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1 /*******************************************************************************
2  * Copyright (c) The JETSCAPE Collaboration, 2018
3  *
4  * Modular, task-based framework for simulating all aspects of heavy-ion collisions
5  *
6  * For the list of contributors see AUTHORS.
7  *
8  * Report issues at
9  *
10  * or via email to
11  *
12  * Distributed under the GNU General Public License 3.0 (GPLv3 or later).
13  * See COPYING for details.
14  ******************************************************************************/
16 #include <cstdlib>
17 #include <sstream>
18 #include <fstream>
19 #include <boost/bind.hpp>
20 #include <boost/tokenizer.hpp>
21 #include <algorithm>
22 #include <functional>
23 #include <string>
24 #include "JetScapeLogger.h"
26 #include "TrentoInitial.h"
28 namespace Jetscape {
30 // Register the module with the base class
31 RegisterJetScapeModule<TrentoInitial> TrentoInitial::reg("TrentoInitial");
33 namespace {
40 std::vector<std::string> tokenize(const std::string &input) {
41  typedef boost::escaped_list_separator<char> separator_type;
42  separator_type separator("\\", // The escape characters.
43  "= ", // The separator characters.
44  "\"\'"); // The quote characters.
46  // Tokenize the intput.
47  boost::tokenizer<separator_type> tokens(input, separator);
49  // Copy non-empty tokens from the tokenizer into the result.
50  std::vector<std::string> result;
51  copy_if(tokens.begin(), tokens.end(), std::back_inserter(result),
52  !boost::bind(&std::string::empty, _1));
53  return result;
54 }
55 } // end namespace
57 // See header for explanation.
63  JSINFO << " Initialzie TRENTo initial condition ";
66  using namespace trento;
67  using OptDesc = po::options_description;
68  using VecStr = std::vector<std::string>;
69  OptDesc main_opts{};
70  main_opts.add_options()(
71  "projectile",
72  po::value<VecStr>()
73  ->required()
74  ->notifier( // use a lambda to verify there are exactly two projectiles
75  [](const VecStr &projectiles) {
76  if (projectiles.size() != 2)
77  throw po::required_option{"projectile"};
78  }),
79  "projectile symbols")("number-events", po::value<int>()->default_value(1),
80  "number of events");
82  // Make all main arguments positional.
83  po::positional_options_description positional_opts{};
84  positional_opts.add("projectile", 2).add("number-events", 1);
86  using VecPath = std::vector<fs::path>;
87  OptDesc general_opts{"general options"};
88  general_opts.add_options()("help,h", "show this help message and exit")(
89  "version", "print version information and exit")(
90  "bibtex", "print bibtex entry and exit")
91  // ("default-config", "print a config file with default settings and exit")
92  ("config-file,c", po::value<VecPath>()->value_name("FILE"),
93  "configuration file\n(can be passed multiple times)");
95  OptDesc output_opts{"output options"};
96  output_opts.add_options()("quiet,q", po::bool_switch(),
97  "do not print event properties to stdout")(
98  "output,o", po::value<fs::path>()->value_name("PATH"),
99  "HDF5 file or directory for text files")(
100  "no-header", po::bool_switch(), "do not write headers to text files");
102  OptDesc phys_opts{"physical options"};
103  phys_opts.add_options()(
104  "reduced-thickness,p",
105  po::value<double>()->value_name("FLOAT")->default_value(0., "0"),
106  "reduced thickness parameter")(
107  "fluctuation,k",
108  po::value<double>()->value_name("FLOAT")->default_value(1., "1"),
109  "gamma fluctuation shape parameter")(
110  "nucleon-width,w",
111  po::value<double>()->value_name("FLOAT")->default_value(.5, "0.5"),
112  "Gaussian nucleon width [fm]")(
113  "nucleon-min-dist,d",
114  po::value<double>()->value_name("FLOAT")->default_value(0., "0"),
115  "minimum nucleon-nucleon distance [fm]")(
116  "mean-coeff,m",
117  po::value<double>()->value_name("FLOAT")->default_value(1., "1."),
118  "rapidity mean coefficient")(
119  "std-coeff,s",
120  po::value<double>()->value_name("FLOAT")->default_value(3., "3."),
121  "rapidity std coefficient")(
