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Go to the documentation of this file. Or view the newest version in sPHENIX GitHub for file EpFinder.h
1 #ifndef _EpFinder
2 #define _EpFinder
4 class TVector3;
5 class TFile;
6 class TProfile;
7 class TProfile2D;
9 #include "TH2D.h"
10 #include "TVector3.h"
11 #include "EpInfo.h"
12 #include <vector>
13 #include <utility>
15 /*************************************
16  * \author Mike Lisa
17  * \date 23 June 2018
18  *
19  * adjusted for sPHENIX by J. Lajoie
20  * 24 August 2019
21  *
22  * \description:
23  * Finds the Event Plane (EP) and EP-related quantities.
24  * Also creates correction files and applies them.
25  * Also calculates resolution
26  *
27  * There is a lot of EP-related information. Raw, phi-weighted, shifted, etc.
28  * 1st, 2nd, nth order. Q-vector and Psi. Even if the user does not request
29  * all of these things, it is convenient and not so wasteful to simply calculate
30  * them all at once. Therefore, the user is presented with a large object of
31  * type StEpdEpInfo. This avoids "calculate-it-on-the-fly" which can be wasteful
32  * if the user requests more than one thing, as well as "has-it-already-been-calculated?"
33  * ambiguities.
34  *
35  * A word about "EventType": the correction factors and other things about the event
36  * plane can depend on centrality, vertex position, etc. This code will apply the
37  * corrections separately for different "EventTypes". It is up to the user to decide
38  * what this denotes. All I care about is that when you send me an event, you tell
39  * me the EventTypeId, which is just an integer. The rest is up to you (as it should be :).
40  * For many (most?) people, this will just be a centrality index.
41  *
42  * This class will do "phi-weighting" and "shifting" corrections, but it needs
43  * some information to do it. It will generate such information itself, but
44  * here is what you need to do, if you are starting from scratch:
45  * 1) With whatever multiplicity/Vz/whatever event cuts you are going to analyze, and
46  * on whatever dataset, run your code that calls this class. This will produce
47  * a file called EpFinderCorrectionHistograms_OUTPUT.root in the cwd.
48  * --> mv EpFinderCorrectionHistograms_OUTPUT.root EpFinderCorrectionHistos_INPUT.root
49  * That takes care of the Phi-weighting
50  * 2) Repeat the above step (including the rename of the file, overwriting the old one).
51  * That takes care of the shifting weights.
52  * 3) You are good to go.
53  *
54  *
55  * ------------------------------------------
56  * This class creates some histograms and uses some histograms. Since I use GetBinContent()
57  * to extract values from the histograms, the binning is important. I try to keep things
58  * consistent, but let me explain.
59  *
60  * 1) Phi Weighting. Used by EpFinder and created by EpFinder.
61  * This code creates a histogram with the root name
62  * "PhiWeight"
63  * x-axis and y-axis are USER DEFINED IN THE EpFinder constructor.
64  * The user has no direct interaction with this histogram.
65  *
66  * 2) Shifting correction. Used by EpFinder and created by EpFinder.
67  * This implements equation (6) of arxiv:nucl-ex/9805001
68  * The histogram names are
69  * - Form("EpdShiftdPsi%d_sin",ew,order)
70  * - Form("EpdShiftdPsi%d_cos",ew,order)
71  * - Form("EpdShiftFullEventPsi%d_sin",order)
72  * - Form("EpdShiftFullEventPsi%d_cos",order)
73  * In these histograms, order is "n" (as in n=2 for second-order EP)
74  * x-axis is "i" from equation (6) above. As in <cos(n*i*Psi_n)>
75  * There are _EpTermsMax bins running from 0.5 to _EPtermsMax+0.5, so there should be no confusion with this axis.
76  * y-axis is EventTypeId, the *user-defined* EventType bin number.
77  *--------->>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> And at this point I must make a demand of the user <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
78  * When the user instantiates an EpFinder object, he specifies nEventTypeBins, the number of EventType bins he will use.
79  * >>>> The user MUST number these bins 0,1,2,3,4,...(nEventTypeBins-1) when he interacts with this class <<<<
80  * (If he wants to use a different convention in his code, that's fine, but when talking to EpFinder, use 0..(nEventTypeBins-1)
81  * The y-axis then has nEventTypeBins bins, going from -0.5 to nEventTypeBins-0.5
82  *
83  *************************************/
85 #define _EpTermsMax 6
87 // This is the structure for passing hit information into EpFinder:
88 // nMip : hit weight (energy of number of MIPs, etc.)
89 // ix : detector index in x (user defined)
90 // iy : detector index in y (user defined)
91 // samePhi : pointer is vector of index (ix,iy) pairs for decetor elements in the same phi bin as this hit (NULL is OK)
92 //
93 // ix, iy are USER DEFINED and their range is set in the EpFinder constructor. ix,iy and samePhi are used in the phi weighting correction determination.
95 typedef struct{
97  float nMip;
98  double phi;
99  int ix;
100  int iy;
101  std::vector<std::pair<int,int>> *samePhi;
103 } EpHit;
106 class EpFinder{
107  public:
115  EpFinder(int nEventTypeBins=10, char const* OutFileName="EpFinderCorrectionHistograms_OUTPUT.root", char const* CorrectionFileName="EpFinderCorrectionHistograms_INPUT.root",
116  int pbinsx=1, int pbinsy=1);
117  ~EpFinder(){/* no-op */};
122  void SetnMipThreshold(double thresh){mThresh=thresh;};
127  void SetMaxTileWeight(double MAX){mMax=MAX;};
131  void Finish();
138  EpInfo Results(std::vector<EpHit> *EpdHits, int EventTypeID);
144  TString Report();
147  private:
149  bool OrderOutsideRange(int order); // just makes sure order is between 1 and _EpOrderMax
151  double GetPsiInRange(double Qx, double Qy, int order);
153  int mNumberOfEventTypeBins; // user-defined. Default is 10. Used for correction histograms
155  // tile weight = (0 if ADC< thresh), (MAX if ADC>MAX); (ADC otherwise).
156  double mThresh; // default is 0.3
157  double mMax; // default is 2.0
159  TProfile* mAveCosDeltaPsi[_EpOrderMax]; // average of cos(Psi_{East,n}-Psi_{West,n}) using phi-weighted and shifted EPs
164  // these are shift correction factors that we MAKE now and write out
167  // these are shift correction factors that we made before, and USE now
170  // these are the phi weights
175 };
177 #endif