Analysis Software
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1 // use #include "" only for your local include and put
2 // those in the first line(s) before any #include <>
3 // otherwise you are asking for weird behavior
4 // (more info - check the difference in include path search when using "" versus <>)
6 #include "SepdMon.h"
8 #include <onlmon/OnlMon.h> // for OnlMon
9 #include <onlmon/OnlMonDB.h>
10 #include <onlmon/OnlMonServer.h>
11 #include <onlmon/pseudoRunningMean.h>
13 #include <Event/msg_profile.h>
14 #include <calobase/TowerInfoDefs.h>
15 #include <caloreco/CaloWaveformFitting.h>
17 #include <Event/Event.h>
18 #include <Event/EventTypes.h>
19 #include <Event/msg_profile.h>
21 #include <TH1.h>
22 #include <TH2.h>
23 #include <TRandom.h>
25 #include <cmath>
26 #include <cstdio> // for printf
27 #include <fstream>
28 #include <iostream>
29 #include <sstream>
30 #include <string> // for allocator, string, char_traits
32 enum
33 {
36 };
39  : OnlMon(name)
40 {
41  // leave ctor fairly empty, its hard to debug if code crashes already
42  // during a new EpdMon()
43  return;
44 }
47 {
48  // you can delete NULL pointers it results in a NOOP (No Operation)
49  std::vector<runningMean *>::iterator rm_it;
50  for (auto iter : rm_packet_number)
51  {
52  delete iter;
53  }
54  for (auto iter : rm_packet_length)
55  {
56  delete iter;
57  }
58  for (auto iter : rm_packet_chans)
59  {
60  delete iter;
61  }
62  return;
63 }
66 {
67  gRandom->SetSeed(rand());
68  // read our calibrations from EpdMonData.dat
69  /*
70  const char *sepdcalib = getenv("SEPDCALIB");
71  if (!sepdcalib)
72  {
73  std::cout << "SEPDCALIB environment variable not set" << std::endl;
74  exit(1);
75  }
76  std::string fullfile = std::string(sepdcalib) + "/" + "SepdMonData.dat";
77  std::ifstream calib(fullfile);
79  calib.close();
80  */
81  // use printf for stuff which should go the screen but not into the message
82  // system (all couts are redirected)
83  printf("doing the Init\n");
84  h_ADC0_s = new TH2F("h_ADC0_s", ";;", nPhi0, -axislimit, axislimit, nRad, -axislimit, axislimit);
85  h_ADC0_n = new TH2F("h_ADC0_n", ";;", nPhi0, -axislimit, axislimit, nRad, -axislimit, axislimit);
86  h_ADC_s = new TH2F("h_ADC_s", ";;", nPhi, -axislimit, axislimit, nRad, -axislimit, axislimit);
87  h_ADC_n = new TH2F("h_ADC_n", ";;", nPhi, -axislimit, axislimit, nRad, -axislimit, axislimit);
89  h_hits0_s = new TH2F("h_hits0_s", ";;", nPhi0, -axislimit, axislimit, nRad, -axislimit, axislimit);
90  h_hits0_n = new TH2F("h_hits0_n", ";;", nPhi0, -axislimit, axislimit, nRad, -axislimit, axislimit);
91  h_hits_s = new TH2F("h_hits_s", ";;", nPhi, -axislimit, axislimit, nRad, -axislimit, axislimit);
92  h_hits_n = new TH2F("h_hits_n", ";;", nPhi, -axislimit, axislimit, nRad, -axislimit, axislimit);
94  int nADCcorr = 600;
95  double ADCcorrmax = 2e4;
96  int nhitscorr = 700;
97  double hitscorrmax = 1000;
98  h_ADC_corr = new TH2F("h_ADC_corr", ";ADC avg sum (south); ADC avg sum (north)", nADCcorr, 0, ADCcorrmax, nADCcorr, 0, ADCcorrmax);
