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Go to the documentation of this file. Or view the newest version in sPHENIX GitHub for file SolenoidFieldBenchmark.cpp
1 // This file is part of the Acts project.
2 //
3 // Copyright (C) 2018 CERN for the benefit of the Acts project
4 //
5 // This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
6 // License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
7 // file, You can obtain one at
17 #include <chrono>
18 #include <fstream>
19 #include <iostream>
20 #include <random>
21 #include <string>
23 using namespace Acts::UnitLiterals;
25 int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
26  size_t iters_map = 5e2;
27  size_t iters_solenoid = 3;
28  size_t runs_solenoid = 1000;
29  if (argc >= 2) {
30  iters_map = std::stoi(argv[1]);
31  }
32  if (argc >= 3) {
33  iters_solenoid = std::stoi(argv[2]);
34  }
35  if (argc >= 4) {
36  runs_solenoid = std::stoi(argv[3]);
37  }
39  const double L = 5.8_m;
40  const double R = (2.56 + 2.46) * 0.5 * 0.5_m;
41  const size_t nCoils = 1154;
42  const double bMagCenter = 2_T;
43  const size_t nBinsR = 150;
44  const size_t nBinsZ = 200;
46  double rMin = -0.1;
47  double rMax = R * 2.;
48  double zMin = 2 * (-L / 2.);
49  double zMax = 2 * (L / 2.);
51  Acts::SolenoidBField bSolenoidField({R, L, nCoils, bMagCenter});
52  std::cout << "Building interpolated field map" << std::endl;
53  auto bFieldMap = Acts::solenoidFieldMap({rMin, rMax}, {zMin, zMax},
54  {nBinsR, nBinsZ}, bSolenoidField);
57  std::minstd_rand rng;
58  std::uniform_real_distribution<> zDist(1.5 * (-L / 2.), 1.5 * L / 2.);
59  std::uniform_real_distribution<> rDist(0, R * 1.5);
60  std::uniform_real_distribution<> phiDist(-M_PI, M_PI);
61  auto genPos = [&]() -> Acts::Vector3 {
62  const double z = zDist(rng), r = rDist(rng), phi = phiDist(rng);
63  return {r * std::cos(phi), r * std::sin(phi), z};
64  };
66  std::ofstream os{"bfield_bench.csv"};
68  auto csv = [&](const std::string& name, auto res) {
69  os << name << "," << res.run_timings.size() << "," << res.iters_per_run
70  << "," << res.totalTime().count() << "," << res.runTimeMedian().count()
71  << "," << 1.96 * res.runTimeError().count() << ","
72  << res.iterTimeAverage().count() << ","
73  << 1.96 * res.iterTimeError().count();
75  os << std::endl;
76  };
78  os << "name,runs,iters,total_time,run_time_median,run_time_error,iter_"
79  "time_average,iter_time_error"
80  << std::endl;
82  // SolenoidBField lookup is so slow that the cost of generating a random field
83  // lookup position is negligible in comparison...
84  std::cout << "Benchmarking random SolenoidBField lookup: " << std::flush;
85  const auto solenoid_result = Acts::Test::microBenchmark(
86  [&] { return bSolenoidField.getField(genPos()); }, iters_solenoid,
87  runs_solenoid);
88  std::cout << solenoid_result << std::endl;
89  csv("solenoid", solenoid_result);
91  // ...but for interpolated B-field map, the overhead of a field lookup is
92  // comparable to that of generating a random position, so we must be more
93  // careful. Hence we do two microbenchmarks which represent a kind of
94  // lower and upper bound on field lookup performance.
95  //
96  // - The first benchmark operates at constant position, so it measures only
97  // field lookup overhead but has unrealistically good cache locality. In
98  // that sense, it provides a lower bound of field lookup performance.
