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1 // TRENTO: Reduced Thickness Event-by-event Nuclear Topology
2 // Copyright 2015 Jonah E. Bernhard, J. Scott Moreland
3 // TRENTO3D: Three-dimensional extension of TRENTO by Weiyao Ke
4 // MIT License
6 #include <iostream>
7 #include <stdexcept>
8 #include <string>
9 #include <vector>
10 #include <climits>
12 #include <boost/filesystem.hpp>
13 #include <boost/filesystem/fstream.hpp>
14 #include <boost/program_options.hpp>
16 #include "collider.h"
17 #include "fwd_decl.h"
19 // CMake sets this definition.
20 // Fall back to a sane default.
22 #define TRENTO_VERSION_STRING "dev"
23 #endif
25 namespace trento {
27 namespace {
29 void print_version() {
30  std::cout << "trento " << TRENTO_VERSION_STRING << '\n';
31 }
33 void print_bibtex() {
34  std::cout <<
35  "TRENTO:\n"
36  "@article{Moreland:2014oya,\n"
37  " author = \"Moreland, J. Scott and Bernhard, Jonah E. and Bass,\n"
38  " Steffen A.\",\n"
39  " title = \"{Alternative ansatz to wounded nucleon and binary\n"
40  " collision scaling in high-energy nuclear collisions}\",\n"
41  " journal = \"Phys.Rev.\",\n"
42  " number = \"1\",\n"
43  " volume = \"C92\",\n"
44  " pages = \"011901\",\n"
45  " doi = \"10.1103/PhysRevC.92.011901\",\n"
46  " year = \"2015\",\n"
47  " eprint = \"1412.4708\",\n"
48  " archivePrefix = \"arXiv\",\n"
49  " primaryClass = \"nucl-th\",\n"
50  " SLACcitation = \"%%CITATION = ARXIV:1412.4708;%%\",\n"
51  "}\n\n";
53  std::cout <<
54  "TRENTO3D:\n"
55  "@article{Ke:2016jrd,\n"
56  " author = \"Ke, Weiyao and Moreland, J. Scott and Bernhard, \n"
57  " Jonah E. and Bass, Steffen A.\",\n"
58  " title = \"{Constraints on rapidity-dependent initial conditions\n"
59  " from charged particle pseudorapidity densities and\n"
60  " two-particle correlations}\",\n"
61  " journal = \"Phys. Rev.\",\n"
62  " volume = \"C96\",\n"
63  " year = \"2017\",\n"
64  " number = \"4\",\n"
65  " pages = \"044912\",\n"
66  " doi = \"10.1103/PhysRevC.96.044912\",\n"
67  " eprint = \"1610.08490\",\n"
68  " archivePrefix = \"arXiv\",\n"
69  " primaryClass = \"nucl-th\",\n"
70  " SLACcitation = \"%%CITATION = ARXIV:1610.08490;%%\"\n";
71 }
73 // TODO
74 // void print_default_config() {
75 // std::cout << "to do\n";
76 // }
78 } // unnamed namespace
80 } // namespace trento
82 int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
83  using namespace trento;
85  // Parse options with boost::program_options.
86  // There are quite a few options, so let's separate them into logical groups.
87  using OptDesc = po::options_description;
89  using VecStr = std::vector<std::string>;
90  OptDesc main_opts{};
91  main_opts.add_options()
92  ("projectile", po::value<VecStr>()->required()->
93  notifier( // use a lambda to verify there are exactly two projectiles
94  [](const VecStr& projectiles) {
95  if (projectiles.size() != 2)
96  throw po::required_option{"projectile"};
97  }),
98  "projectile symbols")
99  ("number-events", po::value<int>()->default_value(1),
100  "number of events");
102  // Make all main arguments positional.