99  h_hits_corr = new TH2F("h_hits_corr", ";ADC avg sum (south); ADC avg sum (north)", nhitscorr, 0, hitscorrmax, nhitscorr, 0, hitscorrmax);
101  h_event = new TH1F("h_event", "", 1, 0, 1);
103  // waveform processing
104  h1_waveform_twrAvg = new TH1F("h1_waveform_twrAvg", "", n_samples_show, 0.5, n_samples_show + 0.5);
105  h1_waveform_time = new TH1F("h1_waveform_time", "", n_samples_show, 0.5, n_samples_show + 0.5);
106  h1_waveform_pedestal = new TH1F("h1_waveform_pedestal", "", 25, 1.2e3, 1.8e3);
107  h2_sepd_waveform = new TH2F("h2_sepd_waveform", "", n_samples_show, 0.5, n_samples_show + 0.5, 1000, 0, 15000);
109  // waveform processing, template vs. fast interpolation
110  h1_sepd_fitting_sigDiff = new TH1F("h1_fitting_sigDiff", "", 50, 0, 2);
111  h1_sepd_fitting_pedDiff = new TH1F("h1_fitting_pedDiff", "", 50, 0, 2);
112  h1_sepd_fitting_timeDiff = new TH1F("h1_fitting_timeDiff", "", 50, -10, 10);
114  // packet stuff
115  h1_packet_number = new TH1F("h1_packet_number", "", 6, packetlow - 0.5, packethigh + 0.5);
116  h1_packet_length = new TH1F("h1_packet_length", "", 6, packetlow - 0.5, packethigh + 0.5);
117  h1_packet_chans = new TH1F("h1_packet_chans", "", 6, packetlow - 0.5, packethigh + 0.5);
118  h1_packet_event = new TH1F("h1_packet_event", "", 6, packetlow - 0.5, packethigh + 0.5);
120  for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
121  {
125  }
128  // register histograms with server otherwise client won't get them
129  se->registerHisto(this, h_ADC0_s); // uses the TH1->GetName() as key
130  se->registerHisto(this, h_ADC0_n);
131  se->registerHisto(this, h_ADC_s);
132  se->registerHisto(this, h_ADC_n);
133  se->registerHisto(this, h_hits0_s);
134  se->registerHisto(this, h_hits0_n);
135  se->registerHisto(this, h_hits_s);
136  se->registerHisto(this, h_hits_n);
137  se->registerHisto(this, h_ADC_corr);
138  se->registerHisto(this, h_hits_corr);
139  se->registerHisto(this, h_event);
141  se->registerHisto(this, h1_waveform_time);
143  se->registerHisto(this, h2_sepd_waveform);
144  se->registerHisto(this, h1_packet_number);
145  se->registerHisto(this, h1_packet_length);
146  se->registerHisto(this, h1_packet_chans);
147  se->registerHisto(this, h1_packet_event);
148  // se->registerHisto(this, h1_sepd_fitting_sigDiff);
149  // se->registerHisto(this, h1_sepd_fitting_pedDiff);
150  // se->registerHisto(this, h1_sepd_fitting_timeDiff);
152  // save inidividual channel ADC distribution
153  for (int ichannel = 0; ichannel < nChannels; ichannel++)
154  {
155  h_ADC_channel[ichannel] = new TH1F(Form("h_ADC_channel%d", ichannel), ";ADC;Counts", 1000, 0, 15e3);
156  se->registerHisto(this, h_ADC_channel[ichannel]);
157  }
159  // initialize waveform extraction tool
164  std::string sepdtemplate;
165  if (getenv("SEPDCALIB"))
166  {
167  sepdtemplate = getenv("SEPDCALIB");
168  }
169  else
170  {
171  sepdtemplate = ".";
172  }
173  sepdtemplate += std::string("/testbeam_sepd_template.root");
174  // WaveformProcessingTemp->initialize_processing(sepdtemplate);
176  Reset();
177  return 0;
178 }
