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1 #include "JetIndicesMatcher.h"
2 #include "cmath"
3 using namespace std;
5 JetIndicesMatcher::JetIndicesMatcher(float R, float min_T, float min_R)
6  : R2 {R*R}, min_pT_truth{min_T}, min_pT_reco{min_R}
7 {}
10 {
11  eta_truth.clear();
12  phi_truth.clear();
13  pt_truth.clear();
14  index_truth.clear();
16  eta_reco.clear();
17  phi_reco.clear();
18  pt_reco.clear();
19  index_reco.clear();
21  indices_fake.clear();
22  indices_miss.clear();
23  indices_matched.clear();
24 }
26 /* void JetIndicesMatcher::add_truth(float eta, float phi, float pt) { */
27 /* /1* if (fabs(eta)>0.6) return; *1/ */
28 /* eta_truth.push_back(eta); */
29 /* phi_truth.push_back(phi); */
30 /* pt_truth.push_back(pt); */
31 /* } */
33 /* void JetIndicesMatcher::add_reco(float eta, float phi, float pt) { */
34 /* /1* if (fabs(eta)>0.6) return; *1/ */
35 /* eta_reco.push_back(eta); */
36 /* phi_reco.push_back(phi); */
37 /* pt_reco.push_back(pt); */
38 /* } */
40 void JetIndicesMatcher::add_truth(vector<float>& eta, vector<float>& phi, vector<float>& pt) {
41  vector<array<float,4>> jets;
42  for (unsigned int i=0; i<eta.size(); ++i) {
43  jets.push_back({pt[i],eta[i],phi[i], (float) i});
44  }
45  std::sort(jets.rbegin(), jets.rend());
46  for (auto jet : jets) {
47  pt_truth .push_back(jet[0]);
48  eta_truth .push_back(jet[1]);
49  phi_truth .push_back(jet[2]);
50  index_truth .push_back((int)jet[3]);
51  }
52 }
53 void JetIndicesMatcher::add_reco(vector<float>& eta, vector<float>& phi, vector<float>& pt) {
54  vector<array<float,4>> jets;
55  for (unsigned int i=0; i<eta.size(); ++i) {
56  jets.push_back({pt[i],eta[i],phi[i], (float)i});
57  }
58  std::sort(jets.rbegin(), jets.rend());
59  for (auto jet : jets) {
60  pt_reco .push_back(jet[0]);
61  eta_reco .push_back(jet[1]);
62  phi_reco .push_back(jet[2]);
63  index_reco .push_back((int)jet[3]);
64  }
65 }
66 array<unsigned int,3> JetIndicesMatcher::do_matching() {
67  indices_fake.clear();
68  indices_miss.clear();
69  indices_matched.clear();
71  vector<bool> is_matched (eta_reco.size(),false);
73  //FIXME
74  /* cout << " Matching Truth Jets " << endl; */
75  /* for (int i = 0; i< pt_truth.size(); ++i) { */
76  /* cout << Form(" Tjet [%2i] pt:phi:eta [%5.2f,%5.2f,%5.2f]", */
77  /* i, pt_truth[i],phi_truth[i],eta_truth[i]) <<endl; */
78  /* } */
79  /* cout << " In matcher : Reco Jets " << endl; */
80  /* for (int i = 0; i< pt_reco.size(); ++i) { */
81  /* cout << Form(" Mjet [%2i] pt:phi:eta [%5.2f,%5.2f,%5.2f]", */
82  /* i, pt_reco[i],phi_reco[i],eta_reco[i]) <<endl; */
83  /* } */
86  for (unsigned int T=0;T<eta_truth.size();++T) {
87  if (pt_truth[T]<min_pT_truth) continue;
88  /* if (fabs(eta_truth[T])>0.6) continue; */
89  bool found_match { false };
90  for (unsigned int R=0;R<eta_reco.size();++R) {
91  if (pt_reco[R]<min_pT_reco) continue;
92  /* if (fabs(eta_reco[R])>0.6) continue; */
93  if (is_matched[R]) continue;
94  float dphi = fabs(phi_truth[T]-phi_reco[R]);
95  while (dphi>M_PI) dphi = fabs(dphi - 2*M_PI);
96  const float deta = eta_truth[T]-eta_reco[R];
97  const float R2_comp = deta*deta + dphi*dphi;
98  if (R2_comp<=R2) {
99  found_match = true;
100  is_matched[R] = true;
101  indices_matched.push_back({index_truth[T],index_reco[R]});
103  /* cout << " ADDED MATCH( " << T << ":"<<R<<")" << endl; */
104  break;
105  }
106  }
107  if (!found_match) indices_miss.push_back(index_truth[T]);
108  }
109  for (unsigned int R=0;R<eta_reco.size();++R) {
110  /* cout << " min_pT_reco: " << min_pT_reco << " and["<<R<<"] " << pt_reco[R] << endl; */
111  if (pt_reco[R]<min_pT_reco) continue;
112  if (!is_matched[R]) {
113  indices_fake.push_back(index_reco[R]);
114  /* cout << " indices fake: "; for (auto I : indices_fake) cout << " " << I; cout << endl; */
115  }
116  }
117  return {static_cast<unsigned int>(indices_matched.size()),
118  static_cast<unsigned int>(indices_miss.size()),
119  static_cast<unsigned int>(indices_fake.size())};
120 }