = 0; ir < radialSurfaces.size(); ++ir) {
276  GeometryView3D::drawSurface(helper, *radialSurfaces[ir], gctx, sixDiscs[ir],
277  sConfig);
278  }
279  helper.write(std::string("Surfaces_All_DiscSurfaces_RadialBounds") + tag);
280  helper.write(cStream);
281  helper.clear();
283  std::vector<std::shared_ptr<DiscSurface>> anomalDiscSurfaces;
285  double annulusMinPhi = 0.75;
286  double annulusMaxPhi = 1.35;
287  Vector2 offset(-4., 2.);
288  auto annulus = std::make_shared<AnnulusBounds>(
289  discRmin, discRmax, annulusMinPhi, annulusMaxPhi, offset);
290  disc = Surface::makeShared<DiscSurface>(identity, annulus);
291  anomalDiscSurfaces.push_back(disc);
292  GeometryView3D::drawSurface(helper, *disc, gctx, Transform3::Identity(),
293  sConfig);
295  helper.write(std::string("Surfaces_DiscAnnulusBounds") + tag);
296  helper.write(cStream);
297  helper.clear();
299  double discTrapezoidHxRmin = 3.;
300  double discTrapezoidHxRmax = 6.;
301  auto discTrapezoid = std::make_shared<DiscTrapezoidBounds>(
302  discTrapezoidHxRmin, discTrapezoidHxRmax, discRmin, discRmax);
303  disc = Surface::makeShared<DiscSurface>(identity, discTrapezoid);
304  anomalDiscSurfaces.push_back(disc);
305  GeometryView3D::drawSurface(helper, *disc, gctx, Transform3::Identity(),
306  sConfig);
308  helper.write(std::string("Surfaces_DiscTrapezoidBounds") + tag);
309  helper.write(cStream);
310  helper.clear();
312  // All in one for radial bounds
313  std::vector<Transform3> twoAnomalDiscs = {
314  Transform3(Translation3{-5., 0., 0.}),
315  Transform3(Translation3{5., 0., 0.})};
316  for (size_t id = 0; id < anomalDiscSurfaces.size(); ++id) {
317  GeometryView3D::drawSurface(helper, *anomalDiscSurfaces[id], gctx,
318  sixDiscs[id], sConfig);
319  }
320  helper.write(std::string("Surfaces_All_DiscSurfaces_AnomalBounds") + tag);
321  helper.write(cStream);
322  helper.clear();
324  //----------------------------------------------------
325  // Plane Surface section
326  std::vector<std::shared_ptr<PlaneSurface>> planarSurfaces;
328  // Ellipse shaped : Full Ellipse
329  double ellipseR0min = 2;
330  double ellipseR0max = 4;
331  double ellipseR1min = 3;
332  double ellipseR1max = 6;
333  std::string name = "Surfaces_PlaneSurfaceEllipse";
334  auto ellipse =
335  std::make_shared<EllipseBounds>(0., 0., ellipseR1min, ellipseR1max);
336  auto plane = Surface::makeShared<PlaneSurface>(identity, ellipse);
337  planarSurfaces.push_back(plane);
338  GeometryView3D::drawSurface(helper, *plane, gctx, Transform3::Identity(),
339  sConfig);
340  ;
341  helper.write(name + tag);
342  helper.write(cStream);
343  helper.clear();
344  writeBoundingBox2D(ellipse->boundingBox(), name);
346  // Ellipse shaped : Ring Ellipse
347  name = "Surfaces_PlaneSurfaceEllipseRing";
348  ellipse = std::make_shared<EllipseBounds>(ellipseR0min, ellipseR0max,
349  ellipseR1min, ellipseR1max);
350  plane = Surface::makeShared<PlaneSurface>(identity, ellipse);
351  planarSurfaces.push_back(plane);
352  GeometryView3D::drawSurface(helper, *plane, gctx, Transform3::Identity(),
353  sConfig);
354  ;
355  helper.write(name + tag);
356  helper.write(cStream);
357  helper.clear();
358  writeBoundingBox2D(ellipse->boundingBox(), name);
360  // Ellipse shaped : Ring Ellipse Sector
361  name = "Surfaces_PlaneSurfaceEllipseRingSector";
362  ellipse = std::make_shared<EllipseBounds>(
363  ellipseR0min, ellipseR0max, ellipseR1min, ellipseR1max, halfPhiSector);
364  plane = Surface::makeShared<PlaneSurface>(identity, ellipse);
365  planarSurfaces.push_back(plane);
366  GeometryView3D::drawSurface(helper, *plane, gctx, Transform3::Identity(),
367  sConfig);
368  ;
369  helper.write(name + tag);
370  helper.write(cStream);
371  helper.clear();
372  writeBoundingBox2D(ellipse->boundingBox(), name);
374  // ConvexPolygon shaped example: Triangle
375  name = "Surfaces_PlaneSurfaceTriangleRegular";
376  std::vector<Vector2> tvertices = {{-3, -1.5}, {3, -1.5}, {0, 4.5}};
377  auto triangle = std::make_shared<ConvexPolygonBounds<3>>(tvertices);
378  plane = Surface::makeShared<PlaneSurface>(identity, triangle);
379  planarSurfaces.push_back(plane);
380  GeometryView3D::drawSurface(helper, *plane, gctx, Transform3::Identity(),
381  sConfig);
382  ;
383  helper.write(name + tag);
384  helper.write(cStream);
385  helper.clear();
386  writeBoundingBox2D(triangle->boundingBox(), name);
