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Go to the documentation of this file. Or view the newest version in sPHENIX GitHub for file DetectorAlignment.cpp
1 // This file is part of the Acts project.
2 //
3 // Copyright (C) 2021 CERN for the benefit of the Acts project
4 //
5 // This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
6 // License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
7 // file, You can obtain one at
9 #include "DetectorAlignment.hpp"
41 #include <filesystem>
42 #include <memory>
44 using namespace Acts::UnitLiterals;
45 using namespace ActsExamples;
46 using namespace std::filesystem;
50  auto opt = desc.add_options();
51  opt("reco-with-misalignment-correction", value<bool>()->default_value(false),
52  "Correct for detector misalignment effects.");
53  opt("alignment-geo-config-file", value<std::string>()->default_value(""),
54  "Json file for alignment geometry elements selection");
55 }
58  int argc, char* argv[],
59  const std::shared_ptr<ActsExamples::IBaseDetector>& detector,
60  ActsAlignment::AlignedTransformUpdater alignedTransformUpdater,
61  const AlignedDetElementGetter& alignedDetElementsGetter) {
62  // using boost::program_options::value;
64  // setup and parse options
65  auto desc = Options::makeDefaultOptions();
72  Options::addOutputOptions(desc, OutputFormat::DirectoryOnly);
73  detector->addOptions(desc);
78  addAlignmentOptions(desc);
80  auto vm = Options::parse(desc, argc, argv);
81  if (vm.empty()) {
82  return EXIT_FAILURE;
83  }
87  // Read some standard options
89  auto outputDir = ensureWritableDirectory(vm["output-dir"].as<std::string>());
90  auto rnd = std::make_shared<const ActsExamples::RandomNumbers>(
93  if (vm["fit-directed-navigation"].as<bool>()) {
94  throw std::runtime_error(
95  "Directed navigation not supported anymore in the examples binaries."
96  "Please refer to the RefittingAlgorithm in the python bindings.");
97  }
99  // Setup detector geometry
100  auto geometry = Geometry::build(vm, *detector);
101  auto trackingGeometry = geometry.first;
102  // Add context decorators
103  for (const auto& cdr : geometry.second) {
104  sequencer.addContextDecorator(cdr);
105  }
106  // Setup the magnetic field
109  // Read the sim hits
110  auto simHitReaderCfg = setupSimHitReading(vm, sequencer);
111  // Read the particles
112  auto particleReader = setupParticleReading(vm, sequencer);
114  // Run the sim hits smearing
115  auto digiCfg = setupDigitization(vm, sequencer, rnd, trackingGeometry,
116  simHitReaderCfg.outputSimHits);
117  // Run the particle selection
118  // The pre-selection will select truth particles satisfying provided criteria
119  // from all particles read in by particle reader for further processing. It
120  // has no impact on the truth hits read-in by the cluster reader.
121  TruthSeedSelector::Config particleSelectorCfg =
123  particleSelectorCfg.inputParticles = particleReader.outputParticles;
124  particleSelectorCfg.inputMeasurementParticlesMap =
125  digiCfg.outputMeasurementParticlesMap;
126  particleSelectorCfg.outputParticles = "particles_selected";
127  particleSelectorCfg.nHitsMin = 9;
128  particleSelectorCfg.ptMin = 500._MeV;
129  sequencer.addAlgorithm(
130  std::make_shared<TruthSeedSelector>(particleSelectorCfg, logLevel));
132  // The selected particles
133  const auto& inputParticles = particleSelectorCfg.outputParticles;
135  // Run the particle smearing
136  auto particleSmearingCfg =
137  setupParticleSmearing(vm, sequencer, rnd, inputParticles);
139  // The fitter needs the measurements (proto tracks) and initial
140  // track states (proto states). The elements in both collections
141  // must match and must be created from the same input particles.
142  // Create truth tracks
143  TruthTrackFinder::Config trackFinderCfg;
144  trackFinderCfg.inputParticles = inputParticles;
145  trackFinderCfg.inputMeasurementParticlesMap =
146  digiCfg.outputMeasurementParticlesMap;
147  trackFinderCfg.outputProtoTracks = "prototracks";
148  sequencer.addAlgorithm(
149  std::make_shared<TruthTrackFinder>(trackFinderCfg, logLevel));
151  if (vm["reco-with-misalignment-correction"].as<bool>()) {
152  // setup the alignment (which will update the aligned transforms of the
153  // detector elements)
155  alignment.inputSourceLinks = digiCfg.outputSourceLinks;
156  alignment.inputMeasurements = digiCfg.outputMeasurements;
157  alignment.inputProtoTracks = trackFinderCfg.outputProtoTracks;
158  alignment.inputInitialTrackParameters =
159  particleSmearingCfg.outputTrackParameters;
160  alignment.outputAlignmentParameters = "alignment-parameters";
161  alignment.alignedTransformUpdater = std::move(alignedTransformUpdater);
162  std::string path = vm["alignment-geo-config-file"].as<std::string>();
163  if (not path.empty()) {
164  alignment.alignedDetElements = alignedDetElementsGetter(
165  detector, ActsExamples::readJsonGeometryList(path));
166  }
168  // The criteria to determine if the iteration has converged.
