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2 #include "TrkrClusterIsMatcher.h"
3 #include "ClusKeyIter.h"
17 #include <trackbase/TpcDefs.h>
18 #include <trackbase/TrkrCluster.h>
20 #include <trackbase/TrkrDefs.h>
27 #include <phool/PHCompositeNode.h>
28 #include <phool/PHDataNode.h> // for PHDataNode
29 #include <phool/PHIODataNode.h>
30 #include <phool/PHNode.h> // for PHNode
31 #include <phool/PHNodeIterator.h>
32 #include <phool/PHObject.h> // for PHObject
33 #include <phool/PHRandomSeed.h>
34 #include <phool/getClass.h>
35 #include <phool/phool.h> // for PHWHERE
37 #include <TFile.h>
38 #include <TSystem.h>
39 #include <TTree.h>
41 #include <algorithm>
43 // To change:
44 // Make the definition of matching clusters to be if the truth cluster center is withing 1/2 of width of the reco track center
47  TrkrClusterIsMatcher* _ismatcher
48  , const unsigned short _nmincluster_match
49  , const float _nmincluster_ratio
50  , const float _cutoff_dphi
51  , const float _same_dphi
52  , const float _cutoff_deta
53  , const float _same_deta
54  , const unsigned short _max_nreco_per_truth
55  , const unsigned short _max_ntruth_per_reco)
56  : m_ismatcher { _ismatcher }
57  , m_nmincluster_match{_nmincluster_match} // minimum number of clusters to match, default=4
58  , m_nmincluster_ratio{_nmincluster_ratio} // minimum ratio to match a track, default=0.
59  // -- Track Kinematic Cuts to match --
60  , m_cutoff_dphi{_cutoff_dphi} // maximum |dphi|=|phi_reco-phi_truth| to search for match
61  , m_same_dphi{_same_dphi} // all tracks in this |dphi| must be tested for matches
62  , m_cutoff_deta{_cutoff_deta} // same as m_cutoff_dphi for deta
63  , m_same_deta{_same_deta} // same as m_same_dphi for deta
64  // cluster matching widths ()
65  // number of truth tracks allowed matched per reco track, and v. versa
66  , m_max_nreco_per_truth{_max_nreco_per_truth}
67  , m_max_ntruth_per_reco{_max_ntruth_per_reco}
68 {
69  m_TCEval.ismatcher = m_ismatcher;
70  if (Verbosity() > 50)
71  {
72  std::cout << " Starting " << std::endl;
73  }
74 }
77 {
78  if (Verbosity() > 10)
79  {
80  topNode->print();
81  }
82  auto init_status = m_ismatcher->init(topNode);
83  if (init_status == Fun4AllReturnCodes::ABORTRUN)
84  {
85  return init_status;
86  }
89  {
91  }
95 }
98 {
99  if (topnode == nullptr)
100  {
102  }
103  if (Verbosity() > 1000)
104  {
105  topnode->print(); // perhaps not needed
106  }
108  m_nmatched_index_true.clear();
110  // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
111  // Build recoData
112  // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
114  // recoData is a vector of tuples that acts like a table with four columns,
115  // with one entry each of n tracks:
116  // (0)::float (1)::float (2)::float (3)::short
117  // phi-0 eta-0 pT-0 index-0
118  // phi-1 eta-1 pT-1 index-1
119  // phi-2 eta-2 pT-2 index-2
120  // ... ... ... ...
121  // phi-n-2 eta-n-2 pT-n-2 index-n-2
122  // phi-n-1 eta-n-1 pT-n-1 index-n-1
123  // phi-n eta-n pT-n index-n
124  if (Verbosity() > 60)
125  {
126  std::cout << "reco tracks size: " << m_SvtxTrackMap->size() << std::endl;
127  }
129  recoData.clear();
131  for (auto& reco : *m_SvtxTrackMap)
132  {
133  auto index_reco = reco.first;
134  auto track = reco.second;
135  recoData.push_back({track->get_phi(), track->get_eta(), track->get_pt(), index_reco});
136  }
137  // sort the recoData table by phi
138  std::sort(recoData.begin(), recoData.end(), CompRECOtoPhi());
140  // phi will be sorted by proximity in the table, so re-add the first entries to the
141  // end of the table so that they can be compared against the phi across the
142  // circular boundary condition. This makes the table potentially look like:
143  // (0)::float (1)::float (2)::float (3)::short
144  // phi-0 eta-0 pT-0 index-0
145  // phi-1 eta-1 pT-1 index-1
146  // phi-2 eta-2 pT-2 index-2
147  // ... ... ... ...
