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Go to the documentation of this file. Or view the newest version in sPHENIX GitHub for file hijini.f
1 C
2 C
3 C
4  SUBROUTINE hijini
5  common/hiparnt/hipr1(100),ihpr2(50),hint1(100),ihnt2(50)
6  SAVE /hiparnt/
7  common/histrng/nfp(300,15),pp(300,15),nft(300,15),pt(300,15)
8  SAVE /histrng/
9  common/hijjet1/npj(300),kfpj(300,500),pjpx(300,500),
10  & pjpy(300,500),pjpz(300,500),pjpe(300,500),
11  & pjpm(300,500),ntj(300),kftj(300,500),
12  & pjtx(300,500),pjty(300,500),pjtz(300,500),
13  & pjte(300,500),pjtm(300,500)
14  SAVE /hijjet1/
15  common/hijjet2/nsg,njsg(900),iasg(900,3),k1sg(900,100),
16  & k2sg(900,100),pxsg(900,100),pysg(900,100),
17  & pzsg(900,100),pesg(900,100),pmsg(900,100)
18  SAVE /hijjet2/
19  common/hijjet4/ndr,iadr(900,2),kfdr(900),pdr(900,5)
20  SAVE /hijjet4/
21  common/ranseed/nseed
22  SAVE /ranseed/
23 C****************Reset the momentum of initial particles************
24 C and assign flavors to the proj and targ string *
25 C*******************************************************************
26  nsg=0
27  ndr=0
28  ipp=2212
29  ipt=2212
30  IF(ihnt2(5).NE.0) ipp=ihnt2(5)
31  IF(ihnt2(6).NE.0) ipt=ihnt2(6)
32 C ********in case the proj or targ is a hadron.
33 C
34  DO 100 i=1,ihnt2(1)
35  pp(i,1)=0.0
36  pp(i,2)=0.0
37  pp(i,3)=sqrt(hint1(1)**2/4.0-hint1(8)**2)
38  pp(i,4)=hint1(1)/2
39  pp(i,5)=hint1(8)
40  pp(i,6)=0.0
41  pp(i,7)=0.0
42  pp(i,8)=0.0
43  pp(i,9)=0.0
44  pp(i,10)=0.0
45  nfp(i,3)=ipp
46  nfp(i,4)=ipp
47  nfp(i,5)=0
48  nfp(i,6)=0
49  nfp(i,7)=0
50  nfp(i,8)=0
51  nfp(i,9)=0
52  nfp(i,10)=0
53  nfp(i,11)=0
54  npj(i)=0
55  IF(i.GT.abs(ihnt2(2))) nfp(i,3)=2112
56  CALL attflv(nfp(i,3),idq,idqq)
57  nfp(i,1)=idq
58  nfp(i,2)=idqq
59  nfp(i,15)=-1
60  IF(abs(idq).GT.1000.OR.(abs(idq*idqq).LT.100.AND.
61  & atl_ran(nseed).LT.0.5)) nfp(i,15)=1
62  pp(i,14)=ulmass(idq)
63  pp(i,15)=ulmass(idqq)
65 C
66  DO 200 i=1,ihnt2(3)
67  pt(i,1)=0.0
68  pt(i,2)=0.0
69  pt(i,3)=-sqrt(hint1(1)**2/4.0-hint1(9)**2)
70  pt(i,4)=hint1(1)/2.0
71  pt(i,5)=hint1(9)
72  pt(i,6)=0.0
73  pt(i,7)=0.0
74  pt(i,8)=0.0
75  pt(i,9)=0.0
76  pt(i,10)=0.0
77  nft(i,3)=ipt
78  nft(i,4)=ipt
79  nft(i,5)=0
80  nft(i,6)=0
81  nft(i,7)=0
82  nft(i,8)=0
83  nft(i,9)=0
84  nft(i,10)=0
85  nft(i,11)=0
86  ntj(i)=0
87  IF(i.GT.abs(ihnt2(4))) nft(i,3)=2112
88  CALL attflv(nft(i,3),idq,idqq)
89  nft(i,1)=idq
90  nft(i,2)=idqq
91  nft(i,15)=1
92  IF(abs(idq).GT.1000.OR.(abs(idq*idqq).LT.100.AND.
93  & atl_ran(nseed).LT.0.5)) nft(i,15)=-1
94  pt(i,14)=ulmass(idq)
95  pt(i,15)=ulmass(idqq)
98  END