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Go to the documentation of this file. Or view the newest version in sPHENIX GitHub for file MySQLPreparedStatement.cxx
1 // $Id: MySQLPreparedStatement.cxx,v 2004/02/18 20:58:02 dave Exp $
2 //*-- Author : Valeriy Onuchin 14/02/2000
3 //
6 //
7 // An object that represents a precompiled SQL statement.
8 //
9 // A SQL statement is pre-compiled and stored in a
10 // TSQLPreparedStatement object. This object can then be used to
11 // efficiently TSQLPreparedStatement::Execute() this statement
12 // multiple times.
13 //
14 // Note: The TSQLPreparedStatement::SetXXX methods for setting IN
15 // parameter values must specify types that are compatible with the
16 // defined SQL type of the input parameter. For instance, if the
17 // IN parameter has SQL type integer, then the method
18 // TSQLPreparedStatement::SetInt() should be used.
19 //
20 // Example of TSQLPreparedStatement setting a parameter;
21 // con is an active connection
22 //
23 //
24 // TSQLPreparedStatement* pstmt =
25 // con->PrepareStatement("UPDATE EMPLOYEES SET SALARY = ?
26 // WHERE ID = ?");
27 //
28 // pstmt->SetInt(2, 110592);
29 //
30 //
31 // See also:
32 // TSQLConnection::PrepareStatement(const TString&),
33 // TSQLResultSet TSQLStatement TSQLCallableStatement
34 //
35 //
39 #include <RDBC/TSQLResultSet.h>
41 #include <iostream>
42 #include <sstream>
43 #include <TList.h>
49 //___________________________________________________________________
51  void* imp):TSQLStatement(con,imp)
53 {
54  // ctor.
55 }
57 //___________________________________________________________________
58 void TSQLPreparedStatement::SetNull( Int_t parameterIndex,Int_t sqlType )
59 {
60  // Sets the designated parameter to SQL NULL.
61  //
62  // Note: You must specify the parameter's SQL type.
63  //
64  // Parameters:
65  // parameterIndex - the first parameter is 1,
66  // the second is 2, ...
67  // sqlType - the SQL type code defined in TSQLTypes
68  // Throws:
69  // TSQLException - if a database access error occurs
72 }
74 //___________________________________________________________________
75 void TSQLPreparedStatement::SetBoolean( Int_t parameterIndex,Bool_t x )
76 {
77  // Sets the designated parameter to a Bool_t value. The
78  // driver converts this to an SQL BIT value when it sends it to
79  // the database.
80  //
81  // Parameters:
82  // parameterIndex - the first parameter is 1,
83  // the second is 2, ...
84  // x - the parameter value
85  // Throws:
86  // TSQLException - if a database access error occurs
88 }
90 //___________________________________________________________________
91 void TSQLPreparedStatement::SetByte( Int_t parameterIndex,Char_t x )
92 {
93  // Sets the designated parameter to a byte value. The
94  // driver converts this to an SQL TINYINT value when it sends
95  // it to the database.
96  //
97  // Parameters:
98  // parameterIndex - the first parameter is 1,
99  // the second is 2, ...
100  // x - the parameter value
101  // Throws:
102  // TSQLException - if a database access error occurs
104 }
106 //___________________________________________________________________
107 void TSQLPreparedStatement::SetShort( Int_t parameterIndex,Short_t x )
108 {
109  // Sets the designated parameter to a short value. The
110  // driver converts this to an SQL SMALLINT value when it sends
111  // it to the database.
112  //
113  // Parameters:
114  // parameterIndex - the first parameter is 1,
115  // the second is 2, ...
116  // x - the parameter value
117  // Throws:
118  // TSQLException - if a database access error occurs
120 }
122 //___________________________________________________________________
123 void TSQLPreparedStatement::SetInt( Int_t parameterIndex,Int_t x )
124 {
125  // Sets the designated parameter to a int value. The
126  // driver converts this to an SQL INTEGER value when it sends
127  // it to the database.
128  //
129  // Parameters:
130  // parameterIndex - the first parameter is 1,
131  // the second is 2, ...