180 int SepdMon::BeginRun(const int /* runno */)
181 {
182  // if you need to read calibrations on a run by run basis
183  // this is the place to do it
184  std::vector<runningMean *>::iterator rm_it;
185  for (rm_it = rm_packet_number.begin(); rm_it != rm_packet_number.end(); ++rm_it)
186  {
187  (*rm_it)->Reset();
188  }
189  for (rm_it = rm_packet_length.begin(); rm_it != rm_packet_length.end(); ++rm_it)
190  {
191  (*rm_it)->Reset();
192  }
193  for (rm_it = rm_packet_chans.begin(); rm_it != rm_packet_chans.end(); ++rm_it)
194  {
195  (*rm_it)->Reset();
196  }
197  return 0;
198 }
200 // simple wavefrom analysis for possibe issues with the wavforProcessor
201 std::vector<float> SepdMon::getSignal(Packet *p, const int channel)
202 {
203  double baseline = 0;
204  for (int s = 0; s < 3; s++)
205  {
206  baseline += p->iValue(s, channel);
207  }
208  baseline /= 3.;
210  double signal = 0;
211  float x = 0;
212  for (int s = 3; s < p->iValue(0, "SAMPLES"); s++)
213  {
214  x++;
215  signal += p->iValue(s, channel) - baseline;
216  }
218  signal /= x;
220  // simulate a failure if ( evtcount > 450 && p->getIdentifier() ==6011) return 0;
222  std::vector<float> result;
223  result.push_back(signal);
224  result.push_back(2);
225  result.push_back(1);
226  return result;
227 }
229 std::vector<float> SepdMon::anaWaveformFast(Packet *p, const int channel)
230 {
231  std::vector<float> waveform;
232  for (int s = 0; s < p->iValue(0, "SAMPLES"); s++)
233  {
234  waveform.push_back(p->iValue(s, channel));
235  }
236  std::vector<std::vector<float>> multiple_wfs;
237  multiple_wfs.push_back(waveform);
239  std::vector<std::vector<float>> fitresults_sepd;
240  fitresults_sepd = WaveformProcessingFast->calo_processing_fast(multiple_wfs);
242  std::vector<float> result;
243  result =;
245  return result;
246 }
248 std::vector<float> SepdMon::anaWaveformTemp(Packet *p, const int channel)
249 {
250  std::vector<float> waveform;
251  for (int s = 0; s < p->iValue(0, "SAMPLES"); s++)
252  {
253  waveform.push_back(p->iValue(s, channel));
254  }
255  std::vector<std::vector<float>> multiple_wfs;
256  multiple_wfs.push_back(waveform);
258  std::vector<std::vector<float>> fitresults_sepd;
259  fitresults_sepd = WaveformProcessingTemp->process_waveform(multiple_wfs);
261  std::vector<float> result;
262  result =;
264  return result;
265 }
268 {
269  evtcnt++;
270  h1_packet_event->Reset();
271  unsigned int ChannelNumber = 0;
272  // float sectorAvg[Nsector] = {0};
273  int phi_in = 0;
274  float phi;
275  float r;
276  int sumhit_s = 0;
277  int sumhit_n = 0;
278  long double sumADC_s = 0;
279  long double sumADC_n = 0;
280  // loop over packets which contain a single sector
281  for (int packet = packetlow; packet <= packethigh; packet++)
282  {
283  Packet *p = e->getPacket(packet);
284  int packet_bin = packet - packetlow + 1;
285  if (p)
286  {
287  int one[1] = {1};
288  rm_packet_number[packet - packetlow]->Add(one);
289  int packet_length[1] = {p->getLength()};
290  rm_packet_length[packet - packetlow]->Add(packet_length);
