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3 #include <phparameter/PHParameterInterface.h> // for PHParameterInterface
5 #include <g4main/PHG4Hit.h>
7 #include <g4main/PHG4HitDefs.h> // for get_volume_id
8 #include <g4main/PHG4Hitv1.h>
11 #include <fun4all/SubsysReco.h> // for SubsysReco
13 #include <phool/getClass.h>
14 #include <phool/phool.h> // for PHWHERE
16 #include <TVector3.h>
17 #include <TString.h>
19 #include <iostream> // for operator<<, endl, basi...
21 class PHCompositeNode;
23 namespace
24 {
25  // unique detector id for all direct lasers
26  static const int detId = PHG4HitDefs::get_volume_id("PHG4TpcCentralMembrane");
28  template<class T> inline constexpr T square( const T& x ) { return x*x; }
30  template<class T> inline T get_r( const T& x, const T& y ) { return std::sqrt( square(x) + square(y) ); }
32 } // namespace
34 //_____________________________________________________________
35 // all distances in mm, all angles in rad
36 // class that generates stripes and dummy hit coordinates
37 // stripes have width of one mm, length of one pad width, and are centered in middle of sector gaps
39  : SubsysReco(name)
40  , PHParameterInterface(name)
41 {
44  // set to 1.0 mm for all else
45  for (int j = 0; j < nRadii; j++)
46  {
47  for (int i = 0; i < nStripes_R1; i++)
48  {
49  str_width_R1_e[i][j] = 1.0 * mm;
50  str_width_R1[i][j] = 1.0 * mm;
51  }
52  for (int i = 0; i < nStripes_R2; i++)
53  {
54  str_width_R2[i][j] = 1.0 * mm;
55  }
56  for (int i = 0; i < nStripes_R3; i++)
57  {
58  str_width_R3[i][j] = 1.0 * mm;
59  }
60  }
66 }
68 //______________________________________________________
70 {
71  for (auto&& hit : PHG4Hits)
72  {
73  delete hit;
74  }
75 }
77 //_____________________________________________________________
79 {
80  // setup parameters
82  electrons_per_stripe = get_int_param("electrons_per_stripe");
83  electrons_per_gev = get_double_param("electrons_per_gev");
85  std::cout << "PHG4TpcCentralMembrane::InitRun - electrons_per_stripe: " << electrons_per_stripe << std::endl;
86  std::cout << "PHG4TpcCentralMembrane::InitRun - electrons_per_gev " << electrons_per_gev << std::endl;
88  // reset g4hits
89  for (auto&& hit : PHG4Hits)
90  {
91  delete hit;
92  }
94  PHG4Hits.clear();
96  /*
97  * utility function to
98  * - duplicate generated G4Hit to cover both sides of the central membrane
99  * - adjust hit time and z,
100  * - insert in container
101  */
102  auto adjust_hits = [&](PHG4Hit* source) {
103  // adjust time to account for central membrane delay
104  source->set_t(0, m_centralMembraneDelay);
105  source->set_t(1, m_centralMembraneDelay);
107  // assign to positive side
108  source->set_z(0, 1.);
109  source->set_z(1, 1.);
110  PHG4Hits.push_back(source);
112  // clone
113  // assign to negative side and insert in list
114  auto copy = new PHG4Hitv1(source);
115  copy->set_z(0, -1.);
116  copy->set_z(1, -1.);
117  PHG4Hits.push_back(copy);
118  };
120  // loop over petalID
121  for (int i = 0; i < 18; i++)
122  {
123  // loop over radiusID
124  for (int j = 0; j < 8; j++)
125  {
126  // loop over stripeID
127  for (int k = 0; k < nGoodStripes_R1_e[j]; k++)
128  {
129  adjust_hits(GetPHG4HitFromStripe(i, 0, j, k, electrons_per_stripe));
130  }
132  // loop over stripeID
