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1 #include "PHG4Cellv1.h"
3 #include <g4main/PHG4HitDefs.h> // for keytype
5 #include <phool/phool.h>
7 #include <climits> // for UINT_MAX, INT_MIN
8 #include <cmath> // for NAN
9 #include <cstdlib> // for exit
10 #include <iostream>
11 #include <string> // for operator<<, string
14  : cellid(g4cellid)
15 {
16 }
19 {
20  hitedeps.clear();
21  showeredeps.clear();
22  prop_map.clear();
23  return;
24 }
26 void PHG4Cellv1::add_edep(const PHG4HitDefs::keytype g4hitid, const float edep)
27 {
28  hitedeps[g4hitid] = edep;
29  return;
30 }
32 void PHG4Cellv1::add_shower_edep(const int g4showerid, const float edep)
33 {
34  showeredeps[g4showerid] += edep;
35  return;
36 }
39 {
40  return PHG4CellDefs::has_binning(cellid, binning);
41 }
43 short int
45 {
47 }
49 bool PHG4Cellv1::has_property(const PROPERTY prop_id) const
50 {
51  prop_map_t::const_iterator i = prop_map.find(prop_id);
52  return i != prop_map.end();
53 }
55 float PHG4Cellv1::get_property_float(const PROPERTY prop_id) const
56 {
57  if (!check_property(prop_id, type_float))
58  {
59  std::pair<const std::string, PROPERTY_TYPE> property_info = get_property_info(prop_id);
60  std::cout << PHWHERE << " Property " << property_info.first << " with id "
61  << prop_id << " is of type " << get_property_type(property_info.second)
62  << " not " << get_property_type(type_float) << std::endl;
63  exit(1);
64  }
65  prop_map_t::const_iterator i = prop_map.find(prop_id);
67  if (i != prop_map.end()) return u_property(i->second).fdata;
69  return NAN;
70 }
72 int PHG4Cellv1::get_property_int(const PROPERTY prop_id) const
73 {
74  if (!check_property(prop_id, type_int))
75  {
76  std::pair<const std::string, PROPERTY_TYPE> property_info = get_property_info(prop_id);
77  std::cout << PHWHERE << " Property " << property_info.first << " with id "
78  << prop_id << " is of type " << get_property_type(property_info.second)
79  << " not " << get_property_type(type_int) << std::endl;
80  exit(1);
81  }
82  prop_map_t::const_iterator i = prop_map.find(prop_id);
84  if (i != prop_map.end()) return u_property(i->second).idata;
86  return INT_MIN;
87 }
89 unsigned int
91 {
92  if (!check_property(prop_id, type_uint))
93  {
94  std::pair<const std::string, PROPERTY_TYPE> property_info = get_property_info(prop_id);
95  std::cout << PHWHERE << " Property " << property_info.first << " with id "
96  << prop_id << " is of type " << get_property_type(property_info.second)
97  << " not " << get_property_type(type_uint) << std::endl;
98  exit(1);
99  }
100  prop_map_t::const_iterator i = prop_map.find(prop_id);
102  if (i != prop_map.end()) return u_property(i->second).uidata;
104  return UINT_MAX;
105 }
107 void PHG4Cellv1::add_property(const PROPERTY prop_id, const float value)
108 {
109  if (!check_property(prop_id, type_float))
110  {
111  std::pair<const std::string, PROPERTY_TYPE> property_info = get_property_info(prop_id);
112  std::cout << PHWHERE << " Property " << property_info.first << " with id "
113  << prop_id << " is of type " << get_property_type(property_info.second)
114  << " not " << get_property_type(type_float) << std::endl;
115  exit(1);
116  }
117  float val = value;
118  if (prop_map.find(prop_id) != prop_map.end())
119  {
120  val += get_property_float(prop_id);
121  }
122  prop_map[prop_id] = u_property(val).get_storage();
123 }
125 void PHG4Cellv1::add_property(const PROPERTY prop_id, const int value)
126 {
127  if (!check_property(prop_id, type_int))
128  {
129  std::pair<const std::string, PROPERTY_TYPE> property_info = get_property_info(prop_id);
130  std::cout << PHWHERE << " Property " << property_info.first << " with id "
131  << prop_id << " is of type " << get_property_type(property_info.second)
132  << " not " << get_property_type(type_int) << std::endl;
133  exit(1);
134  }
135  int val = value;
136  if (prop_map.find(prop_id) != prop_map.end())
137  {