122  "skew-coeff,t",
123  po::value<double>()->value_name("FLOAT")->default_value(0., "0."),
124  "rapidity skew coefficient")(
125  "skew-type,r", po::value<int>()->value_name("INT")->default_value(1, "1"),
126  "rapidity skew type: 1: relative, 2: absolute, other: no skew")(
127  "jacobian,j",
128  po::value<double>()->value_name("FLOAT")->default_value(0.8, "0.8"),
129  "<pt>/<mt> used in Jacobian")(
130  "normalization,n",
131  po::value<double>()->value_name("FLOAT")->default_value(1., "1"),
132  "normalization factor");
134  OptDesc coll_opts{"collision options"};
135  coll_opts.add_options()(
136  "beam-energy,e",
137  po::value<double>()->value_name("FLOAT")->default_value(2760, "2760"),
138  "collision beam energy sqrt(s) [GeV], initializes cross section")(
139  "cross-section,x",
140  po::value<double>()->value_name("FLOAT")->default_value(-1, "off"),
141  "manual inelastic nucleon-nucleon cross section sigma_NN [fm^2]")(
142  "b-min", po::value<double>()->value_name("FLOAT")->default_value(0., "0"),
143  "minimum impact parameter [fm]")(
144  "b-max",
145  po::value<double>()->value_name("FLOAT")->default_value(-1., "auto"),
146  "maximum impact parameter [fm]")(
147  "npart-min", po::value<int>()->value_name("INT")->default_value(0, "0"),
148  "minimum Npart cut")("npart-max",
149  po::value<int>()->value_name("INT")->default_value(
150  std::numeric_limits<int>::max(), "INT_MAX"),
151  "maximum Npart cut")(
152  "s-min", po::value<double>()->value_name("FLOAT")->default_value(0., "0"),
153  "minimum entropy cut")(
154  "s-max",
155  po::value<double>()->value_name("FLOAT")->default_value(
156  std::numeric_limits<double>::max(), "DOUBLE_MAX"),
157  "maxmimum entropy cut")(
158  "random-seed",
159  po::value<int64_t>()->value_name("INT")->default_value(-1, "auto"),
160  "random seed")(
161  "ncoll,b", po::bool_switch(),
162  "calculate # of binary collision and binary collision density");
164  OptDesc grid_opts{"grid options"};
165  grid_opts.add_options()(
166  "xy-max",
167  po::value<double>()->value_name("FLOAT")->default_value(10., "10.0"),
168  "xy max [fm]\n(transverse grid from -max to +max)")(
169  "xy-step",
170  po::value<double>()->value_name("FLOAT")->default_value(0.2, "0.2"),
171  "transverse step size [fm]")(
172  "eta-max",
173  po::value<double>()->value_name("FLOAT")->default_value(0.0, "0.0"),
174  "pseudorapidity max \n(eta grid from -max to +max)")(
175  "eta-step",
176  po::value<double>()->value_name("FLOAT")->default_value(0.5, "0.5"),
177  "pseudorapidity step size");
179  // Make a meta-group containing all the option groups except the main
180  // positional options (don't want the auto-generated usage info for those).
181  OptDesc usage_opts{};
182  usage_opts.add(general_opts)
183  .add(output_opts)
184  .add(phys_opts)
185  .add(coll_opts)
186  .add(grid_opts);
188  // Now a meta-group containing _all_ options.
189  OptDesc all_opts{};
190  all_opts.add(usage_opts).add(main_opts);
192  // Will be used several times.
193  const std::string usage_str{
194  "usage: trento [options] projectile projectile [number-events = 1]\n"};
195  const std::string usage_str3d{
196  "To operate in 3D mode, make sure --eta-max is nonzero.\n"};
199  auto phy_opts = GetXMLElement({"IS", "Trento", "PhysicsInputs"});
200  auto cut_opts = GetXMLElement({"IS", "Trento", "CutInputs"});
201  auto trans_opts = GetXMLElement({"IS", "Trento", "TransInputs"});
202  auto longi_opts = GetXMLElement({"IS", "Trento", "LongiInputs"});
204  double xymax = GetXMax(), dxy = GetXStep();
205  double etamax = GetZMax(), deta = GetZStep();
207  auto random_seed = (*GetMt19937Generator())();
209  //auto random_seed = 1;
211  JSINFO << "Random seed used for Trento " << random_seed;
213  std::string proj(phy_opts->Attribute("projectile"));
214  std::string targ(phy_opts->Attribute("target"));
215  double sqrts = std::atof(phy_opts->Attribute("sqrts"));
216  double cross_section = std::atof(phy_opts->Attribute("cross-section"));
217  double normalization = std::atof(phy_opts->Attribute("normalization"));