103  po::positional_options_description positional_opts{};
104  positional_opts
105  .add("projectile", 2)
106  .add("number-events", 1);
108  using VecPath = std::vector<fs::path>;
109  OptDesc general_opts{"general options"};
110  general_opts.add_options()
111  ("help,h", "show this help message and exit")
112  ("version", "print version information and exit")
113  ("bibtex", "print bibtex entry and exit")
114  // ("default-config", "print a config file with default settings and exit")
115  ("config-file,c", po::value<VecPath>()->value_name("FILE"),
116  "configuration file\n(can be passed multiple times)");
118  OptDesc output_opts{"output options"};
119  output_opts.add_options()
120  ("quiet,q", po::bool_switch(),
121  "do not print event properties to stdout")
122  ("output,o", po::value<fs::path>()->value_name("PATH"),
123  "HDF5 file or directory for text files")
124  ("no-header", po::bool_switch(),
125  "do not write headers to text files");
127  OptDesc phys_opts{"physical options"};
128  phys_opts.add_options()
129  ("reduced-thickness,p",
130  po::value<double>()->value_name("FLOAT")->default_value(0., "0"),
131  "reduced thickness parameter")
132  ("fluctuation,k",
133  po::value<double>()->value_name("FLOAT")->default_value(1., "1"),
134  "gamma fluctuation shape parameter")
135  ("nucleon-width,w",
136  po::value<double>()->value_name("FLOAT")->default_value(.5, "0.5"),
137  "Gaussian nucleon width [fm]")
138  ("nucleon-min-dist,d",
139  po::value<double>()->value_name("FLOAT")->default_value(0., "0"),
140  "minimum nucleon-nucleon distance [fm]")
141  ("mean-coeff,m",
142  po::value<double>()->value_name("FLOAT")->default_value(1., "1."),
143  "rapidity mean coefficient")
144  ("std-coeff,s",
145  po::value<double>()->value_name("FLOAT")->default_value(3., "3."),
146  "rapidity std coefficient")
147  ("skew-coeff,t",
148  po::value<double>()->value_name("FLOAT")->default_value(0., "0."),
149  "rapidity skew coefficient")
150  ("skew-type,r",
151  po::value<int>()->value_name("INT")->default_value(1, "1"),
152  "rapidity skew type: 1: relative, 2: absolute, other: no skew")
153  ("jacobian,j",
154  po::value<double>()->value_name("FLOAT")->default_value(0.8, "0.8"),
155  "<pt>/<mt> used in Jacobian")
156  ("normalization,n",
157  po::value<double>()->value_name("FLOAT")->default_value(1., "1"),
158  "normalization factor");
160  OptDesc coll_opts{"collision options"};
161  coll_opts.add_options()
162  ("beam-energy,e",
163  po::value<double>()->value_name("FLOAT")->default_value(2760, "2760"),
164  "collision beam energy sqrt(s) [GeV], initializes cross section")
165  ("cross-section,x",
166  po::value<double>()->value_name("FLOAT")->default_value(-1, "off"),
167  "manual inelastic nucleon-nucleon cross section sigma_NN [fm^2]")
168  ("b-min",
169  po::value<double>()->value_name("FLOAT")->default_value(0., "0"),
170  "minimum impact parameter [fm]")
171  ("b-max",
172  po::value<double>()->value_name("FLOAT")->default_value(-1., "auto"),
173  "maximum impact parameter [fm]")
174  ("npart-min",
175  po::value<int>()->value_name("INT")->default_value(0, "0"),
176  "minimum Npart cut")
177  ("npart-max",
178  po::value<int>()->value_name("INT")->default_value(
179  std::numeric_limits<int>::max(), "INT_MAX"), "maximum Npart cut")
180  ("s-min",
181  po::value<double>()->value_name("FLOAT")->default_value(0., "0"),
182  "minimum entropy cut")
183  ("s-max",
184  po::value<double>()->value_name("FLOAT")->default_value(
185  std::numeric_limits<double>::max(), "DOUBLE_MAX"), "maxmimum entropy cut")
186  ("random-seed",
187  po::value<int64_t>()->value_name("INT")->default_value(-1, "auto"),
188  "random seed")
189  ("ncoll,b", po::bool_switch(),
190  "calculate # of binary collision and binary collision density");
192  OptDesc grid_opts{"grid options"};
193  grid_opts.add_options()
194  ("xy-max",
195  po::value<double>()->value_name("FLOAT")->default_value(10., "10.0"),
196  "xy max [fm]\n(transverse grid from -max to +max)")
197  ("xy-step",
198  po::value<double>()->value_name("FLOAT")->default_value(0.2, "0.2"),
199  "transverse step size [fm]")
200  ("eta-max",
201  po::value<double>()->value_name("FLOAT")->default_value(0.0, "0.0"),
202  "pseudorapidity max \n(eta grid from -max to +max)")
203  ("eta-step",
204  po::value<double>()->value_name("FLOAT")->default_value(0.5, "0.5"),
205  "pseudorapidity step size");
207  // Make a meta-group containing all the option groups except the main
208  // positional options (don't want the auto-generated usage info for those).