138  val += get_property_int(prop_id);
139  }
140  prop_map[prop_id] += u_property(val).get_storage();
141 }
143 void PHG4Cellv1::add_property(const PROPERTY prop_id, const unsigned int value)
144 {
145  if (!check_property(prop_id, type_uint))
146  {
147  std::pair<const std::string, PROPERTY_TYPE> property_info = get_property_info(prop_id);
148  std::cout << PHWHERE << " Property " << property_info.first << " with id "
149  << prop_id << " is of type " << get_property_type(property_info.second)
150  << " not " << get_property_type(type_uint) << std::endl;
151  exit(1);
152  }
153  unsigned int val = value;
154  if (prop_map.find(prop_id) != prop_map.end())
155  {
156  val += get_property_uint(prop_id);
157  }
158  prop_map[prop_id] += u_property(val).get_storage();
159 }
161 void PHG4Cellv1::set_property(const PROPERTY prop_id, const float value)
162 {
163  if (!check_property(prop_id, type_float))
164  {
165  std::pair<const std::string, PROPERTY_TYPE> property_info = get_property_info(prop_id);
166  std::cout << PHWHERE << " Property " << property_info.first << " with id "
167  << prop_id << " is of type " << get_property_type(property_info.second)
168  << " not " << get_property_type(type_float) << std::endl;
169  exit(1);
170  }
171  prop_map[prop_id] = u_property(value).get_storage();
172 }
174 void PHG4Cellv1::set_property(const PROPERTY prop_id, const int value)
175 {
176  if (!check_property(prop_id, type_int))
177  {
178  std::pair<const std::string, PROPERTY_TYPE> property_info = get_property_info(prop_id);
179  std::cout << PHWHERE << " Property " << property_info.first << " with id "
180  << prop_id << " is of type " << get_property_type(property_info.second)
181  << " not " << get_property_type(type_int) << std::endl;
182  exit(1);
183  }
184  prop_map[prop_id] += u_property(value).get_storage();
185 }
187 void PHG4Cellv1::set_property(const PROPERTY prop_id, const unsigned int value)
188 {
189  if (!check_property(prop_id, type_uint))
190  {
191  std::pair<const std::string, PROPERTY_TYPE> property_info = get_property_info(prop_id);
192  std::cout << PHWHERE << " Property " << property_info.first << " with id "
193  << prop_id << " is of type " << get_property_type(property_info.second)
194  << " not " << get_property_type(type_uint) << std::endl;
195  exit(1);
196  }
197  prop_map[prop_id] += u_property(value).get_storage();
198 }
200 unsigned int
202 {
203  prop_map_t::const_iterator iter = prop_map.find(prop_id);
204  if (iter != prop_map.end())
205  {
206  return iter->second;
207  }
208  return UINT_MAX;
209 }
211 void PHG4Cellv1::print() const
212 {
213  identify(std::cout);
214 }
217 {
218  hitedeps.clear();
219  showeredeps.clear();
220  prop_map.clear();
221  return;
222 }
224 void PHG4Cellv1::identify(std::ostream& os) const
225 {
226  os << "PHG4Cellv1 0x" << std::hex << cellid << std::dec << std::endl;
228  os << "Associated to " << hitedeps.size() << " hits" << std::endl;
229  for (const auto pair : hitedeps)
230  {
231  os << "\t PHG4hit " << pair.first << " -> " << pair.second << " GeV" << std::endl;
232  }
234  os << "Associated to " << showeredeps.size() << " showers" << std::endl;
235  for (const auto pair : showeredeps)
236  {
237  os << "\t Shower " << pair.first << " -> " << pair.second << " GeV" << std::endl;
238  }
239  os << "Properties:" << std::endl;
240  for (auto i : prop_map)
241  {
242  PROPERTY prop_id = static_cast<PROPERTY>(i.first);
243  std::pair<const std::string, PROPERTY_TYPE> property_info = get_property_info(prop_id);
244  os << "\t" << prop_id << ":\t" << property_info.first << " = \t";
245  switch (property_info.second)
246  {
247  case type_int:
248  os << get_property_int(prop_id);
249  break;
250  case type_uint:
251  os << get_property_uint(prop_id);
252  break;
253  case type_float:
254  os << get_property_float(prop_id);
255  break;
256  default:
257  os << " unknown type ";
258  }
259  os << std::endl;
260  }
261 }