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1 #include "PHG4CellDefs.h"
3 #include <phool/phool.h>
5 #include <cstdlib> // for exit
6 #include <iostream>
8 using namespace std;
10 unsigned short
13 unsigned short
16 unsigned int
20 generic_16bit_genkey(const unsigned short detid, const PHG4CellDefs::CellBinning binning, const unsigned short upper16bits, const unsigned short lower16bits);
23 generic_32bit_genkey(const unsigned short detid, const PHG4CellDefs::CellBinning binning, const unsigned int bit32);
26 PHG4CellDefs::SizeBinning::genkey(const unsigned short detid, const unsigned short zbin, const unsigned short iphi)
27 {
28  PHG4CellDefs::keytype key = generic_16bit_genkey(detid, sizebinning, zbin, iphi);
29  return key;
30 }
32 unsigned short int
34 {
35  unsigned short int phibin = generic_lower_16bit_key(key, sizebinning);
36  return phibin;
37 }
39 unsigned short int
41 {
42  unsigned short int zbin = generic_upper_16bit_key(key, sizebinning);
43  return zbin;
44 }
47 PHG4CellDefs::EtaPhiBinning::genkey(const unsigned short detid, const unsigned short iphi, const unsigned short ieta)
48 {
50  return key;
51 }
53 unsigned short int
55 {
56  unsigned short int etabin = generic_lower_16bit_key(key, etaphibinning);
57  return etabin;
58 }
60 unsigned short int
62 {
63  unsigned short int phibin = generic_upper_16bit_key(key, etaphibinning);
64  return phibin;
65 }
68 PHG4CellDefs::SpacalBinning::genkey(const unsigned short etabin, const unsigned short phibin, const unsigned short fiberid)
69 {
70  PHG4CellDefs::keytype key = generic_16bit_genkey(etabin, spacalbinning, phibin, fiberid);
71  return key;
72 }
74 unsigned short int
76 {
77  unsigned long long tmp = key >> 48;
78  unsigned short int etabin = tmp;
79  return etabin;
80 }
82 unsigned short int
84 {
85  unsigned short int phibin = generic_upper_16bit_key(key, spacalbinning);
86  return phibin;
87 }
89 unsigned short int
91 {
92  unsigned short int fiberid = generic_lower_16bit_key(key, spacalbinning);
93  return fiberid;
94 }
96 // yes the arguments are flipped but it is consistent later on
97 // changing this would just be a real headache
98 // cppcheck-suppress funcArgOrderDifferent
99 PHG4CellDefs::keytype PHG4CellDefs::ScintillatorSlatBinning::genkey(const unsigned short detid, const unsigned short icolumn, const unsigned short irow)
100 {
102  return key;
103 }
105 unsigned short int
107 {
108  unsigned short int rowbin = generic_lower_16bit_key(key, scintillatorslatbinning);
109  return rowbin;
110 }
112 unsigned short int
114 {
115  unsigned short int columnbin = generic_upper_16bit_key(key, scintillatorslatbinning);
116  return columnbin;
117 }
119 PHG4CellDefs::EtaXsizeBinning::genkey(const unsigned short detid, const unsigned short ixbin, const unsigned short ieta)
120 {
122  return key;
123 }
125 unsigned short int
127 {
128  unsigned short int etabin = generic_lower_16bit_key(key, etaxsizebinning);
129  return etabin;
130 }
132 unsigned short int
134 {
135  unsigned short int etabin = generic_upper_16bit_key(key, etaxsizebinning);
136  return etabin;
137 }
140 PHG4CellDefs::MVTXBinning::genkey(const unsigned short detid, const unsigned int bit32_index)
141 {
142  PHG4CellDefs::keytype key = generic_32bit_genkey(detid, mvtxbinning, bit32_index);
143  return key;
144 }