148  // phi-n-2 eta-n-2 pT-n-2 index-n-2
149  // phi-n-1 eta-n-1 pT-n-1 index-n-1
150  // phi-n eta-n pT-n index-n
151  // phi-0 eta-0 pT-0 index-0 // <- values wrapped from the lowest phi values
152  // phi-1 eta-1 pT-1 index-1 // <-
153  RECOvec wraps{};
154  auto wrap_from_start = std::upper_bound(recoData.begin(),
155  recoData.end(), (-M_PI + m_cutoff_dphi), CompRECOtoPhi());
156  for (auto iter = recoData.begin(); iter != wrap_from_start; ++iter)
157  {
158  auto entry = *iter; // make a new copy to wrap to the other side of recoData
159  std::get<RECOphi>(entry) = std::get<RECOphi>(entry) + 2 * M_PI; // put the new copy on the other end
160  wraps.push_back(entry);
161  }
162  for (auto E : wraps)
163  {
164  recoData.push_back(E);
165  }
167  if (Verbosity() > 70)
168  {
169  std::cout << " ****************************************** " << std::endl;
170  std::cout << " This is the RECO map of tracks to match to " << std::endl;
171  std::cout << " ****************************************** " << std::endl;
172  for (auto& E : recoData)
173  {
174  std::cout << Form(" id:%2i (phi:eta:pt) (%5.2f:%5.2f:%5.2f)", std::get<RECOid>(E),
175  std::get<RECOphi>(E), std::get<RECOeta>(E), std::get<RECOpt>(E))
176  << std::endl;
177  }
178  std::cout << " ****end*listing*********************** " << std::endl;
179  }
181  /******************************************************************************
182  * Loop through the truth tracks one at a time. Based on track phi, eta, and pT
183  * build two indices of truth-to-reco pairs:
184  * innerbox_pairs: pairs of truth-to-reco tracks within same_d{phi,eta}
185  * i.e. |phi_true-phi_reco|<same_dphi && |eta_true-eta_reco|<same_deta).
186  * These are the "innerboxes" (retangles in phi and eta space).
187  * All of these pairs will have to be checked for matching tracks, and the
188  * best fits will be removed first.
189  * outerbox_pairs: these are wider boxes (sized by cutoff_d{phi,eta})
190  * These are possible matches that are only checked for tracks remaining
191  * after the innerbox_pairs are checked and matches made.
192  ******************************************************************************/
194  std::vector<std::pair<unsigned short, unsigned short>> outerbox_pairs{};
195  std::vector<std::pair<unsigned short, unsigned short>> innerbox_pairs{};
197  if (topnode == nullptr)
198  {
200  }
201  if (Verbosity() > 70)
202  {
203  std::cout << "Number of truth tracks: " << m_TrkrTruthTrackContainer->getMap().size() << std::endl;
204  for (auto& _pair : m_TrkrTruthTrackContainer->getMap())
205  {
206  auto& track = _pair.second;
207  std::cout << Form(" id:%2i (phi:eta:pt) (%5.2f:%5.2f:%5.2f nclus: %i)", track->getTrackid(),
208  track->getPhi(), track->getPseudoRapidity(), track->getPt(),
209  (int) track->getClusters().size())
210  << std::endl;
211  }
212  std::cout << " ----end-listing-truth-tracks---------- " << std::endl;
213  }
215  for (auto _pair : m_TrkrTruthTrackContainer->getMap())
216  {
217  auto id_true = _pair.first;
218  auto track = _pair.second;
220  auto match_indices = find_box_matches(track->getPhi(),
221  track->getPseudoRapidity(), track->getPt());
223  // keep track of all truth tracks (by track-id) which has been matched
224  for (auto& id_reco : match_indices.first)
225  {
226  innerbox_pairs.emplace_back(id_true, id_reco);
227  }
228  for (auto& id_reco : match_indices.second)
229  {
230  outerbox_pairs.emplace_back(id_true, id_reco);
231  }
233  if (Verbosity() > 80)
234  {
235  std::cout << Form(" T(%i) find box(%5.2f:%5.2f:%5.2f)",
236  (int) track->getTrackid(), track->getPhi(),
237  track->getPseudoRapidity(), track->getPt());
238  for (auto& id_reco : match_indices.first)
239  {
240  std::cout << "->IB(" << id_reco << ")";
241  }
242  for (auto& id_reco : match_indices.second)
243  {
244  std::cout << "->OB(" << id_reco << ")";
245  }
246  std::cout << std::endl;
247  }
248  }
250  if (Verbosity() > 100)
251  {
252  std::cout << "Innerbox pairs" << std::endl;
253  }
254  match_tracks_in_box(innerbox_pairs);
255  if (Verbosity() > 100)
256  {
257  std::cout << "Outerbox pairs" << std::endl;
258  }
259  match_tracks_in_box(outerbox_pairs);
261  // fill the list of all truth track ids that are not matched
262  for (auto _pair : m_TrkrTruthTrackContainer->getMap())
263  {
264  auto id_true = _pair.first;
266  }
268  if (Verbosity() > 50)
269  {
270  std::cout << " --START--print-all-stored-matches--" << std::endl;
271  std::cout << " --0-- Printing all matches stored (start)" << std::endl;
272  // re-print all the tracks with the matches with the fit values
273  for (auto match : m_EmbRecoMatchContainer->getMatches())
274  {