99  std::cout << "Benchmarking interpolated field lookup: " << std::flush;
100  const auto fixedPos = genPos();
101  const auto map_fixed_nocache_result = Acts::Test::microBenchmark(
102  [&] { return bFieldMap.getField(fixedPos); }, iters_map);
103  std::cout << map_fixed_nocache_result << std::endl;
104  csv("interp_nocache_fixed", map_fixed_nocache_result);
106  std::cout << "Benchmarking random interpolated field lookup: " << std::flush;
108  // - The second benchmark generates random positions, so it is biased by the
109  // cost of random position generation and has unrealistically bad cache
110  // locality, but provides an upper bound of field lookup performance.
111  const auto map_rand_result = Acts::Test::microBenchmark(
112  [&] { return bFieldMap.getField(genPos()); }, iters_map);
113  std::cout << map_rand_result << std::endl;
114  csv("interp_nocache_random", map_rand_result);
116  // - This variation of the first benchmark uses a fixed position again, but
117  // uses the cache infrastructure to evaluate how much of an impact it has on
118  // performance in this scenario. We expect this to improve performance as
119  // the cache will always be valid for the fixed point.
120  {
121  std::cout << "Benchmarking cached interpolated field lookup: "
122  << std::flush;
123  auto cache = bFieldMap.makeCache(mctx);
124  const auto map_cached_result_cache = Acts::Test::microBenchmark(
125  [&] { return bFieldMap.getField(fixedPos, cache).value(); }, iters_map);
126  std::cout << map_cached_result_cache << std::endl;
127  csv("interp_cache_fixed", map_cached_result_cache);
128  }
130  // - This variation of the second benchmark again generates random positions
131  // and uses the cache infrastructure to evaluate the impact on performance.
132  // We expect this to deteriorate performance, as the cache will most likely
133  // be invalid and need to be recreated, on top of the underlying lookup.
134  {
135  std::cout << "Benchmarking cached random interpolated field lookup: "
136  << std::flush;
137  auto cache2 = bFieldMap.makeCache(mctx);
138  const auto map_rand_result_cache = Acts::Test::microBenchmark(
139  [&] { return bFieldMap.getField(genPos(), cache2).value(); },
140  iters_map);
141  std::cout << map_rand_result_cache << std::endl;
142  csv("interp_cache_random", map_rand_result_cache);
143  }
145  // - The fourth benchmark tests a more 'realistic' access pattern than fixed
146  // or random positions: it advances along a straight line (which is close to
147  // a slightly curved line which happens in particle propagation). This
148  // instance does not use the cache infrastructure, so is effectively close
149  // to the random points benchmark, although positions are not really random.
150  {
151  std::cout << "Benchmarking advancing interpolated field lookup: "
152  << std::flush;
153  Acts::Vector3 pos{0, 0, 0};
154  Acts::Vector3 dir{};
155  dir.setRandom();
156  double h = 1e-3;
157  std::vector<Acts::Vector3> steps;
158  steps.reserve(iters_map);
159  for (size_t i = 0; i < iters_map; i++) {
160  pos += dir * h;
161  double z = pos[Acts::eFreePos2];
162  if (Acts::VectorHelpers::perp(pos) > rMax || z >= zMax || z < zMin) {
163  break;
164  }
165  steps.push_back(pos);
166  }
167  const auto map_adv_result = Acts::Test::microBenchmark(
168  [&](const auto& s) { return bFieldMap.getField(s); }, steps);
169  std::cout << map_adv_result << std::endl;
170  csv("interp_nocache_adv", map_adv_result);
172  // - This variation of the fourth benchmark advances in a straight line, but
173  // also uses the cache infrastructure. As subsequent positions are close
174  // to one another, the cache will be valid for a certain number of points,
175  // before becoming invalid. This means we expect performance to improve
176  // over the uncached straight line advance.
178  std::cout << "Benchmarking cached advancing interpolated field lookup: "
179  << std::flush;
180  auto cache = bFieldMap.makeCache(mctx);
181  const auto map_adv_result_cache = Acts::Test::microBenchmark(
182  [&](const auto& s) { return bFieldMap.getField(s, cache).value(); },
183  steps);
184  std::cout << map_adv_result_cache << std::endl;
185  csv("interp_cache_adv", map_adv_result_cache);
186  }
187 }