133  for (int k = 0; k < nGoodStripes_R1[j]; k++)
134  {
135  adjust_hits(GetPHG4HitFromStripe(i, 1, j, k, electrons_per_stripe));
136  }
138  // loop over stripeID
139  for (int k = 0; k < nGoodStripes_R2[j]; k++)
140  {
141  adjust_hits(GetPHG4HitFromStripe(i, 2, j, k, electrons_per_stripe));
142  }
144  // loop over stripeID
145  for (int k = 0; k < nGoodStripes_R3[j]; k++)
146  {
147  adjust_hits(GetPHG4HitFromStripe(i, 3, j, k, electrons_per_stripe));
148  }
149  }
150  }
152  m_eventNum = 0;
155 }
157 //_____________________________________________________________
159 {
161  if(m_eventNum % m_eventModulo != 0)
162  {
163  if(Verbosity()) std::cout << "Event " << m_eventNum << " will not generate CM hits" << std::endl;
164  m_eventNum++;
166  }
168  // load g4hit container
169  auto g4hitcontainer = findNode::getClass<PHG4HitContainer>(topNode, hitnodename.c_str());
170  if (!g4hitcontainer)
171  {
172  std::cout << PHWHERE << "Could not locate g4 hit node " << hitnodename << std::endl;
174  }
176  // copy all hits from G4hits vector into container
177  for (const auto& hit : PHG4Hits)
178  {
179  auto copy = new PHG4Hitv1(hit);
180  g4hitcontainer->AddHit(detId, copy);
181  }
183  m_eventNum++;
186 }
188 //_____________________________________________________________
190 {
191  // same gas parameters as in PHG4TpcElectronDrift::SetDefaultParameters
193  // Data on gasses @20 C and 760 Torr from the following source:
194  //
195  // diffusion and drift velocity for 400kV for NeCF4 50/50 from calculations:
196  //
197  static constexpr double Ne_dEdx = 1.56; // keV/cm
198  static constexpr double CF4_dEdx = 7.00; // keV/cm
199  static constexpr double Ne_NTotal = 43; // Number/cm
200  static constexpr double CF4_NTotal = 100; // Number/cm
201  static constexpr double Tpc_NTot = 0.5 * Ne_NTotal + 0.5 * CF4_NTotal;
202  static constexpr double Tpc_dEdx = 0.5 * Ne_dEdx + 0.5 * CF4_dEdx;
203  static constexpr double Tpc_ElectronsPerKeV = Tpc_NTot / Tpc_dEdx;
205  // number of electrons per deposited GeV in TPC gas
206  set_default_double_param("electrons_per_gev", Tpc_ElectronsPerKeV * 1000000.);
209  set_default_int_param("electrons_per_stripe", 100);
210 }
212 //_____________________________________________________________
214  int nStripes, int nPads,
215  const std::array<double, nRadii>& R,
216  std::array<double, nRadii>& spacing,
217  double x1a[][nRadii], double y1a[][nRadii],
218  double x1b[][nRadii], double y1b[][nRadii],
219  double x2a[][nRadii], double y2a[][nRadii],
220  double x2b[][nRadii], double y2b[][nRadii],
221  double x3a[][nRadii], double y3a[][nRadii],
222  double x3b[][nRadii], double y3b[][nRadii],
223  double padfrac,
224  double str_width[][nRadii],
225  const std::array<double, nRadii>& widthmod,
226  std::array<int, nRadii>& nGoodStripes,
227  const std::array<int, nRadii>& keepUntil,
228  std::array<int, nRadii>& nStripesIn,
229  std::array<int, nRadii>& nStripesBefore)
230 {
231  const double phi_module = M_PI / 6.0; // angle span of a module
232  const int pr_mult = 3; // multiples of intrinsic resolution of pads
233  const int dw_mult = 8; // multiples of diffusion width
234  const double diffwidth = 0.6 * mm; // diffusion width
235  const double adjust = 0.015; //arbitrary angle to center the pattern in a petal