275  std::cout << Form(" Match id(%2i->%2i) nClusMatch-nClusTrue-nClusReco (%2i:%2i:%2i)",
276  match->idTruthTrack(), match->idRecoTrack(),
277  match->nClustersMatched(), match->nClustersTruth(), match->nClustersReco())
278  << std::endl;
279  }
280  std::cout << " --END--print-all-stored-matches----" << std::endl;
281  }
283  if (m_write_diag)
284  {
285  fill_tree();
286  }
289 }
292 {
293  TFile* s_current = gDirectory->GetFile();
294  if (m_write_diag)
295  {
296  m_diag_file->cd();
297  /* G4Eval::write_StringToTFile( */
298  /* "trk_match_sel", */
299  /* Form(" Matching criteria:\n" */
300  /* " min. clusters to match: %i\n" */
301  /* " min. clust. match ratio: %4.2f" */
302  /* " dphi small window: %4.2f" */
303  /* " dphi large windows: %4.2f" */
304  /* " deta small window: %4.2f" */
305  /* " deta large window: %4.2f" */
306  /* " nmax phg4 matches per svtx: %i" */
307  /* " nmax svtx matches per phg4: %i", */
308  /* m_nmincluster_match, m_nmincluster_ratio, m_same_dphi, m_cutoff_dphi, m_same_deta, m_cutoff_deta, m_max_ntruth_per_reco, m_max_nreco_per_truth)); */
309  m_diag_tree->Write();
310  m_diag_file->Save();
311  m_diag_file->Close();
312  if (s_current != nullptr)
313  {
314  s_current->cd();
315  }
316  }
319 }
321 //--------------------------------------------------
322 // Internal functions
323 //--------------------------------------------------
326 {
327  PHNodeIterator iter(topNode);
328  PHCompositeNode* dstNode = dynamic_cast<PHCompositeNode*>(iter.findFirst("PHCompositeNode", "DST"));
329  if (!dstNode)
330  {
331  std::cout << PHWHERE << "DST Node missing, doing nothing." << std::endl;
332  exit(1);
333  }
335  // Initiailize the modules
336  m_PHG4TruthInfoContainer = findNode::getClass<PHG4TruthInfoContainer>(topNode, "G4TruthInfo");
338  {
339  std::cout << "Could not locate G4TruthInfo node when running "
340  << "\"TruthRecoTrackMatching\" module." << std::endl;
342  }
344  m_SvtxTrackMap = findNode::getClass<SvtxTrackMap>(topNode, "SvtxTrackMap");
345  if (!m_SvtxTrackMap)
346  {
347  std::cout << "Could not locate SvtxTrackMap node when running "
348  << "\"TruthRecoTrackMatching\" module." << std::endl;
350  }
352  m_TruthClusterContainer = findNode::getClass<TrkrClusterContainer>(topNode,
355  {
356  std::cout << "Could not locate TRKR_TRUTHCLUSTERCONTAINER node when "
357  << "running \"TruthRecoTrackMatching\" module." << std::endl;
359  }
361  m_RecoClusterContainer = findNode::getClass<TrkrClusterContainer>(topNode, "TRKR_CLUSTER");
363  {
364  std::cout << "Could not locate TRKR_CLUSTER node when running "
365  << "\"TruthRecoTrackMatching\" module." << std::endl;
367  }
369  m_TrkrTruthTrackContainer = findNode::getClass<TrkrTruthTrackContainer>(topNode,
372  {
373  std::cout << "Could not locate TRKR_TRUTHTRACKCONTAINER node when "
374  << "running \"TruthRecoTrackMatching\" module." << std::endl;
376  }
379  findNode::getClass<PHG4TpcCylinderGeomContainer>(topNode, "CYLINDERCELLGEOM_SVTX");
381  {
382  std::cout << "Could not locate CYLINDERCELLGEOM_SVTX node when "
383  << "running \"TruthRecoTrackMatching\" module." << std::endl;
384  /* std::cout << PHWHERE << "ERROR: Can't find node CYLINDERCELLGEOM_SVTX" << std::endl; */
386  }
388  // note that layers 0-6, and > 55, don't work
389  /* for (int layer=7; layer<55; ++layer) { */
390  /* PHG4TpcCylinderGeom *layergeom = m_PHG4TpcCylinderGeomContainer->GetLayerCellGeom(layer); */
391  /* if (layer==7) m_zstep = layergeom->get_zstep(); */
392  /* m_phistep[layer] = layergeom->get_phistep(); */
393  /* } */
394  m_EmbRecoMatchContainer = findNode::getClass<EmbRecoMatchContainer>(topNode,
397  {
398  PHNodeIterator dstiter(dstNode);
400  auto DetNode = dynamic_cast<PHCompositeNode*>(dstiter.findFirst("PHCompositeNode", "TRKR"));
401  if (!DetNode)
402  {
403  DetNode = new PHCompositeNode("TRKR");
404  dstNode->addNode(DetNode);
405  }
410  DetNode->addNode(newNode);
411  }
413  m_ActsGeometry = findNode::getClass<ActsGeometry>(topNode, "ActsGeometry");
416 }
418 std::pair<std::vector<unsigned short>, std::vector<unsigned short>>
419 TruthRecoTrackMatching::find_box_matches(float truth_phi, float truth_eta, float truth_pt)
420 {
421  // sort through the recoData to find:
422  // inner_box : possible matches withing m_same_d{phi,eta,pt}
423  // outer_box : (assumed to be strictly larger than, and therefore contain, inner_box, in m_cutoff_d{phi, eta,pt}
424  // recoData is already sorted by eta, but as the boxes "zoom in" on acceptable matches, it gets
425  // sorted by eta and (if applicable) pT as well. `mix_pair` keeps track of the range of recoData that has
426  // been sorted so that it can be resorted to phi order.
