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2 #include "ThermPtnSampler.h"
3 #include "JetScapeXML.h"
4 #include "JetScapeLogger.h"
5 #include "JetScapeConstants.h"
6 #include <omp.h>
7 #include <vector>
8 #include <random>
9 #include <cmath>
10 #include <unordered_map>
11 #include <algorithm>
13 using namespace Jetscape;
17  rng_engine.seed(ran_seed); // set the random seed from the framework
19  // Gaussian weights for integration
20  GWeight[0] = 0.0621766166553473; GWeight[1] = 0.0619360674206832; GWeight[2] = 0.0614558995903167; GWeight[3] = 0.0607379708417702; GWeight[4] = 0.0597850587042655;
21  GWeight[5] = 0.0586008498132224; GWeight[6] = 0.0571899256477284; GWeight[7] = 0.0555577448062125; GWeight[8] = 0.0537106218889962; GWeight[9] = 0.0516557030695811;
22  GWeight[10] = 0.0494009384494663; GWeight[11] = 0.0469550513039484; GWeight[12] = 0.0443275043388033; GWeight[13] = 0.0415284630901477; GWeight[14] = 0.0385687566125877;
23  GWeight[15] = 0.0354598356151462; GWeight[16] = 0.0322137282235780; GWeight[17] = 0.0288429935805352; GWeight[18] = 0.0253606735700124; GWeight[19] = 0.0217802431701248;
24  GWeight[20] = 0.0181155607134894; GWeight[21] = 0.0143808227614856; GWeight[22] = 0.0105905483836510; GWeight[23] = 0.0067597991957454; GWeight[24] = 0.0029086225531551;
25  GWeight[25] = 0.0621766166553473; GWeight[26] = 0.0619360674206832; GWeight[27] = 0.0614558995903167; GWeight[28] = 0.0607379708417702; GWeight[29] = 0.0597850587042655;
26  GWeight[30] = 0.0586008498132224; GWeight[31] = 0.0571899256477284; GWeight[32] = 0.0555577448062125; GWeight[33] = 0.0537106218889962; GWeight[34] = 0.0516557030695811;
27  GWeight[35] = 0.0494009384494663; GWeight[36] = 0.0469550513039484; GWeight[37] = 0.0443275043388033; GWeight[38] = 0.0415284630901477; GWeight[39] = 0.0385687566125877;
28  GWeight[40] = 0.0354598356151462; GWeight[41] = 0.0322137282235780; GWeight[42] = 0.0288429935805352; GWeight[43] = 0.0253606735700124; GWeight[44] = 0.0217802431701248;
29  GWeight[45] = 0.0181155607134894; GWeight[46] = 0.0143808227614856; GWeight[47] = 0.0105905483836510; GWeight[48] = 0.0067597991957454; GWeight[49] = 0.0029086225531551;
31  // Gaussian abscissas for integration
32  GAbs[0] = 0.0310983383271889; GAbs[1] = 0.0931747015600861; GAbs[2] = 0.1548905899981459; GAbs[3] = 0.2160072368760418; GAbs[4] = 0.2762881937795320;
33  GAbs[5] = 0.3355002454194373; GAbs[6] = 0.3934143118975651; GAbs[7] = 0.4498063349740388; GAbs[8] = 0.5044581449074642; GAbs[9] = 0.5571583045146501;
34  GAbs[10] = 0.6077029271849502; GAbs[11] = 0.6558964656854394; GAbs[12] = 0.7015524687068222; GAbs[13] = 0.7444943022260685; GAbs[14] = 0.7845558329003993;
35  GAbs[15] = 0.8215820708593360; GAbs[16] = 0.8554297694299461; GAbs[17] = 0.8859679795236131; GAbs[18] = 0.9130785566557919; GAbs[19] = 0.9366566189448780;
36  GAbs[20] = 0.9566109552428079; GAbs[21] = 0.9728643851066920; GAbs[22] = 0.9853540840480058; GAbs[23] = 0.9853540840480058; GAbs[24] = 0.9988664044200710;
37  GAbs[25] = -0.0310983383271889; GAbs[26] = -0.0931747015600861; GAbs[27] = -0.1548905899981459; GAbs[28] = -0.2160072368760418; GAbs[29] = -0.2762881937795320;
38  GAbs[30] = -0.3355002454194373; GAbs[31] = -0.3934143118975651; GAbs[32] = -0.4498063349740388; GAbs[33] = -0.5044581449074642; GAbs[34] = -0.5571583045146501;
39  GAbs[35] = -0.6077029271849502; GAbs[36] = -0.6558964656854394; GAbs[37] = -0.7015524687068222; GAbs[38] = -0.7444943022260685; GAbs[39] = -0.7845558329003993;
40  GAbs[40] = -0.8215820708593360; GAbs[41] = -0.8554297694299461; GAbs[42] = -0.8859679795236131; GAbs[43] = -0.9130785566557919; GAbs[44] = -0.9366566189448780;
41  GAbs[45] = -0.9566109552428079; GAbs[46] = -0.9728643851066920; GAbs[47] = -0.9853540840480058; GAbs[48] = -0.9853540840480058; GAbs[49] = -0.9988664044200710;
43  // Adjustable parameters
44  xmq = 0.33/GEVFM; // use pythia values here
45  xms = 0.5/GEVFM; // use pythia values here
46  T = 0.165/GEVFM; // 165 MeV into fm^-1 // is set from outside with brick_temperature() or from hypersurface
47  NUMSTEP = 1048577; // 2^20+1, for steps of CDF Table, changes coarseness of momentum sampling
49  // Adjustable params for 3+1d
50  CellDX = 0.2; CellDY = 0.2; CellDZ = 0.2; CellDT = 0.1; //these are the values used in
52  // Flags
53  SetNum = false; // Set 'true' to set number of particles by hand- !!!Statistics use above temperature!!!
54  SetNumLight = 1000000; //If SetNum == true, this many UD quarks are generated
55  SetNumStrange = 0 ; //If SetNum == true, this many S quarks are generated
56  ShuffleList = true; // Should list of particles be shuffled at the end
58  // Brick Info
59  L = 4.0; // Thickness from box edge
60  W = 4.0; // x/y width of box
61  Time = 2.0; // Time of the brick partons
63  Vx = 0.; // 'Uniform' no flow in x-dir
64  Vy = 0.; // 'Uniform' no flow in y-dir
65  Vz = 0.; // 'Uniform' no flow in z-dir
67  surface.clear();
69  num_ud = 0; num_s = 0;
71  for(int iCDF=0; iCDF<NUMSTEP; ++iCDF){
72  std::vector<double> temp = {0., 0.};
73  CDFTabLight.push_back(temp);
74  CDFTabStrange.push_back(temp);
75  }
77 }
79 double ThermalPartonSampler::FermiPDF (double P, double M, double T, double mu){
80  return 1./( exp( (sqrt(M*M + P*P) - mu)/T ) + 1. );
81 }
83 bool ThermalPartonSampler::SplitSort(double goal, int floor, int ceiling, int quark) {
84  std::vector<std::vector<double>>& CDFTab = (quark == 1) ? CDFTabLight : CDFTabStrange;
86  int TargetPoint = ((floor + ceiling) / 2);
87  double TargetVal = CDFTab[TargetPoint][1];
89  return (goal > TargetVal);
90 }
92 void ThermalPartonSampler::CDFGenerator(double Temp, double M, int quark) {
93  double PStep;
94  double PMax = 10. * Temp; // CutOff for Integration
95  PStep = PMax / (NUMSTEP - 1); // Stepsize in P
97  std::vector<std::vector<double>> CDFTab;
98  if (quark == 1) {
99  CDFTab = CDFTabLight;
100  } else if (quark == 2) {
101  CDFTab = CDFTabStrange;
102  } else {
103  JSWARN << "This is not a valid quark input for CDFGenerator()";
104  return;
