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Go to the documentation of this file. Or view the newest version in sPHENIX GitHub for file AdaptiveGridTrackDensity.ipp
1 // This file is part of the Acts project.
2 //
3 // Copyright (C) 2020-2023 CERN for the benefit of the Acts project
4 //
5 // This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
6 // License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
7 // file, You can obtain one at
11 #include <algorithm>
13 template <int spatialTrkGridSize, int temporalTrkGridSize>
15  spatialTrkGridSize, temporalTrkGridSize>::getBinCenter(int bin,
16  float binExtent) {
17  return bin * binExtent;
18 }
20 template <int spatialTrkGridSize, int temporalTrkGridSize>
22  spatialTrkGridSize, temporalTrkGridSize>::getBin(float value,
23  float binExtent) {
24  return static_cast<int>(std::floor(value / binExtent - 0.5) + 1);
25 }
27 template <int spatialTrkGridSize, int temporalTrkGridSize>
29  spatialTrkGridSize, temporalTrkGridSize>::DensityMap::const_iterator
31  highestDensityEntry(const DensityMap& densityMap) const {
32  auto maxEntry = std::max_element(
33  std::begin(densityMap), std::end(densityMap),
34  [](const auto& densityEntry1, const auto& densityEntry2) {
35  return densityEntry1.second < densityEntry2.second;
36  });
37  return maxEntry;
38 }
40 template <int spatialTrkGridSize, int temporalTrkGridSize>
42  spatialTrkGridSize, temporalTrkGridSize>::ZTPosition>
44  getMaxZTPosition(DensityMap& densityMap) const {
45  if (densityMap.empty()) {
46  return VertexingError::EmptyInput;
47  }
49  Bin bin;
50  if (!m_cfg.useHighestSumZPosition) {
51  bin = highestDensityEntry(densityMap)->first;
52  } else {
53  // Get z position with highest density sum
54  // of surrounding bins
55  bin = highestDensitySumBin(densityMap);
56  }
58  // Derive corresponding z value
59  float maxZ = getBinCenter(bin.first, m_cfg.spatialBinExtent);
61  ZTPosition maxValues = std::make_pair(maxZ, 0.);
63  // Get t value of the maximum if we do time vertex seeding
64  if constexpr (temporalTrkGridSize > 1) {
65  float maxT = getBinCenter(bin.second, m_cfg.temporalBinExtent);
66  maxValues.second = maxT;
67  }
69  return maxValues;
70 }
72 template <int spatialTrkGridSize, int temporalTrkGridSize>
74  spatialTrkGridSize, temporalTrkGridSize>::ZTPositionAndWidth>
77  // Get z value where the density is the highest
78  auto maxZTRes = getMaxZTPosition(densityMap);
79  if (not maxZTRes.ok()) {
80  return maxZTRes.error();
81  }
82  ZTPosition maxZT = *maxZTRes;
84  // Get seed width estimate
85  auto widthRes = estimateSeedWidth(densityMap, maxZT);
86  if (not widthRes.ok()) {
87  return widthRes.error();
88  }
89  float width = *widthRes;
90  ZTPositionAndWidth maxZTAndWidth{maxZT, width};
91  return maxZTAndWidth;
92 }
94 template <int spatialTrkGridSize, int temporalTrkGridSize>
95 typename Acts::AdaptiveGridTrackDensity<spatialTrkGridSize,
96  temporalTrkGridSize>::DensityMap
99  DensityMap& mainDensityMap) const {
100  ActsVector<3> impactParams = trk.impactParameters();
103  // Calculate bin in d direction
104  int centralDBin = getBin(impactParams(0), m_cfg.spatialBinExtent);
105  // Check if current track affects grid density
106  if (std::abs(centralDBin) > (spatialTrkGridSize - 1) / 2.) {
107  DensityMap emptyTrackDensityMap;
108  return emptyTrackDensityMap;
109  }
110  // Calculate bin in z direction
111  int centralZBin = getBin(impactParams(1), m_cfg.spatialBinExtent);
113  // If we don't do time vertex seeding, the time index is set to 0
114  Bin centralBin = std::make_pair(centralZBin, 0.);
116  // Calculate bin in t direction if we do time vertex seeding
117  if constexpr (temporalTrkGridSize > 1) {
118  int centralTBin = getBin(impactParams(2), m_cfg.temporalBinExtent);