219  int cen_low = std::atoi(cut_opts->Attribute("centrality-low"));
220  int cen_high = std::atoi(cut_opts->Attribute("centrality-high"));
222  double p = std::atof(trans_opts->Attribute("reduced-thickness"));
223  double k = std::atof(trans_opts->Attribute("fluctuation"));
224  double w = std::atof(trans_opts->Attribute("nucleon-width"));
225  double d = std::atof(trans_opts->Attribute("nucleon-min-dist"));
227  double mean = std::atof(longi_opts->Attribute("mean-coeff"));
228  double var = std::atof(longi_opts->Attribute("std-coeff"));
229  double skew = std::atof(longi_opts->Attribute("skew-coeff"));
230  int skew_type = std::atof(longi_opts->Attribute("skew-type"));
231  double J = std::atof(longi_opts->Attribute("jacobian"));
233  std::string options1 =
234  +" --random-seed " + std::to_string(random_seed) + " --cross-section " +
235  std::to_string(cross_section) + " --beam-energy " +
236  std::to_string(sqrts) + " --reduced-thickness " + std::to_string(p) +
237  " --fluctuation " + std::to_string(k) + " --nucleon-width " +
238  std::to_string(w) + " --nucleon-min-dist " + std::to_string(d) +
239  " --mean-coeff " + std::to_string(mean) + " --std-coeff " +
240  std::to_string(var) + " --skew-coeff " + std::to_string(skew) +
241  " --skew-type " + std::to_string(skew_type) + " --jacobian " +
242  std::to_string(J) + " --quiet ";
243  std::string options2 = " --normalization " + std::to_string(normalization) +
244  " --ncoll " // calcualte # of binary collision
245  + " --xy-max " + std::to_string(xymax) +
246  " --xy-step " + std::to_string(dxy) + " --eta-max " +
247  std::to_string(etamax) + " --eta-step " +
248  std::to_string(deta);
249  // Handle centrality table, not normzlized, default grid, 2D (fast) !!!
250  std::string cmd_basic = proj + " " + targ + " 10000 " + options1;
251  VarMap var_map_basic{};
252  po::store(po::command_line_parser(tokenize(cmd_basic))
253  .options(all_opts)
254  .positional(positional_opts)
255  .run(),
256  var_map_basic);
258  std::string options_cut = "";
259  if (cen_low == 0 && cen_high == 100) {
260  JSINFO << "TRENTo Minimum Biased Mode Generates 0-100(%) of nuclear "
261  "inelastic cross-section";
262  } else {
263  auto Ecut = GenCenTab(proj, targ, var_map_basic, cen_low, cen_high);
264  double Ehigh = Ecut.first * normalization; // rescale the cut
265  double Elow = Ecut.second * normalization; // rescale the cut
267  JSINFO << "The total energy density cut for centrality = [" << cen_low
268  << ", " << cen_high << "] (%) is:";
269  JSINFO << Elow << "<dE/deta(eta=0)<" << Ehigh;
270  options_cut = " --s-max " + std::to_string(Ehigh) + " --s-min " +
271  std::to_string(Elow);
272  // Set trento configuration
273  }
274  std::string cmd =
275  proj + " " + targ + " 1 " + options1 + options2 + options_cut;
276  JSINFO << cmd;
277  VarMap var_map{};
278  po::store(po::command_line_parser(tokenize(cmd))
279  .options(all_opts)
280  .positional(positional_opts)
281  .run(),
282  var_map);
283  TrentoGen_ = std::make_shared<trento::Collider>(var_map);
284  SetRanges(xymax, xymax, etamax);
285  SetSteps(dxy, dxy, deta);
286  JSINFO << "TRENTo set";
287 }
290  return r1.mult > r2.mult;
291 }
293 std::pair<double, double> TrentoInitial::GenCenTab(std::string proj,
294  std::string targ,
295  VarMap var_map, int cL,
296  int cH) {
297  // Terminate for nonsense
298  if (cL < 0 || cL > 100 || cH < 0 || cH > 100 || cH < cL) {
299  JSWARN << "Wrong centrality cuts! To be terminated.";
300  exit(-1);
301  }
302  // These are all the parameters that could change the shape of centrality tables
303  // Normalization prefactor parameter is factorized
304  // They form a table header
305  trento::Collider another_collider(var_map);
306  double beamE = var_map["beam-energy"].as<double>();
307  double xsection = var_map["cross-section"].as<double>();
308  double pvalue = var_map["reduced-thickness"].as<double>();
309  double fluct = var_map["fluctuation"].as<double>();
310  double nuclw = var_map["nucleon-width"].as<double>();
311  double dmin = var_map["nucleon-min-dist"].as<double>();