105  }
107  // Initialize tabulated results for CDF
108  CDFTab[0][0] = 0; // For zero momentum or less...
109  CDFTab[0][1] = 0; // There is zero chance
111  // Precompute constant values used in the loop
112  double muPi0 = 0.0; // You need to provide the correct value of muPi0
114  // Tabulate CDF(x) = int(0->x) PDF
115  for (int i = 1; i < NUMSTEP; i++) {
116  CDFTab[i][0] = CDFTab[i - 1][0] + PStep; // Calculate Momentum of the next step
117  double Fermi0 = FermiPDF(CDFTab[i - 1][0], M, Temp, muPi0); // PDF
118  double Fermi1 = FermiPDF(CDFTab[i][0], M, Temp, muPi0);
119  CDFTab[i][1] = CDFTab[i - 1][1] + (PStep / 2) * (Fermi0 * CDFTab[i - 1][0] * CDFTab[i - 1][0] + Fermi1 * CDFTab[i][0] * CDFTab[i][0]);
120  }
122  // Normalize the CDF
123  for (int i = 0; i < NUMSTEP; i++) {
124  CDFTab[i][1] = CDFTab[i][1] / CDFTab[NUMSTEP - 1][1];
125  }
127  if (quark == 1) {
128  CDFTabLight = CDFTab;
129  } else if (quark == 2) {
130  CDFTabStrange = CDFTab;
131  }
132 }
134 void ThermalPartonSampler::MCSampler(double Temp, int quark) { // input temperature in fm^-1
135  double PMag, CosT, Phi, PStep;
136  double PMax = 10. * Temp; // CutOff for Integration
137  PStep = PMax / (NUMSTEP - 1); // Stepsize in P
139  std::vector<std::vector<double>>& CDFTab = (quark == 1) ? CDFTabLight : CDFTabStrange;
141  int floor = 0;
142  int ceiling = NUMSTEP - 1;
143  double PRoll;
144  double denominator;
146  bool sample = true;
147  int test = 0;
148  while (sample) {
149  PRoll = ran();
151  for (int i = 0; i < 25; i++) { // Use 25 iterations for both quark types
152  if (SplitSort(PRoll, floor, ceiling, quark)) {
153  floor = ((floor + ceiling) / 2);
154  } else {
155  ceiling = ((floor + ceiling) / 2);
156  }
157  }
159  denominator = CDFTab[ceiling][1] - CDFTab[floor][1];
160  if (std::fabs(denominator) > 1e-16) {
161  PMag = PStep * (PRoll - CDFTab[floor][1]) / denominator + CDFTab[floor][0];
162  sample = false;
163  }
164  }
166  CosT = (ran() - 0.5) * 2.0;
167  Phi = ran() * 2 * PI;
169  NewX = PMag * sqrt(1 - CosT * CosT) * cos(Phi);
170  NewY = PMag * sqrt(1 - CosT * CosT) * sin(Phi);
171  NewZ = PMag * CosT;
172  NewP = PMag;
173 }
177  //preliminary parameter checks
178  if(L < 0.){L = -L; JSWARN << "Negative brick length - setting to positive " << L << " fm.";}
179  if(W < 0.){W = -W; JSWARN << "Negative brick width - setting to positive " << W << " fm.";}
181  // Input read from cells
182  double LFSigma[4]; // LabFrame hypersurface (tau/t,x,y,eta/z=0)
183  double CMSigma[4]; // Center of mass hypersurface (tau/t,x,y,eta/z=0)
184  double Vel[4]; // Gamma & 3-velocity of cell (gamma, Vx, Vy, Vz) NOT FOUR VELOCITY
186  // Calculated global quantities
187  int PartCount; // Total Count of Particles over ALL cells
188  double NumLight; // Number DENSITY of light quarks at set T
189  double NumStrange; // Number DENSITY of s quarks at set T
190  double UDDeg = 4.*6.; // Degeneracy of UD quarks
191  double OddDeg = 2.*6.; // Degeneracy of S quarks
193  //counter for total number of light and strange quarks
194  int nL_tot = 0;
195  int nS_tot = 0;
197  // Calculated quantities in cells
198  double LorBoost[4][4]; // Lorentz boost defined as used - form is always Lambda_u^v
199  int GeneratedParticles; // Number of particles to be generated this cell
200  double new_quark_energy; // store new quark energy for boost
202  // End definition of static variables
204  // Define hypersurface for brick here
205  // Default t=const hypersurface
206  // Vector must be covariant (negative signs on spatial components)
207  LFSigma[0] = 1.;
208  LFSigma[1] = 0.;
209  LFSigma[2] = 0.;
210  LFSigma[3] = 0.;
212  Vel[1] = Vx;
213  Vel[2] = Vy;
214  Vel[3] = Vz;
216  double vsquare = Vel[1]*Vel[1] + Vel[2]*Vel[2] + Vel[3]*Vel[3];
218  if(vsquare > 1.){
219  JSWARN << "v^2 = " << vsquare;
220  JSWARN << "Unphysical velocity (brick flow)! Set to \"No Flow\" case";
221  Vel[1] = 0.;
222  Vel[2] = 0.;
223  Vel[3] = 0.;
224  }
226  Vel[0] = 1. / std::sqrt(1.-vsquare); // gamma - Vel is not four velocity
228  // Lambda_u ^v from (lab frame to rest frame with flow velocity)
229  if(vsquare == 0){
230  LorBoost[0][0]= Vel[0];
231  LorBoost[0][1]= Vel[0]*Vel[1];
232  LorBoost[0][2]= Vel[0]*Vel[2];
233  LorBoost[0][3]= Vel[0]*Vel[3];
234  LorBoost[1][0]= Vel[0]*Vel[1];
235  LorBoost[1][1]= 1.;
236  LorBoost[1][2]= 0.;
237  LorBoost[1][3]= 0.;
238  LorBoost[2][0]= Vel[0]*Vel[2];
239  LorBoost[2][1]= 0.;
240  LorBoost[2][2]= 1.;
241  LorBoost[2][3]= 0.;
242  LorBoost[3][0]= Vel[0]*Vel[3];
243  LorBoost[3][1]= 0.;
244  LorBoost[3][2]= 0.;
245  LorBoost[3][3]= 1.;
246  }else{
247  LorBoost[0][0]= Vel[0];
248  LorBoost[0][1]= Vel[0]*Vel[1];
249  LorBoost[0][2]= Vel[0]*Vel[2];
250  LorBoost[0][3]= Vel[0]*Vel[3];
251  LorBoost[1][0]= Vel[0]*Vel[1];
252  LorBoost[1][1]= (Vel[0] - 1.)*Vel[1]*Vel[1]/vsquare + 1.;
253  LorBoost[1][2]= (Vel[0] - 1.)*Vel[1]*Vel[2]/vsquare;
254  LorBoost[1][3]= (Vel[0] - 1.)*Vel[1]*Vel[3]/vsquare;
255  LorBoost[2][0]= Vel[0]*Vel[2];
256  LorBoost[2][1]= (Vel[0] - 1.)*Vel[1]*Vel[2]/vsquare;
257  LorBoost[2][2]= (Vel[0] - 1.)*Vel[2]*Vel[2]/vsquare + 1.;
258  LorBoost[2][3]= (Vel[0] - 1.)*Vel[2]*Vel[3]/vsquare;
259  LorBoost[3][0]= Vel[0]*Vel[3];
260  LorBoost[3][1]= (Vel[0] - 1.)*Vel[1]*Vel[3]/vsquare;
261  LorBoost[3][2]= (Vel[0] - 1.)*Vel[2]*Vel[3]/vsquare;
262  LorBoost[3][3]= (Vel[0] - 1.)*Vel[3]*Vel[3]/vsquare + 1.;
263  }
265  // Code parity with hypersurface case
266  // Lambda_u^v Sigma_v = CMSigma_u
267  // Caution: CMSigma is a covariant vector
268  CMSigma[0] = (LorBoost[0][0]*LFSigma[0] + LorBoost[0][1]*LFSigma[1] + LorBoost[0][2]*LFSigma[2] + LorBoost[0][3]*LFSigma[3]);
269  CMSigma[1] = (LorBoost[1][0]*LFSigma[0] + LorBoost[1][1]*LFSigma[1] + LorBoost[1][2]*LFSigma[2] + LorBoost[1][3]*LFSigma[3]);
270  CMSigma[2] = (LorBoost[2][0]*LFSigma[0] + LorBoost[2][1]*LFSigma[1] + LorBoost[2][2]*LFSigma[2] + LorBoost[2][3]*LFSigma[3]);
271  CMSigma[3] = (LorBoost[3][0]*LFSigma[0] + LorBoost[3][1]*LFSigma[1] + LorBoost[3][2]*LFSigma[2] + LorBoost[3][3]*LFSigma[3]);
273  /* Define Parton Densities */
275  double cut = 10.*T; // Each coordinate of P is integrated this far
276  double E_light; // Store energy of light quarks
277  double E_strange; // Store energy of strange quarks
278  double GWeightProd; // Needed for integration
279  double pSpatialdSigma; // Needed for integration
280  PartCount = 0;
281  NumLight = 0; // Initialize density for light and strange quarks
282  NumStrange = 0;
284  // Define the lambda function to compute the energy
285  auto computeEnergy = [](double mass, double cut, double GAbsL, double GAbsM, double GAbsK) {
286  return sqrt(mass * mass + (cut * GAbsL) * (cut * GAbsL) + (cut * GAbsM) * (cut * GAbsM) + (cut * GAbsK) * (cut * GAbsK));
287  };
289  // Define the lambda function for the Fermi distribution
