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1 // Implementation of class PHNodeIOManager
2 // Author: Matthias Messer
4 #include "PHNodeIOManager.h"
5 #include "PHCompositeNode.h"
6 #include "PHIODataNode.h"
7 #include "PHNodeIterator.h"
8 #include "phooldefs.h"
10 #include <TBranch.h> // for TBranch
11 #include <TBranchElement.h>
12 #include <TBranchObject.h>
13 #include <TClass.h>
14 #include <TDirectory.h> // for TDirectory
15 #include <TFile.h>
16 #include <TLeafObject.h>
17 #include <TObjArray.h> // for TObjArray
18 #include <TObject.h>
19 #include <TROOT.h>
20 #include <TSystem.h>
21 #include <TTree.h>
23 #pragma GCC diagnostic push
24 #pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wdeprecated-declarations"
25 #include <boost/algorithm/string.hpp>
26 #pragma GCC diagnostic pop
28 #include <cassert>
29 #include <cstdlib>
30 #include <iostream>
31 #include <sstream>
32 #include <string>
33 #include <utility>
34 #include <vector>
37  const PHAccessType a)
38 {
39  isFunctionalFlag = setFile(f, "titled by PHOOL", a) ? 1 : 0;
40 }
43  const PHAccessType a)
44 {
45  isFunctionalFlag = setFile(f, title, a) ? 1 : 0;
46 }
49  const PHTreeType treeindex)
50 {
51  if (treeindex != PHEventTree)
52  {
53  std::ostringstream temp;
54  temp << TreeName << treeindex; // create e.g. T1
55  TreeName = temp.str();
56  }
57  isFunctionalFlag = setFile(f, "titled by PHOOL", a) ? 1 : 0;
58 }
61 {
62  closeFile();
63  delete file;
64 }
67 {
68  if (file)
69  {
71  {
72  file->Write();
73  }
74  file->Close();
75  }
76 }
79  const PHAccessType a)
80 {
81  filename = f;
82  accessMode = a;
83  if (file)
84  {
85  if (file->IsOpen())
86  {
87  closeFile();
88  }
89  delete file;
90  file = nullptr;
91  }
92  std::string currdir = gDirectory->GetPath();
93  gROOT->cd();
94  switch (accessMode)
95  {
96  case PHWrite:
97  file = TFile::Open(filename.c_str(), "RECREATE", title.c_str());
98  if (!file)
99  {
100  return false;
101  }
102  file->SetCompressionSettings(m_CompressionSetting);
103  tree = new TTree(TreeName.c_str(), title.c_str());
104  tree->SetMaxTreeSize(900000000000LL); // set max size to ~900 GB
105  gROOT->cd(currdir.c_str());
106  return true;
107  break;
108  case PHReadOnly:
109  file = TFile::Open(filename.c_str());
110  tree = nullptr;
111  if (!file)
112  {
113  return false;
114  }
115  selectObjectToRead("*", true);
116  gROOT->cd(currdir.c_str());
117  return true;
118  break;
119  case PHUpdate:
120  file = TFile::Open(filename.c_str(), "UPDATE", title.c_str());
121  if (!file)
122  {
123  return false;
124  }
125  file->SetCompressionSettings(m_CompressionSetting);
126  tree = new TTree(TreeName.c_str(), title.c_str());
127  gROOT->cd(currdir.c_str());
128  return true;
129  break;
130  }
132  return false;
133 }
136 {
137  // The write function of the PHCompositeNode topNode will
138  // recursively call the write functions of its subnodes, thus
139  // constructing the path-string which is then stored as name of the
140  // Root-branch corresponding to the data of each PHRootIODataNode.
141  topNode->write(this);
143  // Now all PHRootIODataNodes should have called the write function
144  // of this I/O-manager and thus created their branch. The tree can
145  // be filled.