119  centralBin.second = centralTBin;
120  }
122  DensityMap trackDensityMap = createTrackGrid(impactParams, centralBin, cov);
124  for (const auto& densityEntry : trackDensityMap) {
125  Bin bin = densityEntry.first;
126  float trackDensity = densityEntry.second;
127  // Check if z bin is already part of the main grid
128  if (mainDensityMap.count(bin) == 1) {
129 += trackDensity;
130  } else {
131  mainDensityMap[bin] = trackDensity;
132  }
133  }
135  return trackDensityMap;
136 }
138 template <int spatialTrkGridSize, int temporalTrkGridSize>
140  subtractTrack(const DensityMap& trackDensityMap,
141  DensityMap& mainDensityMap) const {
142  for (auto it = trackDensityMap.begin(); it != trackDensityMap.end(); it++) {
143>first) -= it->second;
144  }
145 }
147 template <int spatialTrkGridSize, int temporalTrkGridSize>
148 typename Acts::AdaptiveGridTrackDensity<spatialTrkGridSize,
149  temporalTrkGridSize>::DensityMap
151  createTrackGrid(const Acts::Vector3& impactParams, const Bin& centralBin,
152  const Acts::SquareMatrix3& cov) const {
153  DensityMap trackDensityMap;
155  int halfSpatialTrkGridSize = (spatialTrkGridSize - 1) / 2;
156  int firstZBin = centralBin.first - halfSpatialTrkGridSize;
158  // If we don't do time vertex seeding, firstTBin will be 0.
159  int halfTemporalTrkGridSize = (temporalTrkGridSize - 1) / 2;
160  int firstTBin = centralBin.second - halfTemporalTrkGridSize;
162  // Loop over bins
163  for (int i = 0; i < temporalTrkGridSize; i++) {
164  int tBin = firstTBin + i;
165  // If we don't do vertex time seeding, we set the time to 0 since it will be
166  // discarded in the for loop below anyways
167  float t = 0;
168  if constexpr (temporalTrkGridSize > 1) {
169  t = getBinCenter(tBin, m_cfg.temporalBinExtent);
170  }
171  for (int j = 0; j < spatialTrkGridSize; j++) {
172  int zBin = firstZBin + j;
173  float z = getBinCenter(zBin, m_cfg.spatialBinExtent);
174  // Bin coordinates in the d-z-t plane
175  Acts::Vector3 binCoords(0., z, t);
176  // Transformation to coordinate system with origin at the track center
177  binCoords -= impactParams;
178  Bin bin = std::make_pair(zBin, tBin);
179  if constexpr (temporalTrkGridSize == 1) {
180  trackDensityMap[bin] = multivariateGaussian<2>(
181  binCoords.head<2>(), cov.topLeftCorner<2, 2>());
182  } else {
183  trackDensityMap[bin] = multivariateGaussian<3>(binCoords, cov);
184  }
185  }
186  }
187  return trackDensityMap;
188 }
190 template <int spatialTrkGridSize, int temporalTrkGridSize>
192  spatialTrkGridSize,
193  temporalTrkGridSize>::estimateSeedWidth(const DensityMap& densityMap,
194  const ZTPosition& maxZT) const {
195  if (densityMap.empty()) {
196  return VertexingError::EmptyInput;
197  }
199  // Get z bin of max density
200  int zMaxBin = getBin(maxZT.first, m_cfg.spatialBinExtent);
201  int tMaxBin = 0;
202  // Fill the time bin with a non-zero value if we do time vertex seeding
203  if constexpr (temporalTrkGridSize > 1) {
204  tMaxBin = getBin(maxZT.second, m_cfg.temporalBinExtent);
205  }
206  const float maxValue =, tMaxBin));
208  int rhmBin = zMaxBin;
209  float gridValue = maxValue;
210  // Boolean indicating whether we find a filled bin that has a densityValue <=
211  // maxValue/2
212  bool binFilled = true;
213  while (gridValue > maxValue / 2) {
214  // Check if we are still operating on continuous z values
215  if (densityMap.count(std::make_pair(rhmBin + 1, tMaxBin)) == 0) {
216  binFilled = false;
217  break;
218  }
219  rhmBin += 1;
220  gridValue =, tMaxBin));
221  }
223  // Use linear approximation to find better z value for FWHM between bins
224  float rightDensity = 0;
225  if (binFilled) {
226  rightDensity =, tMaxBin));
227  }
228  float leftDensity = - 1, tMaxBin));
229  float deltaZ1 = m_cfg.spatialBinExtent * (maxValue / 2 - leftDensity) /