290  auto FermiDistribution = [](double energy, double temperature) {
291  return 1. / (exp(energy / temperature) + 1.);
292  };
294  // GAUSSIAN INTEGRALS <n> = int f(p)d3p
295  for (int l=0; l<GPoints; l++){
296  for (int m=0; m<GPoints; m++){
297  for(int k=0; k<GPoints; k++){
298  GWeightProd = GWeight[l] * GWeight[m] * GWeight[k];
299  pSpatialdSigma = (cut * GAbs[l]) * CMSigma[1] + (cut * GAbs[m]) * CMSigma[2] + (cut * GAbs[k]) * CMSigma[3];
301  // For UD quarks
302  E_light = computeEnergy(xmq, cut, GAbs[l], GAbs[m], GAbs[k]);
303  NumLight += GWeightProd * FermiDistribution(E_light, T) *
304  (E_light * CMSigma[0] + pSpatialdSigma) / E_light;
306  // For S quarks
307  E_strange = computeEnergy(xms, cut, GAbs[l], GAbs[m], GAbs[k]);
308  NumStrange += GWeightProd * FermiDistribution(E_strange, T) *
309  (E_strange * CMSigma[0] + pSpatialdSigma) / E_strange;
310  }
311  }
312  }
314  // Normalization factors: degeneracy, gaussian integration, and 1/(2Pi)^3
315  NumLight *= UDDeg*cut*cut*cut/(8.*PI*PI*PI);
316  NumStrange *= OddDeg*cut*cut*cut/(8.*PI*PI*PI);
318  // Define rest-frame cumulative functions
319  CDFGenerator(T, xmq, 1); // for light quarks
320  CDFGenerator(T, xms, 2); // for strange quarks
323  // <N> = V <n>
324  double NumHere = NumLight*L*W*W;
326  // S, SBAR QUARKS
327  // <N> = V <n>
328  double NumOddHere = NumStrange*L*W*W;
330  std::poisson_distribution<int> poisson_ud(NumHere);
331  std::poisson_distribution<int> poisson_s(NumOddHere);
333  // In case of overwriting
334  if(SetNum){
335  NumHere = SetNumLight;
336  NumOddHere = SetNumStrange;
337  }
339  // Generating light quarks
340  GeneratedParticles = poisson_ud(getRandomGenerator());
342  // List of particles ( pos(x,y,z,t), mom(px,py,pz,E), species)
343  for(int partic = 0; partic < GeneratedParticles; partic++){
344  // adding space to PList for output quarks
345  std::vector<double> temp = {0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.};
346  Plist.push_back(temp);
348  // Species - U,D,UBar,Dbar are equally likely
349  double SpecRoll = ran(); //Probability of species die roll
350  if (SpecRoll <= 0.25) { // UBar
351  Plist[PartCount][1] = -2;
352  } else if (SpecRoll <= 0.50) { // DBar
353  Plist[PartCount][1] = -1;
354  } else if (SpecRoll <= 0.75) { // D
355  Plist[PartCount][1] = 1;
356  } else { // U
357  Plist[PartCount][1] = 2;
358  }
360  // Position
361  // Located at x,y pos of area element
362  double XRoll = ran()-0.5; // center at x=0
363  double YRoll = ran()-0.5; // center at y=0
364  double ZRoll = ran()-0.5; // center at z=0
366  Plist[PartCount][7] = XRoll*L;
367  Plist[PartCount][8] = YRoll*W;
368  Plist[PartCount][9] = ZRoll*W;
370  // Time
371  Plist[PartCount][10] = Time; // Tau = L/2.: assume jet at light speed
373  // Momentum
374  // Sample rest frame momentum given T and mass of light quark
375  MCSampler(T, 1); // NewP=P, NewX=Px, ...
377  // PLab^u = g^u^t Lambda_t ^v Pres^w g_w _v = Lambda ^u _w Pres_w (with velocity -v)
378  // (Lambda _u ^t with velocity v) == (Lambda ^u _t with velocity -v)
379  // This is boost as if particle sampled in rest frame
380  new_quark_energy = sqrt(xmq*xmq + NewP*NewP);
381  Plist[PartCount][6]= (LorBoost[0][0]*new_quark_energy + LorBoost[0][1]*NewX + LorBoost[0][2]*NewY + LorBoost[0][3]*NewZ)*GEVFM;
382  Plist[PartCount][3]= (LorBoost[1][0]*new_quark_energy + LorBoost[1][1]*NewX + LorBoost[1][2]*NewY + LorBoost[1][3]*NewZ)*GEVFM;
383  Plist[PartCount][4]= (LorBoost[2][0]*new_quark_energy + LorBoost[2][1]*NewX + LorBoost[2][2]*NewY + LorBoost[2][3]*NewZ)*GEVFM;
384  Plist[PartCount][5]= (LorBoost[3][0]*new_quark_energy + LorBoost[3][1]*NewX + LorBoost[3][2]*NewY + LorBoost[3][3]*NewZ)*GEVFM;
385  // Additional information
386  Plist[PartCount][0] = 1; // Event ID, to match jet formatting
387  Plist[PartCount][2] = 0; // Origin, to match jet formatting
388  Plist[PartCount][11] = 0; // Status - identifies as thermal quark
389  PartCount++;
390  }
392  nL_tot += GeneratedParticles;
394  // Generate strange quarks
395  GeneratedParticles = poisson_s(getRandomGenerator());
397  nS_tot += GeneratedParticles;
398  //List of particles ( pos(x,y,z,t), mom(px,py,pz,E), species)
399  for(int partic = 0; partic < GeneratedParticles; partic++){
400  // adding space to PList for output quarks
401  std::vector<double> temp = {0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.};
402  Plist.push_back(temp);
404  // Species - S,Sbar are equally likely
405  double SpecRoll = ran();
406  if(SpecRoll <= 0.5){ // SBar
407  Plist[PartCount][1] = -3;
408  } else { //S
409  Plist[PartCount][1] = 3;
410  }
412  // Position
413  // Located at x,y pos of area element
414  double XRoll = ran()-0.5; // center at x=0
415  double YRoll = ran()-0.5; // center at y=0
416  double ZRoll = ran()-0.5; // center at z=0
418  Plist[PartCount][7] = XRoll*L;
419  Plist[PartCount][8] = YRoll*W;
420  Plist[PartCount][9] = ZRoll*W;
422  // Time
423  Plist[PartCount][10] = Time; // Tau = L/2.: assume jet at light speed
425  // Momentum
426  // Sample rest frame momentum given T and mass of s quark
427  MCSampler(T, 2); // NewP=P, NewX=Px, ...
429  // PLab^u = g^u^t Lambda_t ^v Pres^w g_w _v = Lambda ^u _w Pres_w (with velocity -v)
430  // (Lambda _u ^t with velocity v) == (Lambda ^u _t with velocity -v)
431  // This is boost as if particle sampled in rest frame
432  new_quark_energy = sqrt(xms*xms + NewP*NewP);
433  Plist[PartCount][6]= (LorBoost[0][0]*new_quark_energy + LorBoost[0][1]*NewX + LorBoost[0][2]*NewY + LorBoost[0][3]*NewZ)*GEVFM;
434  Plist[PartCount][3]= (LorBoost[1][0]*new_quark_energy + LorBoost[1][1]*NewX + LorBoost[1][2]*NewY + LorBoost[1][3]*NewZ)*GEVFM;
435  Plist[PartCount][4]= (LorBoost[2][0]*new_quark_energy + LorBoost[2][1]*NewX + LorBoost[2][2]*NewY + LorBoost[2][3]*NewZ)*GEVFM;
436  Plist[PartCount][5]= (LorBoost[3][0]*new_quark_energy + LorBoost[3][1]*NewX + LorBoost[3][2]*NewY + LorBoost[3][3]*NewZ)*GEVFM;
438  // Additional information
439  Plist[PartCount][0] = 1; // Event ID, to match jet formatting
440  Plist[PartCount][2] = 0; // Origin, to match jet formatting
441  Plist[PartCount][11] = 0; // Status - identifies as thermal quark
442  PartCount++;
443  }
445  JSDEBUG << "Light particles: " << nL_tot;
446  JSDEBUG << "Strange particles: " << nS_tot;
448  num_ud = nL_tot;
449  num_s = nS_tot;
451  //Shuffling PList
452  if(ShuffleList){
453  // Shuffle the Plist using the random engine
454  std::shuffle(&Plist[0], &Plist[PartCount], getRandomGenerator());
455  }
457  //print Plist for testing
458  /*std::cout << std::setprecision(5);
459  std::ofstream thermalP;
460"thermal_partons.dat", std::ios::app);
461  for(int p=0; p < Plist.size(); p++){
462  thermalP << Plist[p][0] << " " << Plist[p][1] << " " << Plist[p][2]
463  << " " << Plist[p][3] << " " << Plist[p][4] << " " << Plist[p][5]