132  // x - the parameter value
133  // Throws:
134  // TSQLException - if a database access error occurs
136 }
138 //___________________________________________________________________
139 void TSQLPreparedStatement::SetLong( Int_t parameterIndex,Long_t x )
140 {
141  // Sets the designated parameter to a long value. The
142  // driver converts this to an SQL BIGINT value when it sends it
143  // to the database.
144  //
145  // Parameters:
146  // parameterIndex - the first parameter is 1,
147  // the second is 2, ...
148  // x - the parameter value
149  // Throws:
150  // TSQLException - if a database access error occurs
152 }
154 //___________________________________________________________________
155 void TSQLPreparedStatement::SetFloat( Int_t parameterIndex,Float_t x )
156 {
157  // Sets the designated parameter to a float value. The
158  // driver converts this to an SQL FLOAT value when it sends it
159  // to the database.
160  //
161  // Parameters:
162  // parameterIndex - the first parameter is 1,
163  // the second is 2, ...
164  // x - the parameter value
165  // Throws:
166  // TSQLException - if a database access error occurs
168 }
170 //___________________________________________________________________
171 void TSQLPreparedStatement::SetDouble( Int_t parameterIndex,Double_t x )
172 {
173  // Sets the designated parameter to a double value. The
174  // driver converts this to an SQL DOUBLE value when it sends it
175  // to the database.
176  //
177  // Parameters:
178  // parameterIndex - the first parameter is 1,
179  // the second is 2, ...
180  // x - the parameter value
181  // Throws:
182  // TSQLException - if a database access error occurs
184 }
186 //___________________________________________________________________
187 void TSQLPreparedStatement::SetString( Int_t parameterIndex,
188  const TString& x )
189 {
190  // Sets the designated parameter to a TString value. The
191  // driver converts this to an SQL VARCHAR or LONGVARCHAR value
192  // (depending on the argument's size relative to the driver's
193  // limits on VARCHARs) when it sends it to the database.
194  //
195  // Parameters:
196  // parameterIndex - the first parameter is 1,
197  // the second is 2, ...
198  // x - the parameter value
199  // Throws:
200  // TSQLException - if a database access error occurs
202 }
204 //___________________________________________________________________
205 void TSQLPreparedStatement::SetBytes( Int_t parameterIndex,
206  const TArrayC& x )
207 {
208  // Sets the designated parameter to a array of bytes. The
209  // driver converts this to an SQL VARBINARY or LONGVARBINARY
210  // (depending on the argument's size relative to the driver's
211  // limits on VARBINARYs) when it sends it to the database.
212  //
213  // Parameters:
214  // parameterIndex - the first parameter is 1,
215  // the second is 2, ...
216  // x - the parameter value
217  // Throws:
218  // TSQLException - if a database access error occurs
220 }
222 //___________________________________________________________________
223 void TSQLPreparedStatement::SetDate( Int_t parameterIndex,
224  const TSQLDate& x )
225 {
226  // Sets the designated parameter to a TSQLDate value. The
227  // driver converts this to an SQL DATE value when it sends it
228  // to the database.
229  //
230  // Parameters:
231  // parameterIndex - the first parameter is 1,
232  // the second is 2, ...
233  // x - the parameter value
234  // Throws:
235  // TSQLException - if a database access error occurs
237 }
239 //___________________________________________________________________
240 void TSQLPreparedStatement::SetTime( Int_t parameterIndex,
241  const TSQLTime& x )
242 {
243  // Sets the designated parameter to a TSQLTime value. The
244  // driver converts this to an SQL TIME value when it sends it
245  // to the database.
246  //
247  // Parameters:
248  // parameterIndex - the first parameter is 1,
249  // the second is 2, ...
250  // x - the parameter value
251  // Throws:
252  // TSQLException - if a database access error occurs
254 }
256 //___________________________________________________________________
257 void TSQLPreparedStatement::SetTimestamp( Int_t parameterIndex,
258  const TSQLTimestamp& x )
259 {
260  // Sets the designated parameter to a TSQLTimestamp value.
261  // The driver converts this to an SQL TIMESTAMP value when it
262  // sends it to the database.
263  //
264  // Parameters:
265  // parameterIndex - the first parameter is 1,
266  // the second is 2, ...