237  double theta = 0.0;
238  //center coords
239  double cx[nStripes][nRadii];
240  double cy[nStripes][nRadii];
241  //corner coords
242  /* double tempX1a[nStripes][nRadii], tempY1a[nStripes][nRadii];
243  double tempX1b[nStripes][nRadii], tempY1b[nStripes][nRadii];
244  double tempX2a[nStripes][nRadii], tempY2a[nStripes][nRadii];
245  double tempX2b[nStripes][nRadii], tempY2b[nStripes][nRadii];
246  double rotatedX1a[nStripes][nRadii], rotatedY1a[nStripes][nRadii];
247  double rotatedX1b[nStripes][nRadii], rotatedY1b[nStripes][nRadii];
248  double rotatedX2a[nStripes][nRadii], rotatedY2a[nStripes][nRadii];
249  double rotatedX2b[nStripes][nRadii], rotatedY2b[nStripes][nRadii]; */
251  //calculate spacing first:
252  for (int i = 0; i < nRadii; i++)
253  {
254  spacing[i] = 2.0 * ((dw_mult * diffwidth / R[i]) + (pr_mult * phi_module / nPads));
255  }
257  //vertex calculation
258  for (int j = 0; j < nRadii; j++)
259  {
260  int i_out = 0;
261  for (int i = keepThisAndAfter[j]; i < keepUntil[j]; i++)
262  {
263  if (j % 2 == 0)
264  {
265  theta = i * spacing[j] + (spacing[j] / 2) - adjust;
266  cx[i_out][j] = R[j] * cos(theta);
267  cy[i_out][j] = R[j] * sin(theta);
268  }
269  else
270  {
271  theta = (i + 1) * spacing[j] - adjust;
272  cx[i_out][j] = R[j] * cos(theta);
273  cy[i_out][j] = R[j] * sin(theta);
274  }
276  TVector3 corner[4];
277  corner[0].SetXYZ(-padfrac + arc_r, -(widthmod[j] * str_width[i][j]) / 2, 0); //"1a" = length of the pad, but not including the arc piece
278  corner[1].SetXYZ(padfrac - arc_r, -(widthmod[j] * str_width[i][j]) / 2, 0); //"1b" = length of the pad, but not including the arc piece
279  corner[2].SetXYZ(-padfrac + arc_r, (widthmod[j] * str_width[i][j]) / 2, 0); //"2a" = length of the pad, but not including the arc piece
280  corner[3].SetXYZ(padfrac - arc_r, (widthmod[j] * str_width[i][j]) / 2, 0); //"2b" = length of the pad, but not including the arc piece
282  TVector3 rotatedcorner[4];
283  for (int n = 0; n < 4; n++)
284  {
285  rotatedcorner[n] = corner[n];
286  rotatedcorner[n].RotateZ(theta);
287  }
289  x1a[i_out][j] = rotatedcorner[0].X() + cx[i_out][j];
290  x1b[i_out][j] = rotatedcorner[1].X() + cx[i_out][j];
291  x2a[i_out][j] = rotatedcorner[2].X() + cx[i_out][j];
292  x2b[i_out][j] = rotatedcorner[3].X() + cx[i_out][j];
294  y1a[i_out][j] = rotatedcorner[0].Y() + cy[i_out][j];
295  y1b[i_out][j] = rotatedcorner[1].Y() + cy[i_out][j];
296  y2a[i_out][j] = rotatedcorner[2].Y() + cy[i_out][j];
297  y2b[i_out][j] = rotatedcorner[3].Y() + cy[i_out][j];
299  /* x1a[i_out][j] = cx[i_out][j] - padfrac + arc_r;
300  y1a[i_out][j] = cy[i_out][j] - str_width/2;
301  x1b[i_out][j] = cx[i_out][j] + padfrac - arc_r;
302  y1b[i_out][j] = cy[i_out][j] - str_width/2;
303  x2a[i_out][j] = cx[i_out][j] - padfrac + arc_r;
304  y2a[i_out][j] = cy[i_out][j] + str_width/2;
305  x2b[i_out][j] = cx[i_out][j] + padfrac - arc_r;
306  y2b[i_out][j] = cy[i_out][j] + str_width/2;
308  tempX1a[i_out][j] = x1a[i_out][j] - cx[i_out][j];
309  tempY1a[i_out][j] = y1a[i_out][j] - cy[i_out][j];
310  tempX1b[i_out][j] = x1b[i_out][j] - cx[i_out][j];
311  tempY1b[i_out][j] = y1b[i_out][j] - cy[i_out][j];
312  tempX2a[i_out][j] = x2a[i_out][j] - cx[i_out][j];