464  << " " << Plist[p][6] << " " << Plist[p][7] << " " << Plist[p][8]
465  << " " << Plist[p][9] << " " << Plist[p][10] << " " << Plist[p][11]
466  << "\n";
467  }
468  thermalP.close();*/
469 }
471 void ThermalPartonSampler::sample_3p1d(bool Cartesian_hydro){
473  // Input read from cells
474  double CPos[4]; // Position of the current cell (tau/t, x, y , eta/z=0)
475  double LFSigma[4]; // LabFrame hypersurface (tau/t,x,y,eta/z=0), expect Sigma_mu
476  double CMSigma[4]; // Center of mass hypersurface (tau/t,x,y,eta/z=0)
477  double TRead; // Temperature of cell
478  double Vel[4]; // Gamma & 3-Velocity of cell (gamma, Vx, Vy, Vz) NOT FOUR VELOCITY
479  double tau_pos; // proper time from position of cell
480  double eta_pos; // eta from position of cell
481  double tau_sur; // proper time from normal vector of surface
482  double eta_sur; // eta from normal vector of surface
484  // Calculated global quantities
485  int PartCount; // Total count of particles over ALL cells
486  double NumLight; // Number DENSITY of light quarks at set T
487  double NumStrange; // Number DENSITY of squarks at set T
488  double UDDeg = 4.*6.; // Degeneracy of UD quarks
489  double OddDeg = 2.*6.; // Degeneracy of S quarks
491  // Calculated quantities in cells
492  double LorBoost[4][4]; // Lorentz boost defined as used - Form is always Lambda_u^v
493  int GeneratedParticles; // Number of particles to be generated this cell
495  // Define parton densities
496  double cut; // Each coordinate of P is integrated this far
497  double E_light; // Store energy of light quarks
498  double E_strange; // Store energy of strange quarks
499  double GWeightProd; // Needed for integration
500  double pSpatialdSigma; // Needed for integration
501  PartCount = 0;
502  NumLight = 0; // Initialize density for light and strange quarks
503  NumStrange = 0;
504  GeneratedParticles = 0;
505  double new_quark_energy; // store new quark energy for boost
507  //counter for total number of light and strange quarks
508  int nL_tot = 0;
509  int nS_tot = 0;
511  // define the accuracy range for temperature values in which the CDFGenerator is executed (for the case the value is not in the cache yet)
512  const double accuracyRange = 0.003 / GEVFM; // for a usual hypersurface at const temperature there should be only one entry in the cache
513  // precompute CDFs and store them in a cache
514  std::unordered_map<double, std::vector<std::vector<double>>> cdfLightCache;
515  std::unordered_map<double, std::vector<std::vector<double>>> cdfStrangeCache;
517  // lambda function to check if a temperature value is within the accuracy range of a cached temperature
518  auto withinAccuracyRange = [accuracyRange](double targetTemp, double cachedTemp) {
519  return std::fabs(targetTemp - cachedTemp) <= accuracyRange;
520  };
522  // lambda function to retrieve the closest temperature from the cache within the accuracy range
523  auto getClosestCachedTemp = [](const std::unordered_map<double, std::vector<std::vector<double>>>& cache, double targetTemp) {
524  double closestTemp = -1.0;
525  double minDistance = std::numeric_limits<double>::max();
526  for (const auto& entry : cache) {
527  double cachedTemp = entry.first;
528  double distance = std::fabs(targetTemp - cachedTemp);
529  if (distance < minDistance) {
530  minDistance = distance;
531  closestTemp = cachedTemp;
532  }
533  }
534  return closestTemp;
535  };
537  // Define the lambda function to compute the energy
538  auto computeEnergy = [](double mass, double cut, double GAbsL, double GAbsM, double GAbsK) {
539  return sqrt(mass * mass + (cut * GAbsL) * (cut * GAbsL) + (cut * GAbsM) * (cut * GAbsM) + (cut * GAbsK) * (cut * GAbsK));
540  };
542  // Define the lambda function for the Fermi distribution
543  auto FermiDistribution = [](double energy, double temperature) {
544  return 1. / (exp(energy / temperature) + 1.);
545  };
547  for(int iS=0; iS<surface.size(); ++iS){
548  tau_pos = surface[iS][0];
549  CPos[1] = surface[iS][1];
550  CPos[2] = surface[iS][2];
551  eta_pos = surface[iS][3]; //we need t,x,y,z
552  //this is also tau, x, y, eta
553  tau_sur = surface[iS][4];
554  LFSigma[1] = surface[iS][5];
555  LFSigma[2] = surface[iS][6];
556  eta_sur = surface[iS][7];
557  TRead = surface[iS][8] / GEVFM;
558  Vel[1] = surface[iS][9];
559  Vel[2] = surface[iS][10];
560  Vel[3] = surface[iS][11];
562  cut = 10*TRead;
564  // check if the CDFs for light quarks for this temperature are already in the cache and within the accuracy range
565  auto cdfLightIter = cdfLightCache.find(TRead);
566  if (cdfLightIter == cdfLightCache.end()) {
567  // if not found, find the closest temperature in the cache within the accuracy range
568  double closestTemp = getClosestCachedTemp(cdfLightCache,TRead);
570  if (closestTemp >= 0. && withinAccuracyRange(TRead, closestTemp)) {
571  // use the CDFs from the closest temperature in the cache
572  CDFTabLight = cdfLightCache[closestTemp];
573  // set the current temperature value to the closest cached temperature
574  TRead = closestTemp;
575  } else {
576  // if no suitable entry is found, compute the CDFs and store them in the cache
577  CDFGenerator(TRead, xmq, 1); // for light quarks
578  cdfLightCache[TRead] = CDFTabLight;
579  }
580  } else {
581  // if found, use the precomputed CDFs from the cache
582  CDFTabLight = cdfLightIter->second;
583  }
585  // check if the CDFs for strange quarks for this temperature are already in the cache and within the accuracy range
586  auto cdfStrangeIter = cdfStrangeCache.find(TRead);
587  if (cdfStrangeIter == cdfStrangeCache.end()) {
588  // if not found, find the closest temperature in the cache within the accuracy range
589  double closestTemp = getClosestCachedTemp(cdfStrangeCache,TRead);
591  if (closestTemp >= 0 && withinAccuracyRange(TRead, closestTemp)) {
592  // use the CDFs from the closest temperature in the cache
593  CDFTabStrange = cdfStrangeCache[closestTemp];
594  // set the current temperature value to the closest cached temperature
595  TRead = closestTemp;
596  } else {
597  // if no suitable entry is found, compute the CDFs and store them in the cache
598  CDFGenerator(TRead, xms, 2); // for strange quarks
599  cdfStrangeCache[TRead] = CDFTabStrange;
600  }
601  } else {
602  // if found, use the precomputed CDFs from the cache
603  CDFTabStrange = cdfStrangeIter->second;
604  }
606  if (Cartesian_hydro == false){
607  //getting t,z from tau, eta
608  CPos[0] = tau_pos*std::cosh(eta_pos);
609  CPos[3] = tau_pos*std::sinh(eta_pos);
610  //transform surface vector to Minkowski coordinates
611  double cosh_eta_pos = std::cosh(eta_pos);
612  double sinh_eta_pos = std::sinh(eta_pos);
613  LFSigma[0] = cosh_eta_pos*tau_sur - (sinh_eta_pos / tau_pos) * eta_sur;
614  LFSigma[3] = -sinh_eta_pos*tau_sur + (cosh_eta_pos / tau_pos) * eta_sur;
615  }else{ // check later!