427  RECO_pair_iter mix_pair{recoData.begin(), recoData.end()};
429  mix_pair.first = std::lower_bound(mix_pair.first, mix_pair.second,
430  truth_phi - m_cutoff_dphi, CompRECOtoPhi());
432  mix_pair.second = std::upper_bound(mix_pair.first, mix_pair.second,
433  truth_phi + m_cutoff_dphi, CompRECOtoPhi());
435  if (mix_pair.first == mix_pair.second)
436  {
437  // there are no possible phi_matches; return nothing
438  return {{}, {}};
439  }
441  // There are tracks within the outer_box phi range;
442  // now re-shuffle the phi outerbox range for eta and see if there
443  // are tracks in outer_box-eta range
444  std::sort(mix_pair.first, mix_pair.second, CompRECOtoEta());
446  RECO_pair_iter outer_box = mix_pair;
447  outer_box.first = std::lower_bound(mix_pair.first, mix_pair.second,
448  truth_eta - m_cutoff_deta, CompRECOtoEta());
450  outer_box.second = std::lower_bound(outer_box.first, outer_box.second,
451  truth_eta + m_cutoff_deta, CompRECOtoEta());
453  if (outer_box.first == outer_box.second)
454  {
455  // there are no eta_matches in outerbox; resort mix_pair and return nothing
456  std::sort(mix_pair.first, mix_pair.second, CompRECOtoPhi());
457  return {{}, {}};
458  }
460  // if pt is specified, restrict pt_box to the given range
461  RECO_pair_iter inner_box = outer_box;
462  const float _delta_outer_pt = delta_outer_pt(truth_pt);
463  const float _delta_inner_pt = delta_inner_pt(truth_pt);
464  if (_delta_outer_pt > 0)
465  {
466  std::sort(outer_box.first, outer_box.second, CompRECOtoPt());
467  outer_box.first = std::lower_bound(outer_box.first, outer_box.second, truth_pt - _delta_outer_pt, CompRECOtoPt());
468  outer_box.second = std::upper_bound(outer_box.first, outer_box.second, truth_pt + _delta_outer_pt, CompRECOtoPt());
470  // if not outer_box, resort and return nothing
471  if (outer_box.first == outer_box.second)
472  {
473  // there are no eta_matches in outerbox; resort mix_pair and return nothing
474  std::sort(mix_pair.first, mix_pair.second, CompRECOtoPhi());
475  return {{}, {}};
476  }
478  // now calculate the inner box -- this time sorting in reverse -- pT, then eta, then phi
479  inner_box = outer_box;
480  if (_delta_inner_pt > 0)
481  {
482  // start the inner pair -- the outerbox is already sorted by pT
483  inner_box.first = std::lower_bound(inner_box.first,
484  inner_box.second, truth_pt - _delta_inner_pt, CompRECOtoPt());
485  inner_box.second = std::upper_bound(inner_box.first,
486  inner_box.second, truth_pt + _delta_inner_pt, CompRECOtoPt());
487  }
489  // go back to sorted by eta
490  std::sort(inner_box.first, inner_box.second, CompRECOtoEta());
491  }
493  // At this point we know that we have outer_box matches
494  // Finish checking if there are any possible inner_box matches
496  // check for inner_box eta matches
497  if (inner_box.first != inner_box.second)
498  {
499  inner_box.first = std::lower_bound(inner_box.first, inner_box.second,
500  truth_eta - m_same_deta, CompRECOtoEta());
502  inner_box.second = std::lower_bound(inner_box.first, inner_box.second,
503  truth_eta + m_same_deta, CompRECOtoEta());
504  }
506  // check for inner_box phi matches
507  if (inner_box.first != inner_box.second)
508  {
509  std::sort(inner_box.first, inner_box.second, CompRECOtoPhi());
511  inner_box.first = std::lower_bound(inner_box.first, inner_box.second,
512  truth_phi - m_same_dphi, CompRECOtoPhi());
514  inner_box.second = std::lower_bound(inner_box.first, inner_box.second,
515  truth_phi + m_same_dphi, CompRECOtoPhi());
516  }
518  // At this point there are definitely outer_box matches, and
519  // possible inner_box matches.