146  if (file && tree)
147  {
148  tree->Fill();
149  eventNumber++;
150  return true;
151  }
153  return false;
154 }
156 bool PHNodeIOManager::write(TObject** data, const std::string& path, int buffersize, int splitlevel)
157 {
158  if (file && tree)
159  {
160  TBranch* thisBranch = tree->GetBranch(path.c_str());
161  if (!thisBranch)
162  {
163  // the buffersize and splitlevel are set on the first call
164  // when the branch is created, the values come from the caller
165  // which is the node which writes itself
166  tree->Branch(path.c_str(), (*data)->ClassName(),
167  data, buffersize, splitlevel);
168  }
169  else
170  {
171  thisBranch->SetAddress(data);
172  }
173  return true;
174  }
176  return false;
177 }
179 bool PHNodeIOManager::read(size_t requestedEvent)
180 {
181  if (readEventFromFile(requestedEvent))
182  {
183  return true;
184  }
185  else
186  {
187  return false;
188  }
189 }
192 PHNodeIOManager::read(PHCompositeNode* topNode, size_t requestedEvent)
193 {
194  // No tree means we have not yet looked at the file,
195  // so we'll reconstruct the node tree now.
196  if (!tree)
197  {
198  topNode = reconstructNodeTree(topNode);
199  }
201  // If everything worked, there should be a tree now.
202  if (tree && readEventFromFile(requestedEvent))
203  {
204  return topNode;
205  }
206  else
207  {
208  return nullptr;
209  }
210 }
213 {
214  if (file)
215  {
216  if (accessMode == PHReadOnly)
217  {
218  std::cout << "PHNodeIOManager reading " << filename << std::endl;
219  }
220  else
221  {
222  std::cout << "PHNodeIOManager writing " << filename << std::endl;
223  }
224  }
225  if (file && tree)
226  {
227  tree->Print();
228  }
229  std::cout << "\n\nList of selected objects to read:" << std::endl;
230  std::map<std::string, bool>::const_iterator classiter;
231  for (classiter = objectToRead.begin(); classiter != objectToRead.end(); ++classiter)
232  {
233  std::cout << classiter->first << " is set to " << classiter->second << std::endl;
234  }
235 }
239 {
240  // OK. Here all the game is to find out the name of the type
241  // contained in this branch. In ROOT pre-3.01/05 versions, all
242  // branches we used were of the same type = TBranchObject, so that
243  // was easy. Since version 3.01/05 ROOT introduced new branch style
244  // with some TBranchElement objects. So far so good. The problem is
245  // that I did not find a common way to grab the typename of the
246  // object contained in those branches, so I hereby use some durty if
247  // { } else if { } ...
250  TBranchElement* be = dynamic_cast<TBranchElement*>(branch);
252  if (be)
253  {
254  // TBranchElement has a nice GetClassName() method for us :
255  return be->GetClassName();
256  }
257 #endif
259  TBranchObject* bo = dynamic_cast<TBranchObject*>(branch);
260  if (bo)
261  {
262  // For this one we need to go down a little before getting the
263  // name...
264  TLeafObject* leaf = static_cast<TLeafObject*>(branch->GetLeaf(branch->GetName()));
265  assert(leaf != nullptr);
266  return leaf->GetTypeName();
267  }
268  std::cout << PHWHERE << "Fatal error, dynamic cast of TBranchObject failed" << std::endl;
269  gSystem->Exit(1);
270  exit(1); // the compiler does not know gSystem->Exit() quits, needs exit to avoid warning
271 }
273 bool PHNodeIOManager::readEventFromFile(size_t requestedEvent)
274 {
275  // Se non c'e niente, non possiamo fare niente. Logisch, n'est ce
276  // pas?
277  if (!tree)
278  {
279  PHMessage("PHNodeIOManager::readEventFromFile", PHError,
280  "Tree not initialized.");
281  return false;
282  }
284  int bytesRead;
286  // Due to the current implementation of TBuffer>>(Long_t) we need
287  // to cd() in the current file before trying to fetch any event,
288  // otherwise mixing of reading 2.25/03 DST with writing some
289  // 3.01/05 trees will fail.
290  std::string currdir = gDirectory->GetPath();
291  TFile* file_ptr = gFile; // save current gFile
292  file->cd();
294  if (requestedEvent)
295  {
296  if ((bytesRead = tree->GetEvent(requestedEvent)))
297  {
298  eventNumber = requestedEvent + 1;
299  }
300  }
301  else
302  {
303  bytesRead = tree->GetEvent(eventNumber++);
304  }
306  gFile = file_ptr; // recover gFile
307  gROOT->cd(currdir.c_str());
309  if (!bytesRead)
310  {
311  return false;
312  }
313  if (bytesRead == -1)
314  {
315  std::cout << PHWHERE << "Error: Input TTree corrupt, exiting now" << std::endl;
316  exit(1);
317  }
318  return true;
319 }
321 int PHNodeIOManager::readSpecific(size_t requestedEvent, const std::string& objectName)
322 {
323  // objectName should be one of the valid branch name of the "T" TTree, and
324  // should be one of the branches selected by selectObjectToRead() method.