616  CPos[0] = tau_pos;
617  CPos[3] = eta_pos;
618  LFSigma[0] = tau_sur;
619  LFSigma[3] = eta_sur;
620  }
622  double vsquare = Vel[1]*Vel[1] + Vel[2]*Vel[2] + Vel[3]*Vel[3];
623  if(vsquare < 10e-16){
624  vsquare = 10e-16;
625  }
627  // Deduced info
628  Vel[0] = 1. / sqrt(1-vsquare); // gamma - Vel is not four velocity
630  // Lambda_u ^v
631  LorBoost[0][0]= Vel[0];
632  LorBoost[0][1]= Vel[0]*Vel[1];
633  LorBoost[0][2]= Vel[0]*Vel[2];
634  LorBoost[0][3]= Vel[0]*Vel[3];
635  LorBoost[1][0]= Vel[0]*Vel[1];
636  LorBoost[1][1]= (Vel[0] - 1.)*Vel[1]*Vel[1]/vsquare + 1.;
637  LorBoost[1][2]= (Vel[0] - 1.)*Vel[1]*Vel[2]/vsquare;
638  LorBoost[1][3]= (Vel[0] - 1.)*Vel[1]*Vel[3]/vsquare;
639  LorBoost[2][0]= Vel[0]*Vel[2];
640  LorBoost[2][1]= (Vel[0] - 1.)*Vel[1]*Vel[2]/vsquare;
641  LorBoost[2][2]= (Vel[0] - 1.)*Vel[2]*Vel[2]/vsquare + 1.;
642  LorBoost[2][3]= (Vel[0] - 1.)*Vel[2]*Vel[3]/vsquare;
643  LorBoost[3][0]= Vel[0]*Vel[3];
644  LorBoost[3][1]= (Vel[0] - 1.)*Vel[1]*Vel[3]/vsquare;
645  LorBoost[3][2]= (Vel[0] - 1.)*Vel[2]*Vel[3]/vsquare;
646  LorBoost[3][3]= (Vel[0] - 1.)*Vel[3]*Vel[3]/vsquare + 1.;
648  if(vsquare == 0){
649  LorBoost[1][1]= 1.;
650  LorBoost[1][2]= 0;
651  LorBoost[1][3]= 0;
652  LorBoost[2][1]= 0;
653  LorBoost[2][2]= 1.;
654  LorBoost[2][3]= 0;
655  LorBoost[3][1]= 0;
656  LorBoost[3][2]= 0;
657  LorBoost[3][3]= 1.;
658  }
659  // Lambda_u^v Sigma_v = CMSigma_u
660  CMSigma[0] = (LorBoost[0][0]*LFSigma[0] + LorBoost[0][1]*LFSigma[1] + LorBoost[0][2]*LFSigma[2] + LorBoost[0][3]*LFSigma[3]);
661  CMSigma[1] = (LorBoost[1][0]*LFSigma[0] + LorBoost[1][1]*LFSigma[1] + LorBoost[1][2]*LFSigma[2] + LorBoost[1][3]*LFSigma[3]);
662  CMSigma[2] = (LorBoost[2][0]*LFSigma[0] + LorBoost[2][1]*LFSigma[1] + LorBoost[2][2]*LFSigma[2] + LorBoost[2][3]*LFSigma[3]);
663  CMSigma[3] = (LorBoost[3][0]*LFSigma[0] + LorBoost[3][1]*LFSigma[1] + LorBoost[3][2]*LFSigma[2] + LorBoost[3][3]*LFSigma[3]);
665  // GAUSSIAN INTEGRALS <n> = int f(p)d3p
666  NumLight = 0.;
667  NumStrange = 0.;
669  for (int l = 0; l < GPoints; l++) {
670  for (int m = 0; m < GPoints; m++) {
671  for (int k = 0; k < GPoints; k++) {
672  GWeightProd = GWeight[l] * GWeight[m] * GWeight[k];
673  pSpatialdSigma = (cut * GAbs[l]) * CMSigma[1] + (cut * GAbs[m]) * CMSigma[2] + (cut * GAbs[k]) * CMSigma[3];
675  // For UD quarks
676  E_light = computeEnergy(xmq, cut, GAbs[l], GAbs[m], GAbs[k]);
677  NumLight += GWeightProd * FermiDistribution(E_light, TRead) *
678  (E_light * CMSigma[0] + pSpatialdSigma) / E_light;
680  // For S quarks
681  E_strange = computeEnergy(xms, cut, GAbs[l], GAbs[m], GAbs[k]);
682  NumStrange += GWeightProd * FermiDistribution(E_strange, TRead) *
683  (E_strange * CMSigma[0] + pSpatialdSigma) / E_strange;
684  }
685  }
686  }
689  // <N> = V <n>
690  double NumHere = NumLight*UDDeg*cut*cut*cut/(8.*PI*PI*PI);
691  std::poisson_distribution<int> poisson_ud(NumHere);
693  // Generating light quarks
694  GeneratedParticles = poisson_ud(getRandomGenerator()); // Initialize particles created in this cell
696  // List of particles ( pos(x,y,z,t), mom(px,py,pz,E), species)
697  for(int partic = 0; partic < GeneratedParticles; partic++){
698  // adding space to PList for output quarks
699  std::vector<double> temp = {0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.};
700  Plist.push_back(temp);
702  // Species - U,D,UBar,Dbar are equally likely
703  double SpecRoll = ran(); //Probability of species die roll
704  if (SpecRoll <= 0.25) { // UBar
705  Plist[PartCount][1] = -2;
706  } else if (SpecRoll <= 0.50) { // DBar
707  Plist[PartCount][1] = -1;
708  } else if (SpecRoll <= 0.75) { // D
709  Plist[PartCount][1] = 1;
710  } else { // U
711  Plist[PartCount][1] = 2;
712  }
714  // Position
715  // Located at x,y pos of area element
716  Plist[PartCount][10] = CPos[0] + (ran() - 0.5)*CellDT; // Tau
717  Plist[PartCount][7] = CPos[1] + (ran() - 0.5)*CellDX;
718  Plist[PartCount][8] = CPos[2] + (ran() - 0.5)*CellDY;
719  Plist[PartCount][9] = CPos[3] + (ran() - 0.5)*CellDZ;
721  // Momentum
722  // Sample rest frame momentum given T and mass of light quark
723  MCSampler(TRead, 1); // NewP=P, NewX=Px, ...
726  // PLab^u = g^u^t Lambda_t ^v pres^w g_w _v
727  // Returns P in GeV
728  new_quark_energy = sqrt(xmq*xmq + NewP*NewP);
729  Plist[PartCount][6] = (LorBoost[0][0]*new_quark_energy + LorBoost[0][1]*NewX + LorBoost[0][2]*NewY + LorBoost[0][3]*NewZ)*GEVFM;
730  Plist[PartCount][3] = (LorBoost[1][0]*new_quark_energy + LorBoost[1][1]*NewX + LorBoost[1][2]*NewY + LorBoost[1][3]*NewZ)*GEVFM;
731  Plist[PartCount][4] = (LorBoost[2][0]*new_quark_energy + LorBoost[2][1]*NewX + LorBoost[2][2]*NewY + LorBoost[2][3]*NewZ)*GEVFM;
732  Plist[PartCount][5] = (LorBoost[3][0]*new_quark_energy + LorBoost[3][1]*NewX + LorBoost[3][2]*NewY + LorBoost[3][3]*NewZ)*GEVFM;
734  // Additional information
735  Plist[PartCount][0] = 1; // Event ID, to match jet formatting
736  Plist[PartCount][2] = 0; // Origin, to match jet formatting
737  Plist[PartCount][11] = 0; // Status - identifies as thermal quark
738  PartCount++;
739  }
741  // S, SBAR QUARKS
742  // <N> = V <n>
743  double NumOddHere = NumStrange*OddDeg*cut*cut*cut/(8.*PI*PI*PI);
744  std::poisson_distribution<int> poisson_s(NumOddHere);
746  // Generate s quarks
747  int nL = GeneratedParticles;
748  nL_tot += nL;
750  GeneratedParticles = poisson_s(getRandomGenerator()); //Initialize particles created in this cell
752  int nS = GeneratedParticles;
753  nS_tot += nS;
754  //List of particles ( pos(x,y,z,t), mom(px,py,pz,E), species)
755  for(int partic = 0; partic < GeneratedParticles; partic++){
756  // adding space to PList for output quarks
757  std::vector<double> temp = {0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.};
758  Plist.push_back(temp);
760  // Species - S,Sbar are equally likely
761  double SpecRoll = ran();