520  // Return all these possible matches, evaluating all inner_box_matches
521  std::vector<unsigned short> inner_box_matches, outer_box_matches;
523  // fill inner_box_matches
524  for (auto iter = inner_box.first; iter != inner_box.second; ++iter)
525  {
526  inner_box_matches.push_back(std::get<RECOid>(*iter));
527  }
528  // fill inner_box_matches
529  for (auto iter = outer_box.first; iter != inner_box.first; ++iter)
530  {
531  outer_box_matches.push_back(std::get<RECOid>(*iter));
532  }
533  for (auto iter = inner_box.second; iter != outer_box.second; ++iter)
534  {
535  outer_box_matches.push_back(std::get<RECOid>(*iter));
536  }
538  // resort recoData back to phi order
539  std::sort(mix_pair.first, mix_pair.second, CompRECOtoPhi());
541  // return the box matches
542  return std::make_pair(inner_box_matches, outer_box_matches);
543 }
546  std::vector<std::pair<unsigned short, unsigned short>>& box_pairs // possible matches by proximity in eta, phi, pT
547 )
548 {
549  if (box_pairs.size() == 0)
550  {
551  return;
552  }
554  std::sort(box_pairs.begin(), box_pairs.end()); // sorted by first index_true, then id_reco
555  std::vector<PossibleMatch> poss_matches;
557  auto ipair = box_pairs.begin(); // save current examined pair for sorting/unsorting purposes
558  while (ipair != box_pairs.end())
559  {
560  auto id_true = ipair->first;
562  // See if this track already has the maximum number of matches. If it does, then skip all pairs using this truth-track-index;
563  if (at_nmax_index_true(id_true))
564  {
565  while (ipair != box_pairs.end())
566  {
567  ++ipair;
568  if (ipair->first != id_true)
569  {
570  break;
571  }
572  }
573  continue;
574  }
576  // make all possible reco matches matched for this track
577  /* std::map<TrkrDefs::hitsetkey,TrkrDefs::cluskey> truth_keys; */
579  // add the truth keys into the track counter
580  /* auto truth_track = m_TrkrTruthTrackContainer->getTruthTrack(id_true); */
581  /* for (auto& key : truth_track->getClusters()) { */
582  /* truth_keys[TrkrDefs::getHitSetKeyFromClusKey(key)] = key; */
583  /* } */
584  /* unsigned short nclus_true = truth_keys.size(); */
586  while (ipair != box_pairs.end())
587  { // Loop over all possible matches only for this index_true
588  //(subsequent true tracks will be caught on following loops)
589  if (ipair->first != id_true)
590  {
591  break; // never true on first iteration
592  }
593  if (at_nmax_id_reco(ipair->second))
594  {
595  ++ipair;
596  continue;
597  } // make sure the reco-track isn't alread matched
598  // ok, make a possible match: compare the clusters in the truth track and the reco track
599  SvtxTrack* reco_track = m_SvtxTrackMap->get(ipair->second);
600  m_TCEval.addClusKeys(reco_track);
603  /* unsigned short nclus_match = 0; // fill in the comparison loop */
604  /* unsigned short nclus_nomatch = 0; // number of reco and truth cluster
605  * // that share a hitsetkey, but still fair matching criteria */
606  /* unsigned short nclus_reco = 0; // count in the comparison loop */
607  // do the comparison of the tracks
608  /* for (auto reco_ckey : G4Eval::ClusKeyIter(reco_track)) { */
609  /* ++nclus_reco; */
610  /* auto hitsetkey = TrkrDefs::getHitSetKeyFromClusKey(reco_ckey); */
611  /* if (truth_keys.count(hitsetkey) != 0) { */
612  /* // reco and truth cluster are in same hitsetkey-indexed subsurface. */
613  /* // See if they match (++nclus_match) or not (++nclus_nomatch) */
614  /* if (m_cluster_comp(truth_keys[hitsetkey], reco_ckey).first) { */
615  /* ++nclus_match; */
616  /* } else { */
617  /* ++nclus_nomatch; */
618  /* } */
619  /* } */
620  /* } */
621  unsigned short nclus_match = m_TCEval.phg4_n_matched();
622  unsigned short nclus_true = m_TCEval.phg4_nclus();
623  unsigned short nclus_reco = m_TCEval.svtx_nclus();
624  unsigned short nclus_nomatch = (int) (m_TCEval.svtx_keys.size() - nclus_match);
626  if (Verbosity() > 100)
627  {
628  auto truth_track = m_TrkrTruthTrackContainer->getTruthTrack(id_true);
629  std::cout << Form(
630  "possmatch:(phi,eta,pT:id) true(%5.2f,%5.2f,%4.2f:%2i) reco(%5.2f,%5.2f,%4.2f:%2i) "
631  "nCl(match:true:reco:nomatch)(%2i-%2i-%2i-%2i)",
632  truth_track->getPhi(), truth_track->getPseudoRapidity(), truth_track->getPt(),
633  (int) truth_track->getTrackid(),
634  reco_track->get_phi(), reco_track->get_eta(), reco_track->get_pt(),
635  ipair->second,
636  (int) nclus_match, (int) nclus_true, (int) nclus_reco, (int) nclus_nomatch)
637  << std::endl;
638  }
639  if (nclus_match >= m_nmincluster_match && (static_cast<float>(nclus_match) / nclus_true >= m_nmincluster_ratio))
640  {
641  poss_matches.push_back(
642  {nclus_match, nclus_true, nclus_reco,
643  ipair->first, ipair->second});
644  }
645  ++ipair;
646  }
647  }
649  // add all possible matches started for the largest PM_nmatch (the top)