312  char buffer[512];
313  std::sprintf(buffer, "%s-%s-E-%1.0f-X-%1.2f-p-%1.2f-k-%1.2f-w-%1.2f-d-%1.2f",
314  proj.c_str(), targ.c_str(), beamE, xsection, pvalue, fluct,
315  nuclw, dmin);
316  std::string header(buffer);
317  JSINFO << "TRENTO centrality table header: " << header;
318  // Create headering string hash tage for these parameter combination
319  // Use this tag as a unique table filename for this specific parameter set
320  std::hash<std::string> hash_function;
321  size_t header_hash = hash_function(header);
322  JSINFO << "Hash tag for this header: " << header_hash;
323  // create dir incase it does not exist
324  std::system("mkdir -p ./trento_data");
325  char filename[512];
326  std::sprintf(filename, "./trento_data/%zu", header_hash);
327  // Step1: check it a table exist
328  std::ifstream infile(filename);
329  double Etab[101];
330  double buff1, buff2;
332  if (infile.good()) {
333  JSINFO << "The required centrality table exists. Load the table.";
334  int i = 0;
335  while (std::getline(infile, line)) {
336  if (line[0] != '#') {
337  std::istringstream iss(line);
338  iss >> buff1 >> buff2 >> Etab[i];
339  i++;
340  }
341  }
342  infile.close();
343  } else {
344  JSINFO << "TRENTo is generating new centrality table for this new "
345  "parameter set";
346  JSINFO << "It may take 10(s) to 1(min).";
348  another_collider.run_events();
349  // Get all records and sort according to totoal energy
350  auto event_records = another_collider.all_records();
351  std::sort(event_records.begin(), event_records.end(), compare_E);
352  // write centrality table
353  int nstep = std::ceil(event_records.size() / 100);
354  std::ofstream fout(filename);
355  fout << "#\tproj\ttarj\tsqrts\tx\tp\tk\tw\td\n"
356  << "#\t" << proj << "\t" << targ << "\t" << beamE << "\t" << xsection
357  << "\t" << pvalue << "\t" << fluct << "\t" << nuclw << "\t" << dmin
358  << "\n"
359  << "#\tcen_L\tcen_H\tun-normalized total density\n";
360  Etab[0] = 1e10;
361  for (int i = 1; i < 100; i += 1) {
362  auto ee = event_records[i * nstep];
363  fout << i - 1 << "\t" << i << "\t" << ee.mult << std::endl;
364  Etab[i] = ee.mult;
365  }
366  auto ee = event_records.back();
367  fout << 99 << "\t" << 100 << "\t" << ee.mult << std::endl;
368  Etab[100] = ee.mult;
369  fout.close();
370  }
371  JSINFO << "#########" << Etab[cL] << " " << Etab[cH];
372  return std::make_pair(Etab[cL], Etab[cH]);
373 }
376  JSINFO << " Exec TRENTo initial condition ";
377  TrentoGen_->run_events();
379  JSINFO << " TRENTo event info: ";
380  auto tmp_event = TrentoGen_->expose_event();
381  info_.impact_parameter = TrentoGen_->all_records().back().b;
382  info_.num_participant = tmp_event.npart();
383  info_.num_binary_collisions = tmp_event.ncoll();
384  info_.total_entropy = tmp_event.multiplicity();
385  info_.ecc = tmp_event.eccentricity();
386  info_.psi = tmp_event.participant_plane();
387  info_.xmid =
388  -GetXMax() + tmp_event.mass_center_index().first * tmp_event.dxy();
389  info_.ymid =
390  -GetYMax() + tmp_event.mass_center_index().second * tmp_event.dxy();
391  JSINFO << "b\tnpart\tncoll\tET\t(x-com, y-com) (fm)";
392  JSINFO << info_.impact_parameter << "\t" << info_.num_participant << "\t"
393  << info_.num_binary_collisions << "\t" << info_.total_entropy << "\t"
394  << "(" << info_.xmid << ", " << info_.ymid << ")";
396  JSINFO << " Load TRENTo density and ncoll density to JETSCAPE memory ";
397  auto density_field = tmp_event.density_grid();
398  auto ncoll_field = tmp_event.TAB_grid();
399  JSINFO << density_field.num_elements() << " density elements";
400  for (int i = 0; i < density_field.num_elements(); i++) {
401  entropy_density_distribution_.push_back([i]);
402  }
403  JSINFO << ncoll_field.num_elements() << " ncoll elements";
404  for (int i = 0; i < ncoll_field.num_elements(); i++) {
405  num_of_binary_collisions_.push_back([i]);
406  }
407  JSINFO << " TRENTO event generated and loaded ";
408 }
411  VERBOSE(2) << " : Finish creating initial condition ";
414 }
416 } // end namespace Jetscape