762  if(SpecRoll <= 0.5){ // SBar
763  Plist[PartCount][1] = -3;
764  } else { //S
765  Plist[PartCount][1] = 3;
766  }
768  // Position
769  // Located at x,y pos of area element
770  Plist[PartCount][10] = CPos[0] + (ran() - 0.5)*CellDT; // Tau
771  Plist[PartCount][7] = CPos[1] + (ran() - 0.5)*CellDX;
772  Plist[PartCount][8] = CPos[2] + (ran() - 0.5)*CellDY;
773  Plist[PartCount][9] = CPos[3] + (ran() - 0.5)*CellDZ;
775  // Momentum
776  // Sample rest frame momentum given T and mass of s quark
777  MCSampler(TRead, 2); // NewP=P, NewX=Px, ...
780  // PLab^u = g^u^t Lambda_t ^v pres^w g_w _v
781  // Returns P in GeV
782  new_quark_energy = sqrt(xms*xms + NewP*NewP);
783  Plist[PartCount][6] = (LorBoost[0][0]*new_quark_energy + LorBoost[0][1]*NewX + LorBoost[0][2]*NewY + LorBoost[0][3]*NewZ)*GEVFM;
784  Plist[PartCount][3] = (LorBoost[1][0]*new_quark_energy + LorBoost[1][1]*NewX + LorBoost[1][2]*NewY + LorBoost[1][3]*NewZ)*GEVFM;
785  Plist[PartCount][4] = (LorBoost[2][0]*new_quark_energy + LorBoost[2][1]*NewX + LorBoost[2][2]*NewY + LorBoost[2][3]*NewZ)*GEVFM;
786  Plist[PartCount][5] = (LorBoost[3][0]*new_quark_energy + LorBoost[3][1]*NewX + LorBoost[3][2]*NewY + LorBoost[3][3]*NewZ)*GEVFM;
788  // Additional information
789  Plist[PartCount][0] = 1; // Event ID, to match jet formatting
790  Plist[PartCount][2] = 0; // Origin, to match jet formatting
791  Plist[PartCount][11] = 0; // Status - identifies as thermal quark
792  PartCount++;
793  }
794  }
796  JSDEBUG << "Light particles: " << nL_tot;
797  JSDEBUG << "Strange particles: " << nS_tot;
799  num_ud = nL_tot;
800  num_s = nS_tot;
802  //Shuffling PList
803  if(ShuffleList){
804  // Shuffle the Plist using the random engine
805  std::shuffle(&Plist[0], &Plist[PartCount], getRandomGenerator());
806  }
808  //print Plist for testing
809  /*std::cout << std::setprecision(5);
810  std::ofstream thermalP;
811"thermal_partons.dat", std::ios::app);
812  for(int p=0; p < Plist.size(); p++){
813  thermalP << Plist[p][0] << " " << Plist[p][1] << " " << Plist[p][2]
814  << " " << Plist[p][3] << " " << Plist[p][4] << " " << Plist[p][5]
815  << " " << Plist[p][6] << " " << Plist[p][7] << " " << Plist[p][8]
816  << " " << Plist[p][9] << " " << Plist[p][10] << " " << Plist[p][11]
817  << "\n";
818  }
819  thermalP.close();*/
820 }
824  // Input read from cells
825  double CPos[4]; // Position of the current cell (tau/t, x, y , eta/z=0)
826  double LFSigma[4]; // LabFrame hypersurface (tau/t,x,y,eta/z=0)
827  double CMSigma[4]; // Center of mass hypersurface (tau/t,x,y,eta/z=0)
828  double TRead; // Temperature of cell
829  double Vel[4]; // Gamma & 3-Velocity of cell (gamma, Vx, Vy, Vz) NOT FOUR VELOCITY
830  double tau_pos; // proper time from position of cell
831  double eta_pos; // eta from position of cell
832  double tau_sur; // proper time from normal vector of surface
833  double eta_sur; // eta from normal vector of surface
835  // Calculated global quantities
836  int PartCount; // Total count of particles over ALL cells
837  double NumLight; // Number DENSITY of light quarks at set T
838  double NumStrange; // Number DENSITY of squarks at set T
839  double UDDeg = 4.*6.; // Degeneracy of UD quarks
840  double OddDeg = 2.*6.; // Degeneracy of S quarks
842  // Calculated quantities in cells
843  double LorBoost[4][4]; // Lorentz boost defined as used - Form is always Lambda_u^v
844  int GeneratedParticles; // Number of particles to be generated this cell
846  // Define parton densities
847  double cut; // Each coordinate of P is integrated this far
848  double E_light; // Store energy of light quarks
849  double E_strange; // Store energy of strange quarks
850  double GWeightProd; // Needed for integration
851  double pSpatialdSigma; // Needed for integration
852  PartCount = 0;
853  NumLight = 0; // Initialize density for light and strange quarks
854  NumStrange = 0;
855  GeneratedParticles = 0;
856  double new_quark_energy; // store new quark energy for boost
858  //counter for total number of light and strange quarks
859  int nL_tot = 0;
860  int nS_tot = 0;
862  // define the accuracy range for temperature values in which the CDFGenerator is executed (for the case the value is not in the cache yet)
863  const double accuracyRange = 0.003 / GEVFM; // for a usual hypersurface at const temperature there should be only one entry in the cache
864  // precompute CDFs and store them in a cache
865  std::unordered_map<double, std::vector<std::vector<double>>> cdfLightCache;
866  std::unordered_map<double, std::vector<std::vector<double>>> cdfStrangeCache;
868  // lambda function to check if a temperature value is within the accuracy range of a cached temperature
869  auto withinAccuracyRange = [accuracyRange](double targetTemp, double cachedTemp) {
870  return std::fabs(targetTemp - cachedTemp) <= accuracyRange;
871  };
873  // lambda function to retrieve the closest temperature from the cache within the accuracy range
874  auto getClosestCachedTemp = [](const std::unordered_map<double, std::vector<std::vector<double>>>& cache, double targetTemp) {
875  double closestTemp = -1.0;
876  double minDistance = std::numeric_limits<double>::max();
877  for (const auto& entry : cache) {
878  double cachedTemp = entry.first;
879  double distance = std::fabs(targetTemp - cachedTemp);
880  if (distance < minDistance) {
881  minDistance = distance;
882  closestTemp = cachedTemp;
883  }
884  }
885  return closestTemp;
886  };
888  // Define the lambda function to compute the energy
889  auto computeEnergy = [](double mass, double cut, double GAbsL, double GAbsM, double GAbsK) {
890  return sqrt(mass * mass + (cut * GAbsL) * (cut * GAbsL) + (cut * GAbsM) * (cut * GAbsM) + (cut * GAbsK) * (cut * GAbsK));
891  };
893  // Define the lambda function for the Fermi distribution
894  auto FermiDistribution = [](double energy, double temperature) {
895  return 1. / (exp(energy / temperature) + 1.);
896  };
898  std::vector<double> NumLightList;
899  std::vector<double> NumStrangeList;
901  double d_eta = CellDZ;
903  int N_slices = std::floor((eta_max / d_eta)-0.5)+1;
904  for(int slice=1; slice <= (2*N_slices+1); slice++){
905  double eta_slice = (slice-N_slices-1)*d_eta;
907  JSINFO << "Sampling thermal partons for pseudorapidity slice " << slice
908  << " (eta_min = " << eta_slice-(d_eta/2.) << ", eta_max = "
909  << eta_slice+(d_eta/2.) << ")";
911  for(int iS=0; iS<surface.size(); ++iS){
912  tau_pos = surface[iS][0];
913  CPos[1] = surface[iS][1];
914  CPos[2] = surface[iS][2];
915  eta_pos = surface[iS][3]; //we need t,x,y,z
916  //this is also tau, x, y, eta
917  tau_sur = surface[iS][4];
918  LFSigma[1] = surface[iS][5];
919  LFSigma[2] = surface[iS][6];
920  eta_sur = surface[iS][7];
921  TRead = surface[iS][8] / GEVFM;
922  Vel[1] = surface[iS][9];
923  Vel[2] = surface[iS][10];
924  Vel[3] = surface[iS][11];
926  cut = 10*TRead;
928  // check if the CDFs for light quarks for this temperature are already in the cache and within the accuracy range
929  auto cdfLightIter = cdfLightCache.find(TRead);
930  if (cdfLightIter == cdfLightCache.end()) {
931  // if not found, find the closest temperature in the cache within the accuracy range