650  // for groups of ties of PM_nmatch, sort by PM_ntrue (from smallest)
651  // for groups of ties (PM_nmatch, PM_ntrue), go by smallest PM_nreco
652  // for groups of ties (PM_nmatch, PM_ntrue, PM_nreco), do a detailed sum diff in the deltas
653  std::sort(poss_matches.begin(), poss_matches.end(), SortPossibleMatch());
655  if (Verbosity() > 200)
656  {
657  std::cout << " All chosen possible matches (" << poss_matches.size() << ") track pairs (nClMatched-nClTrue-nClReco : idTrue-idReco)" << std::endl;
658  int i{0};
659  for (auto match : poss_matches)
660  {
661  /* auto truth_track = m_TrkrTruthTrackContainer->getTruthTracks()[std::get<PM_idtrue>(match)]; */
662  /* auto index_trut = truth_track->getTrackid(); */
663  std::cout << Form(" pair(%2i): %2i-%2i-%2i-<%2i>-%2i ", i++, (int) std::get<PM_nmatch>(match), (int) std::get<PM_ntrue>(match), (int) std::get<PM_nreco>(match), (int) std::get<PM_idtrue>(match), (int) std::get<PM_idreco>(match)) << std::endl;
664  }
665  }
667  /* std::set<int> matched_idreco, matched_idtrue; */
668  auto iter = poss_matches.begin();
669  while (iter != poss_matches.end())
670  {
671  if (skip_match(*iter))
672  {
673  ++iter;
674  continue;
675  }
676  std::vector<std::pair<float, int>> sigma_metric = {{0., 0}};
677  int n_sigma = 0;
678  auto iter_same = iter + 1; // iterator to look forward from first point and get detailed comparisons for all possibly matched tracks
679  while (
680  iter_same != poss_matches.end() && (*iter_same)[PM_nmatch] == (*iter)[PM_nmatch] && (*iter_same)[PM_ntrue] == (*iter)[PM_ntrue] && (*iter_same)[PM_nreco] == (*iter)[PM_nreco])
681  {
682  ++n_sigma;
683  if (n_sigma == 1)
684  {
685  sigma_metric[0].first = sigma_CompMatchClusters(*iter);
686  }
687  sigma_metric.emplace_back(sigma_CompMatchClusters(*iter_same), n_sigma);
688  ++iter_same;
689  }
690  std::sort(sigma_metric.begin(), sigma_metric.end());
692  bool first = true;
693  for (auto& sigma : sigma_metric)
694  {
695  if (first)
696  {
697  first = false;
698  }
699  else if (skip_match(*(iter + sigma.second)))
700  {
701  continue;
702  }
703  auto match = *(iter + sigma.second);
704  auto id_true = match[PM_idtrue];
705  auto id_reco = match[PM_idreco];
706  auto save_match = new EmbRecoMatchv1(id_true, id_reco,
707  match[PM_ntrue], match[PM_nreco], match[PM_nmatch]);
708  m_EmbRecoMatchContainer->addMatch(save_match);
710  if (m_nmatched_index_true.find(id_true) == m_nmatched_index_true.end())
711  {
712  m_nmatched_index_true[id_true] = 1;
713  }
714  else
715  {
716  m_nmatched_index_true[id_true] += 1;
717  }
718  }
719  iter += sigma_metric.size();
720  }
721 }
723 // ----------------------------------------
724 // convenience function
725 // ----------------------------------------
726 inline float TruthRecoTrackMatching::abs_dphi(float phi0, float phi1)
727 {
728  float dphi = std::fabs(phi0 - phi1);
729  while (dphi > M_PI)
730  {
731  dphi = std::fabs(dphi - 2 * M_PI);
732  }
733  return dphi;
734 }
737 {
738  auto id_true = match[PM_idtrue];
739  auto id_reco = match[PM_idreco];
742  m_TCEval.addClusKeys(m_SvtxTrackMap->get(id_reco));
746  int n_matched = m_TCEval.phg4_n_matched();
748  if (n_matched)
749  {
750  return std::numeric_limits<float>::max();
751  }
752  else
753  {
754  return m_TCEval.match_stat / n_matched;
755  }
756 }
757 /* auto truth_track = m_TrkrTruthTrackContainer->getTruthTrack(id_true); */
758 /* if (!truth_track) return std::numeric_limits<float>::max(); */
759 /* std::map<TrkrDefs::hitsetkey,TrkrDefs::cluskey> truth_keys; // truth cluster keys */
760 /* for (auto& key : truth_track->getClusters()) */
761 /* truth_keys[TrkrDefs::getHitSetKeyFromClusKey(key)] = key; */
763 /* SvtxTrack* reco_track = m_SvtxTrackMap->get(id_reco); */
764 /* if (!reco_track) return std::numeric_limits<float>::max(); */
766 /* auto tpcseed = reco_track->get_tpc_seed(); */
767 /* if (!tpcseed) return std::numeric_limits<float>::max(); */
769 /* double n_matches = 0.; // get the mean match values */
770 /* double sum_diff = 0.; */
772 /* for (auto reco_ckey : G4Eval::ClusKeyIter(reco_track)) { */
773 /* auto hitsetkey = TrkrDefs::getHitSetKeyFromClusKey(reco_ckey); */
774 /* if (truth_keys.count(hitsetkey) == 0) continue; */
775 /* auto comp_val = m_cluster_comp(truth_keys[hitsetkey], reco_ckey); */
777 /* if (comp_val.first) { */
778 /* n_matches += 1.; */
779 /* sum_diff += comp_val.second; */
780 /* } */
781 /* } */
782 /* return sum_diff/n_matches; */
783 /* } */
786 {
787  return at_nmax_id_reco(match[PM_idreco]) || at_nmax_index_true(match[PM_idreco]);
788 }
790 // ----------------------------------------------
791 // functions for permissible matching pt
792 // Currently not used, therefore tracks of any pT
793 // will be compared against each other.
