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Go to the documentation of this file. Or view the newest version in sPHENIX GitHub for file cornelius.h
1 #ifndef CORNELIUS_H
2 #define CORNELIUS_H
4 #include <iostream>
5 #include <fstream>
6 #include <math.h>
7 #include <stdlib.h>
9 using namespace std;
17 class GeneralElement
18 {
19  protected:
20  static const int DIM = 4;
21  double *centroid;
22  double *normal;
23  int normal_calculated;
24  int centroid_calculated;
25  virtual void calculate_centroid() {};
26  virtual void calculate_normal() {};
27  void check_normal_direction(double *normal, double *out);
28  public:
30  ~GeneralElement();
31  double *get_centroid();
32  double *get_normal();
33 };
41 class Line : public GeneralElement
42 {
43  private:
44  static const int LINE_CORNERS = 2;
45  static const int LINE_DIM = 2;
46  int x1,x2;
47  int start_point;
48  int end_point;
49  double **corners;
50  double *out;
51  int *const_i;
52  void calculate_centroid();
53  void calculate_normal();
54  public:
55  Line();
56  ~Line();
57  void init(double**,double*,int*);
58  void flip_start_end();
59  double *get_start();
60  double *get_end();
61  double *get_out();
62 };
70 class Polygon : public GeneralElement
71 {
72  private:
73  static const int MAX_LINES = 24;
74  static const int POLYGON_DIM = 3;
75  Line **lines;
76  int Nlines;
77  int x1,x2,x3;
78  int const_i;
79  void calculate_centroid();
80  void calculate_normal();
81  public:
82  Polygon();
83  ~Polygon();
84  void init(int);
85  bool add_line(Line*,int);
86  int get_Nlines();
87  Line** get_lines();
88  void print(ofstream &file,double*);
89 };
97 class Polyhedron : public GeneralElement
98 {
99  private:
100  static const int MAX_POLYGONS = 24;
101  Polygon **polygons;
102  int Npolygons;
103  int Ntetrahedra;
104  int x1,x2,x3,x4;
105  bool lines_equal(Line*,Line*);
106  void tetravolume(double*,double*,double*,double*);
107  void calculate_centroid();
108  void calculate_normal();
109  public:
110  Polyhedron();
111  ~Polyhedron();
112  void init();
113  bool add_polygon(Polygon*,int);
114 };
125 class Square
126 {
127  private:
128  static const int DIM = 4;
129  static const int SQUARE_DIM = 2;
130  static const int MAX_POINTS = 4;
131  static const int MAX_LINES = 2;
132  double **points;
133  double **cuts;
134  double **out;
135  double **points_temp;
136  double *out_temp;
137  int *const_i;
138  double *const_value;
139  int x1, x2;
140  double *dx;
141  int Ncuts;
142  int Nlines;
143  Line *lines;
144  int ambiguous;
145  void ends_of_edge(double);
146  void find_outside(double);
147  public:
148  Square();
149  ~Square();
150  void init(double**,int*,double*,double*);
151  void construct_lines(double);
152  int is_ambiguous();
153  int get_Nlines();
154  Line* get_lines();
155 };
165 class Cube
166 {
167  private:
168  static const int DIM = 4;
169  static const int CUBE_DIM = 4;
170  static const int MAX_POLY = 8;
171  static const int NSQUARES = 6;
172  static const int STEPS = 2;
173  double ***cube;
174  Line **lines;
175  Polygon *polygons;
176  Square *squares;
177  int Nlines;
178  int Npolygons;
179  int ambiguous;
180  int const_i;
181  double const_value;
182  int x1,x2,x3;
183  double *dx;
184  void split_to_squares();
185  void check_ambiguous(int);
186  public:
187  Cube();
188  ~Cube();
189  void init(double***&,int,double,double*&);
190  void construct_polygons(double);
191  int get_Nlines();
192  int get_Npolygons();
193  int is_ambiguous();
194  Polygon* get_polygons();
195 };
206 class Hypercube
207 {
208  private:
209  static const int DIM = 4;
210  static const int MAX_POLY = 10;
211  static const int NCUBES = 8;
212  static const int STEPS = 2;
213  double ****hcube;
214  Polyhedron *polyhedrons;
215  Polygon **polygons;
216  Cube *cubes;
217  int Npolyhedrons;
218  int ambiguous;
219  int x1,x2,x3,x4;
220  double *dx;
221  void split_to_cubes();
222  void check_ambiguous(double);
223  public:
224  Hypercube();
225  ~Hypercube();
226  void init(double****,double*);
227  void construct_polyhedrons(double);
228  int get_Npolyhedrons();
229  Polyhedron* get_polyhedrons();
230 };
244 class Cornelius
245 {
246  private:
247  static const int STEPS = 2;
248  static const int DIM = 4;
249  static const int MAX_ELEMENTS = 10;
250  int Nelements;
251  double **normals;
252  double **centroids;
253  int cube_dim;
254  int initialized;
255  int print_initialized;
256  double value0;
257  double *dx;
258  ofstream output_print;
259  void surface_3d(double***,double*,int);
260  Square cu2d;
261  Cube cu3d;
262  Hypercube cu4d;
263  public:
264  Cornelius();
265  ~Cornelius();
266  void init(int,double,double*);
267  void init_print(string);
268  void find_surface_2d(double**);
269  void find_surface_3d(double***);
270  void find_surface_3d_print(double***,double*);
271  void find_surface_4d(double****);
272  int get_Nelements();
273  double **get_normals();
274  double **get_centroids();
275  double **get_normals_4d();
276  double **get_centroids_4d();
277  double get_centroid_elem(int,int);
278  double get_normal_elem(int,int);
279 };
281 #endif /* CORNELIUS_H */