932  double closestTemp = getClosestCachedTemp(cdfLightCache,TRead);
934  if (closestTemp >= 0. && withinAccuracyRange(TRead, closestTemp)) {
935  // use the CDFs from the closest temperature in the cache
936  CDFTabLight = cdfLightCache[closestTemp];
937  // set the current temperature value to the closest cached temperature
938  TRead = closestTemp;
939  } else {
940  // if no suitable entry is found, compute the CDFs and store them in the cache
941  CDFGenerator(TRead, xmq, 1); // for light quarks
942  cdfLightCache[TRead] = CDFTabLight;
943  }
944  } else {
945  // if found, use the precomputed CDFs from the cache
946  CDFTabLight = cdfLightIter->second;
947  }
949  // check if the CDFs for strange quarks for this temperature are already in the cache and within the accuracy range
950  auto cdfStrangeIter = cdfStrangeCache.find(TRead);
951  if (cdfStrangeIter == cdfStrangeCache.end()) {
952  // if not found, find the closest temperature in the cache within the accuracy range
953  double closestTemp = getClosestCachedTemp(cdfStrangeCache,TRead);
955  if (closestTemp >= 0 && withinAccuracyRange(TRead, closestTemp)) {
956  // use the CDFs from the closest temperature in the cache
957  CDFTabStrange = cdfStrangeCache[closestTemp];
958  // set the current temperature value to the closest cached temperature
959  TRead = closestTemp;
960  } else {
961  // if no suitable entry is found, compute the CDFs and store them in the cache
962  CDFGenerator(TRead, xms, 2); // for strange quarks
963  cdfStrangeCache[TRead] = CDFTabStrange;
964  }
965  } else {
966  // if found, use the precomputed CDFs from the cache
967  CDFTabStrange = cdfStrangeIter->second;
968  }
970  //getting t,z from tau, eta
971  CPos[0] = tau_pos*std::cosh(eta_pos);
972  CPos[3] = tau_pos*std::sinh(eta_pos);
973  //transform surface vector to Minkowski coordinates
974  double cosh_eta_pos = std::cosh(eta_pos);
975  double sinh_eta_pos = std::sinh(eta_pos);
976  LFSigma[0] = cosh_eta_pos*tau_sur - (sinh_eta_pos / tau_pos) * eta_sur;
977  LFSigma[3] = -sinh_eta_pos*tau_sur + (cosh_eta_pos / tau_pos) * eta_sur;
979  CellDZ = CPos[0] * 2. * std::sinh(d_eta/2.);
981  double vsquare = Vel[1]*Vel[1] + Vel[2]*Vel[2] + Vel[3]*Vel[3];
982  if(vsquare < 10e-16){
983  vsquare = 10e-16;
984  }
986  // Deduced info
987  Vel[0] = 1. / sqrt(1-vsquare); // gamma - Vel is not four velocity
989  // Lambda_u ^v
990  LorBoost[0][0]= Vel[0];
991  LorBoost[0][1]= Vel[0]*Vel[1];
992  LorBoost[0][2]= Vel[0]*Vel[2];
993  LorBoost[0][3]= Vel[0]*Vel[3];
994  LorBoost[1][0]= Vel[0]*Vel[1];
995  LorBoost[1][1]= (Vel[0] - 1.)*Vel[1]*Vel[1]/vsquare + 1.;
996  LorBoost[1][2]= (Vel[0] - 1.)*Vel[1]*Vel[2]/vsquare;
997  LorBoost[1][3]= (Vel[0] - 1.)*Vel[1]*Vel[3]/vsquare;
998  LorBoost[2][0]= Vel[0]*Vel[2];
999  LorBoost[2][1]= (Vel[0] - 1.)*Vel[1]*Vel[2]/vsquare;
1000  LorBoost[2][2]= (Vel[0] - 1.)*Vel[2]*Vel[2]/vsquare + 1.;
1001  LorBoost[2][3]= (Vel[0] - 1.)*Vel[2]*Vel[3]/vsquare;
1002  LorBoost[3][0]= Vel[0]*Vel[3];
1003  LorBoost[3][1]= (Vel[0] - 1.)*Vel[1]*Vel[3]/vsquare;
1004  LorBoost[3][2]= (Vel[0] - 1.)*Vel[2]*Vel[3]/vsquare;
1005  LorBoost[3][3]= (Vel[0] - 1.)*Vel[3]*Vel[3]/vsquare + 1.;
1007  if(vsquare == 0){
1008  LorBoost[1][1]= 1.;
1009  LorBoost[1][2]= 0;
1010  LorBoost[1][3]= 0;
1011  LorBoost[2][1]= 0;
1012  LorBoost[2][2]= 1.;
1013  LorBoost[2][3]= 0;
1014  LorBoost[3][1]= 0;
1015  LorBoost[3][2]= 0;
1016  LorBoost[3][3]= 1.;
1017  }
1019  double NumHere;
1020  double NumOddHere;
1021  if(slice == 1){
1022  // Lambda_u^v Sigma_v = CMSigma_u
1023  CMSigma[0] = (LorBoost[0][0]*LFSigma[0] + LorBoost[0][1]*LFSigma[1] + LorBoost[0][2]*LFSigma[2] + LorBoost[0][3]*LFSigma[3]);
1024  CMSigma[1] = (LorBoost[1][0]*LFSigma[0] + LorBoost[1][1]*LFSigma[1] + LorBoost[1][2]*LFSigma[2] + LorBoost[1][3]*LFSigma[3]);
1025  CMSigma[2] = (LorBoost[2][0]*LFSigma[0] + LorBoost[2][1]*LFSigma[1] + LorBoost[2][2]*LFSigma[2] + LorBoost[2][3]*LFSigma[3]);
1026  CMSigma[3] = (LorBoost[3][0]*LFSigma[0] + LorBoost[3][1]*LFSigma[1] + LorBoost[3][2]*LFSigma[2] + LorBoost[3][3]*LFSigma[3]);
1028  // GAUSSIAN INTEGRALS <n> = int f(p)d3p
1029  NumLight = 0.;
1030  NumStrange = 0.;
1032  for (int l = 0; l < GPoints; l++) {
1033  for (int m = 0; m < GPoints; m++) {
1034  for (int k = 0; k < GPoints; k++) {
1035  GWeightProd = GWeight[l] * GWeight[m] * GWeight[k];
1036  pSpatialdSigma = (cut * GAbs[l]) * CMSigma[1] + (cut * GAbs[m]) * CMSigma[2] + (cut * GAbs[k]) * CMSigma[3];
1038  // For UD quarks
1039  E_light = computeEnergy(xmq, cut, GAbs[l], GAbs[m], GAbs[k]);
1040  NumLight += GWeightProd * FermiDistribution(E_light, TRead) *
1041  (E_light * CMSigma[0] + pSpatialdSigma) / E_light;
1043  // For S quarks
1044  E_strange = computeEnergy(xms, cut, GAbs[l], GAbs[m], GAbs[k]);
1045  NumStrange += GWeightProd * FermiDistribution(E_strange, TRead) *
1046  (E_strange * CMSigma[0] + pSpatialdSigma) / E_strange;
1047  }
1048  }
1049  }
1050  // U, D, UBAR, DBAR QUARKS
1051  // <N> = V <n>
1052  NumHere = NumLight*UDDeg*cut*cut*cut/(8.*PI*PI*PI);
1054  // S, SBAR QUARKS
1055  // <N> = V <n>
1056  NumOddHere = NumStrange*OddDeg*cut*cut*cut/(8.*PI*PI*PI);
1058  NumLightList.push_back(NumHere);
1059  NumStrangeList.push_back(NumOddHere);
1060  } else {
1061  NumHere = NumLightList[iS];
1062  NumOddHere = NumStrangeList[iS];
1063  }
1065  std::poisson_distribution<int> poisson_ud(NumHere);
1067  // Generating light quarks
1068  GeneratedParticles = poisson_ud(getRandomGenerator()); // Initialize particles created in this cell
1070  // List of particles ( pos(x,y,z,t), mom(px,py,pz,E), species)
1071  for(int partic = 0; partic < GeneratedParticles; partic++){
1072  // adding space to PList for output quarks
1073  std::vector<double> temp = {0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.};
1074  Plist.push_back(temp);
1076  // Species - U,D,UBar,Dbar are equally likely
1077  double SpecRoll = ran(); //Probability of species die roll
1078  if (SpecRoll <= 0.25) { // UBar
1079  Plist[PartCount][1] = -2;
1080  } else if (SpecRoll <= 0.50) { // DBar
1081  Plist[PartCount][1] = -1;
1082  } else if (SpecRoll <= 0.75) { // D
1083  Plist[PartCount][1] = 1;
1084  } else { // U
1085  Plist[PartCount][1] = 2;
1086  }
1088  // Position
1089  // Located at x,y pos of area element
1090  Plist[PartCount][10] = CPos[0] + (ran() - 0.5)*CellDT; // Tau
1091  Plist[PartCount][7] = CPos[1] + (ran() - 0.5)*CellDX;
1092  Plist[PartCount][8] = CPos[2] + (ran() - 0.5)*CellDY;
1093  Plist[PartCount][9] = CPos[3] + (ran() - 0.5)*CellDZ;
1095  if(std::abs(Plist[PartCount][9]) >= std::abs(Plist[PartCount][10])) {
1096  Plist[PartCount][10] = std::abs(Plist[PartCount][9]) + 10e-3;
1097  }
1098  double temp_t = std::sqrt(Plist[PartCount][10]*Plist[PartCount][10]-Plist[PartCount][9]*Plist[PartCount][9])
1099  * std::cosh(eta_slice+0.5*std::log((Plist[PartCount][10]+Plist[PartCount][9])/(Plist[PartCount][10]-Plist[PartCount][9])));
1100  double temp_z = std::sqrt(Plist[PartCount][10]*Plist[PartCount][10]-Plist[PartCount][9]*Plist[PartCount][9])
1101  * std::sinh(eta_slice+0.5*std::log((Plist[PartCount][10]+Plist[PartCount][9])/(Plist[PartCount][10]-Plist[PartCount][9])));