230  (rightDensity - leftDensity);
232  int lhmBin = zMaxBin;
233  gridValue = maxValue;
234  binFilled = true;
235  while (gridValue > maxValue / 2) {
236  // Check if we are still operating on continuous z values
237  if (densityMap.count(std::make_pair(lhmBin - 1, tMaxBin)) == 0) {
238  binFilled = false;
239  break;
240  }
241  lhmBin -= 1;
242  gridValue =, tMaxBin));
243  }
245  // Use linear approximation to find better z value for FWHM between bins
246  rightDensity = + 1, tMaxBin));
247  if (binFilled) {
248  leftDensity =, tMaxBin));
249  } else {
250  leftDensity = 0;
251  }
252  float deltaZ2 = m_cfg.spatialBinExtent * (rightDensity - maxValue / 2) /
253  (rightDensity - leftDensity);
255  float fwhm = (rhmBin - lhmBin) * m_cfg.spatialBinExtent - deltaZ1 - deltaZ2;
257  // FWHM = 2.355 * sigma
258  float width = fwhm / 2.355f;
260  return std::isnormal(width) ? width : 0.0f;
261 }
263 template <int spatialTrkGridSize, int temporalTrkGridSize>
264 template <unsigned int nDim>
268  float expo = -0.5 * args.transpose().dot(cov.inverse() * args);
269  float gaussianDensity = safeExp(expo) / std::sqrt(cov.determinant());
270  return gaussianDensity;
271 }
273 template <int spatialTrkGridSize, int temporalTrkGridSize>
274 typename Acts::AdaptiveGridTrackDensity<spatialTrkGridSize,
275  temporalTrkGridSize>::Bin
277  highestDensitySumBin(DensityMap& densityMap) const {
278  // The global maximum
279  auto firstMax = highestDensityEntry(densityMap);
280  Bin binFirstMax = firstMax->first;
281  float valueFirstMax = firstMax->second;
282  float firstSum = getDensitySum(densityMap, binFirstMax);
283  // Smaller maxima must have a density of at least:
284  // valueFirstMax - densityDeviation
285  float densityDeviation = valueFirstMax * m_cfg.maxRelativeDensityDev;
287  // Get the second highest maximum
288 = 0;
289  auto secondMax = highestDensityEntry(densityMap);
290  Bin binSecondMax = secondMax->first;
291  float valueSecondMax = secondMax->second;
292  float secondSum = 0;
293  if (valueFirstMax - valueSecondMax < densityDeviation) {
294  secondSum = getDensitySum(densityMap, binSecondMax);
295  } else {
296  // If the second maximum is not sufficiently large the third maximum won't
297  // be either
298 = valueFirstMax;
299  return binFirstMax;
300  }
302  // Get the third highest maximum
303 = 0;
304  auto thirdMax = highestDensityEntry(densityMap);
305  Bin binThirdMax = thirdMax->first;
306  float valueThirdMax = thirdMax->second;
307  float thirdSum = 0;
308  if (valueFirstMax - valueThirdMax < densityDeviation) {
309  thirdSum = getDensitySum(densityMap, binThirdMax);
310  }
312  // Revert back to original values
313 = valueFirstMax;
314 = valueSecondMax;
316  // Return the z bin position of the highest density sum
317  if (secondSum > firstSum && secondSum > thirdSum) {
318  return binSecondMax;
319  }
320  if (thirdSum > secondSum && thirdSum > firstSum) {
321  return binThirdMax;
322  }
323  return binFirstMax;
324 }
326 template <int spatialTrkGridSize, int temporalTrkGridSize>
328  getDensitySum(const DensityMap& densityMap, const Bin& bin) const {
329  // Add density from the bin.
330  float sum =;
331  // Check if neighboring bins are part of the densityMap and add them (if they
332  // are not part of the map, we assume them to be 0).
333  // Note that each key in a map is unique; the .count() function therefore
334  // returns either 0 or 1.
335  Bin binShifted = bin;
336  // Add density from the neighboring bin in -z direction.
337  binShifted.first -= 1;
338  if (densityMap.count(binShifted) == 1) {
339  sum +=;
340  }
342  // Add density from the neighboring bin in +z direction.
343  binShifted.first += 2;
344  if (densityMap.count(binShifted) == 1) {
345  sum +=;
346  }
347  return sum;
348 }