267  // x - the parameter value
268  // Throws:
269  // TSQLException - if a database access error occurs
271 }
273 //___________________________________________________________________
274 void TSQLPreparedStatement::SetAsciiStream( Int_t parameterIndex,
275  TBuffer* x,
276  Int_t length )
277 {
278  // Sets the designated parameter to the given input stream,
279  // which will have the specified number of bytes. When a very
280  // large ASCII value is input to a LONGVARCHAR parameter, it
281  // may be more practical to send it via a TBuffer
282  // will read the data from the stream as needed, until it
283  // reaches end-of-file. The driver will do any necessary
284  // conversion from ASCII to the database char format.
285  //
286  // Parameters:
287  // parameterIndex - the first parameter is 1,
288  // the second is 2, ...
289  // x - the input stream that contains the ASCII
290  // parameter value
291  // length - the number of bytes in the stream,
292  // total size of buffer is by default.
293  // Throws:
294  // TSQLException - if a database access error occurs
296 }
298 //___________________________________________________________________
299 void TSQLPreparedStatement::SetBinaryStream( Int_t parameterIndex,
300  TBuffer* x,
301  Int_t length )
302 {
303  // Sets the designated parameter to the given input stream,
304  // which will have the specified number of bytes. When a very
305  // large binary value is input to a LONGVARBINARY parameter, it
306  // may be more practical to send it via a TBuffer.
307  // will read the data from the stream as needed, until it
308  // reaches end-of-file.
309  //
310  // Parameters:
311  // parameterIndex - the first parameter is 1,
312  // the second is 2, ...
313  // x - the input tream which contains the binary
314  // parameter value
315  // length - the number of bytes in the stream
316  // total size of buffer is by default.
317  // Throws:
318  // TSQLException - if a database access error occurs
320 }
322 //___________________________________________________________________
323 void TSQLPreparedStatement::SetObject( Int_t parameterIndex,TObject* x )
324 {
325  // Sets the designated parameter to the given ROOT object
326  //
327  // Parameters:
328  // parameterIndex - the first parameter is 1,
329  // the second is 2, ...
330  // x - the ROOT object
331  // Throws:
332  // TSQLException - if a database access error occurs
334  TBuffer *b = new TBuffer(TBuffer::kWrite);
335  b->WriteObject(x);
336  SetBinaryStream(parameterIndex,b,b->BufferSize());
337  b->DetachBuffer();
338  delete b;
339 }
341 //___________________________________________________________________
343 {
344  // Clears the current parameter values immediately.
345  //
346  // In general, parameter values remain in force for repeated
347  // use of a TSQLStatement. Setting a parameter value
348  // automatically clears its previous value. However, in some
349  // cases it is useful to immediately release the resources used
350  // by the current parameter values; this can be done by calling
351  // ClearParameters().
352  //
353  // Throws:
354  // TSQLException - if a database access error occurs
356 }
358 //___________________________________________________________________
360 {
361  // Executes any kind of SQL statement. Some prepared statements
362  // return multiple results; the TSQLPreparedStatement::Execute()
363  // method handles these complex statements as well as the simpler
364  // form of statements handled by TSQLPreparedStatement::ExecuteQuery()
365  // and TSQLPreparedStatement::ExecuteUpdate()
366  //
367  // Throws:
368  // TSQLException - if a database access error occurs
369  //
370  // Return kTRUE if the result is a TSQLResultSet,
371  // kFALSE if it's an update count or unknown.
372  //
373  // See Also:
374  // TSQLStatement::Execute(const TString&)
376 }
378 //___________________________________________________________________
380 {
381  // Executes the SQL INSERT, UPDATE or DELETE statement in this
382  // TSQLPreparedStatement object. In addition, SQL statements that
383  // return nothing, such as SQL DDL statements, can be executed.
384  //
385  // Returns:
386  // either the row count for INSERT, UPDATE or DELETE
387  // statements; or 0 for SQL statements that return nothing
388  // Throws:
389  // TSQLException - if a database access error occurs
391 }
393 //___________________________________________________________________
395 {
396  // Executes the SQL query in this TSQLPreparedStatement object
397  // and returns the result set generated by the query.
398  //
399  // Returns:
400  // a TSQLResultSet that contains the data produced by the
401  // query; never null
402  // Throws:
403  // TSQLException - if a database access error occurs
405 }