209  OptDesc usage_opts{};
210  usage_opts
211  .add(general_opts)
212  .add(output_opts)
213  .add(phys_opts)
214  .add(coll_opts)
215  .add(grid_opts);
217  // Now a meta-group containing _all_ options.
218  OptDesc all_opts{};
219  all_opts
220  .add(usage_opts)
221  .add(main_opts);
223  // Will be used several times.
224  const std::string usage_str{
225  "usage: trento [options] projectile projectile [number-events = 1]\n"};
226  const std::string usage_str3d{
227  "To operate in 3D mode, make sure --eta-max is nonzero.\n"};
229  try {
230  // Initialize a VarMap (boost::program_options::variables_map).
231  // It will contain all configuration values.
232  VarMap var_map{};
234  // Parse command line options.
235  po::store(po::command_line_parser(argc, argv)
236  .options(all_opts).positional(positional_opts).run(), var_map);
238  // Handle options that imply immediate exit.
239  // Must do this _before_ po::notify() since that can throw exceptions.
240  if (var_map.count("help")) {
241  std::cout
242  << usage_str << usage_str3d
243  << "\n"
244  "projectile = { p | d | Cu | Cu2 | Xe | Au | Au2 | Pb | U | U2 | U3 }\n"
245  << usage_opts
246  << "\n"
247  "see the online documentation for complete usage information\n";
248  return 0;
249  }
250  if (var_map.count("version")) {
251  print_version();
252  return 0;
253  }
254  if (var_map.count("bibtex")) {
255  print_bibtex();
256  return 0;
257  }
258  // if (var_map.count("default-config")) {
259  // print_default_config();
260  // return 0;
261  // }
263  // Merge any config files.
264  if (var_map.count("config-file")) {
265  // Everything except general_opts.
266  OptDesc config_file_opts{};
267  config_file_opts
268  .add(main_opts)
269  .add(output_opts)
270  .add(phys_opts)
271  .add(grid_opts);
273  for (const auto& path : var_map["config-file"].as<VecPath>()) {
274  if (!fs::exists(path)) {
275  throw po::error{
276  "configuration file '" + path.string() + "' not found"};
277  }
278  fs::ifstream ifs{path};
279  po::store(po::parse_config_file(ifs, config_file_opts), var_map);
280  }
281  }
283  // Save all the final values into var_map.
284  // Exceptions may occur here.
285  po::notify(var_map);
287  // Go!
288  Collider collider{var_map};
289  collider.run_events();
290  }
291  catch (const po::required_option&) {
292  // Handle this exception separately from others.
293  // This occurs e.g. when the program is excuted with no arguments.
294  std::cerr << usage_str << usage_str3d
295  << "run 'trento --help' for more information\n";
296  return 1;
297  }
298  catch (const std::exception& e) {
299  // For all other exceptions just output the error message.
300  std::cerr << e.what() << '\n';
301  return 1;
302  }
304  return 0;
305 }