325  // No wildcard allowed for the moment.
326  std::map<std::string, TBranch*>::const_iterator p = fBranches.find(objectName);
328  if (p != fBranches.end())
329  {
330  TBranch* branch = p->second;
331  if (branch)
332  {
333  return branch->GetEvent(requestedEvent);
334  }
335  }
336  else
337  {
338  PHMessage("PHNodeIOManager::readSpecific", PHError,
339  "Unknown object name");
340  }
341  return 0;
342 }
346 {
347  if (!file)
348  {
349  if (filename.empty())
350  {
351  std::cout << PHWHERE << "filename was never set" << std::endl;
352  }
353  else
354  {
355  std::cout << PHWHERE << "TFile " << filename << " NULL pointer" << std::endl;
356  }
357  return nullptr;
358  }
360  tree = static_cast<TTree*>(file->Get(TreeName.c_str()));
362  if (!tree)
363  {
364  std::cout << PHWHERE << "PHNodeIOManager::reconstructNodeTree : Root Tree "
365  << TreeName << " not found in file " << file->GetName() << std::endl;
366  return nullptr;
367  }
369  // ROOT sucks, we need a unique name for the tree so we can open multiple
370  // files. So we take the memory location of the file pointer which
371  // should be unique within this process to create it
372  std::ostringstream nname;
373  nname << TreeName << file;
375  tree->SetName(nname.str().c_str());
377  // Select the branches according to objectToRead
378  std::map<std::string, bool>::const_iterator it;
380  if (tree->GetNbranches() > 0)
381  {
382  for (it = objectToRead.begin(); it != objectToRead.end(); ++it)
383  {
384  tree->SetBranchStatus((it->first).c_str(),
385  static_cast<bool>(it->second));
386  }
387  }
388  // The file contains a TTree with a list of the TBranchObjects
389  // attached to it.
390  TObjArray* branchArray = tree->GetListOfBranches();
392  // We need these in the loops down below...
393  size_t i, j;
395  // If a topNode was provided, we can feed the iterator with it.
396  if (!topNode)
397  {
398  topNode = new PHCompositeNode("TOP"); // create topNode if we got a null pointer
399  }
400  PHNodeIterator nodeIter(topNode);
402  // Loop over all branches in the tree. Each branch-name contains the
403  // full 'path' of composite-nodes in the original node tree. We
404  // split the name and reconstruct the tree.
405  std::string delimeters = phooldefs::branchpathdelim + phooldefs::legacypathdelims; // add old backslash for backward compat
406  for (i = 0; i < (size_t)(branchArray->GetEntriesFast()); i++)
407  {
408  std::string branchname = (*branchArray)[i]->GetName();
409  std::vector<std::string> splitvec;
410  boost::split(splitvec, branchname, boost::is_any_of(delimeters));
411  for (size_t ia = 1; ia < splitvec.size() - 1; ia++) // -1 so we skip the node name
412  {
413  if (![ia]))
414  {
415  nodeIter.addNode(new PHCompositeNode(splitvec[ia]));
417  }
418  }
419  TBranch* thisBranch = (TBranch*) ((*branchArray)[i]);
421  // Skip non-selected branches
422  if (thisBranch->TestBit(kDoNotProcess))
423  {
424  continue;
425  }
427  std::string branchClassName = getBranchClassName(thisBranch);
428  std::string branchName = thisBranch->GetName();
429  fBranches[branchName] = thisBranch;
431  assert(gROOT != nullptr);
432  TClass* thisClass = gROOT->GetClass(branchClassName.c_str());
434  if (!thisClass)
435  {
436  std::cout << PHWHERE << std::endl;
437  std::cout << "Missing Class: " << branchClassName << std::endl;
438  std::cout << "Did you forget to load the shared library which contains "
439  << branchClassName << "?" << std::endl;
440  }
441  // it does not make sense to continue - the code coredumps
442  // later if a class is not loaded
443  assert(thisClass != nullptr);
445  PHIODataNode<TObject>* newIODataNode =
446  static_cast<PHIODataNode<TObject>*>(nodeIter.findFirst("PHIODataNode", (*splitvec.rbegin()).c_str()));
447  if (!newIODataNode)
448  {
449  TObject* newTObject = static_cast<TObject*>(thisClass->New());