292  h1_packet_length->SetBinContent(packet_bin, rm_packet_length[packet - packetlow]->getMean(0));
294  h1_packet_event->SetBinContent(packet - packetlow + 1, p->iValue(0, "CLOCK"));
295  int nPacketChannels = p->iValue(0, "CHANNELS");
296  if (nPacketChannels > m_nChannels)
297  {
298  return -1; // packet is corrupted, reports too many channels
299  }
300  else
301  {
302  rm_packet_chans[packet - packetlow]->Add(&nChannels);
303  h1_packet_chans->SetBinContent(packet_bin, rm_packet_chans[packet - packetlow]->getMean(0));
304  }
305  for (int c = 0; c < p->iValue(0, "CHANNELS"); c++)
306  {
307  // msg << "Filling channel: " << c << " for packet: " << packet << std::endl;
308  // se->send_message(this, MSG_SOURCE_UNSPECIFIED, MSG_SEV_INFORMATIONAL, msg.str(), TRGMESSAGE);
309  // record waveform to show the average waveform
311  ChannelNumber++;
313  // std::vector result = getSignal(p,c); // simple peak extraction
314  std::vector<float> resultFast = anaWaveformFast(p, c); // fast waveform fitting
315  float signalFast =;
316  float timeFast =;
317  float pedestalFast =;
319  // std::vector<float> resultTemp = anaWaveformTemp(p, c); // template waveform fitting
320  // float signalTemp =;
321  // float timeTemp =;
322  // float pedestalTemp =;
323  if (signalFast > hit_threshold)
324  {
325  for (int s = 0; s < p->iValue(0, "SAMPLES"); s++)
326  {
327  h2_sepd_waveform->Fill(s, p->iValue(s, c) - pedestalFast);
328  }
329  }
330  // channel mapping
331  int ChMap = SepdMapChannel(ChannelNumber - 1);
332  if (ChMap == -1) continue;
333  // if(ChMap == -1){ std::cout << "Unused channel - " << ChMap << "go to next channel" << std::endl;continue;}
334  unsigned int key = TowerInfoDefs::encode_epd(ChMap);
335  int phi_bin = TowerInfoDefs::get_epd_phibin(key);
336  int r_bin = TowerInfoDefs::get_epd_rbin(key);
337  int z_bin = TowerInfoDefs::get_epd_arm(key);
338  // unsigned int phi_bin = TowerInfoDefs::get_epd_phibin(key);
339  // unsigned int r_bin = TowerInfoDefs::get_epd_rbin(key);
340  // unsigned int z_bin = TowerInfoDefs::get_epd_arm(key);
342  // int sectorNumber = (ChannelNumber-1) % 32;
343  h1_waveform_time->Fill(timeFast);
344  h1_waveform_pedestal->Fill(pedestalFast);
346  // h1_sepd_fitting_sigDiff -> Fill(signalFast/signalTemp);
347  // h1_sepd_fitting_pedDiff -> Fill(pedestalFast/pedestalTemp);
348  // h1_sepd_fitting_timeDiff -> Fill(timeFast - timeTemp);
350  float signal = signalFast;
352  h_ADC_channel[ChMap]->Fill(signal);
354  if (z_bin == 0)
355  {
356  sumhit_s++;
357  sumADC_s += signal;
358  if (r_bin == 0)
359  {
360  phi_in = (phi_bin >= nPhi0 / 2) ? phi_bin - nPhi0 / 2 : phi_bin + nPhi0 / 2;
361  phi = -axislimit + axislimit / nPhi0 + 2 * axislimit / nPhi0 * phi_in;
362  r = -axislimit + axislimit / nRad + 2 * axislimit / nRad * r_bin;
364  if (fabs(phi) > axislimit || fabs(r) > axislimit)
365  {
366  std::cout << "Excess of channel range! Wrong mapping -- return -1 " << std::endl;
367  return -1;
368  }
370  h_ADC0_s->Fill(phi, r, signal);
371  h_hits0_s->Fill(phi, r);
372  }
373  else if (r_bin != 0)
374  {