146 unsigned int
148 {
149  unsigned int index = generic_32bit_key(key, mvtxbinning);
150  return index;
151 }
154 PHG4CellDefs::TPCBinning::genkey(const unsigned short detid, const unsigned short mod, const unsigned short pad)
155 {
156  PHG4CellDefs::keytype key = generic_16bit_genkey(detid, tpcbinning, mod, pad);
157  return key;
158 }
160 unsigned short
162 {
163  unsigned short radbin = generic_lower_16bit_key(key, tpcbinning);
164  return radbin;
165 }
167 unsigned short
169 {
170  unsigned short phibin = generic_upper_16bit_key(key, tpcbinning);
171  return phibin;
172 }
175 {
176  keytype tmp = (key >> bitshift_binning) & 0xFFFF;
177  if (tmp == binning)
178  {
179  return true;
180  }
181  return false;
182 }
185 {
186  keytype tmp = (key >> bitshift_binning) & 0xFFFF;
187  short int i = tmp;
188  return i;
189 }
191 short int
193 {
194  keytype tmp = (key >> bitshift_layer);
195  return tmp;
196 }
198 unsigned short
200 {
201  // check correct binning first
202  PHG4CellDefs::keytype tmp = binning;
203  tmp = (tmp << PHG4CellDefs::bitshift_binning);
204  if ((key & tmp) == tmp)
205  {
206  unsigned short int low16bitkey = (key & 0xFFFF);
207  return low16bitkey;
208  }
209  cout << PHWHERE << " could not decode 0x" << hex << key << dec << endl;
210  cout << "key 0x" << hex << key << ", binning: 0x" << tmp
211  << " and: " << (key & tmp) << dec << endl;
212  exit(1);
213 }
215 unsigned short
217 {
218  // check correct binning first
219  PHG4CellDefs::keytype tmp = binning;
220  tmp = (tmp << PHG4CellDefs::bitshift_binning);
221  if ((key & tmp) == tmp)
222  {
223  PHG4CellDefs::keytype keytmp = key >> PHG4CellDefs::bitshift_upperkey;
224  unsigned short int hi16bitkey = (keytmp & 0xFFFF);
225  return hi16bitkey;
226  }
227  cout << PHWHERE << " could not decode 0x" << hex << key << dec << endl;
228  exit(1);
229 }
231 unsigned int
233 {
234  // check correct binning first
235  PHG4CellDefs::keytype tmp = binning;
236  tmp = (tmp << PHG4CellDefs::bitshift_binning);
237  if ((key & tmp) == tmp)
238  {
239  unsigned int bit32key = (key & 0xFFFFFFFF);
240  return bit32key;
241  }
242  cout << PHWHERE << " could not decode 0x" << hex << key << dec << endl;
243  exit(1);
244 }
247 generic_16bit_genkey(const unsigned short detid, const PHG4CellDefs::CellBinning binning, const unsigned short upper16bits, const unsigned short lower16bits)
248 {
249  PHG4CellDefs::keytype tmp = detid;
250  PHG4CellDefs::keytype key = tmp << PHG4CellDefs::bitshift_layer; // layer/detector id used by extrating ranges
251  tmp = binning;
252  key |= (tmp << PHG4CellDefs::bitshift_binning); // binning method used to decode the key
253  tmp = upper16bits;
254  key |= (tmp << PHG4CellDefs::bitshift_upperkey); // upper bits used by column, so we can easily extract
255  // slats by column which are combined to towers
256  key |= lower16bits;
257  return key;
258 }
261 generic_32bit_genkey(const unsigned short detid, const PHG4CellDefs::CellBinning binning, const unsigned int bit32)
262 {
263  PHG4CellDefs::keytype tmp = detid;
264  PHG4CellDefs::keytype key = tmp << PHG4CellDefs::bitshift_layer; // layer/detector id used by extrating ranges
265  tmp = binning;
266  key |= (tmp << PHG4CellDefs::bitshift_binning); // binning method used to decode the key
267  key |= bit32;
268  return key;
269 }