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Go to the documentation of this file. Or view the newest version in sPHENIX GitHub for file AlignmentEngine.hpp
1 // This file is part of the Acts project.
2 //
3 // Copyright (C) 2020-2021 CERN for the benefit of the Acts project
4 //
5 // This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
6 // License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
7 // file, You can obtain one at
9 #pragma once
20 #include <unordered_map>
22 namespace ActsAlignment {
23 namespace detail {
25 using namespace Acts;
30  // The dimension of measurements
31  size_t measurementDim = 0;
33  // The dimension of track parameters
34  size_t trackParametersDim = 0;
36  // The contributed alignment degree of freedom
37  size_t alignmentDof = 0;
39  // The measurements covariance
42  // The track parameters covariance
45  // The projection matrix
48  // The residual
51  // The covariance of residual
54  // The chi2
55  double chi2 = 0;
57  // The derivative of residual w.r.t. alignment parameters
60  // The derivative of chi2 w.r.t. alignment parameters
63  // The second derivative of chi2 w.r.t. alignment parameters
66  // The alignable surfaces on the track and their indices in both the global
67  // alignable surfaces pool and those relevant with this track
68  std::unordered_map<const Surface*, std::pair<size_t, size_t>> alignedSurfaces;
69 };
104 template <typename traj_t, typename parameters_t = BoundTrackParameters>
106  const GeometryContext& gctx, const traj_t& multiTraj,
107  const size_t& entryIndex,
108  const std::pair<ActsDynamicMatrix, std::unordered_map<size_t, size_t>>&
109  globalTrackParamsCov,
110  const std::unordered_map<const Surface*, size_t>& idxedAlignSurfaces,
111  const AlignmentMask& alignMask) {
112  using CovMatrix = typename parameters_t::CovarianceMatrix;
114  // Construct an alignment state
115  TrackAlignmentState alignState;
117  // Remember the index within the trajectory and whether it's alignable
118  std::vector<std::pair<size_t, bool>> measurementStates;
119  measurementStates.reserve(15);
120  // Number of smoothed states on the track
121  // size_t nSmoothedStates = 0; // commented because clang-tidy complains about
122  // unused
123  // Number of alignable surfaces on the track
124  size_t nAlignSurfaces = 0;
126  // Visit the track states on the track
127  multiTraj.visitBackwards(entryIndex, [&](const auto& ts) {
128  // Remember the number of smoothed states
129  if (ts.hasSmoothed()) {
130  // nSmoothedStates++; // commented because clang-tidy complains about
131  // unused
132  } else {
133  // @note: this should in principle never happen now. But still keep it as a note
134  return true;
135  }
137  // Only measurement states matter (we can't align non-measurement states,
138  // no?)
139  if (not ts.typeFlags().test(TrackStateFlag::MeasurementFlag)) {
140  return true;
141  }
142  // Check if the reference surface is to be aligned
143  bool isAlignable = false;
144  const auto surface = &ts.referenceSurface();
145  auto it = idxedAlignSurfaces.find(surface);
146  if (it != idxedAlignSurfaces.end()) {
147  isAlignable = true;
148  // Remember the surface and its index
149  alignState.alignedSurfaces[surface].first = it->second;
150  nAlignSurfaces++;
151  }
152  // Remember the index of the state within the trajectory and whether it's
153  // alignable
154  measurementStates.push_back({ts.index(), isAlignable});
155  // Add up measurement dimension
156  alignState.measurementDim += ts.calibratedSize();
157  return true;
158  });
160  // Return now if the track contains no alignable surfaces
161  if (nAlignSurfaces == 0) {
162  return alignState;
163  }
165  // The alignment degree of freedom
166  alignState.alignmentDof = eAlignmentSize * nAlignSurfaces;
167  // Dimension of global track parameters (from only measurement states)
168  alignState.trackParametersDim = eBoundSize * measurementStates.size();
170  // Initialize the alignment matrices with components from the measurement
171  // states
172  // The measurement covariance
173  alignState.measurementCovariance = ActsDynamicMatrix::Zero(
174  alignState.measurementDim, alignState.measurementDim);
175  // The bound parameters to measurement projection matrix
176  alignState.projectionMatrix = ActsDynamicMatrix::Zero(
177  alignState.measurementDim, alignState.trackParametersDim);
178  // The derivative of residual w.r.t. alignment parameters
179  alignState.alignmentToResidualDerivative = ActsDynamicMatrix::Zero(
180  alignState.measurementDim, alignState.alignmentDof);
181  // The track parameters covariance
182  alignState.trackParametersCovariance = ActsDynamicMatrix::Zero(
183  alignState.trackParametersDim, alignState.trackParametersDim);
184  // The residual
185  alignState.residual = ActsDynamicVector::Zero(alignState.measurementDim);
187  // Unpack global track parameters covariance and the starting row/column for
188  // all smoothed states.