1102  Plist[PartCount][10] = temp_t;
1103  Plist[PartCount][9] = temp_z;
1105  // Momentum
1106  // Sample rest frame momentum given T and mass of light quark
1107  MCSampler(TRead, 1); // NewP=P, NewX=Px, ...
1109  Vel[3] = tanh(eta_slice);
1110  double vsquare = Vel[1]*Vel[1] + Vel[2]*Vel[2] + Vel[3]*Vel[3];
1111  if(vsquare < 10e-16){
1112  vsquare = 10e-16;
1113  }
1115  // Deduced info
1116  Vel[0] = 1. / sqrt(1-vsquare); // gamma - Vel is not four velocity
1118  // Lambda_u ^v
1119  LorBoost[0][0]= Vel[0];
1120  LorBoost[0][1]= Vel[0]*Vel[1];
1121  LorBoost[0][2]= Vel[0]*Vel[2];
1122  LorBoost[0][3]= Vel[0]*Vel[3];
1123  LorBoost[1][0]= Vel[0]*Vel[1];
1124  LorBoost[1][1]= (Vel[0] - 1.)*Vel[1]*Vel[1]/vsquare + 1.;
1125  LorBoost[1][2]= (Vel[0] - 1.)*Vel[1]*Vel[2]/vsquare;
1126  LorBoost[1][3]= (Vel[0] - 1.)*Vel[1]*Vel[3]/vsquare;
1127  LorBoost[2][0]= Vel[0]*Vel[2];
1128  LorBoost[2][1]= (Vel[0] - 1.)*Vel[1]*Vel[2]/vsquare;
1129  LorBoost[2][2]= (Vel[0] - 1.)*Vel[2]*Vel[2]/vsquare + 1.;
1130  LorBoost[2][3]= (Vel[0] - 1.)*Vel[2]*Vel[3]/vsquare;
1131  LorBoost[3][0]= Vel[0]*Vel[3];
1132  LorBoost[3][1]= (Vel[0] - 1.)*Vel[1]*Vel[3]/vsquare;
1133  LorBoost[3][2]= (Vel[0] - 1.)*Vel[2]*Vel[3]/vsquare;
1134  LorBoost[3][3]= (Vel[0] - 1.)*Vel[3]*Vel[3]/vsquare + 1.;
1136  if(vsquare == 0){
1137  LorBoost[1][1]= 1.;
1138  LorBoost[1][2]= 0;
1139  LorBoost[1][3]= 0;
1140  LorBoost[2][1]= 0;
1141  LorBoost[2][2]= 1.;
1142  LorBoost[2][3]= 0;
1143  LorBoost[3][1]= 0;
1144  LorBoost[3][2]= 0;
1145  LorBoost[3][3]= 1.;
1146  }
1149  // PLab^u = g^u^t Lambda_t ^v pres^w g_w _v
1150  // Returns P in GeV
1151  new_quark_energy = sqrt(xmq*xmq + NewP*NewP);
1152  Plist[PartCount][6] = (LorBoost[0][0]*new_quark_energy + LorBoost[0][1]*NewX + LorBoost[0][2]*NewY + LorBoost[0][3]*NewZ)*GEVFM;
1153  Plist[PartCount][3] = (LorBoost[1][0]*new_quark_energy + LorBoost[1][1]*NewX + LorBoost[1][2]*NewY + LorBoost[1][3]*NewZ)*GEVFM;
1154  Plist[PartCount][4] = (LorBoost[2][0]*new_quark_energy + LorBoost[2][1]*NewX + LorBoost[2][2]*NewY + LorBoost[2][3]*NewZ)*GEVFM;
1155  Plist[PartCount][5] = (LorBoost[3][0]*new_quark_energy + LorBoost[3][1]*NewX + LorBoost[3][2]*NewY + LorBoost[3][3]*NewZ)*GEVFM;
1157  // Additional information
1158  Plist[PartCount][0] = 1; // Event ID, to match jet formatting
1159  Plist[PartCount][2] = 0; // Origin, to match jet formatting
1160  Plist[PartCount][11] = 0; // Status - identifies as thermal quark
1161  PartCount++;
1162  }
1164  std::poisson_distribution<int> poisson_s(NumOddHere);
1166  // Generate s quarks
1167  int nL = GeneratedParticles;
1168  nL_tot += nL;
1170  GeneratedParticles = poisson_s(getRandomGenerator()); //Initialize particles created in this cell
1172  int nS = GeneratedParticles;
1173  nS_tot += nS;
1174  //List of particles ( pos(x,y,z,t), mom(px,py,pz,E), species)
1175  for(int partic = 0; partic < GeneratedParticles; partic++){
1176  // adding space to PList for output quarks
1177  std::vector<double> temp = {0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.};
1178  Plist.push_back(temp);
1180  // Species - S,Sbar are equally likely
1181  double SpecRoll = ran();
1182  if(SpecRoll <= 0.5){ // SBar
1183  Plist[PartCount][1] = -3;
1184  } else { //S
1185  Plist[PartCount][1] = 3;
1186  }
1188  // Position
1189  // Located at x,y pos of area element
1190  Plist[PartCount][10] = CPos[0] + (ran() - 0.5)*CellDT; // Tau
1191  Plist[PartCount][7] = CPos[1] + (ran() - 0.5)*CellDX;
1192  Plist[PartCount][8] = CPos[2] + (ran() - 0.5)*CellDY;
1193  Plist[PartCount][9] = CPos[3] + (ran() - 0.5)*CellDZ;
1195  if(std::abs(Plist[PartCount][9]) >= std::abs(Plist[PartCount][10])) {
1196  Plist[PartCount][10] = std::abs(Plist[PartCount][9]) + 10e-3;
1197  }
1198  double temp_t = std::sqrt(Plist[PartCount][10]*Plist[PartCount][10]-Plist[PartCount][9]*Plist[PartCount][9])
1199  * std::cosh(eta_slice+0.5*std::log((Plist[PartCount][10]+Plist[PartCount][9])/(Plist[PartCount][10]-Plist[PartCount][9])));
1200  double temp_z = std::sqrt(Plist[PartCount][10]*Plist[PartCount][10]-Plist[PartCount][9]*Plist[PartCount][9])
1201  * std::sinh(eta_slice+0.5*std::log((Plist[PartCount][10]+Plist[PartCount][9])/(Plist[PartCount][10]-Plist[PartCount][9])));
1202  Plist[PartCount][10] = temp_t;
1203  Plist[PartCount][9] = temp_z;
1205  // Momentum
1206  // Sample rest frame momentum given T and mass of s quark
1207  MCSampler(TRead, 2); // NewP=P, NewX=Px, ...
1209  Vel[3] = tanh(eta_slice);
1210  double vsquare = Vel[1]*Vel[1] + Vel[2]*Vel[2] + Vel[3]*Vel[3];
1211  if(vsquare < 10e-16){
1212  vsquare = 10e-16;
1213  }
1215  // Deduced info
1216  Vel[0] = 1. / sqrt(1-vsquare); // gamma - Vel is not four velocity
1218  // Lambda_u ^v
1219  LorBoost[0][0]= Vel[0];
1220  LorBoost[0][1]= Vel[0]*Vel[1];
1221  LorBoost[0][2]= Vel[0]*Vel[2];
1222  LorBoost[0][3]= Vel[0]*Vel[3];
1223  LorBoost[1][0]= Vel[0]*Vel[1];
1224  LorBoost[1][1]= (Vel[0] - 1.)*Vel[1]*Vel[1]/vsquare + 1.;
1225  LorBoost[1][2]= (Vel[0] - 1.)*Vel[1]*Vel[2]/vsquare;
1226  LorBoost[1][3]= (Vel[0] - 1.)*Vel[1]*Vel[3]/vsquare;
1227  LorBoost[2][0]= Vel[0]*Vel[2];
1228  LorBoost[2][1]= (Vel[0] - 1.)*Vel[1]*Vel[2]/vsquare;
1229  LorBoost[2][2]= (Vel[0] - 1.)*Vel[2]*Vel[2]/vsquare + 1.;
1230  LorBoost[2][3]= (Vel[0] - 1.)*Vel[2]*Vel[3]/vsquare;
1231  LorBoost[3][0]= Vel[0]*Vel[3];
1232  LorBoost[3][1]= (Vel[0] - 1.)*Vel[1]*Vel[3]/vsquare;
1233  LorBoost[3][2]= (Vel[0] - 1.)*Vel[2]*Vel[3]/vsquare;
1234  LorBoost[3][3]= (Vel[0] - 1.)*Vel[3]*Vel[3]/vsquare + 1.;
1236  if(vsquare == 0){
1237  LorBoost[1][1]= 1.;
1238  LorBoost[1][2]= 0;
1239  LorBoost[1][3]= 0;
1240  LorBoost[2][1]= 0;
1241  LorBoost[2][2]= 1.;
1242  LorBoost[2][3]= 0;
1243  LorBoost[3][1]= 0;
1244  LorBoost[3][2]= 0;
1245  LorBoost[3][3]= 1.;
1246  }
1249  // PLab^u = g^u^t Lambda_t ^v pres^w g_w _v
1250  // Returns P in GeV
1251  new_quark_energy = sqrt(xms*xms + NewP*NewP);
1252  Plist[PartCount][6] = (LorBoost[0][0]*new_quark_energy + LorBoost[0][1]*NewX + LorBoost[0][2]*NewY + LorBoost[0][3]*NewZ)*GEVFM;
1253  Plist[PartCount][3] = (LorBoost[1][0]*new_quark_energy + LorBoost[1][1]*NewX + LorBoost[1][2]*NewY + LorBoost[1][3]*NewZ)*GEVFM;
1254  Plist[PartCount][4] = (LorBoost[2][0]*new_quark_energy + LorBoost[2][1]*NewX + LorBoost[2][2]*NewY + LorBoost[2][3]*NewZ)*GEVFM;
1255  Plist[PartCount][5] = (LorBoost[3][0]*new_quark_energy + LorBoost[3][1]*NewX + LorBoost[3][2]*NewY + LorBoost[3][3]*NewZ)*GEVFM;
1257  // Additional information
1258  Plist[PartCount][0] = 1; // Event ID, to match jet formatting
1259  Plist[PartCount][2] = 0; // Origin, to match jet formatting
1260  Plist[PartCount][11] = 0; // Status - identifies as thermal quark
1261  PartCount++;
1262  }
1263  }
1265  }
1267  JSDEBUG << "Light particles: " << nL_tot;
1268  JSDEBUG << "Strange particles: " << nS_tot;
1270  num_ud = nL_tot;
1271  num_s = nS_tot;
1273  //Shuffling PList
1274  if(ShuffleList){
1275  // Shuffle the Plist using the random engine
1276  std::shuffle(&Plist[0], &Plist[PartCount], getRandomGenerator());
1277  }
1279  //print Plist for testing
1280  /*std::cout << std::setprecision(5);
1281  std::ofstream thermalP;
1282"thermal_partons.dat", std::ios::app);
1283  for(int p=0; p < Plist.size(); p++){
1284  thermalP << Plist[p][0] << " " << Plist[p][1] << " " << Plist[p][2]
1285  << " " << Plist[p][3] << " " << Plist[p][4] << " " << Plist[p][5]
1286  << " " << Plist[p][6] << " " << Plist[p][7] << " " << Plist[p][8]
1287  << " " << Plist[p][9] << " " << Plist[p][10] << " " << Plist[p][11]
1288  << "\n";
1289  }
1290  thermalP.close();*/
1291 }