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Go to the documentation of this file. Or view the newest version in sPHENIX GitHub for file PortalSvgConverter.cpp
1 // This file is part of the Acts project.
2 //
3 // Copyright (C) 2023 CERN for the benefit of the Acts project
4 //
5 // This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
6 // License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
7 // file, You can obtain one at
11 #include "Acts/Detector/Portal.hpp"
14 namespace {
24 Acts::Svg::ProtoLink makeProtoLink(
25  const Acts::Svg::PortalConverter::Options& portalOptions,
26  const Acts::Vector3& position, const Acts::Vector3& direction,
27  const Acts::Experimental::DetectorVolume* dVolume) {
29  Acts::Vector3 end3 = position + portalOptions.linkLength * direction;
30  pLink._start = {position.x(), position.y(), position.z()};
31  pLink._end = {end3.x(), end3.y(), end3.z()};
32  auto linkIndexCandidate = portalOptions.volumeIndices.find(dVolume);
33  if (linkIndexCandidate != portalOptions.volumeIndices.end()) {
34  pLink._link_index = linkIndexCandidate->second;
35  }
36  return pLink;
37 }
49 std::vector<Acts::Svg::ProtoLink> convertMultiLink(
52  const Acts::Surface& surface, const Acts::Vector3& refPosition,
53  const Acts::Svg::PortalConverter::Options& portalOptions,
54  int sign) noexcept(false) {
55  // The return links
56  std::vector<Acts::Svg::ProtoLink> pLinks;
57  const auto& volumes = multiLink.indexedUpdator.extractor.dVolumes;
58  const auto& casts = multiLink.indexedUpdator.casts;
60  // Generate the proto-links of the multi-link
61  for (auto [il, v] : Acts::enumerate(volumes)) {
62  Acts::Vector3 position = refPosition;
63  if constexpr (decltype(multiLink.indexedUpdator)::grid_type::DIM == 1u) {
64  // Get the binning value
65  Acts::BinningValue bValue = casts[0u];
66  // Get the boundaries
67  const auto& boundaries =
68  multiLink.indexedUpdator.grid.axes()[0u]->getBinEdges();
70  Acts::ActsScalar refC = 0.5 * (boundaries[il + 1u] + boundaries[il]);
72  if (bValue == Acts::binR) {
74  position = Acts::Vector3(refC * std::cos(phi), refC * std::sin(phi),
75  refPosition.z());
76  } else if (bValue == Acts::binZ) {
77  position[2] = refC;
78  } else if (bValue == Acts::binPhi) {
80  position = Acts::Vector3(r * std::cos(refC), r * std::sin(refC),
81  refPosition.z());
82  } else {
83  throw std::invalid_argument("convertMultiLink: incorrect binning.");
84  }
85  Acts::Vector3 direction = surface.normal(gctx, position);
86  pLinks.push_back(makeProtoLink(portalOptions, position,
87  Acts::Vector3(sign * direction), v));
88  }
89  }
90  return pLinks;
91 }
93 } // namespace
96  const GeometryContext& gctx, const Experimental::Portal& portal,
97  const PortalConverter::Options& portalOptions) {
98  ProtoPortal pPortal;
99  // First convert the surface
100  pPortal._surface = SurfaceConverter::convert(gctx, portal.surface(),
101  portalOptions.surfaceOptions);
103  // Reference point and direction
104  Vector3 rPos(0., 0., 0);
105  Vector3 rDir(0., 0., 1);
106  const auto& surface = portal.surface();
107  const auto surfaceTransform = portal.surface().transform(gctx);
108  const auto surfaceTranslation = surfaceTransform.translation().eval();
109  const auto surfaceType = surface.bounds().type();
110  const auto& boundValues = surface.bounds().values();
111  switch (surfaceType) {
112  case SurfaceBounds::eCylinder: {
113  // Get phi
114  ActsScalar r = boundValues[0u];
115  ActsScalar aphi = boundValues[3u];
116  rPos = Vector3(r * std::cos(aphi), r * std::sin(aphi),
117  surfaceTranslation.z());
118  } break;
119  case SurfaceBounds::eDisc: {
120  // Get phi
121  ActsScalar r = 0.5 * (boundValues[0u] + boundValues[1u]);
122  ActsScalar aphi = boundValues[3u];
123  rPos = Vector3(r * std::cos(aphi), r * std::sin(aphi),
124  surfaceTranslation.z());
125  } break;
126  default: {
127  rPos = surfaceTranslation;
128  } break;
129  }
130  rDir = surface.normal(gctx, rPos);
132  // Now convert the link objects
133  const auto& updators = portal.detectorVolumeUpdators();
135  int sign = -1;
136  for (const auto& dvu : updators) {
137  // Get the instance and start the casting
138  const auto* instance = dvu.instance();
139  auto singleLink =
140  dynamic_cast<const Experimental::SingleDetectorVolumeImpl*>(instance);
141  if (singleLink != nullptr) {
142  pPortal._volume_links.push_back(makeProtoLink(
143  portalOptions, rPos, Vector3(sign * rDir), singleLink->dVolume));
144  }
145  auto multiLink =
146  dynamic_cast<const Experimental::BoundVolumesGrid1Impl*>(instance);
147  if (multiLink != nullptr) {
148  auto pLinks = convertMultiLink(gctx, *multiLink, surface, rPos,
149  portalOptions, sign);
151  pPortal._volume_links.insert(pPortal._volume_links.end(), pLinks.begin(),
152  pLinks.end());
153  }
154  // Switch to the other side
155  sign += 2;
156  }
157  // Return the proto Portal
158  return pPortal;
159 }