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1 /*******************************************************************************
2  * Copyright (c) The JETSCAPE Collaboration, 2018
3  *
4  * Modular, task-based framework for simulating all aspects of heavy-ion collisions
5  *
6  * For the list of contributors see AUTHORS.
7  *
8  * Report issues at
9  *
10  * or via email to
11  *
12  * Distributed under the GNU General Public License 3.0 (GPLv3 or later).
13  * See COPYING for details.
14  ******************************************************************************/
15 // This is a general basic class for hadronic afterburner
17 #include "./Afterburner.h"
20 using namespace std;
22 namespace Jetscape {
24  // Makes sure that XML file with options and parameters is loaded
26  JSINFO << "Initializing Afterburner : " << GetId() << " ...";
27  // Initialize random number distribution
28  ZeroOneDistribution = uniform_real_distribution<double>{0.0, 1.0};
29  InitTask();
30 }
32 void Afterburner::Exec() {
33  VERBOSE(2) << "Afterburner running: " << GetId() << " ...";
34  ExecuteTask();
35 }
37 std::vector<std::vector<std::shared_ptr<Hadron>>> Afterburner::GetSoftParticlizationHadrons() {
38  auto soft_particlization = JetScapeSignalManager::Instance()->GetSoftParticlizationPointer().lock();
39  if (!soft_particlization) {
40  JSWARN << "No soft particlization module found. Check if fragmentation"
41  << " hadrons are handed to afterburner.";
42  std::vector<std::shared_ptr<Hadron>> hadrons;
43  dummy.push_back(hadrons);
44  return dummy;
45  } else {
46  return soft_particlization->Hadron_list_;
47  }
48 }
50 std::vector<shared_ptr<Hadron>> Afterburner::GetFragmentationHadrons() {
51  JSINFO << "Get fragmentation hadrons in Afterburner";
52  auto hadronization_mgr = JetScapeSignalManager::Instance()->GetHadronizationManagerPointer().lock();
53  if (!hadronization_mgr) {
54  JSWARN << "No hardronization module found. It is necessary to include"
55  << " fragmentation hadrons to afterburner as requested.";
56  exit(1);
57  }
58  std::vector<shared_ptr<Hadron>> h_list;
59  hadronization_mgr->GetHadrons(h_list);
60  JSINFO << "Got " << h_list.size() << " fragmentation hadrons from HadronizationManager.";
62  std::vector<shared_ptr<Hadron>> h_list_new;
63  rand_int_ptr_ = (std::make_shared<std::uniform_int_distribution<int>>(0,1));
64  for (auto h : h_list) {
65  if (h->has_no_position()) {
66  JSDEBUG << "Found fragmentation hadron without properly set position in "
67  "Afterburner.\nInclusion of fragmentation hadrons only "
68  "possible for HybridHadronization.";
69  }
71  //move all the fragmentation hadrons a little bit around to avoid having
72  //multiple hadrons at the same position if they are at the same position
73  const FourVector r = h->x_in();
74  const double rand_x = ZeroOneDistribution(*GetMt19937Generator()) * 2e-4 - 1e-4;
75  const double rand_y = ZeroOneDistribution(*GetMt19937Generator()) * 2e-4 - 1e-4;
76  const double rand_z = ZeroOneDistribution(*GetMt19937Generator()) * 2e-4 - 1e-4;
77  double position_smeared[4] = {r.t(), r.x()+rand_x, r.y()+rand_y, r.z()+rand_z};
78  h->set_x(position_smeared);
80  if ((std::abs(h->pid())>10) && (h->pid() != 21)) {
81  if (h->pstat() > 0) {
82  // convert Kaon-L or Kaon-S into K0 or Anti-K0
83  if (h->pid() == 310 || h->pid() == 130) {
84  const int rand_int = (*rand_int_ptr_)(*GetMt19937Generator());
85  const int id = (rand_int == 0) ? 311 : -311;
86  h->set_id(id);
87  }
88  h_list_new.push_back(h);
89  } else if(h->pstat() < 0) {
90  // convert Kaon-L or Kaon-S into K0 or Anti-K0
91  // change id of negative Kaons to make them consistent with the SMASH output
92  if (h->pid() == 310 || h->pid() == 130) {
93  const int rand_int = (*rand_int_ptr_)(*GetMt19937Generator());
94  const int id = (rand_int == 0) ? 311 : -311;
95  h->set_id(id);
96  }
97  }
98  } else if((std::abs(h->pid())<10) || (h->pid() == 21)){
99  JSWARN << "Found a free quark or gluon! This can not be handed over to SMASH.\n"
100  "Check confinement in hadronization module!";
101  }
102  }
103  return h_list_new;
104 }
106 std::vector<std::vector<std::shared_ptr<Hadron>>> Afterburner::GatherAfterburnerHadrons() {
107  std::vector<std::vector<shared_ptr<Hadron>>> afterburner_had_events;
108  afterburner_had_events = GetSoftParticlizationHadrons();
110  if (GetXMLElementInt({"Afterburner", "output_only_final_state_hadrons"})) {
111  // clear Hadron_list_ in soft_particlization, otherwise the final hadron
112  // output of the writer contains also the soft hadrons which were used as
113  // input for SMASH
114  auto soft_particlization = JetScapeSignalManager::Instance()->GetSoftParticlizationPointer().lock();
115  if (soft_particlization) {
116  soft_particlization->Hadron_list_.clear();
117  }
118  }
120  if (GetXMLElementInt({"Afterburner", "include_fragmentation_hadrons"})) {
121  if (afterburner_had_events.size() > 1) {
122  JSWARN << "Fragmentation hadrons in Afterburner are only possible without "
123  "repeated sampling from SoftParticlization. Exiting.";
124  exit(1);
125  }
126  std::vector<shared_ptr<Hadron>> frag_hadrons = GetFragmentationHadrons();
128  if (GetXMLElementInt({"Afterburner", "output_only_final_state_hadrons"})) {
129  // empty the hadron vector in the hadronization manager to circumvent the
130  // output of these hadrons if they are implemented in the SMASH afterburner
131  auto hadronization_mgr = JetScapeSignalManager::Instance()->GetHadronizationManagerPointer().lock();
132  hadronization_mgr->DeleteRealHadrons();
133  }
135  afterburner_had_events[0].insert(afterburner_had_events[0].end(),
136  frag_hadrons.begin(), frag_hadrons.end());
137  dummy.clear();
138  }
139  return afterburner_had_events;
140 }
142 } // end namespace Jetscape