313  tempY2a[i_out][j] = y2a[i_out][j] - cy[i_out][j];
314  tempX2b[i_out][j] = x2b[i_out][j] - cx[i_out][j];
315  tempY2b[i_out][j] = y2b[i_out][j] - cy[i_out][j];
317  rotatedX1a[i_out][j] = tempX1a[i_out][j]*cos(theta) - tempY1a[i_out][j]*sin(theta);
318  rotatedY1a[i_out][j] = tempX1a[i_out][j]*sin(theta) + tempY1a[i_out][j]*cos(theta);
319  rotatedX1b[i_out][j] = tempX1b[i_out][j]*cos(theta) - tempY1b[i_out][j]*sin(theta);
320  rotatedY1b[i_out][j] = tempX1b[i_out][j]*sin(theta) + tempY1b[i_out][j]*cos(theta);
321  rotatedX2a[i_out][j] = tempX2a[i_out][j]*cos(theta) - tempY2a[i_out][j]*sin(theta);
322  rotatedY2a[i_out][j] = tempX2a[i_out][j]*sin(theta) + tempY2a[i_out][j]*cos(theta);
323  rotatedX2b[i_out][j] = tempX2b[i_out][j]*cos(theta) - tempY2b[i_out][j]*sin(theta);
324  rotatedY2b[i_out][j] = tempX2b[i_out][j]*sin(theta) + tempY2b[i_out][j]*cos(theta);*/
326  /* x1a[i_out][j] = rotatedX1a[i_out][j] + cx[i_out][j];
327  y1a[i_out][j] = rotatedY1a[i_out][j] + cy[i_out][j];
328  x1b[i_out][j] = rotatedX1b[i_out][j] + cx[i_out][j];
329  y1b[i_out][j] = rotatedY1b[i_out][j] + cy[i_out][j];
330  x2a[i_out][j] = rotatedX2a[i_out][j] + cx[i_out][j];
331  y2a[i_out][j] = rotatedY2a[i_out][j] + cy[i_out][j];
332  x2b[i_out][j] = rotatedX2b[i_out][j] + cx[i_out][j];
333  y2b[i_out][j] = rotatedY2b[i_out][j] + cy[i_out][j]; */
335  x3a[i_out][j] = (x1a[i_out][j] + x2a[i_out][j]) / 2.0;
336  y3a[i_out][j] = (y1a[i_out][j] + y2a[i_out][j]) / 2.0;
337  x3b[i_out][j] = (x1b[i_out][j] + x2b[i_out][j]) / 2.0;
338  y3b[i_out][j] = (y1b[i_out][j] + y2b[i_out][j]) / 2.0;
340  i_out++;
342  nStripesBefore_R1_e[0] = 0;
344  nStripesIn[j] = keepUntil[j] - keepThisAndAfter[j];
345  if (j == 0)
346  {
347  nStripesBefore[j] = 0;
348  }
349  else
350  {
351  nStripesBefore[j] = nStripesIn[j - 1] + nStripesBefore[j - 1];
352  }
353  nStripesBefore_R1_e[0] = 0;
354  }
355  nGoodStripes[j] = i_out;
356  }
357 }
360  const double x1a[][nRadii], const double x1b[][nRadii],
361  const double x2a[][nRadii], const double x2b[][nRadii],
362  const double y1a[][nRadii], const double y1b[][nRadii],
363  const double y2a[][nRadii], const double y2b[][nRadii],
364  const double x3a[][nRadii], const double y3a[][nRadii],
365  const double x3b[][nRadii], const double y3b[][nRadii],
366  double x, double y, const std::array<int, nRadii>& nGoodStripes) const
367 {
368  int c = 0;
370  for (int j = 0; j < nRadii; j++)
371  {
372  for (int i = 0; i < nGoodStripes[j]; i++)
373  {
374  if (((y1a[i][j] > y) != (y2a[i][j] > y) && (x < (x2a[i][j] - x1a[i][j]) * (y - y1a[i][j]) / (y2a[i][j] - y1a[i][j]) + x1a[i][j])))
375  c = !c;
376  if (((y1b[i][j] > y) != (y1a[i][j] > y) && (x < (x1a[i][j] - x1b[i][j]) * (y - y1b[i][j]) / (y1a[i][j] - y1b[i][j]) + x1b[i][j])))
377  c = !c;
378  if (((y2b[i][j] > y) != (y1b[i][j] > y) && (x < (x1b[i][j] - x2b[i][j]) * (y - y2b[i][j]) / (y1b[i][j] - y2b[i][j]) + x2b[i][j])))
379  c = !c;
380  if (((y2a[i][j] > y) != (y2b[i][j] > y) && (x < (x2b[i][j] - x2a[i][j]) * (y - y2a[i][j]) / (y2b[i][j] - y2a[i][j]) + x2a[i][j])))
381  c = !c;
383  //check inside arcs
384  if (c == 0)
385  {
386  if (((x - x3a[i][j]) * (x - x3a[i][j]) + (y - y3a[i][j]) * (y - y3a[i][j])) <= arc_r * arc_r)
387  {
388  c = !c;
389  }