375  phi_in = (phi_bin >= nPhi / 2) ? phi_bin - nPhi / 2 : phi_bin + nPhi / 2;
376  phi = -axislimit + axislimit / nPhi + 2 * axislimit / nPhi * phi_in;
377  r = -axislimit + axislimit / nRad + 2 * axislimit / nRad * r_bin;
379  if (fabs(phi) > axislimit || fabs(r) > axislimit)
380  {
381  std::cout << "Excess of channel range! Wrong mapping -- return -1 " << std::endl;
382  return -1;
383  }
385  h_ADC_s->Fill(phi, r, signal);
386  h_hits_s->Fill(phi, r);
387  }
388  else
389  {
390  std::cout << "r_bin not assigned ... " << std::endl;
391  return -1;
392  }
393  }
394  else if (z_bin == 1)
395  {
396  sumhit_n++;
397  sumADC_n += signal;
398  if (r_bin == 0)
399  {
400  phi_in = (phi_bin >= nPhi0 / 2) ? phi_bin - nPhi0 / 2 : phi_bin + nPhi0 / 2;
401  phi = -axislimit + axislimit / nPhi0 + 2 * axislimit / nPhi0 * phi_in;
402  r = -axislimit + axislimit / nRad + 2 * axislimit / nRad * r_bin;
404  if (fabs(phi) > axislimit || fabs(r) > axislimit)
405  {
406  std::cout << "Excess of channel range! Wrong mapping -- return -1 " << std::endl;
407  return -1;
408  }
410  h_ADC0_n->Fill(phi, r, signal);
411  h_hits0_n->Fill(phi, r);
412  }
413  else if (r_bin != 0)
414  {
415  phi_in = (phi_bin >= nPhi / 2) ? phi_bin - nPhi / 2 : phi_bin + nPhi / 2;
416  phi = -axislimit + axislimit / nPhi + 2 * axislimit / nPhi * phi_in;
417  r = -axislimit + axislimit / nRad + 2 * axislimit / nRad * r_bin;
419  if (fabs(phi) > axislimit || fabs(r) > axislimit)
420  {
421  std::cout << "Excess of channel range! Wrong mapping -- return -1 " << std::endl;
422  return -1;
423  }
425  h_ADC_n->Fill(phi, r, signal);
426  h_hits_n->Fill(phi, r);
427  }
428  else
429  {
430  std::cout << "r_bin not assigned ... " << std::endl;
431  return -1;
432  }
433  }
434  else
435  {
436  std::cout << "z_bin not assigned ... " << std::endl;
437  return -1;
438  }
440  } // channel loop end
441  } // if packet good
442  else
443  {
444  ChannelNumber += 128;
445  int zero[1] = {0};
446  rm_packet_number[packet - packetlow]->Add(zero);
447  }
448  h1_packet_number->SetBinContent(packet_bin, rm_packet_number[packet - packetlow]->getMean(0));
449  delete p;
451  } // packet id loop end
453  h_event->Fill(0);
454  // h1_waveform_twrAvg->Scale(1. / 32. / 48.); // average tower waveform
455  h1_waveform_twrAvg->Scale((float) 1 / ChannelNumber);
457  h_ADC_corr->Fill(sumADC_s / sumhit_s, sumADC_n / sumhit_n);
458  h_hits_corr->Fill(sumhit_s, sumhit_n);
459  return 0;
460 }
463 {
464  // reset our internal counters
465  evtcnt = 0;
466  idummy = 0;
468  return 0;
469 }
472 {
473  int nch = ch / 16;
474  int chmap = -999;
475  if (nch % 2 == 0)
476  {
477  if (ch % 32 == 0)
478  chmap = ch - nch / 2;
479  else
480  {
481  chmap = 2 * (ch - 16 * nch) + 31 * (nch / 2) - 1;
482  }
483  }
484  else if (nch % 2 == 1)
485  {
486  if ((ch - 16) % 32 == 0)
487  chmap = -1;
488  else
489  {
490  chmap = 2 * (ch - 16 * nch) + 31 * ((nch - 1) / 2);
491  }
492  }
493  if (chmap == -999)
494  {
495  std::cout << "WRONG Channel map !!!! " << std::endl;
496  return -1;
497  }
498  return chmap;
499 }