794 // If wanted, will have to be updated with
795 // same values in the future.
796 // ----------------------------------------------
798 {
799  return -1. + pt * 0.; // 10. + 0.01*pt;
800 }
802 {
803  return -1. + pt * 0.; // 10. + 0.01*pt;
804 }
806 bool TruthRecoTrackMatching::at_nmax_index_true(unsigned short index_true)
807 {
808  if (m_nmatched_index_true.find(index_true) == m_nmatched_index_true.end())
809  {
810  return false;
811  }
812  return m_nmatched_index_true[index_true] >= m_max_nreco_per_truth;
813 }
815 bool TruthRecoTrackMatching::at_nmax_id_reco(unsigned short id_reco)
816 {
817  if (m_nmatched_id_reco->find(id_reco) == m_nmatched_id_reco->end())
818  {
819  return false;
820  }
821  return (*m_nmatched_id_reco)[id_reco] >= m_max_ntruth_per_reco;
822 }
825 {
826  m_write_diag = true;
827  TFile* s_current = gDirectory->GetFile();
828  m_diag_file = new TFile(file_name.c_str(), "recreate");
829  // write out the cuts on this set of data
830  m_diag_file->cd();
831  m_diag_tree = new TTree("T", "Tree of Reco and True Clusters");
833  m_diag_tree->Branch("event", &m_event);
835  m_diag_tree->Branch("trkid_reco_matched", &m_trkid_reco_matched);
836  m_diag_tree->Branch("itrk_reco_matched", &m_cnt_reco_matched);
837  m_diag_tree->Branch("i0_reco_matched", &m_i0_reco_matched);
838  m_diag_tree->Branch("i1_reco_matched", &m_i1_reco_matched);
839  m_diag_tree->Branch("layer_reco_matched", &m_layer_reco_matched);
840  m_diag_tree->Branch("x_reco_matched", &m_x_reco_matched);
841  m_diag_tree->Branch("y_reco_matched", &m_y_reco_matched);
842  m_diag_tree->Branch("z_reco_matched", &m_z_reco_matched);
844  m_diag_tree->Branch("trkid_reco_notmatched", &m_trkid_reco_notmatched);
845  m_diag_tree->Branch("itrk_reco_notmatched", &m_cnt_reco_notmatched);
846  m_diag_tree->Branch("i0_reco_notmatched", &m_i0_reco_notmatched);
847  m_diag_tree->Branch("i1_reco_notmatched", &m_i1_reco_notmatched);
848  m_diag_tree->Branch("layer_reco_notmatched", &m_layer_reco_notmatched);
849  m_diag_tree->Branch("x_reco_notmatched", &m_x_reco_notmatched);
850  m_diag_tree->Branch("y_reco_notmatched", &m_y_reco_notmatched);
851  m_diag_tree->Branch("z_reco_notmatched", &m_z_reco_notmatched);
853  m_diag_tree->Branch("trkid_true_matched", &m_trkid_true_matched);
854  m_diag_tree->Branch("itrk_true_matched", &m_cnt_true_matched);
855  m_diag_tree->Branch("i0_true_matched", &m_i0_true_matched);
856  m_diag_tree->Branch("i1_true_matched", &m_i1_true_matched);
857  m_diag_tree->Branch("layer_true_matched", &m_layer_true_matched);
858  m_diag_tree->Branch("x_true_matched", &m_x_true_matched);
859  m_diag_tree->Branch("y_true_matched", &m_y_true_matched);
860  m_diag_tree->Branch("z_true_matched", &m_z_true_matched);
862  m_diag_tree->Branch("trkid_true_notmatched", &m_trkid_true_notmatched);
863  m_diag_tree->Branch("itrk_true_notmatched", &m_cnt_true_notmatched);
864  m_diag_tree->Branch("i0_true_notmatched", &m_i0_true_notmatched);
865  m_diag_tree->Branch("i1_true_notmatched", &m_i1_true_notmatched);
866  m_diag_tree->Branch("layer_true_notmatched", &m_layer_true_notmatched);
867  m_diag_tree->Branch("x_true_notmatched", &m_x_true_notmatched);
868  m_diag_tree->Branch("y_true_notmatched", &m_y_true_notmatched);
869  m_diag_tree->Branch("z_true_notmatched", &m_z_true_notmatched);
871  if (s_current != nullptr)
872  {
873  s_current->cd();
874  }
875 }
878 {
879  m_trkid_reco_matched.clear();
880  m_i0_reco_matched.clear();
881  m_i1_reco_matched.clear();
882  m_layer_reco_matched.clear();
883  m_x_reco_matched.clear();
884  m_y_reco_matched.clear();
885  m_z_reco_matched.clear();
887  m_trkid_reco_notmatched.clear();
888  m_i0_reco_notmatched.clear();
889  m_i1_reco_notmatched.clear();
890  m_layer_reco_notmatched.clear();
891  m_x_reco_notmatched.clear();
892  m_y_reco_notmatched.clear();
893  m_z_reco_notmatched.clear();
895  m_trkid_true_matched.clear();