390  else if (((x - x3b[i][j]) * (x - x3b[i][j]) + (y - y3b[i][j]) * (y - y3b[i][j])) <= arc_r * arc_r)
391  {
392  c = !c;
393  }
394  }
395  }
396  }
397  return c;
398 }
400 int PHG4TpcCentralMembrane::getSearchResult(double xcheck, double ycheck) const
401 {
402  const double phi_petal = M_PI / 9.0; // angle span of one petal
403  const double end_R1_e = 312.0 * mm; // arbitrary radius between R1_e and R1
404  const double end_R1 = 408.0 * mm; // arbitrary radius between R1 and R2
405  const double end_R2 = 580.0 * mm; // arbitrary radius between R2 and R3
407  double r, phi, phimod, xmod, ymod;
409  r = sqrt(xcheck * xcheck + ycheck * ycheck);
410  phi = atan(ycheck / xcheck);
411  if ((xcheck < 0.0) && (ycheck > 0.0))
412  {
413  phi = phi + M_PI;
414  }
415  else if ((xcheck > 0.0) && (ycheck < 0.0))
416  {
417  phi = phi + 2.0 * M_PI;
418  }
420  phimod = fmod(phi, phi_petal);
421  xmod = r * cos(phimod);
422  ymod = r * sin(phimod);
424  int result = 0;
426  if (r <= end_R1_e)
427  {
429  }
430  else if ((r > end_R1_e) && (r <= end_R1))
431  {
433  }
434  else if ((r > end_R1) && (r <= end_R2))
435  {
437  }
438  else if ((r > end_R2) && (r <= end_CM))
439  {
441  }
443  return result;
444 }
446 PHG4Hit* PHG4TpcCentralMembrane::GetPHG4HitFromStripe(int petalID, int moduleID, int radiusID, int stripeID, int nElectrons) const
447 { //this function generates a PHG4 hit using coordinates from a stripe
448  const double phi_petal = M_PI / 9.0; // angle span of one petal
449  PHG4Hit* hit;
450  TVector3 dummyPos0, dummyPos1;
452  //could put in some sanity checks here but probably not necessary since this is only really used within the class
453  //petalID ranges 0-17, module ID 0-3, stripeID varies - nGoodStripes for each module
454  //radiusID ranges 0-7
456  //from
457  hit = new PHG4Hitv1();
458  hit->set_layer(-1); // dummy number
459  //here we set the entrance values in cm
460  if (moduleID == 0)
461  {
462  hit->set_x(0, x3a_R1_e[stripeID][radiusID] / cm);
463  hit->set_y(0, y3a_R1_e[stripeID][radiusID] / cm);
464  }
465  else if (moduleID == 1)
466  {
467  hit->set_x(0, x3a_R1[stripeID][radiusID] / cm);
468  hit->set_y(0, y3a_R1[stripeID][radiusID] / cm);
469  }
470  else if (moduleID == 2)
471  {
472  hit->set_x(0, x3a_R2[stripeID][radiusID] / cm);
473  hit->set_y(0, y3a_R2[stripeID][radiusID] / cm);
474  }
475  else if (moduleID == 3)
476  {
477  hit->set_x(0, x3a_R3[stripeID][radiusID] / cm);
478  hit->set_y(0, y3a_R3[stripeID][radiusID] / cm);
479  }
480  hit->set_z(0, 0.0 / cm);
482  // check if you need to rotate coords to another petal
483  if (petalID > 0)
484  {
485  dummyPos0.SetXYZ(hit->get_x(0), hit->get_y(0), hit->get_z(0));
486  dummyPos0.RotateZ(petalID * phi_petal);
487  hit->set_x(0, dummyPos0.X());
488  hit->set_y(0, dummyPos0.Y());
489  }
491  // TODO: use actual stripe direction for the momentum
492  hit->set_px(1, 500.0);
493  hit->set_py(1, 500.0);
494  hit->set_pz(1, 500.0);
496  // time in ns
497  hit->set_t(0, 0);
499  //set and save the track ID
500  hit->set_trkid(-1); // dummy number
502  // here we just update the exit values, it will be overwritten
503  // for every step until we leave the volume or the particle
504  // ceases to exist
505  if (moduleID == 0)
506  {
507  hit->set_x(1, x3b_R1_e[stripeID][radiusID] / cm);