189  // Note that the dimension of provided global track parameters covariance
190  // should be same as eBoundSize * nSmoothedStates
191  const auto& [sourceTrackParamsCov, stateRowIndices] = globalTrackParamsCov;
193  // Loop over the measurement states to fill those alignment matrices
194  // This is done in reverse order
195  size_t iMeasurement = alignState.measurementDim;
196  size_t iParams = alignState.trackParametersDim;
197  size_t iSurface = nAlignSurfaces;
198  for (const auto& [rowStateIndex, isAlignable] : measurementStates) {
199  const auto& state = multiTraj.getTrackState(rowStateIndex);
200  const size_t measdim = state.calibratedSize();
201  // Update index of current measurement and parameter
202  iMeasurement -= measdim;
203  iParams -= eBoundSize;
204  // (a) Get and fill the measurement covariance matrix
205  const ActsDynamicMatrix measCovariance =
206  state.effectiveCalibratedCovariance();
207  alignState.measurementCovariance.block(iMeasurement, iMeasurement, measdim,
208  measdim) = measCovariance;
210  // (b) Get and fill the bound parameters to measurement projection matrix
211  const ActsDynamicMatrix H = state.effectiveProjector();
212  alignState.projectionMatrix.block(iMeasurement, iParams, measdim,
213  eBoundSize) = H;
214  // (c) Get and fill the residual
215  alignState.residual.segment(iMeasurement, measdim) =
216  state.effectiveCalibrated() - H * state.smoothed();
218  // (d) Get the derivative of alignment parameters w.r.t. measurement
219  // or residual
220  if (isAlignable) {
221  iSurface -= 1;
222  const auto surface = &state.referenceSurface();
223 = iSurface;
224  // The free parameters transformed from the smoothed parameters
225  const FreeVector freeParams =
227  // The direction
228  const Vector3 direction = freeParams.segment<3>(eFreeDir0);
229  // The derivative of free parameters w.r.t. path length. @note Here, we
230  // assume a linear track model, i.e. neglecting the change of track
231  // direction. Otherwise, we need to know the magnetic field at the free
232  // parameters
233  FreeVector pathDerivative = FreeVector::Zero();
234  pathDerivative.head<3>() = direction;
235  // Get the derivative of bound parameters w.r.t. alignment parameters
236  AlignmentToBoundMatrix alignToBound =
237  surface->alignmentToBoundDerivative(gctx, freeParams, pathDerivative);
238  // Set the degree of freedom per surface.
239  // @Todo: don't allocate memory for fixed degree of freedom and consider surface/layer/volume wise align mask (instead of using global mask as now)
240  resetAlignmentDerivative(alignToBound, alignMask);
242  // Residual is calculated as the (measurement - parameters), thus we need
243  // a minus sign below
244  alignState.alignmentToResidualDerivative.block(
245  iMeasurement, iSurface * eAlignmentSize, measdim, eAlignmentSize) =
246  -H * (alignToBound);
247  }
249  // (e) Extract and fill the track parameters covariance matrix for only
250  // measurement states
251  // @Todo: add helper function to select rows/columns of a matrix
252  for (unsigned int iColState = 0; iColState < measurementStates.size();
253  iColState++) {
254  size_t colStateIndex =;
255  // Retrieve the block from the source covariance matrix
256  CovMatrix correlation =
257  sourceTrackParamsCov.block<eBoundSize, eBoundSize>(
260  // Fill the block of the target covariance matrix
261  size_t iCol =
262  alignState.trackParametersDim - (iColState + 1) * eBoundSize;
264  iParams, iCol) = correlation;
265  }
266  }
268  // Calculate the chi2 and chi2 derivatives based on the alignment matrixs
269  alignState.chi2 = alignState.residual.transpose() *
270  alignState.measurementCovariance.inverse() *
271  alignState.residual;
272  alignState.alignmentToChi2Derivative =
273  ActsDynamicVector::Zero(alignState.alignmentDof);
275  ActsDynamicMatrix::Zero(alignState.alignmentDof, alignState.alignmentDof);
276  // The covariance of residual
277  alignState.residualCovariance = ActsDynamicMatrix::Zero(
278  alignState.measurementDim, alignState.measurementDim);
279  alignState.residualCovariance = alignState.measurementCovariance -
280  alignState.projectionMatrix *
281  alignState.trackParametersCovariance *
282  alignState.projectionMatrix.transpose();
284  alignState.alignmentToChi2Derivative =
285  2 * alignState.alignmentToResidualDerivative.transpose() *
286  alignState.measurementCovariance.inverse() *
287  alignState.residualCovariance *
288  alignState.measurementCovariance.inverse() * alignState.residual;
290  2 * alignState.alignmentToResidualDerivative.transpose() *
291  alignState.measurementCovariance.inverse() *
292  alignState.residualCovariance *
293  alignState.measurementCovariance.inverse() *
296  return alignState;
297 }
299 } // namespace detail
300 } // namespace ActsAlignment