169  alignment.deltaChi2ONdfCutOff = {10, 0.00005};
170  alignment.chi2ONdfCutOff = 0.01;
171  alignment.maxNumIterations = 60;
172  alignment.align = AlignmentAlgorithm::makeAlignmentFunction(
174  sequencer.addAlgorithm(
175  std::make_shared<AlignmentAlgorithm>(alignment, logLevel));
176  }
178  // setup the fitter
180  fitter.inputMeasurements = digiCfg.outputMeasurements;
181  fitter.inputSourceLinks = digiCfg.outputSourceLinks;
182  fitter.inputProtoTracks = trackFinderCfg.outputProtoTracks;
184  particleSmearingCfg.outputTrackParameters;
185  fitter.outputTracks = "tracks";
186  fitter.pickTrack = vm["fit-pick-track"].as<int>();
189  vm["fit-multiple-scattering-correction"].as<bool>(),
190  vm["fit-energy-loss-correction"].as<bool>());
191  sequencer.addAlgorithm(
192  std::make_shared<TrackFittingAlgorithm>(fitter, logLevel));
194  TracksToTrajectories::Config tracksToTrajCfg{};
195  tracksToTrajCfg.inputTracks = fitter.outputTracks;
196  tracksToTrajCfg.outputTrajectories = "trajectories";
197  sequencer.addAlgorithm(
198  (std::make_shared<TracksToTrajectories>(tracksToTrajCfg, logLevel)));
200  // write track states from fitting
201  RootTrajectoryStatesWriter::Config trackStatesWriter;
202  trackStatesWriter.inputTrajectories = tracksToTrajCfg.outputTrajectories;
203  trackStatesWriter.inputParticles = inputParticles;
204  trackStatesWriter.inputSimHits = simHitReaderCfg.outputSimHits;
205  trackStatesWriter.inputMeasurementParticlesMap =
206  digiCfg.outputMeasurementParticlesMap;
207  trackStatesWriter.inputMeasurementSimHitsMap =
208  digiCfg.outputMeasurementSimHitsMap;
209  trackStatesWriter.filePath = outputDir + "/trackstates_fitter.root";
210  sequencer.addWriter(std::make_shared<RootTrajectoryStatesWriter>(
211  trackStatesWriter, logLevel));
213  // write track summary from CKF
214  RootTrajectorySummaryWriter::Config trackSummaryWriter;
215  trackSummaryWriter.inputTrajectories = tracksToTrajCfg.outputTrajectories;
216  trackSummaryWriter.inputParticles = inputParticles;
217  trackSummaryWriter.inputMeasurementParticlesMap =
218  digiCfg.outputMeasurementParticlesMap;
219  trackSummaryWriter.filePath = outputDir + "/tracksummary_fitter.root";
220  sequencer.addWriter(std::make_shared<RootTrajectorySummaryWriter>(
221  trackSummaryWriter, logLevel));
223  // Write CKF performance data
224  // write reconstruction performance data
226  perfFinder.inputProtoTracks = trackFinderCfg.outputProtoTracks;
227  perfFinder.inputParticles = inputParticles;
228  perfFinder.inputMeasurementParticlesMap =
229  digiCfg.outputMeasurementParticlesMap;
230  perfFinder.filePath = outputDir + "/performance_track_finder.root";
231  sequencer.addWriter(
232  std::make_shared<TrackFinderPerformanceWriter>(perfFinder, logLevel));
235  perfFitter.inputTrajectories = tracksToTrajCfg.outputTrajectories;
236  perfFitter.inputParticles = inputParticles;
237  perfFitter.inputMeasurementParticlesMap =
238  digiCfg.outputMeasurementParticlesMap;
239  perfFitter.filePath = outputDir + "/performance_track_fitter.root";
240  sequencer.addWriter(
241  std::make_shared<TrackFitterPerformanceWriter>(perfFitter, logLevel));
243  return;
244 }