508  hit->set_y(1, y3b_R1_e[stripeID][radiusID] / cm);
509  }
510  else if (moduleID == 1)
511  {
512  hit->set_x(1, x3b_R1[stripeID][radiusID] / cm);
513  hit->set_y(1, y3b_R1[stripeID][radiusID] / cm);
514  }
515  else if (moduleID == 2)
516  {
517  hit->set_x(1, x3b_R2[stripeID][radiusID] / cm);
518  hit->set_y(1, y3b_R2[stripeID][radiusID] / cm);
519  }
520  else if (moduleID == 3)
521  {
522  hit->set_x(1, x3b_R3[stripeID][radiusID] / cm);
523  hit->set_y(1, y3b_R3[stripeID][radiusID] / cm);
524  }
525  hit->set_z(1, 0.0 / cm);
527  // check if you need to rotate coords to another petal
528  if (petalID > 0)
529  {
530  dummyPos1.SetXYZ(hit->get_x(1), hit->get_y(1), hit->get_z(1));
531  dummyPos1.RotateZ(petalID * phi_petal);
532  hit->set_x(1, dummyPos1.X());
533  hit->set_y(1, dummyPos1.Y());
534  }
536  // TODO: use actual stripe direction for the momentum
537  hit->set_px(1, 500.0);
538  hit->set_py(1, 500.0);
539  hit->set_pz(1, 500.0);
541  hit->set_t(1, 0); // dummy number, nanosecond
543  // calculate deposited energy corresponding to number of electrons per stripe
544  const double edep = nElectrons / electrons_per_gev;
545  hit->set_edep(edep);
546  hit->set_eion(edep);
548  /*
549  if (hit->get_edep()){ //print out hits
550  double rin = sqrt(hit->get_x(0) * hit->get_x(0) + hit->get_y(0) * hit->get_y(0));
551  double rout = sqrt(hit->get_x(1) * hit->get_x(1) + hit->get_y(1) * hit->get_y(1));
552  std::cout << "Added Tpc g4hit with rin, rout = " << rin << " " << rout
553  << " g4hitid " << hit->get_hit_id() << std::endl;
554  std::cout << " xin " << hit->get_x(0)
555  << " yin " << hit->get_y(0)
556  << " zin " << hit->get_z(0)
557  << " rin " << rin
558  << std::endl;
559  std::cout << " xout " << hit->get_x(1)
560  << " yout " << hit->get_y(1)
561  << " zout " << hit->get_z(1)
562  << " rout " << rout
563  << std::endl;
564  std::cout << " xav " << (hit->get_x(1) + hit->get_x(0)) / 2.0
565  << " yav " << (hit->get_y(1) + hit->get_y(0)) / 2.0
566  << " zav " << (hit->get_z(1) + hit->get_z(0)) / 2.0
567  << " rav " << (rout + rin) / 2.0
568  << std::endl;
569  }
570  */
572  return hit;
573 }
575 int PHG4TpcCentralMembrane::getStripeID(double xcheck, double ycheck) const
576 {
577  //check if point came from stripe then see which stripe it is
578  //213 stripes in a petal, 18 petals, ntotstripes = 3834
579  int result;
580  int fullID = -1;
581  //const double adjust = 0.015; //arbitrary angle to center the pattern in a petal
582  const double phi_petal = M_PI / 9.0; // angle span of one petal
584  // check if in a stripe
585  result = getSearchResult(xcheck, ycheck);
587  // find which stripe
588  if (result == 1)
589  {
590  //std::cout << "on a stripe" << std::endl;
591  //convert coords to radius n angle
592  double r = sqrt(xcheck * xcheck + ycheck * ycheck);
593  double phi = atan(ycheck / xcheck);
594  if ((xcheck < 0.0) && (ycheck > 0.0))
595  {
596  phi = phi + M_PI;
597  }
598  else if ((xcheck > 0.0) && (ycheck < 0.0))
599  {
600  phi = phi + 2.0 * M_PI;
601  }
602  //get angle within first petal
603  double phimod = fmod(phi, phi_petal);
604  double xmod = r * cos(phimod);
605  double ymod = r * sin(phimod);
607  int petalID = phi / phi_petal;
609  int phiID = 0;