450  newIODataNode = new PHIODataNode<TObject>(newTObject, (*splitvec.rbegin()).c_str());
451  nodeIter.addNode(newIODataNode);
452  }
453  else
454  {
455  TObject* oldobject = newIODataNode->getData();
456  std::string oldclass = oldobject->ClassName();
457  if (oldclass != branchClassName)
458  {
459  std::cout << "You only have to worry if you get this message when reading parallel files"
460  << std::endl
461  << "if you get this when opening the 2nd, 3rd,... file" << std::endl
462  << "It looks like your objects are not of the same version in these files" << std::endl;
463  std::cout << PHWHERE << "Found object " << oldobject->ClassName()
464  << " in node tree but the file "
465  << filename << " contains a " << branchClassName
466  << " object. The object will be replaced without harming you" << std::endl;
467  std::cout << "CAVEAT: If you use local copies of pointers to data nodes" << std::endl
468  << "instead of searching the node tree you are in trouble now" << std::endl;
469  delete newIODataNode;
470  TObject* newTObject = static_cast<TObject*>(thisClass->New());
471  newIODataNode = new PHIODataNode<TObject>(newTObject, (*splitvec.rbegin()).c_str());
472  nodeIter.addNode(newIODataNode);
473  }
474  }
476  if (thisClass->InheritsFrom("PHObject"))
477  {
478  newIODataNode->setObjectType("PHObject");
479  }
480  else
481  {
482  std::cout << PHWHERE << branchClassName.c_str()
483  << " inherits neither from PHTable nor from PHObject"
484  << " setting type to PHObject" << std::endl;
485  newIODataNode->setObjectType("PHObject");
486  }
487  thisBranch->SetAddress(&(newIODataNode->data));
488  for (j = 1; j < splitvec.size() - 1; j++)
489  {
491  }
492  }
493  return topNode;
494 }
496 void PHNodeIOManager::selectObjectToRead(const std::string& objectName, bool readit)
497 {
498  objectToRead[objectName] = readit;
500  // If tree is already open, loop over map and set branch status
501  if (tree)
502  {
503  std::map<std::string, bool>::const_iterator it;
505  for (it = objectToRead.begin(); it != objectToRead.end(); ++it)
506  {
507  tree->SetBranchStatus((it->first).c_str(),
508  static_cast<bool>(it->second));
509  }
510  }
511  return;
512 }
515 {
516  std::map<std::string, TBranch*>::const_iterator p = fBranches.find(objectName);
518  if (p != fBranches.end())
519  {
520  return true;
521  }
523  return false;
524 }
527 {
528  if (level < 0)
529  {
530  return false;
531  }
533  if (file)
534  {
535  file->SetCompressionSettings(m_CompressionSetting);
536  }
538  return true;
539 }
541 uint64_t
543 {
544  if (file) return file->GetBytesWritten();
545  return 0.;
546 }
548 uint64_t
550 {
551  if (file) return file->GetSize();
552  return 0.;
553 }
555 std::map<std::string, TBranch*>*
557 {
558  FillBranchMap();
559  return &fBranches;
560 }
563 {
564  if (fBranches.empty())
565  {
566  TTree* treetmp = static_cast<TTree*>(file->Get(TreeName.c_str()));
567  if (treetmp)
568  {
569  TObjArray* branchArray = treetmp->GetListOfBranches();
570  for (size_t i = 0; i < (size_t)(branchArray->GetEntriesFast()); i++)
571  {
572  TBranch* thisBranch = (TBranch*) ((*branchArray)[i]);
573  std::string branchName = (*branchArray)[i]->GetName();
574  fBranches[branchName] = thisBranch;
575  }
576  }
577  else
578  {
579  std::cout << PHWHERE << " No Root Tree " << TreeName
580  << " on file " << filename << std::endl;
581  return -1;
582  }
583  }
584  return 0;
585 }
588 {
589  if (fBranches.empty())
590  {
591  FillBranchMap();
592  }
593  std::string delimeters = phooldefs::branchpathdelim + phooldefs::legacypathdelims; // add old backslash for backward compat
594  for (auto & fBranche : fBranches)
595  {
596  std::vector<std::string> splitvec;
597  boost::split(splitvec, fBranche.first, boost::is_any_of(delimeters));
598  if (splitvec.back() == nodename)
599  {
600  return true;
601  }
602  }
603  return false;
604 }