896  m_i0_true_matched.clear();
897  m_i1_true_matched.clear();
898  m_layer_true_matched.clear();
899  m_x_true_matched.clear();
900  m_y_true_matched.clear();
901  m_z_true_matched.clear();
903  m_trkid_true_notmatched.clear();
904  m_i0_true_notmatched.clear();
905  m_i1_true_notmatched.clear();
906  m_layer_true_notmatched.clear();
907  m_x_true_notmatched.clear();
908  m_y_true_notmatched.clear();
909  m_z_true_notmatched.clear();
910 }
913 {
914  // fill clusters or un-matched truth tracks
915  int cnt = 0;
916  int itrk = 0;
917  for (auto& trkid : m_EmbRecoMatchContainer->ids_TruthUnmatched())
918  {
919  m_trkid_true_notmatched.push_back(trkid);
920  m_i0_true_notmatched.push_back(cnt);
921  auto track = m_TrkrTruthTrackContainer->getTruthTrack(trkid);
922  for (auto& ckey : track->getClusters())
923  {
924  auto cluster = m_TruthClusterContainer->findCluster(ckey);
925  m_cnt_true_notmatched.push_back(itrk);
926  Eigen::Vector3d gloc = m_ActsGeometry->getGlobalPosition(ckey, cluster);
928  m_x_true_notmatched.push_back(gloc[0]);
929  m_y_true_notmatched.push_back(gloc[1]);
930  m_z_true_notmatched.push_back(gloc[2]);
931  ++cnt;
932  }
933  m_i1_true_notmatched.push_back(cnt);
934  ++itrk;
935  }
937  // fill clusters of matched truth tracks
938  cnt = 0;
939  itrk = 0;
940  for (auto& trkid : m_EmbRecoMatchContainer->ids_TruthMatched())
941  {
942  m_trkid_true_matched.push_back(trkid);
943  m_i0_true_matched.push_back(cnt);
944  auto track = m_TrkrTruthTrackContainer->getTruthTrack(trkid);
945  for (auto& ckey : track->getClusters())
946  {
947  auto cluster = m_TruthClusterContainer->findCluster(ckey);
948  m_cnt_true_matched.push_back(itrk);
949  Eigen::Vector3d gloc = m_ActsGeometry->getGlobalPosition(ckey, cluster);
950  m_layer_true_matched.push_back(TrkrDefs::getLayer(ckey));
951  m_x_true_matched.push_back(gloc[0]);
952  m_y_true_matched.push_back(gloc[1]);
953  m_z_true_matched.push_back(gloc[2]);
954  ++cnt;
955  }
956  m_i1_true_matched.push_back(cnt);
957  ++itrk;
958  }
960  // fill clusters of matched reco tracks
961  std::set<unsigned int> set_reco_matched;
962  cnt = 0;
963  itrk = 0;
964  for (auto& trkid : m_EmbRecoMatchContainer->ids_RecoMatched())
965  {
966  set_reco_matched.insert(trkid);
967  m_trkid_reco_matched.push_back(trkid);
968  SvtxTrack* reco_track = m_SvtxTrackMap->get(trkid);
969  m_i0_reco_matched.push_back(cnt);
971  for (auto reco_ckey : ClusKeyIter(reco_track))
972  {
973  auto cluster = m_RecoClusterContainer->findCluster(reco_ckey);
974  Eigen::Vector3d gloc = m_ActsGeometry->getGlobalPosition(reco_ckey, cluster);
975  m_layer_reco_matched.push_back(TrkrDefs::getLayer(reco_ckey));
976  m_cnt_reco_matched.push_back(itrk);
977  m_x_reco_matched.push_back(gloc[0]);
978  m_y_reco_matched.push_back(gloc[1]);
979  m_z_reco_matched.push_back(gloc[2]);
980  ++cnt;
981  }
982  m_i1_reco_matched.push_back(cnt);
983  ++itrk;
984  }
986  // fill clusters of not matched reco tracks
987  cnt = 0;
988  itrk = 0;
989  for (auto& reco : *m_SvtxTrackMap)
990  {
991  auto trkid = reco.first;
992  if (set_reco_matched.count(trkid))
993  {
994  continue;
995  }
996  m_trkid_reco_notmatched.push_back(trkid);
997  SvtxTrack* reco_track = m_SvtxTrackMap->get(trkid);
998  m_i0_reco_notmatched.push_back(cnt);
999  for (auto reco_ckey : ClusKeyIter(reco_track))
1000  {
1001  auto cluster = m_RecoClusterContainer->findCluster(reco_ckey);
1002  Eigen::Vector3d gloc = m_ActsGeometry->getGlobalPosition(reco_ckey, cluster);
1003  m_layer_reco_notmatched.push_back(TrkrDefs::getLayer(reco_ckey));
1004  m_cnt_reco_notmatched.push_back(itrk);
1005  m_x_reco_notmatched.push_back(gloc[0]);
1006  m_y_reco_notmatched.push_back(gloc[1]);
1007  m_z_reco_notmatched.push_back(gloc[2]);
1008  ++cnt;
1009  }
1010  m_i1_reco_notmatched.push_back(cnt);
1011  ++itrk;
1012  }
1013  ++m_event;
1014  m_diag_tree->Fill();
1016  return;
1017 }