610  for (int j = 0; j < nRadii; j++)
611  {
612  if (((R1_e[j] - padfrac_R1) < r) && (r < (R1_e[j] + padfrac_R1)))
613  { // check if radius is in stripe
614  int rID = j;
615  std::cout << "rID: " << rID << std::endl;
616  //'angle' is to the center of a stripe
617  for (int i = 0; i < nGoodStripes_R1_e[j]; i++)
618  {
619  //if (j % 2 == 0){
620  //theta = i*spacing[j];
621  //angle = theta + (spacing[j]/2) - adjust;
622  // look at distance from center line of stripe
623  // if distance from x,y to center line < str_width
624  // calculate slope n then do dist
626  double m = (y3b_R1_e[i][j] - y3a_R1_e[i][j]) / (x3b_R1_e[i][j] - x3a_R1_e[i][j]);
627  /*std::cout << "y2: " << y3b_R1_e[i][j] << std::endl;
628  std::cout << "y1: " << y3a_R1_e[i][j] << std::endl;
629  std::cout << "x2: " << x3b_R1_e[i][j] << std::endl;
630  std::cout << "x1: " << x3a_R1_e[i][j] << std::endl;
631  std::cout << "xc: " << xcheck << std::endl;
632  std::cout << "yc: " << ycheck << std::endl;
633  std::cout << "m: " << m << std::endl; */
634  //std::cout << fabs((-m)*xcheck + ycheck) << std::endl;
635  double dist = fabs((-m) * xmod + ymod) / sqrt(1 + m * m);
636  //std::cout << "dist:" << dist << std::endl;
637  if (dist < ((widthmod_R1_e[j] * str_width_R1_e[i][j]) / 2.0))
638  {
639  phiID = i;
640  //std::cout << "phiID: " << phiID << std::endl;
641  }
642  }
644  std::cout << "nStripesBefore: " << nStripesBefore_R1_e[j] << std::endl;
645  fullID = petalID * nStripesPerPetal + nStripesBefore_R1_e[j] + phiID;
646  //std::cout << "fullID: " << fullID << std::endl;
647  }
648  else if (((R1[j] - padfrac_R1) < r) && (r < (R1[j] + padfrac_R1)))
649  {
650  //std::cout << "R1" << std::endl;
651  for (int i = 0; i < nGoodStripes_R1[j]; i++)
652  {
653  // look at distance from center line of stripe
654  double m = (y3b_R1[i][j] - y3a_R1[i][j]) / (x3b_R1[i][j] - x3a_R1[i][j]);
655  double dist = fabs(m * xmod - ymod) / sqrt(1 + m * m);
656  if (dist < ((widthmod_R1[j] * str_width_R1[i][j]) / 2.0))
657  {
658  phiID = i;
659  }
660  }
662  fullID = petalID * nStripesPerPetal + nStripesBefore_R1[j] + phiID;
663  }
664  else if (((R2[j] - padfrac_R2) < r) && (r < (R2[j] + padfrac_R2)))
665  {
666  //std::cout << "R2" << std::endl;
667  for (int i = 0; i < nGoodStripes_R2[j]; i++)
668  {
669  // look at distance from center line of stripe
670  double m = (y3b_R2[i][j] - y3a_R2[i][j]) / (x3b_R2[i][j] - x3a_R2[i][j]);
671  double dist = fabs(m * xmod - ymod) / sqrt(1 + m * m);
672  if (dist < ((widthmod_R2[j] * str_width_R2[i][j]) / 2.0))
673  {
674  phiID = i;
675  }
676  }
678  fullID = petalID * nStripesPerPetal + nStripesBefore_R2[j] + phiID;
679  }
680  else if (((R3[j] - padfrac_R3) < r) && (r < (R3[j] + padfrac_R3)))
681  {
682  //std::cout << "R3" << std::endl;
683  for (int i = 0; i < nGoodStripes_R3[j]; i++)
684  {
685  // look at distance from center line of stripe
686  double m = (y3b_R3[i][j] - y3a_R3[i][j]) / (x3b_R3[i][j] - x3a_R3[i][j]);
687  double dist = fabs(m * xmod - ymod) / sqrt(1 + m * m);
688  if (dist < ((widthmod_R3[j] * str_width_R3[i][j]) / 2.0))
689  {
690  phiID = i;
691  }
692  }
694  fullID = petalID * nStripesPerPetal + nStripesBefore_R3[j] + phiID;
695  }
696  }
697  }
698  else
699  {
700  fullID = -1;
701  }
703  return fullID;
704 }