388  // ConvexPolygon shaped example: Triangle
389  name = "Surfaces_PlaneSurfaceTriangleGeneral";
390  tvertices = {{-1., 4.5}, {4, 6.5}, {3, 8.5}};
391  triangle = std::make_shared<ConvexPolygonBounds<3>>(tvertices);
392  plane = Surface::makeShared<PlaneSurface>(identity, triangle);
393  planarSurfaces.push_back(plane);
394  GeometryView3D::drawSurface(helper, *plane, gctx, Transform3::Identity(),
395  sConfig);
397  helper.write(name + tag);
398  helper.write(cStream);
399  helper.clear();
400  writeBoundingBox2D(triangle->boundingBox(), name);
402  // ConvexPolygon shaped example: Triangle
403  name = "Surfaces_PlaneSurfaceConvexPolygonGeneral";
404  tvertices = {{-1., 4.5}, {4, 6.5}, {6, 8.5}, {0, 10.5}, {-3, 6.2}};
405  auto dynamicpolygon =
406  std::make_shared<ConvexPolygonBounds<PolygonDynamic>>(tvertices);
407  plane = Surface::makeShared<PlaneSurface>(identity, dynamicpolygon);
408  planarSurfaces.push_back(plane);
409  GeometryView3D::drawSurface(helper, *plane, gctx, Transform3::Identity(),
410  sConfig);
412  helper.write(name + tag);
413  helper.write(cStream);
414  helper.clear();
415  writeBoundingBox2D(dynamicpolygon->boundingBox(), name);
417  // Diamond shaped
418  name = "Surfaces_PlaneSurfaceDiamond";
419  auto diamond = std::make_shared<DiamondBounds>(3., 6., 2., 2., 4.);
420  plane = Surface::makeShared<PlaneSurface>(identity, diamond);
421  planarSurfaces.push_back(plane);
422  GeometryView3D::drawSurface(helper, *plane, gctx, Transform3::Identity(),
423  sConfig);
425  helper.write(name + tag);
426  helper.write(cStream);
427  helper.clear();
428  writeBoundingBox2D(diamond->boundingBox(), name);
430  // Rectangle plane
431  name = "Surfaces_PlaneSurfaceRectangle";
432  auto rectangle = std::make_shared<RectangleBounds>(2., 3.);
433  plane = Surface::makeShared<PlaneSurface>(identity, rectangle);
434  planarSurfaces.push_back(plane);
435  GeometryView3D::drawSurface(helper, *plane, gctx, Transform3::Identity(),
436  sConfig);
438  helper.write(name + tag);
439  helper.write(cStream);
440  helper.clear();
441  writeBoundingBox2D(rectangle->boundingBox(), name);
443  // Off-centered Rectangle plane:
444  name = "Surfaces_PlaneSurfaceRectangleOffcentered";
445  rectangle =
446  std::make_shared<RectangleBounds>(Vector2{1., 2.}, Vector2{15., 12.});
447  plane = Surface::makeShared<PlaneSurface>(identity, rectangle);
448  GeometryView3D::drawSurface(helper, *plane, gctx, Transform3::Identity(),
449  sConfig);
451  helper.write(name + tag);
452  helper.write(cStream);
453  helper.clear();
454  writeBoundingBox2D(rectangle->boundingBox(), name);
456  // Trapezoidal plane:
457  name = "Surfaces_PlaneSurfaceTrapezoid";
458  auto trapezoid = std::make_shared<TrapezoidBounds>(2., 5., 3.);
459  plane = Surface::makeShared<PlaneSurface>(identity, trapezoid);
460  planarSurfaces.push_back(plane);
461  GeometryView3D::drawSurface(helper, *plane, gctx, Transform3::Identity(),
462  sConfig);
464  helper.write(name + tag);
465  helper.write(cStream);
466  helper.clear();
467  writeBoundingBox2D(trapezoid->boundingBox(), name);
469  // All planes
470  std::vector<Transform3> ninePlanes = {
471  Transform3(Translation3{-10., -10., 0.}),
472  Transform3(Translation3{0., -10., 0.}),
473  Transform3(Translation3{10., -10., 0.}),
474  Transform3(Translation3{-10., 0., 0.}),
475  Transform3(Translation3{0., -6., 0.}),
476  Transform3(Translation3{10., -8., 0.}),
477  Transform3(Translation3{-10, 10., 0.}),
478  Transform3(Translation3{0., 10., 0.}),
479  Transform3(Translation3{10., 10., 0.})};
480  for (size_t ip = 0; ip < planarSurfaces.size(); ++ip) {
481  GeometryView3D::drawSurface(helper, *planarSurfaces[ip], gctx,
482  ninePlanes[ip], sConfig);
483  }
484  helper.write(std::string("Surfaces_All_PlaneSurfaces") + tag);
485  helper.write(cStream);
486  helper.clear();
488  //----------------------------------------------------
489  // Straw Surface section
490  name = "Surfaces_StrawSurface";
491  auto tube = std::make_shared<LineBounds>(2., 20.);
492  auto straw = Surface::makeShared<StrawSurface>(identity, tube);
493  GeometryView3D::drawSurface(helper, *straw, gctx, Transform3::Identity(),
494  sConfig);
496  helper.write(name + tag);
497  helper.write(cStream);
498  helper.clear();
500  return cStream.str();
501 }
503 } // namespace SurfaceView3DTest
504 } // namespace Acts