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Go to the documentation of this file. Or view the newest version in sPHENIX GitHub for file DD4hepDetectorSurfaceFactory.cpp
1 // This file is part of the Acts project.
2 //
3 // Copyright (C) 2023 CERN for the benefit of the Acts project
4 //
5 // This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
6 // License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
7 // file, You can obtain one at
20 #include "DD4hep/DetElement.h"
22 using namespace Acts::detail;
25  std::unique_ptr<const Logger> mlogger)
26  : m_logger(std::move(mlogger)) {
27  ACTS_DEBUG("UnitLength conversion factor (DD4hep -> Acts): " << unitLength);
28 }
31  Cache& cache, const dd4hep::DetElement& dd4hepElement,
32  const Options& options) {
33  ACTS_DEBUG("Configured to convert "
34  << (options.convertSensitive ? "sensitive components and " : "")
35  << (options.convertPassive
36  ? "passive surfaces."
37  : (not options.convertSensitive
38  ? "nothing (this is likely a configuration error)."
39  : "")));
40  ACTS_DEBUG("Constructing DD4hepDetectorElements - tree level call from "
41  << << ".");
42  recursiveConstruct(cache, dd4hepElement, options, 1);
43  ACTS_DEBUG("Recursive search did yield: "
44  << cache.sensitiveSurfaces.size() << " sensitive surface(s), "
45  << cache.passiveSurfaces.size() << " passive surface(s)");
46 }
49  Cache& cache, const dd4hep::DetElement& dd4hepElement,
50  const Options& options, int level) {
51  ACTS_VERBOSE("Conversion call at level " << level << " for element "
52  <<;
54  // Check if any surface binnning can be detected
55  int sBinning = getParamOr<int>("acts_surface_binning_dim", dd4hepElement, 0);
56  if (sBinning > 0) {
57  cache.binnings = convertBinning(dd4hepElement, "acts_surface_binning");
58  }
60  // Deal with passive surface if detected
61  bool pSurface =
62  getParamOr<bool>("acts_passive_surface", dd4hepElement, false);
63  if (pSurface and options.convertPassive) {
64  ACTS_VERBOSE("Passive surface(s) detected.");
65  cache.passiveSurfaces.push_back(
66  constructPassiveComponents(dd4hepElement, options));
67  }
69  const dd4hep::DetElement::Children& children = dd4hepElement.children();
70  if (!children.empty()) {
71  ACTS_VERBOSE(children.size() << " child(ren) detected.");
72  for (auto& child : children) {
73  dd4hep::DetElement childDetElement = child.second;
74  ACTS_VERBOSE("Processing child " <<;
75  if (childDetElement.volume().isSensitive() and options.convertSensitive) {
76  ACTS_VERBOSE("Sensitive surface detected.");
77  cache.sensitiveSurfaces.push_back(
78  constructSensitiveComponents(childDetElement, options));
79  }
80  recursiveConstruct(cache, childDetElement, options, level + 1);
81  }
82  } else {
83  ACTS_VERBOSE("No children detected.");
84  }
85 }
89  const dd4hep::DetElement& dd4hepElement, const Options& options) const {
90  // Extract the axis definition
91  std::string detAxis =
92  getParamOr<std::string>("axis_definitions", dd4hepElement, "XYZ");
93  std::shared_ptr<const Acts::ISurfaceMaterial> surfaceMaterial = nullptr;
95  // Create the corresponding detector element
96  auto dd4hepDetElement = std::make_shared<Acts::DD4hepDetectorElement>(
97  dd4hepElement, detAxis, unitLength, false, nullptr);
98  auto sSurface = dd4hepDetElement->surface().getSharedPtr();
99  attachSurfaceMaterial(dd4hepElement, *sSurface.get(),
100  dd4hepDetElement->thickness(), options);
101  // return the surface
102  return {dd4hepDetElement, sSurface};
103 }
107  const dd4hep::DetElement& dd4hepElement, const Options& options) const {
108  // Underlying TGeo node, shape & transform
109  const auto& tgeoNode = *(dd4hepElement.placement().ptr());
110  auto tgeoShape = tgeoNode.GetVolume()->GetShape();
111  const auto tgeoTransform = dd4hepElement.nominal().worldTransformation();
112  // Extract the axis definition
113  auto detAxis =
114  getParamOr<std::string>("axis_definitions", dd4hepElement, "XYZ");
115  bool assignToAll = getParamOr<bool>("assign_to_all", dd4hepElement, true);
117  auto [pSurface, thickness] =
118  TGeoSurfaceConverter::toSurface(*tgeoShape, tgeoTransform, detAxis);
119  attachSurfaceMaterial(dd4hepElement, *pSurface.get(), thickness, options);
120  // Return a passive surface
121  return {pSurface, assignToAll};
122 }
125  const dd4hep::DetElement& dd4hepElement, Acts::Surface& surface,
126  ActsScalar thickness, const Options& options) const {
127  if (options.convertMaterial) {
128  // Extract the material
129  const auto& tgeoNode = *(dd4hepElement.placement().ptr());
130  auto tgeoMaterial = tgeoNode.GetMedium()->GetMaterial();
131  // Convert the material
132  TGeoMaterialConverter::Options materialOptions;
133  materialOptions.unitLengthScalor = unitLength;
134  auto materialSlab = TGeoMaterialConverter::materialSlab(
135  *tgeoMaterial, thickness, options.surfaceMaterialThickness,
136  materialOptions);
137  auto surfaceMaterial =
138  std::make_shared<HomogeneousSurfaceMaterial>(materialSlab);
139  // Assign the material to the surface
140  surface.assignSurfaceMaterial(std::move(surfaceMaterial));
141  }
142 }